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It's Over Why aren't there women with fetishes for short men?

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
I am legitimately confused by this. Although I don't have stats on it, based on the presence of stated sexual preferences you'll find on the internet in places that people will talk about them, short men are the most undesirable people there are compared to all other possible combinations of sex and body size/shape. Even on inceltears, where foids will cherrypick insanely improbable exceptions (which prove the rule) to make it look like they're attracted to anything other than Chad (even though the exception is seldom them), a short man will only be getting sex and a relationship DESPITE his height or with a 5 foot tall girlfriend who doesn't care that he's 5'7 (see you don't have to be 6 foot 2 teehee although I'm 4'11 and my boyfriend is). Foids who claim they don't care much about height just say that he needs to be taller than her; imagine what they're actually thinking most of the time. Not once have I even seen a foid say something along the lines of "some women are really into short guys sweaty, my friend's mother's dog's caretaker's sister's sister-in-law actively seeks out short guys see no problem". It just doesn't happen.

Let's look at men and women of different body sizes and shapes. Men and women who are muscular, tall, skinny, fat and short. It's very easy to find communities that are attracted to these people or pornography of these people directed towards a heterosexual target audience on imageboards and reddit.

Muscular people of both genders are obviously in demand, a nice juicy ass from squats is obviously more attractive to most people than a flabby cellulite-ridden one. It is far more shapely. On the other end male muscle is hugely important, there's a reason people gymcel but they don't bonesmash.

Tall people are in demand. With men it's self-explanatory, with women the only reason they have a "hard" time dating when tall is because men know being heightmogged by them is deadly (or the women demand men 5 inches taller than them). There are plenty of men who have amazon fetishes and would want nothing more than being snu snu'd by a voluptuous giantess, alternatively there are a bunch of men on imageboards attracted to tall skelly women.

Skinny people are in demand. Some men are attracted to skinny women to the extent that they will encourage their anorexia. Not meme not eating a burger a day while being a US citizen anorexia either, actual anorexia, the type that makes women stop menstruating because they're so underweight. Women are attracted to lanklets, and will use this as their first line of defence against somebody claiming they are exclusively after the dicks of genetically-superior males who, for whatever reason, must be muscular.

Fat people are in demand. Whether it's women teeheeing over thor's "dad bod" or men who are attracted to women who literally cannot get out of bed, there exists a subset of both genders that is attracted to people who are overweight or obese. This is clearly fucking retarded, much moreso than being attracted to short men would be. While short people are at a greater risk of Alzheimer's and heart disease (also type 2 diabetes but that appears to be purely the result of them needing less sugar to fry their pancreases), they seem to be less at risk of a variety of cancers and joint problems as they age. Short men actually live longer on average due to their genes, so what health problems they are predisposed to are part of a mixed bag as opposed to of being part of the many curses of manletism. Meanwhile fat fucks can't stop dying of the most retarded things possible - they lose limbs to the beetus, their arteries are more clogged than the cervix of your looksmatch as you read this, and their colons are full of cancer from eating chicken nuggets that are pink until the meat gets bleached in the factory. They can't even do one pullup when skellies can.

Let's pretend for a second that sexual attraction is perfectly rational as opposed to being the result of natural selection throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks. You might respond to this by saying that muscular people have better fitness overall, tall people are faster and stronger, skinny people show more bone definition because they're leaner and fat people have more energy stored on them. All of this doesn't explain why people are attracted to short women. As with poor facial bone structure, short height screams malnourishment (without the bone definition provided by attractive leanness), weakness, disease and death. However, even when the ideal relationship is one in which the man is 5 inches taller than the woman, many men still actively go out of their way to pursue the shortest women possible (it's not to even out their heights either, otherwise they wouldn't act so dumbfounded when their sons are manlets).

I myself, despite generally preferring women around my height as a coping almost-5'8 manlet, remember getting a huge stiffy one time in high school when I met a girl on the bus that I hadn't seen in a few years and who I had obviously outgrown. I can't put into words why I felt attraction to her based on our height difference but I really wanted to fuck her there and then. Why?

I think what it might be is that male height is a secondary sex characteristic. Women love talking about how 6'2 Chad makes them "feel small" which makes me uncomfortable, not just because I know I can't compete but also because I have a hard time empathising with women wanting to feel small as a heterosexual man. When I try to put myself in their shoes it just seems like big bubba is going to assrape me or I am getting bullied by an amazonian giantess (@Blacktarpill can probably tell you a lot more about this than I can) which I don't appreciate. However, women exist to be assraped and then impregnated by men who look kind of like big bubba. Maybe in this case it's less about being attracted to somebody who is fit to bear or sire a child, but moreso about us wanting to have sex with the nearest thing that looks the most like the opposite sex. Tall=man, short=woman, simple. Kind of like long hair on women (in all cultures, even pre-colonial African ones where women have crusty nappy hair that sticks to their head without placing lots of time and effort into it) even if long hair is a magnet for blood-sucking parasites (on the other hand, if you have nice, long, thick, silky hair you probably haven't had to worry about things sucking your blood or sapping your strength much, still though, if this is the case, why isn't long hair on men considered as sexually attractive? it's definitely a gendered thing).

When I think to myself about being a drunk Irish convict in 1790s Australia with access to only Aboriginal pussy, it becomes clear that I would certainly opt for the short long-haired boongs instead of the big dykey boongs. At least I can be sure those are female when they have clothes on. I don't know how ugly women were everywhere else back when they were chucking sticks at things but I'd imagine it took us a great deal of selection back then to get women to where they are today.

If this is true, it makes sense that the short man vs fat women comparison ("short men can't voluntarily gain height so how are they less attractive than fat women who don't take care of themselves?") falls on deaf ears to people outside of this community. A fat woman can be soft and cuddly even if she has a big ol gut, but a short guy just looks like an unmasculine ftm tranny. Even if he gymcels he just becomes a muscle tranny, which is something most straight men want to look at about as much as you or I. Being short isn't comparable to being fat or a skelly or even tall as a woman, because it's such an important secondary sex characteristic for men in particular. Think of it as being a voicecel but ten times more brutal, it's voiceceldom if you were forced by your genes to shout in a twelve year old squeaker voice 24 hours a day. Or a woman getting a double mastectomy, but men have a wider range of sexual taste so I'm sure somebody would be all over her anyway whereas manlets are forced to rot.

I don't know though, maybe I'm wrong, I doubt there's research on this because anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists don't want the people who buy their academic journals on jstor to rope. It definitely seems like something is up. What do you boyos reckon the cause for this is?
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Short men are not seen as men at all.
In mammals, the male is larger than the female.
should manlets eaglemaxx?
The mammalian dimorphism is hardwired into both male and female brain. Males naturally become insecure when they are short and females will forever be heightist.

Best solution? Accept nature for what it is and don´t fight it.
It has a lot to do with that big bubba part you wrote. Women want to be dominated, they want to feel like their mate can beat them up or kill them at any time because this signals high testosterone levels and physical strength which means her offspring will be strong with a high chance of survival.
Women assume that any man smaller than her is weak and cannot physically dominate them, this can be seen in all those videos of foids taunting a manlet and then getting BTFO'd and acting all shocked. Maybe if we lived in a society where it was socially acceptable to beat foids as a man, women would be more open to dating men shorter than them.
Women in general have less fetishes than men.
Men are very accepting of diversity, women aren't
Women don't have fetishes because they don't have the libidos men do. All fetishes (both the submissive and dominant ones) are almost exclusive to males.
More like women don't have fetishes because they can get a Chad in a minute on tinder.
Men can't get women so they cope by developing fetishes and masturbating to landwhale porn.
Women don't have fetishes because they don't have the libidos men do. All fetishes (both the submissive and dominant ones) are almost exclusive to males.
Are you sure women don't have the libidos men do? They get just as rowdy as us when Chad is around. What suggests they wouldn't be into particular things? I overhear skanks talking about men's hands a lot.
Only a chad face and a big dick can save manlets
Foids who claim they don't care much about height just say that he needs to be taller than her
Those are the women who later dump the poor manlet for not being able to wear heels when with him and they say they don't feel like a real woman or something.
whoman have no fetishes their a collective retarded hive mind
Let's hope it isn't over, man.
Because short men pass short genes on to their offspring, and are less able to dominate other men physically or socially, making both the female and the offspring vulnerable to those other men's aggression.

Some girls like skinny guys because they tend to be tall (average-height men tend to be skinny fat), and because they're lean enough to have chiseled angular faces, which signal high testosterone.

Muscular men are obviously in demand because muscularity makes a man more dominant, and it signals high testosterone.

Chubby men are only in demand when they are also tall and broad-shouldered, e.g. Thor, who is muscular as well as chubby, i.e. "built fat". Fat men with large frames are in the general category of "large and menacing", as are lean men with large frames, who are even more in demand. Absolutely nobody likes the average man with a dad bod, with his average height, low muscle mass, and average face bloated by high body fat.

You can say some men are attractive despite being short, but there's absolutely no reason why a female would be attracted to a man for being short.
my theory is that women are inherently autopedophilic in nature for whatever reason
I'm actually writing (well, started writing) a whole paper/book on it, but it's pretty obvious for anyone with an open mind and any observational skills: all this "I want to feel smol", using childish language, pet names, preferring neotenous characteristics, daddy fetishism etc. etc. - I call this "implicit cultural pedophilia"
If I was a foid, I want a short man I can dominate and turn into my sex slave.

And he doesn't have to be Chad...
my theory is that women are inherently autopedophilic in nature for whatever reason
I'm actually writing (well, started writing) a whole paper/book on it, but it's pretty obvious for anyone with an open mind and any observational skills: all this "I want to feel smol", using childish language, pet names, preferring neotenous characteristics, daddy fetishism etc. etc. - I call this "implicit cultural pedophilia"
They also usually go for guys who are at least five or even ten years older.
I heard some tall high t women like shorter men. 5'11+
  1. because society has told them tall is what they should go for
  2. because they want to feel submissive
  3. better genes
  4. because of the hive mind mentality, they don't want their friends to know that she's dating a short guy
:forcedsmile: reddit

But the explanation was quite plausible. Confident masculine tall girls are supposedly lacking the evolutionary dread associated with short genes and don't have the need for a protector on a hormonal and practical level either.

But you probably have to bring at least something else to the table because of their higher smv. So prolly only an option for chadlets.
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my theory is that women are inherently autopedophilic in nature for whatever reason
I'm actually writing (well, started writing) a whole paper/book on it, but it's pretty obvious for anyone with an open mind and any observational skills: all this "I want to feel smol", using childish language, pet names, preferring neotenous characteristics, daddy fetishism etc. etc. - I call this "implicit cultural pedophilia"
Schopenhauer said that the reason why women get along with children so well is because they're mentally children themselves.
i remember some short comedian saying there was a fetish for shit but not for short men

that's how over it is.
Post link bro
It was some time ago. Some height related subreddit with women on it and comments with anecdotic evidence. But there are not so many tall girls, so it might be valid.
Women in general have less fetishes than men.
Men are very accepting of diversity, women aren't
Women all prefer the same type of guy (north atlantid phenotype )
Its basic biology unfortunately as it goes back into when humans first inhabited the Earth. The only reasons foids would want a manlet is to use him for resources and it isn't that much different a million years ago or today.
Sexual desire works differently for men and women. For men it's like an addiction, like eating or smoking. You crave it and the craving sometimes takes you to weird directions (the female body is like a fruit for a man, something to taste and savor. A ripe, sweet fruit will taste better but sometimes eating a weird looking fruit can be interesting as well, hence the variety in tastes) and it's easy to lower your standards to satisfy it, like eating stale food when you are hungry if that's all you have.

For women, it's more about psychological stimulation. They crave the exceptional because the mundane is stale and boring, and since the need is not physical they have no reason to "lower" their standards. A smoker will go to the extend of picking up dirty butts from the streets if he can't afford to buy cigarettes (i had a friend in high school who did that a couple of times). Female sexual craving doesn't work like that at all. Their "addiction" is closer to that of a gambler. It's the dopamine release you get when you win big, when you are holding something valuable in your hands, and having an higher status good looking male is like possessing something precious, which is what excites them. So health, physical prowess, money, power, fame, everything that's deemed valuable either from a biological or social point of view is what they crave.
Sexual desire works differently for men and women. For men it's like an addiction, like eating or smoking. You crave it and the craving sometimes takes you to weird directions (the female body is like a fruit for a man, something to taste and savor. A ripe, sweet fruit will taste better but sometimes eating a weird looking fruit can be interesting as well, hence the variety in tastes) and it's easy to lower your standards to satisfy it, like eating stale food when you are hungry if that's all you have.

For women, it's more about psychological stimulation. They crave the exceptional because the mundane is stale and boring, and since the need is not physical they have no reason to "lower" their standards. A smoker will go to the extend of picking up dirty butts from the streets if he can't afford to buy cigarettes (i had a friend in high school who did that a couple of times). Female sexual craving doesn't work like that at all. Their "addiction" is closer to that of a gambler. It's the dopamine release you get when you win big, when you are holding something valuable in your hands, and having an higher status good looking male is like possessing something precious, which is what excites them. So health, physical prowess, money, power, fame, everything that's deemed valuable either from a biological or social point of view is what they crave.
high IQ tbh
Because short men pass short genes on to their offspring, and are less able to dominate other men physically or socially, making both the female and the offspring vulnerable to those other men's aggression.
Female nature prevents them from being atracted to manlets
:forcedsmile: reddit

But the explanation was quite plausible. Confident masculine tall girls are supposedly lacking the evolutionary dread associated with short genes and don't have the need for a protector on a hormonal and practical level either.

But you probably have to bring at least something else to the table because of their higher smv. So prolly only an option for chadlets.
Interesting theory

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