Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
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- Nov 7, 2017
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Now I'll preface this by conceding that this theory is largely just extrapolating a sample size of 2...but I still think there's a lot of truth in it.
While certainly not Chads...you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would make the argument that Alek Minassian or Elliot Rodger are legitimately ugly. At worst, they are 5/10. So are incels largely just normal looking mentalcels? I'd say no, facecels outnumber mentalcels significantly, and I base this off of observation. Most of the incels I have personally known were NT and socially well-adjusted. So why were the only two mass killers to explicitly identify as "incel" decent looking mentalcels? Now it could be a coincidence, we are talking about a sample size of 2...but I have a another explanation.
Ugly males are made fun of for their appearance at a young age and all throughout high school. By adulthood, we are well aware of our status as subhumans. While on the surface, they may appear to be blue pilled, in reality they know the score, at least deep down. They just don't go around in public talking about their maxilla or where they are on the norwood scale. Most won't even admit they are ugly as they don't want to appear weak or insecure....but they are generally aware of their genetic inferiority. Ugly men are not a protected class and ugliness in men is seen as universally negative. It's open season on us....and ironically because of that it makes us mentally stronger provided we make it to age 20 without roping. It also makes it easier for us to accept our lot in life.
Mentalcels are in a much more awkward and generally different situation. Most are aware of their mental disorders but don't view themselves as explicitly inferior. Outside of the internet, it's considered politically incorrect to make fun of someone for having a mental disorder. This is considered "punching down". With autism you have programs, autism research foundations, autism awareness month, marches, etc. whereas no such equivalents exist for ugly men. Because of this, many mentalcels view themselves as "special" and merely "misunderstood". This feeling of being "misunderstood" can lead to them lashing out at society.
Ugly men don't have this feeling of being misunderstood. We're just ugly, there's nothing to misunderstand.
While certainly not Chads...you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would make the argument that Alek Minassian or Elliot Rodger are legitimately ugly. At worst, they are 5/10. So are incels largely just normal looking mentalcels? I'd say no, facecels outnumber mentalcels significantly, and I base this off of observation. Most of the incels I have personally known were NT and socially well-adjusted. So why were the only two mass killers to explicitly identify as "incel" decent looking mentalcels? Now it could be a coincidence, we are talking about a sample size of 2...but I have a another explanation.
Ugly males are made fun of for their appearance at a young age and all throughout high school. By adulthood, we are well aware of our status as subhumans. While on the surface, they may appear to be blue pilled, in reality they know the score, at least deep down. They just don't go around in public talking about their maxilla or where they are on the norwood scale. Most won't even admit they are ugly as they don't want to appear weak or insecure....but they are generally aware of their genetic inferiority. Ugly men are not a protected class and ugliness in men is seen as universally negative. It's open season on us....and ironically because of that it makes us mentally stronger provided we make it to age 20 without roping. It also makes it easier for us to accept our lot in life.
Mentalcels are in a much more awkward and generally different situation. Most are aware of their mental disorders but don't view themselves as explicitly inferior. Outside of the internet, it's considered politically incorrect to make fun of someone for having a mental disorder. This is considered "punching down". With autism you have programs, autism research foundations, autism awareness month, marches, etc. whereas no such equivalents exist for ugly men. Because of this, many mentalcels view themselves as "special" and merely "misunderstood". This feeling of being "misunderstood" can lead to them lashing out at society.
Ugly men don't have this feeling of being misunderstood. We're just ugly, there's nothing to misunderstand.