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Why are the Jews hated (and are therefore not as powerful as many think)

@Copexodius Maximus

Let me give you an example of what I would consider REAL Judaism.

Let us suppose that in the late 2nd century AD (when it had become clear that the Jews would not be able to reconquer Jerusalem or rebuild the Temple anytime soon), a prophet appeared and said:

Guys, I have been sent by Hashem to tell you this: Hashem punished us for our many sins by withdrawing from our midst and letting the Romans destroy His House. The faithful among Hashem's people will accept the punishment from Hashem. They will return to the desert and build a tent like in the time of Moses. They will build it according to the specifications contained in the Torah and the sons of Levi will conduct sacrifices there as Hashem specified, also in the Torah. The faithful among Hashem's people will become pastoralists once again, like in the time of Moses, and they will wait in the deserts of Syria and Arabia until Hashem gives them the signal to return to Jerusalem and re-establish Hashem's house there.

This would have been a sincere effort at continuing real Judaism because it would have respected the spirit of the Torah. All the fundamental features described therein would have been preserved in this scenario.

But of course, no Jew wanted to do that. No Jew wanted to become a Bedouin once again. The Torah is supposed to be "LAW", right? How is it that no modern Jew follows THE LAW then? It would have been POSSIBLE to follow it, like I showed above.

That is why I am saying that, from that time onward, Judaism disappeared, because no one wanted to make the necessary effort to actually practice it.

The Christians were honest about it. They said, "This is a New Thing; a New Covenant"

RTPers decided to be dishonest. They said "We are still Jews, even though we are doing something completely different".

This dishonesty is at the heart of modern "Judaism". It contributes to the bad reputation "Jews" have. Everyone senses that there is something fishy about this religion. That is why Luther wrote "On the Jews and their lies", etc
The religious frippery is uninteresting. This only serves to educate Jews within this sect. Decided what they did in the further course of world history and the same pattern always emerges. They come to a foreign country, choose tools such as religions or political movements (conflict parties), infiltrate them and then use the power they gain to start revolutions. For this purpose, with lying promises, they accumulate a revolutionary subject of stupid goys who slaughter their own brothers who stand in the way of the Jews on the way to complete power and undisturbed expansion. Once this is achieved, they attack other countries that represent economic competitors (Germany 1914-1918) or use lying propaganda (again) to rally the masses to "intervene" and "punish" other peoples other peoples who dared to stop the same Jewish revolution in their countries or to revise the consequences of oppression and disenfranchisement by external (Jewish-controlled) enemies. (Germany 1939-1945).

White people need only look at the Jewish problem from this point of view. The reference to Christianity is meaningless and can therefore be dropped. Officially, the Nazis took Christianity into account in the Third Reich. But only because a lot of Germans still felt drawn to it. In fact, they increasingly restricted the rights of the churches. Even the concordat was effectively dissolved by the abolition of the church tax in 1943, when the course of the war meant that there was no longer any need to take Rome into account. Pastors were increasingly subject to repression by the Gestapo. In very small editions of writings that were primarily aimed at the SS, the party also circulated anti-Christian viewpoints. Sooner or later Christianity would have been openly opposed as a tool of the Jews.

Since Christianity is now only something that is dying out in Western societies, as a Nazi you can break with it completely. It is no longer as if large parts of the population have to be taken into account when it comes to this issue.
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The religious frippery is uninteresting.
It is the only thing that matters, dude.

If you do not understand that, you do not understand much.
It is the only thing that matters, dude.

If you do not understand that, you do not understand much.
Religion is for idiots who don't understand that this is all just a tool for mass control. You can also ignore the part with the values, commands and prohibitions, which are sometimes useful. This is what modern ideological states can do, which do not have to “prove” rules of behavior with the imaginary will of a magical daddy, but can justify such things with reason and logic much better. As long as it is not a matter of Jewish state cadavers in which a pseudo-morality degenerated with the term "freedom of the individual" which in reality is nothing more than egoism forms the basis.

An example. In religions, the believer does good because God expects it of him. The believer hopes for a reward. Pure selfishness. Modern ideological states, on the other hand, educate their citizens to practice voluntary self-restraint for the common good. These individuals also belong to this general population. Correct. But primarily others benefit who have not been harmed. That is the difference. Children today are raised to behave socially, not because a magical daddy rewards them for it, but because it harms others. This awareness of their fellow citizens is taught to them. Your kike religion can't do that.
Religion is for idiots who don't understand that this is all just a tool for mass control.
That is what you have been brainwashed to believe. YOU are the "mass" that is being controlled here.

This is what modern ideological states can do, which do not have to “prove” rules of behavior with the imaginary will of a magical daddy, but can justify such things with reason and logic much better.
No they cannot. All "ideological states" have failed.

As long as it is not a matter of Jewish state cadavers in which a pseudo-morality degenerated with the term "freedom of the individual" which in reality is nothing more than egoism forms the basis.
Wdym exactly?

An example. In religions, the believer does good because God expects it of him. The believer hopes for a reward. Pure selfishness. Modern ideological states, on the other hand, educate their citizens to practice voluntary self-restraint for the common good. These individuals also belong to this general population. Correct. But primarily others benefit who have not been harmed. That is the difference. Children today are raised to behave socially, not because a magical daddy rewards them for it, but because it harms others. This awareness of their fellow citizens is taught to them. Your kike religion can't do that.
This is anti-religious bullshit which has been repeated for at least 200 years by all sorts of failed "philosophers".

Move beyond that and read the thread linked in my sig below.
The Sadducees were the guys in charge. So their beliefs pretty much DEFINED official Judaism at the time. The Pharisees, for their part, WERE a sect. They had heterodox views that were rejected by the Jewish establishment (the Sadducees) and they were clearly not in a majority.

Judea was a theocratic state and The Sadducees were in charge ("Sadducees" means "descendants of Zadok", the High priest of Solomon, i.e. the LEGITIMATE line). They were the ones who told others what Judaism was and they had the power to enforce it because they had civil authority.

How do you know?

How do you know?

No. A few short inscriptions, but no manuscripts.

The earliest Jewish MANUSCRIPTS (physical texts on a piece of parchment or papyrus) are the Dead Sea Scroll

That is NOT a manuscript. It is a scrap of papyrus with no more than a couple dozen Hebrew letters on it. There is no way to know what it is actually talking about. Besides, I never said that Passover did not exist before the Talmud. Of course it did. It is referenced abundantly in the Torah (the OT). And it is even today celebrated by Christians under the name of Easter in English. Of course RTP re-used many Jewish elements, but so did Christianity and also Islam (circumcision, aniconic worship, legalism, the Messiah, etc).

I am NOT saying that RTP appeared out of nowhere. I am saying that it is no more "Jewish" than the other Abrahamic-influenced faiths.

Yes but not necessarily the tradition that passes as "Judaism" today. Christianity is also based on the pre-Christian (i.e. Jewish)) "interpretative tradition of the Bible", and so is Islam.

What I am saying is this:

Before the Destruction of the Temple (70 AD): Judaism

After the Destruction of the Temple (70 AD): Not Judaism, because Judaism is centered on Worship at the Temple. No Temple, No Judaism.

After 70AD, the only thing you have are Post Judaic Sects:
  • Christians (many varieties)
  • RTP: Rabbinic Talmudic Pharisaism (THIS IS NOT JUDAISM)
  • Muslims (a Christian knock-off + with a lot of RTP influences)

Which is completely un-Jewish. Judaism was a religion of priests (the Levites). Extending priestly purity rules to non-priests completely changes the spirit of the religion. This is as different form original Temple Judaism as Christianity or Islam.

It was not. Pharisees were a minority (although they were politically influential)

This is exactly what I am saying. RTP is a DIFFERENT religion. Judaism was about "rituals in a temple" and only that. Yes, may Jews grew tired of this and that is why they turned to other religions, like Christianity, RTP and Islam eventually.

You have never done "rituals in a temple", so you do not know what it is. Here in India, I see people whose religion is only "rituals in a temple" (Hindus). Believe me, if you tell them that they can still follow THE SAME RELIGION while completely stopping "rituals in a temple", they will think you are mad.

Yes, I know that Jews had no choice, because the Temple was destroyed and they were not allowed to rebuild it. Tough luck. If you are forced to no longer practice your religion, you have to invent a new one. It is fine to do so, but it is NOT FINE to pretend that your NEW religion is THE SAME as the old one. THAT is deceptive.

Pharisaism is not Judaism.

No. It is a PARTICULAR interpretation, just like Christianity is a particular Interpretation of the OT.

Nowhere in the Tankh is it said that the ordinary folks must follow priestly purity rules and that this would replace sacrifice at the Temple. The Tanakh describes a religion based on sacrifice. No sacrifice, no Judaism.

Absolutely not. RTP is attested no early than the late 2nd century AD (early Mishnah).

Yes, it is a different religion.

Christianity is not a bigger innovation than RTP

At least in Christianity, the sacrifice is retained (although in a symbolic manner), in the form of the bread and the wine (the sacrificial lamb). This sacrifice is performed by a priest and then fed to the assembled faithful. This is more Jewish that what Rabbis do.

I never denied this. What I am saying is that Pharisee interpretations prior to the destruction of the Temple was a DISSENTING OPINION which was at variance with what was then orthodox Judaism (sacrifice at the Temple, no Halakah for the rank and file).

The first meaning is very clear. They were a SEPARATE sect from mainstream Judaism. In other words, they were HERETICS. The word "hairesis" in Greek, which is the origin of the English word "heretic" also means "those who separate"

That does not mean that these scholars were fairly quoted or that they supported what later became RTP. After someone is dead, you can make him say whatever you want. It does not mean anything.

What kind of "Scholar" is this from?

Absolutely not. What you have said so far is that the Pharisees were a HERETICAL sect that was at variance with the normative practices of Judaism in their time (Sacrifice at the Temple, prior to its destruction). Eventually, this HERETICAL sect gave rise to a different religion (RTP) exactly like another heretical Jewish sect (the Essenes) gave rise to Christianity.

The claim that modern RTPers are "more Jewish" than Christians or Muslims is a scam. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be Jewish today (no Temple). The only thing you can do today is to be Post-Jewish, along with the Christians and the Muslims. This is the only HONEST way to describe the current situation.
Holy shit these replies are getting huge. I’ll just give you the win, I’m too lazy to read all of this. Sorry for the headache.
I don't get why people hate the jews so much and not the muslims

what jews can do to you? argue with you to death? make jokes about you?

muslim can chop your head off and force you to pray 5 times a day to their stupid Anallah
and praise Mohammed the sandnigger
watch Europa the last battle. Also jews do have representation in central banking. Rothschilds? Rockefellers? JP Morgan?
They don’t even print our money anymore they do fucking quantitative easing which is even worse. Fractional reserve banking is just making up numbers as specific percentage of money gets loaned out.
@avoidthefoid i don’t think Muslims enslave us through usury
What do you mean? The Jews are literally everywhere in high power (newspaper, politics, large companies)...
And look at the questionable support Israel is getting from Western countries and people.

Btw. I'm 100% a Westerner and white.
This is true but Jewish success has always had a "peak and valley" pattern. Basically OP is right. The main problem for the Jews it that they are (rightly) hated. They exploit the goyim, make lots of profit, then (rightfully) they get murdered/expelled when the goyim had enough. Then, they repeat the whole process again. Despite their high IQ they never learn to not be evil and parasitical.
Please read it. Take your time
The complete destruction from outside caused by an avalanche of bombs and money triggered by the Jew specifically for this purpose is not a political failure of the system in question, but rather proves even more the vileness of the Jews to want to force a situation that was previously imposed with equal violence and manipulation onto the other people again.

The fact that you accuse German philosophers in particular of failure shows Jewish arrogance. As if creatures like Martin Buber and similar figures could hold a candle to people like Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel. Certainly no modern Jewish journalists can do that.

There is no need to prove the degeneration of states contaminated by the Jewish evil spirit. Just looking at reality is enough. Unless you are completely satisfied with it and do not recognize the decay because you yourself are a kike who is doing excellently in such regimes. In short, one can say that states without repressive laws against Jews, states in which Jews are allowed to obtain citizenship, acquire land and hold public office, are destined for ruin.

The effort you put into literally talking people to death is also typical of Jews. You jump from one topic to another and when you are asked about a certain thing you reduce your torrent of words to blank one-liners in which you believe you have learned the truth without giving reasons for it. Joseph Goebbels was right when he said at a meeting of his ministry in 1935 that it was the fault and failure of German writers and journalists to allow themselves to be talked to the wall by the Jew with their "superior" impudence, volume and persistence.

I think it's time again to stop you Jews from speaking. You have no right to speak on behalf of other peoples. Especially not to comment on their relationship to religion. When we drop this magical nonsense you have to keep your mouth shut, kike!

At the moment I'm also wondering where the over a thousand views for this theard come from. I bet you've linked the that on various Zionist blogs and Reddit. Tell your Jews they can kiss my ass.
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watch Europa the last battle. Also jews do have representation in central banking. Rothschilds? Rockefellers? JP Morgan?
They don’t even print our money anymore they do fucking quantitative easing which is even worse. Fractional reserve banking is just making up numbers as specific percentage of money gets loaned out.
@avoidthefoid i don’t think Muslims enslave us through usury
All this is a legend. I agree that fiat currency is not a good thing, but the Jews did not invent it.
All this is a legend. I agree that fiat currency is not a good thing, but the Jews did not invent it.
From Wilson to Roosevelt a chain of Jewish consultants, bankers and press moguls in the USA. But no, they are not responsible for that. Lol. It's funny that when Roosevelt promoted the New Deal he was opposed by Jewish banking cartels, but the same creatures immediately became his patrons when he came up with the idea of inaugurating his political death with a war agenda against Germany and Japan. His attempt to virtually disempower the Supreme Court through a reform was quickly forgotten and he was quickly seen as a “champion” of democracy and the free world. Especially in the case of Germany it is just too ironic. He later, in agreement with the Jewish press, described the state economic control that he himself planned to introduce befor (at least in part) as barbarism. And at the same time he was supplying the Soviet Union and the UK with unconstitutional "loan deals" in the war against Germany, which completely invalidated the Monro Doctrine, in order to systematically involve the USA in the war.
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All this is a legend. I agree that fiat currency is not a good thing, but the Jews did not invent it.
Oh really it wasn’t Jews charging interest on the poor and getting kicked out of countries for that? They magically got kicked out of 109 countries. What about them bringing niggers to the Americas and advocating for multiculturalism/racial amalgamation.
Oh really it wasn’t Jews charging interest on the poor and getting kicked out of countries for that? They magically got kicked out of 109 countries. What about them bringing niggers to the Americas and advocating for multiculturalism/racial amalgamation.
But I have to admit one thing to the Jews. At least they had tried to bring about some minor relief for Germany at the Versailles Conference (1919-1920). Albeit for selfish reasons. It was clear to Jews like Lamont and others that Germany cannot be obliged to pay forever if its ability to pay is restricted through taxes by senselessly taking away land of industrial value populated by Germans and by effectively taking away coal mines. However, these Jews didn't count on the power of the French and Polish imperialists they managed to gain significant influence over Wilson after the Jews himself had made these currents a majority in public opinion through their war propaganda. These imperialists caused Wilson to ignore his own 14 points, which undoubtedly formed the legal basis for Germany to enter into peace negotiations (from which it was then excluded when it laid down its arms and was therefore defenseless at the mercy of the Entente). had. However, a few years later this was completely forgotten and the Jews continued their hate campaign against Germany as Germany began to eliminate the injustice done to it. They had to too. Because otherwise the kikes would have had to admit what crime they committed against the German people!
Oh really it wasn’t Jews charging interest on the poor and getting kicked out of countries for that?
No, it wasn't that. They were generally kicked out for religious reasons

They magically got kicked out of 109 countries. What about them bringing niggers to the Americas and advocating for multiculturalism/racial amalgamation.
This is completely false. The first large scale importation of blacks to the Americas was done by the Spanish, who had kicked out the Jews of their country long before that. After the Spanish, the triangular trade was mostly in the hands of British and French merchant houses. No Jews involved there either.
I think it's time again to stop you Jews from speaking.
I have zero Jewish blood in my veins. Plus, what I am saying about the Jews is far from nice. What Jew would say that the modern "Jewish" religion is based on deception, like I do?
No, it wasn't that. They were generally kicked out for religious reasons
This is completely false. The first large scale importation of blacks to the Americas was done by the Spanish, who had kicked out the Jews of their country long before that. After the Spanish, the triangular trade was mostly in the hands of British and French merchant houses. No Jews involved there either.
This is wrong Portuguese Jews heavily were behind the slave behind
I have zero Jewish blood in my veins. Plus, what I am saying about the Jews is far from nice. What Jew would say that the modern "Jewish" religion is based on deception, like I do?
The Talmud encourages Jews to lie to goyims.
What do you mean? The Jews are literally everywhere in high power (newspaper, politics, large companies)...
And look at the questionable support Israel is getting from Western countries and people.

Btw. I'm 100% a Westerner and white.
yeah, it wouldn't make sense that the US is bound to paying israel a 4bn$ minimum every year, if the jews had no power. there's not alot in the desert for the entire world to care about. (which is why nobody except sands ever has)
How do you know?

This is wrong Portuguese Jews heavily were behind the slave behind
The portugese were a minor player and that is why I did not mention them previously. In any case the few Portugese Jews who did participate in the slave trade had government contracts to do so. They were not independent players bu agents of the King. Was the King of Portugal a Jew?
I have zero Jewish blood in my veins. Plus, what I am saying about the Jews is far from nice. What Jew would say that the modern "Jewish" religion is based on deception, like I do?
Out of boredom, or because it was suggested to me by JewTube for some reason (what reason? lol), I watched a jerk off show by Israeli shotgun women. https://www.youtube.com/@brvlcon I have to say that I didn't like any of the girls on offer. Surely one or two of them has something cute about them when they look into the camera at the right angle. But if you look closely, the skull and facial part (below the eyes) don't seem to fit at all. It looks absolutely cobbled together. Nothing half-hearted and nothing whole. Sure, as an incel I would want to have sex with any of them. Maybe even a relationship. However, they all seem to have very behavioral problems in the way they portray themselves as "hot" even though they objectively aren't. It's also a fact that they don't seem to be able to put on make-up properly. They look like painted whores. These women all seem to be mentally disturbed. I wouldn't get anyone pregnant. So I probably wouldn't want a relationship either. Just sex. I'm an Incel and not a Volcel. I also wonder why the Israeli military tolerates its female soldiers presenting themselves as absolute whores, flashing their asses and half-naked bodies for the camera. Seems like some kind of intelligence operation to win Simps around the world over to Israel. My conclusion remains that they are all ugly. Orthodox Jews look much purer and also better. Well at least most of them. There are also many more of them with Nordic blood which their schlomo-grandpas stole in Europe from blood-forgotten blonde bitches who let these desert devils impregnate them. Probably also a reason why they save their blood and don't want to do military service with these mixtures and don't have to do so under Israeli law. They know that a certain part of their blood is valuable (for further infiltration of Europe and the US) and thats why they seem to let the completely subhumans fight for them while they themselves provide the reason for military confrontation with their settlement holocaust on the Palestinians.
will give it a read
did not read that silly post. yes the kikes are powerful and are a huge fucking burden on society and that is why they are hated. have a great day.
jewish foids have big ass titties
Jews are generally harmless. They can be annoying but they do not commit crimes more often than anybody else. However, they can sometimes behave as maggots on a corpse, like they are doing right now with the decaying carcass of Western Civilization.
In order for Jews to rule you, your people must first betray one another to the Jews. Then the root cause is not the presence of Jews, it is the treachery of your people. This is the problem in USA, whites are incredibly treacherous scumbags, and just like a fish takes water for granted, they don't realize that this is abnormal or bad. If not the Jews, then someone else would rule them in the exact same way.
Fucking all you goyim are retarded Jewish are interstellar race travelling space and making contact with alien while gentiles were learning to cook with fire so you better all not being antisemite
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