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JFL Why are so many incels racist and anti-semitic?

The jews pushed feminism, of course people are going to be against them. Male suicide rates went UP after 2nd wave feminism.
Well, if I'm perfectly honest, a lot of incels are mentally stunted and immature. Those are hallmarks of racists as well. Incels end up that way as a result of social rejection and romantic failure as a result of their looks or autism. There's a few like yourself who have good enough brain chemistry that they make it out the other end as normal people but sadly most cannot.
Well, if I'm perfectly honest, a lot of incels are mentally stunted and immature. Those are hallmarks of racists as well. Incels end up that way as a result of social rejection and romantic failure as a result of their looks or autism. There's a few like yourself who have good enough brain chemistry that they make it out the other end as normal people but sadly most cannot.

Why is it that misanthropes tend to be the only people with goddamn sense?
Its just that jews control all the money and media and they created shit like feminism, lgbt bullshit etc.
Around half of incels share alt-right ties. This doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't they ally with fellow ugly men of all races instead?
I ain't racist or anti Semitic I can assure you that
The racepill is the ultimate redpill (or in case you aren't white, the ultimate blackpill)

I use to believe in all the garbage about how racism was only believed by low IQ idiots until I actually started reading about racial differences. And when I say read, I don't mean some neo-nazi shit on the internet but actual legit science.

Almost everything the media has told us about race is complete fucking horseshit. There are massive differences in intelligence between the races, with blacks in particular being so vastly different that they are a borderline different species of humans. Almost all the inequalities of the world are the direct result of racial differences in IQ, though this actually holds true between different social classes within the same races as well.

This means that if whites become a minority in their own nations as a result of immigration (with the exception of some east asian immigration since those nations have good IQs just like whites do) then the entirety of the west is fucked. You see Africa? This is what Europe will look like in a hundred years.
Huge cucc
I'm full blooded jewish and hate myself more than anything, does that make me the most anti-semetic here?
jews did nothin guys..it just a coincidence that 2 of the creators of Tinder are jew...


Top 10 inventors who died by their own creations. JFL at those sub8's who cant even get a single match in their own app

Our life sucks and we point at everyone

We are victims

Easy to point at other ethnicities
Top 10 inventors who died by their own creations. JFL at those sub8's who cant even get a single match in their own app
Funny how they mog all of us
Around half of incels share alt-right ties. This doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't they ally with fellow ugly men of all races instead?

Yeah much of the other half are ironically SJW race baiters, it makes little since to me either way. To complain about lookism and then judge another fellow incel with a glance, based on their appearance, without knowing anything about them.

Sometimes incels are our own worst enemies, we complain when chads, stacies, and normies, and foids treat us like shit, then adopt their very same tactics to bash other incels. It's extremely hypocritical. If I weren't so worried about potentially getting doxed for it, I'd start up my own incel forum "mature-cels."
I'm racist 'cause DEUS VOLT NIGGA!
Around half of incels share alt-right ties. This doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't they ally with fellow ugly men of all races instead?
Because people instinctively want to be with their own kind. That's why races tend to stick together overall. The blackpill ideology i s synonymous with the truth. Ergo blackpillers will see the world for what it is.
Thinks everyone is a cucked westerner.

View attachment 45048

There are nobody more tribalistic than the Japanese.
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to not mention Japan or Japanese in your next 5 posts. I will send you Hitomi Tanaka in a birthday cake if you succeed.


  • soyboy01.jpg
    54.1 KB · Views: 39
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to not mention Japan or Japanese in your next 5 posts. I will send you Hitomi Tanaka in a birthday cake if you succeed.

I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Just send it to me anyway.
I see different races like those wildlife programs all down at the watering hole, they're not predator & prey but you can clearly see they wanna stick with their own herd preferably.
I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Just send it to me anyway.
I want in, get me some; yeah right
I was LARPing. Mind you Hitomi is kinda racist only screwing Japanese men. She needs some American D.
White incels in the West have legitimate reasons to be racist. Their homes have been openly invaded and the worst thing is that the invaders openly admit it and they're proud of that. I would be mad at them too tbh.

They come and live on welfare, rape women, rob people, and other shit like that. It totally fucks up a sexual marketplace in one country (foids go for ethnics and blacks when they're young). Most white incels are young as well and it totally fucks them over.

And then on top of that, they(invaders blacks and ethnics) complain that they have it hard on forums like this one.

1% genius level IQ
If I'm Jewish, then I'm still waiting for my Bar Mitzvah money.
Around half of incels share alt-right ties. This doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't they ally with fellow ugly men of all races instead?

I don't hate other races, never have. I hate the fact that they are coming here, cost a fortune to maintain, commit violent crimes and will eventually make my people so mixed it will go extinct. As for the incel dimension specifically, tell me one good reason why I should enjoy alien race individuals to take or rape Aryan women who would otherwise have gone to Aryan men, including low-tier Aryan men!
I don't hate other races, never have. I hate the fact that they are coming here, cost a fortune to maintain, commit violent crimes and will eventually make my people so mixed it will go extinct.
Most victims of black crime are blacks themselves. And evidence shows that the crime rate has been dropping tremendously fast for decades.

Cost a fortune to maintain: less immigrants than incels are NEET, ironically.
Most victims of black crime are blacks themselves. And evidence shows that the crime rate has been dropping tremendously fast for decades.

Wtf are you talking about? I'm in Sweden, negroes are just part of the picture over here. And any "statistics" that says the violent crime rate has been dropping over the past 40 years are obviously doctored. Honest statistics that haven't gone through the (((Ministry of Truth))) processing machine don't make such claims.
Most victims of black crime are blacks themselves. And evidence shows that the crime rate has been dropping tremendously fast for decades.

Cost a fortune to maintain: less immigrants than incels are NEET, ironically.

There are other countries than the US.

The indirect costs of blacks and poo in the loo are high. They destroy trust in society, which means you need more rules and regulations too.
The indirect costs of blacks and poo in the loo are high. They destroy trust in society, which means you need more rules and regulations too.
I'd much rather sign a contract with a law-abiding black man than with an edgy nietzschean atheist white with sociopathic tendencies.
I don't care about races... and jews, you have to ask yourself why the 2% of the population are involved in 95% of the most successful and influential business in the world. Hollywood, Facebook, tinder, Amazon, comic books,tv, the music industry, writers, economist, politicians.
I'd much rather sign a contract with a law-abiding black man than with an edgy nietzschean atheist white with sociopathic tendencies.

Do you even understand the term "over-representation"?
Wtf are you talking about? I'm in Sweden, negroes are just part of the picture over here. And any "statistics" that says the violent crime rate has been dropping over the past 40 years are obviously doctored. Honest statistics that haven't gone through the (((Ministry of Truth))) processing machine don't make such claims.
I don't think so. The conspiracy would be too large and difficult to hide.

The most likely explanation is that criminal elements now watch porn and play video games indoors instead of roaming around.
Do you even understand the term "over-representation"?
Seeing the world only through the prism of statistics and probabilities is a terrible way to see the world. It's morally callous (because it ignores individual exceptions) and causes potential opportunity loss.

I don't care if a scientist who invented a time machine belongs to a race statistically dumb. I want him in my country.
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I don't think so. The conspiracy would be too large and difficult to hide.

No conspiracy needed. A lot of politically correct blue-pillers, urged on by the monolithic massmedia and Auschwitz moralist blackmailing, acting individually according to their prejudiced sensibilities, is enough.

The most likely explanation is that criminal elements now watch porn and play video games indoors instead of roaming around.

We are still not in America. Your negroe population has been stable at around 10 percent since god knows when. The negroe population of Sweden has balloned in the last forty years from being almost imperceptible to a sizeable chunk of the total population. More negroes, more crime, less trust and more Aryan chicks lost to BBC.

Seeing the world only through the prism of statistics and probabilities is a terrible way to see the world. It's morally callous (because it ignores individual exceptions) and causes potential opportunity loss.

I don't care if a scientist who invented a time machine belongs to a race statistically dumb. I want him in my country.

Are you really so fucked in the head you don't understand you never get the one time machine inventor only, but always his entire dysfunctional family as well as the remaining clan in addition to the next one from the neighbouring village? Not to mention the kids he'll be getting, who'll grow up into edgy killers and gang rapists cause "muh discrimination"?

Cost a fortune to maintain: less immigrants than incels are NEET, ironically.

Again, a stupid Jew meme that might be relevant in the Jewnited States. There are figures on the economic net burden that the immigrant population in Sweden and other European countries constitue (if you bother to look it up, collect and cross-index it), and it's freaking enormous. We could all live like the damn Swiss if it wasn't for it. Yeah, obviously they are less NEET because they get to fuck more, but their contribution to society is still in the red. To lead a thug life on welfare and/or crime sure is to be regarded as more successful than your average Incel LDAR'er, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing to the society you live in or to people around you.
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Because jews basically created incels (on purpose).

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