I think it's actually hard to break out of a blue pill mindset similar to how for a woman, it's hard to break out of the feminism, you go girl mentality, because think about it.
From birth, you were lied to.
You were told by fat feminist cucks that "There's plenty of fish in the sea", "Just have a good personality", "Go to therapy" Ugly dudes are hearing this literally 24/7. "Yo, it's not your fault that you get rejected, they were just shallow, go to therapy, "Drink water bro", just approach more women bro", "Looks fade bro", like shut the fuck up bruh, I want to slap those dumbass cucks/simps who told me blue pill lies.
People treat incel and black pill as bad words, they literally view it as bad a word as rapist and pedophile.
Seriously, I used to get offended when I was in my coping stages and people called me an incel, because I thought by society, that incel was a bad word and a big insult. Because I got mad, I would argue, but then I realized "Wait fuck, why is being an incel a bad thing? All it means is you're ugly and can't get laid, Why is that such a bad word?"
I was originally blue pilled because that's what society told me, then I got called ugly more and more and more, then I thought "Yeah, fuck this shit, blue pill is dog shit", then I see Andrew Tate dumbass, Hamza "Self improoooooovvv!!11111!!", get a bugatti, go to the gym, Myron Arab Gaines, become a high level man bro, and it's more believable than the blue pill, the red pill cope, you do all of the self improvement shit, like I've actually done the workouts and trying to learn coding and I'm still fucking ugly, so the blue pill is cope, red pill is cope.
He'll figure it out for himself, after going through the stages, because you realize that blue pill is cope, red pill is cope, what's left? Black pill is the truth.
You can do a billion push ups like Andrew 'AlPHa male" Tate, you can have a good personality like bluepillcuck304, but it's still fucking cope, if you're fucking ugly, you can't get girls, you'll never get girls, die alone.
To accept the blackpill is to go against the brainwashing of society, so don't blame him for being a chubby dumbass.