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Serious Why are there so many ethnics who support white nationalists here?

India is not China and will never be like China
China was literally shorter and poorer than India just 80 years ago :feelstastyman: 100 years ago would you would have thought differently. Would you have guessed Singapore's development?
I see white normies make YouTube channels reacting to Ethnic countries/media/stuff and ethnics basically worship them for it lmao
They wanna be seen and acknowledged by white people SO BAD, no nigger sleeps more peacefully at night than the nigger who got a cookie from whitey, being accepted and adored by whites is the highest status shitskins dream of achieving
China was literally shorter and poorer than India just 80 years ago :feelstastyman: 100 years ago would you would have thought differently. Would you have guessed Singapore's development?
India will remain a shithole keep coping
The No.1 reason for white-hate in 21st century is JEALOUSY, shitskins hate whites because they're OBSESSED with whites, they wanna BE whites and FUCK whites, I don't see anyone hating Arabs/Japan/Mongolia on a global scale even tho they did atrocities worse than whites, because nobody is jealous of them and their shitholes, at the heart of every white-hating nigger is burning jealousy and the desire to be white
This is a good take, it's also why whenever a non-White, mainly a Black or Curry especially, will flex on having a White foid even if she's fat & ugly. It's another reason why multicultural-racial societies also are bad for the overall dating-market, as it allows for hoeflation such as this to occur which coincides with "yellow fever" noodlewhore worship.

I've never seen any Curries go on about the Muslim(Persian & MENA) rule over their country, which lasted much longer than the British one & also can be attributed for certain issues in the region today. Similarly, I've never seen Blacks kick-off about the Arab/berber slave-trade, despite it lasting longer & pre-dating European transatlantic slavery.
This is a good take, it's also why whenever a non-White, mainly a Black or Curry especially, will flex on having a White foid even if she's fat & ugly. It's another reason why multicultural-racial societies also are bad for the overall dating-market, as it allows for hoeflation such as this to occur which coincides with "yellow fever" noodlewhore worship.

I've never seen any Curries go on about the Muslim(Persian & MENA) rule over their country, which lasted much longer than the British one & also can be attributed for certain issues in the region today. Similarly, I've never seen Blacks kick-off about the Arab/berber slave-trade, despite it lasting longer & pre-dating European transatlantic slavery.
White countries are criticized for not letting shitskins in (EVEN MORE THAN THE RATE THEY ALREADY DO) but why aren't shitskins criticized for WANTING to go there and not stay in and help their own countries? I don't see anyone hating Saudi Arabia or fucking Zimbabwe for not just letting anyone in, because NOBODY WANTS TO GO THERE jfl, you can't hate someone but also want to live where they live and look how they look, that's just envy
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India is not China and will never be like China
Geography matters a lot, as does history since both of these will influence a race in terms of characteristics.

The Chinese had to cross desserts, mountains, etc. which probably influenced their very strong patterns of memory, which is a strong cognitive ability & has allowed for them to develop & for awhile were the most advanced civilization on Earth.

Chinese are more k-selective, whereas Curries are r-selective.
Even curry females earn more than white men in US forget curry men, because most of them are from South India there. Anything is possible
Those are like the top 1% of curries jfl
Those are like the top 1% of curries jfl
Tamils in Singapore were literal Dalit slaves and Adivasis who were brought there, and EVEN they now earn more than chinks there. Stop coping with muh selection factor
It’s the right thing to do. I’m NS because the preservation of the white race is the key to common humanity’s continued existence.
Do you also blame whites for the fact that there are 2 curries in every square meter of India?
And in 500 years when all Whites are inevitably gone, it will still be Whites fault in some way, shape, or form.

One thing I've noticed, is that Curries & other groups always bring up "but they oppressed us" which is an extremely reductive, and thus vague statement, amounting to concede they can't actually pinpoint any specific incidents caused by this.
But India is not Singapore or Taiwan, India is India and cannot support a good life for nearing 2 billion people, your overpopulation is the main cause of your inferiority and it's 100% your people's fault
"muh singapore" is always a poor & bad example of a "successful" multi-cultural/racial country

It only exists as a trade-port & financial hub for companies, countries, etc. to appropriate finances & resources. It's also not even a real country, due to its size in land-area & population.

Many Pajeets also live in squalor there from what I hear.
It’s the right thing to do. I’m NS because the preservation of the white race is the key to common humanity’s continued existence.
Well, you are mostly White also aren't you?

And tbh, I'd want humanity to ideally go extinct: However, it's just the current replacement crisis is impacting my life & will inevitably get worse. Also, if any race does deserve to carry on, it's Whites.
White countries are criticized for not letting shitskins in (EVEN MORE THAN THE RATE THEY ALREADY DO) but why aren't shitskins criticized for WANTING to go there and not stay in and help their own countries? I don't see anyone hating Saudi Arabia or fucking Zimbabwe for not just letting anyone in, because NOBODY WANTS TO GO THERE jfl, you can't hate someone but also want to live where they live and look how they look, that's just envy
Exactly, where's the outcry against them, supposedly the "best of the best" of those demographics, actually improving the country for their own people?

It's just hypocrisy, and when you just apply basic logic it makes no sense. East Asia is quite developed, as are Gulf countries, yet I see no outcry for them not being "diverse" enough.
Tamils in Singapore were literal Dalit slaves and Adivasis who were brought there, and EVEN they now earn more than chinks there. Stop coping with muh selection factor
Well, show some stats proving then

And no, it's common-sense & pure facts: The US formally had a much more strict & somewhat meritocratic based visa system, which would have amounted to the top-percentage of Jeets being admitted.
I think at this point you're self-projecting.
I love how this became a curry-conflict thread jfl

It proves the theory that curries biggest oppressors were other curries; look at how the Curry Princes sold each other out instead of cohesively unifying to drive back Europeans.
Well, show some stats proving then

And no, it's common-sense & pure facts: The US formally had a much more strict & somewhat meritocratic based visa system, which would have amounted to the top-percentage of Jeets being admitted.
Of course but IQ is also a function of environment. Clearly when curries are successful everywhere except curryland it means shit state is pulling us down
An example would be caring about white replacement, I can sympathise with white people, but I'm not going to cry on the internet for them, just like they won't cry about palestine( I at least acknowledge, white replacement, they don't care about palestine)

Maybe it's because shitskins produce mostly shit culture, quality of life and ugly women? Plus, many grew up in a Western culture and don't want to see it replaced by global south garbage like muslim faggots. Western life is the funnest- drugs, computers, porn, escorts, cars, raves, pubs, ect. What is there to do for fun in some shithole like Haiti?
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I love how this became a curry-conflict thread jfl

It proves the theory that curries biggest oppressors were other curries; look at how the Curry Princes sold each other out instead of cohesively unifying to drive back Europeans.
You're not getting the context and just copy pasted that line like always. I hate @Rapist for being a white cuck despite all the wars they caused in Sri Lanka
Of course but IQ is also a function of environment. Clearly when curries are successful everywhere except curryland it means shit state is pulling us down
Environment can impact IQ, this is a well-established fact.

Even when socio-economic factors are adjusted, it can still impact IQ but it won't compensate enough for the genetic part of it


1995 SAT vs Income Education
Well, you are mostly White also aren't you?

And tbh, I'd want humanity to ideally go extinct: However, it's just the current replacement crisis is impacting my life & will inevitably get worse. Also, if any race does deserve to carry on, it's Whites.
I don’t look it lol. I somehow have an underdeveloped lower jaw and the bottom lip of a negroid. I also look like a shitskin indoors, but I look like a slightly tanned white guy when I’m in the sun. I think it’s just that my Aryan soul holds greater control over me than my mutated, likely shrunken mind.

And you misunderstand my standards for humanity; Niggers, Jews, Indians, etc…they’re not human. Their civilizations do not scale up to the creations of the Aryan man. The only race of people I can confidently say comes close to the intellect of the white race is Asians, but there’s divisions even there. From everything I’ve seen, Japanese people are the most well-developed Asians out of the lot. North Koreans come close too, but more in ideals and praxis than societal development.

Han Chinese, however, are essentially the Jews of the Asians. There’s even a holiday that chinks and kikes celebrate together, I forgot what it’s called. If the Japanese were killed in the race war tho, I wouldn’t care that much. They aren’t Aryans.
Even when socio-economic factors are adjusted, it can still impact IQ but it won't compensate enough for the genetic part of it
Agreed but the reason curries are nerfed is primarily because of shiity economies
Environment can impact IQ, this is a well-established fact.

Even when socio-economic factors are adjusted, it can still impact IQ but it won't compensate enough for the genetic part of it


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Trvthnvke. I have a personal anecdote that can back this up.

I grew up in a trailer park. Lower middle class area. I wouldn’t say I grew up in poverty (after all, I did become a fatass) but I didn’t grow up being given everything I wanted, largely because of a lack of money. I grew up around a lot of white people. I’m pretty sure I was the brownest person there. Not too many of them were that intelligent, well-read, etc.

They were all friendly, though. I never felt threatened in that trailer park. There were no shootings, no break-ins, no violent crime. The most violent things I remember happening there were me eating shit after riding down a hill on my tricycle, one of my elderly neighbors dying in a freak bathtub accident, and another neighbor having a breakdown in his driveway after his father died.

Point being, I lived in an all-white community, and despite everyone there being in the lower ends of the economic and intellectual spectrum, I didn’t witness anything traumatizing or violent there, strictly because everyone around me was white.

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