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Serious Why are there so many ethnics who support white nationalists here?



أنا أحب الكباب
Jan 3, 2024
I'm not against anyone supporting or aligning themselves with whoever, they want. But it's weird seeing ethnics align themselves and spewing white nationalist talking points, even I acknowledge, that white nationalists are right on many things, but I don't actively support them, or have a swastika as my avi, because, I know they will kill me if they ever got the chance.
Examples of such instances?
Whites take their Whiteness and good genes for granted. Since we ethnics lack those good White genes, we tend to value them and want them. Its like how rich people take their riches for granted and just splurge, while the poor really pinch for every penny being spent.
Examples of such instances?
An example would be caring about white replacement, I can sympathise with white people, but I'm not going to cry on the internet for them, just like they won't cry about palestine( I at least acknowledge, white replacement, they don't care about palestine)
Whites take their Whiteness and good genes for granted. Since we ethnics lack those good White genes, we tend to value them and want them. Its like how rich people take their riches for granted and just splurge, while the poor really pinch for every penny being spent.
But aren't most white nationalists sub5s? What's there to envy about that? It's ok to acknowledge, whites are the best looking on average. But I could care less about white replacement, especially, because, they want me dead.
An example would be caring about white replacement, I can sympathise with white people, but I'm not going to cry on the internet for them, just like they won't cry about palestine( I at least acknowledge, white replacement, they don't care about palestine)
You mean like that Korean ching chong you showed us on twitter? :feelskek:
In my case, I fucking despise my own Latino people

Whites take their Whiteness and good genes for granted. Since we ethnics lack those good White genes, we tend to value them and want them. Its like how rich people take their riches for granted and just splurge, while the poor really pinch for every penny being spent.
genetically I'm half White, but more proud of it than most full Whites I know.
- Whites are just BETTER in general, better looking, smarter, less retarded cultures, etc

- I have lived under shitskin ruling my entire life and shitskins make more cruel, corrupt and incompetent rulers, so I'd rather have whites ruling over everyone

- Whites have improved the QoL of the average human incarnation, they've done a lot for humanity

- There's nothing worthy of being a nationalist for in the shithole I live in, just because I was born something doesn't mean I have to be proud of it, I'd rather admire foreign nations
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- Whites are just BETTER in general, better looking, smarter, less retarded cultures, etc

- I have lived under shitskin ruling my entire life and shitskins make more cruel, corrupt and incompetent rulers, so I'd rather whites ruling over everyone

- Above reasons improve the QoL of average human incarnation, whites have done a lot for humanity

- There's nothing worthy of being a nationalist for in the shithole I live in, I'd rather admire foreign nations
I don't see Iran In this list tho. Or any Arab country for that matter.
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Why do you care if whites go extinct tho? They don't care about you.
Whites take their Whiteness and good genes for granted. Since we ethnics lack those good White genes, we tend to value them and want them. Its like how rich people take their riches for granted and just splurge, while the poor really pinch for every penny being spent.
at least you are a curry. Could have been worse imagine being a sub5 nigger, niggers have no culture and nothing to be proud of. 95% are low IQ apes that mindlessly consume. Most niggers are obese despite what the media tells you about their athletism.
I don't see lran In this list, or any Arab country for that matter
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Wth is that list, I can't read it
Why do you care if whites go extinct tho? They don't care about you
I care about the experience of the average human incarnation, there'd be less suffering in the world if a higher % of humanity was white, I hate Indians for example because they've sunken the average human life to hell
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Suicide rate = intelligence (awareness) × how hard your life is relatively × how religious you AREN'T

A lot of countries that have low suicide rate have it due to lower intelligence and religious fears, NOT due to better quality of life, their people are manic but not "happy", I don't consider low suicide rate to be a measurement of high quality life
I'm a misanthrope but I support whites more because they offer me the best living standards.
I consider whites to be the superior race because they have higher IQ and and more brutality. But I never supported white nationalists because I know they will kill me if they get the chance.
I don't feel as if there's really that many tbh, it's just since the concept of it is quite odd they will "stick out like a sore thumb" so to speak.

I'm White, but I'm a "White Nationalist" which is merely just a new epithet & buzzword nowadays for the simple fact that the "Great Replacement" already is & will continue to impact my overall QoL.

Pretty much all non-Whites, except East Asians, are also much more NT on average compared to how Whites behave. So I'd at least rather live around people who are easier to get on with & associate with, it's pretty straightforward.

Whilst I support Total Human Death, I'd want it to be everyone going extinct & not race which has the most to offer & reduce suffering overall.
- Whites are just BETTER in general, better looking, smarter, less retarded cultures, etc

- I have lived under shitskin ruling my entire life and shitskins make more cruel, corrupt and incompetent rulers, so I'd rather have whites ruling over everyone

- Whites have improved the QoL of the average human incarnation, they've done a lot for humanity

- There's nothing worthy of being a nationalist for in the shithole I live in, just because I was born something doesn't mean I have to be proud of it, I'd rather admire foreign nations
I'm a misanthrope but I support whites more because they offer me the best living standards.
And herein is part of the issue, sort of the "White Mans Burden" mentality

All human beings, regardless of race, are selfish by nature; so why should we offer all this to those who aren't our race when it comes at our own expense?

Sure, part of the issue is unironcially due to "dah joos" who sort of wedged themselves in the cracks which formed in our civilizations, but a lot of it aloes lies within this innate mentality which we have.
I consider whites to be the superior race because they have higher IQ and and more brutality. But I never supported white nationalists because I know they will kill me if they get the chance.
I've never thought of myself as being "superior" to anyone here, or in general, due to my race.

And tbh, it seems our brutality now has done a complete 180: I admit, we are singlehandedly the most cucked race on this planet after Asians.
Not me, in a certain way. Even though there is a clear definition in your post, I prefer to make a differentiation between supporting white nationalism and telling the truth about their sexual advantages (so as to desiring to be just like them in appearance) exactly because people, even though here, confuses this with political and scientific achievement admiration. Of course, this also have an initial sense of logic too, while being inserted in a globalized world with western customs and desires, but not when also having their own level of political entropy within democracy and liberalism after. Believing in JBWpill doesn't make me ignore ugly whites with just decimals of points on decile above of ugly ethnics, and the secularization and hypergamy kills they sense of purpose in life just like all the potential of white race, whether genetic or cultural, because of the jewish/liberal indoctrination. There is no way of cultivation of old ways of life or politics without adaptation with genetic engineering or something like making robots "whiter than whites". However, the average natsoc/white supremacist is too dumb to even realize this (imagine then do something about it...). In short, there's no point in rambling about old ethnocentric/fascist style of government anymore (not with adaptation), and this makes me perceive them as larpers as well to the extent that it goes against blackpilled takes.
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Inferiority complex, they think if they align with their enemy that they will be spared or adopted by them, both are idiots who fall victim to my trolling
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I'm a misanthrope but I support whites more because they offer me the best living standards.
They were the ones who started the war in Sri Lanka in the first place. They literally got your women raped. Keep being grateful for them like a cuck you are.

And the only reason whites gave "refuge" to Sri Lankan Tamils is to dilute the war effort and import High IQ low-wage slaves, not out of some benevolence. And you will never be fully integrated into their societies, you will always be a pajeet an outsider an insect no matter your contributions to their county's economy.

Thanking whites after all they did to you must be peak stockholm syndrome or some cuckoldry
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I'm a misanthrope but I support whites more because they offer me the best living standards.
Also it's not like you can't improve your living standards, is it? Singapore built by a bunch of dalit chinks and tamils from shithole poverty WITHOUT any whitu man

They were the ones who started the war in Sri Lanka in the first place. They literally got your women raped. Keep being grateful for them like a cuck you are.

And the only reason whites gave "refuge" to Sri Lankan Tamils is to dilute the war effort and import High IQ low-wage slaves, not out of some benevolence. And you will never be fully integrated into their societies, you will always be a pajeet an outsider an insect no matter your contributions to their county's economy.

Thanking whites after all they did to you must be peak stockholm syndrome or some cuckoldry
Okay but I don't give a shit about race. I'm a leech and I side with anyone that benefits me the most.
Also it's not like you can't improve your living standards, is it? Singapore built by a bunch of dalit chinks and tamils from shithole poverty WITHOUT any whitu man

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Chinks that did most of the work and Tamils that leeched off them like what I'm doing with whites.
Okay but I don't give a shit about race. I'm a leech and I side with anyone that benefits me the most.
You were the one who wanted Anglo and Dutch whites specifically to rape your great grandmothers btw :feelsseriously:
Chinks that did most of the work and Tamils that leeched off them like what I'm doing with whites.
Singapore is what Sri Lanka would have been if Tamils were in power and without white mayo causing wars
You were the one who wanted Anglo and Dutch whites specifically to rape your great grandmothers btw :feelsseriously:
You seem to be the only one that mentions rape.
Singapore is what Sri Lanka would have been if Tamils were in power and without white mayo causing wars
Yes and if they had chinks prevent the jeet niggers from fighting and bombing each other.
You seem to be the only one that mentions rape.
A race never genocided another without raping their women. Wishing your race to be genocided another race = wishing your women to be raped by that race
Yes and if they had chinks prevent the jeet niggers from fighting and bombing each other.
Whites were the one who stirred up the conflict retards, don't you know your own country's history. Funny how Tamil Nadu, Kerala have Muslims, Christians and Telugus who live there without conflicts. Same in Singapore.

Funny how ethnic conflicts only always start when US interferes. Yet you want to get raped by them
A race never genocided another without raping their women. Wishing your race to be genocided another race = wishing your women to be raped by that race
I always said if I want to genocide a race, I'd make it quick and painless.
Whites were the one who stirred up the conflict retards, don't you know your own country's history. Funny how Tamil Nadu, Kerala have Muslims, Christians and Telugus who live there without conflicts. Same in Singapore.

Funny how ethnic conflicts only always start when US interferes. Yet you want to get raped by them
Curry in-fighting has existed for as long as the existed. Why do you think India were all fractured states for most of history?
I always said if I want to genocide a race, I'd make it quick and painless.
You specifically wanted whites to kill you though, out of all races. And that would be possible without rape
Curry in-fighting has existed for as long as the existed. Why do you think India were all fractured states for most of history?
That's also the case with literal any other continent. Same with Europe or even Arabs. And South curries all got united under Vijayanagar Empire
You specifically wanted whites to kill you though, out of all races. And that would be possible without rape
Doesn't have to be whites. Could be anyone. Even curries themselves. Why do you keep bringing up rape. You can genocide a race by gassing them, shooting them all up, and nuking then.
That's also the case with literal any other continent. Same with Europe. And South curries all got united under Vijayanagar Empire
Only for 300 years.
Doesn't have to be whites. Could be anyone. Even curries themselves.
Even Sinhalese? You want them to rape your women?
Only for 300 years.
And? Are you retarded Europeans were so divided they literally fought world wars against themselves. You think this is unique only to India? They point is we got united when faced with external threats
Even Sinhalese? You want them to rape your women?
I think at this point you're self-projecting.
And? Are you retarded Europeans were so divided they literally fought world wars against themselves. You think this is unique only to India? They point is we got united when faced with external threats
They were doing far better than curries and were much more united than we ever were.
I think at this point you're self-projecting.
I just think it's pathetic you worship whites after all they did to you
They were doing far better than curries and were much more united than we ever were.
That's why India with 1000x worked out but Yugoslavia didn't ig :feelsclown:
They were the ones who started the war in Sri Lanka in the first place. They literally got your women raped. Keep being grateful for them like a cuck you are.

And the only reason whites gave "refuge" to Sri Lankan Tamils is to dilute the war effort and import High IQ low-wage slaves, not out of some benevolence. And you will never be fully integrated into their societies, you will always be a pajeet an outsider an insect no matter your contributions to their county's economy.

Thanking whites after all they did to you must be peak stockholm syndrome or some cuckoldry
Do you also blame whites for the fact that there are 2 curries in every square meter of India?
Do you also blame whites for the fact that there are 2 curries in every square meter of India?
What does that gave to do with anything? Singapore and Taiwan also have the highest population densities but are also the most developed jfl
I'm not against anyone supporting or aligning themselves with whoever, they want. But it's weird seeing ethnics align themselves and spewing white nationalist talking points, even I acknowledge, that white nationalists are right on many things, but I don't actively support them, or have a swastika as my avi, because, I know they will kill me if they ever got the chance.
Because they're based.
And herein is part of the issue, sort of the "White Mans Burden" mentality

All human beings, regardless of race, are selfish by nature; so why should we offer all this to those who aren't our race when it comes at our own expense?

Sure, part of the issue is unironcially due to "dah joos" who sort of wedged themselves in the cracks which formed in our civilizations, but a lot of it aloes lies within this innate mentality which we have.
This is a wrong mentality, you should view shitskins as a destructive force of nature to be fought and destroyed rather than "people who should stay in their own countries and leave us alone" because plot twist they don't want to be left alone and they won't leave anyone alone, shitskins are wild beast who will overpopulate their land then overflow to other places, they should be treated as animals and be put down to prevent chaos and suffering
What does that gave to do with anything? Singapore and Taiwan also have the highest population densities but are also the most developed jfl
But India is not Singapore or Taiwan, India is India and cannot support a good life for nearing 2 billion people, your overpopulation is the main cause of your inferiority and it's 100% your people's fault
But India is not Singapore
That country was a shithole when it got independence. In fact Singapore PM said he wanted to make Singapore like Calcutta. Countries develop
India is India and cannot support a good life for nearing 2 billion people, your overpopulation is the main cause of your inferiority and it's 100% your people's fault
Cope, China had higher population than us yet was more developed until last 5 years. You don't understand how economics or development works
This is a wrong mentality, you should view shitskins as a destructive force of nature to be fought and destroyed rather than "people who should stay in their own countries and leave us alone" because plot twist they don't want to be left alone and they won't leave anyone alone, shitskins are wild beast who will overpopulate their land then overflow to other places, they should be treated as animals and be put down to prevent chaos and suffering
The No.1 reason for white-hate in 21st century is JEALOUSY, shitskins hate whites because they're OBSESSED with whites, they wanna BE whites and FUCK whites, I don't see anyone hating Arabs/Japan/Mongolia on a global scale even tho they did atrocities worse than whites, because nobody is jealous of them and their shitholes, at the heart of every white-hating nigger is burning jealousy and the desire to be white
Cope, China had higher population than us yet was more developed until last 5 years. You don't understand how economics or development works
India is not China and will never be like China
The No.1 reason for white-hate in 21st century is JEALOUSY, shitskins hate whites because they're OBSESSED with whites, they wanna BE whites and FUCK whites, I don't see anyone hating Arabs/Japan/Mongolia on a global scale even tho they did atrocities worse than whites, because nobody is jealous of them and their shitholes, at the heart of every white-hating nigger is burning jealousy and the desire to be white
Yeah. All hatred for white people is usually hatred due to rejection. I see white normies make YouTube channels reacting to Ethnic countries/media/stuff and ethnics basically worship them for it lmao.

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