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JFL Why are so many incels racist and anti-semitic?

Normies aren't, though. They have consistently voted against racism since 1945.

Thinks everyone is a cucked westerner.

IMG 6723

There are nobody more tribalistic than the Japanese.
Just like its fair to point out how little chance curries have with western women, its fair to point out the numerous ways Jews tend to be tribalistic, self serving, show blatant nepotism towards their own and no loyalty to their host nation.

There is nothing anti-semitic about pointing out facts and trends.

If India or China funded $20,000 "exploratory" trips for you to "find yourself" and give you a female tour guide to flirt with the whole time then you would be loyal too. Israel is promoting Israeli interests by existing. Every western and Asian is so hyper competitive against themselves that they're not willing to invest in their ethnic expat groups like the Jews do.

You may post online about non-sense and promote racial supremacy online but are you willing to pay $10,000 for your cousin's college expenses at film studies? Jews know how to invest in their own by pooling resources, others will continue to waste their lives competing individually amongst themselves.
Bullied by certain ethnics on racial grounds, certain groups hold disproportionately high violent crime rates, personal experience of being around certain racial groups when they are large in number has been less than pleasant.

Jews (not all, the ones that are not at the bottom being sold out by their own kind) hold a disproportionately high amount of wealth/power jobs in certain industries & always play the anti-Semitism card whenever criticism over actions comes their way, even when the guilt is OJ Simpson clear as day. Also seem beholden of a general dislike of anyone that isn't of the chosen, displaying a smug holier than thou; nobility attitude.
It's a cope.
Same reason why everybody here hates on soy boys and manginas so much. We are so pathetic here that we have to try to find somebody more pathetic than us and that includes race just a cope.

It's funny how the average Tyrone can Stomp the shit out of most of us here but that doesn't stop people here from calling him inferior and Niger.

Except that soyboys actually contributes directly to our predicament and to gyrocentrism, by constantly catering to female whims, being there for them as betabucks, making them more entitled by worshipping them, orbitting and defending them constantly, boosting their ego, attacking males who talk about their privileges and insulting incels all the time etc, contrary to average citizens blacks, jews or currycels.
Bullied by certain ethnics on racial grounds, certain groups hold disproportionately high violent crime rates, personal experience of being around certain racial groups when they are large in number has been less than pleasant.

Why does it matter ?

Males rape more than females, does it mean sexism against males is warranted ?

Why should a black lovely nice person suffer from the consequences of what other people sharing his skin color do ?
Except that soyboys actually contributes directly to our predicament and to gyrocentrism, by constantly catering to female whims, being there for them as betabucks, making them more entitled by worshipping them, orbitting and defending them constantly, boosting their ego, attacking males who talk about their privileges and insulting incels all the time etc, contrary to average citizens blacks, jews or currycels.

Why does it matter ?

Males rape more than females, does it mean sexism against males is warranted ?

Why should a black lovely nice person suffer from the consequences of what other people sharing his skin color do ?

In short I don't want to be around ppl that wish me harm or want to make me the butt of the joke 'cos I stand out as a minority in a location that my ancestors have been in for hundreds of years when these ppl have been around for 2-3 generations at most, why should I be held accountable for the actions of those before me, things that were imposed upon their kind but stopped before they were even born & never happened to them personally. I wouldn't go to their land of origin & start fucking with them so why should I have to accept that.

Native Americans got fucked big time; not all of 'em got casinos, that'll be whites in the future thanks to Kalergi plan.

Open borders & "we are all equal, connected as ppl of earth" only works when everyone is on board with the same mindset and ppl don't see different skin colours, religions, cultural beliefs, nationality & land borders.

You can't expect racism to vanish while you still need a passport to move between places, a half assed approach satisfies nobody except savages looking to pray on the meek & jackasses looking to capitalise on exploitation.

Generally speaking you'll see the civilised ppl of a certain race on a continent that is not their own move away from an area full of their own kind 'cos they don't want to be around low iq savages.
In short I don't want to be around ppl that wish me harm or want to make me the butt of the joke 'cos I stand out as a minority in a location that my ancestors have been in for hundreds of years when these ppl have been around for 2-3 generations at most, why should I be held accountable for the actions of those before me, things that were imposed upon their kind but stopped before they were even born & never happened to them personally. I wouldn't go to their land of origin & start fucking with them so why should I have to accept that.

Native Americans got fucked big time; not all of 'em got casinos, that'll be whites in the future thanks to Kalergi plan.

Open borders & "we are all equal, connected as ppl of earth" only works when everyone is on board with the same mindset and ppl don't see different skin colours, religions, cultural beliefs, nationality & land borders.

You can't expect racism to vanish while you still need a passport to move between places, a half assed approach satisfies nobody except savages looking to pray on the meek & jackasses looking to capitalise on exploitation.

But nobody is talking about open borders, that's not even the subject. We are talking about not being racist to incel brothers that shares our predicament in an incel forum. There is no border here, and we share the same predicament.
But nobody is talking about open borders, that's not even the subject. We are talking about not being racist to incel brothers that shares our predicament in an incel forum. There is no border here, and we share the same predicament.
The topic is "Why are so many incels racist and anti-semitic?" Which I answered in a general sense, as for ppl on this forum, incels or ppl that are looked down upon as the lowest by their own; I hold no grudge. They haven't wronged me & I highly doubt they'll be running thug game TBF therefore not a danger to my wellbeing if in close proximity irl.

Kike detector
Trust me goy
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The topic is "Why are so many incels racist and anti-semitic?" Which I answered in a general sense, as for ppl on this forum, incels or ppl that are looked down upon as the lowest by their own; I hold no grudge. They haven't wronged me & I highly doubt they'll be running thug game TBF therefore not a danger to my wellbeing if in close proximity irl.

Yeah sorry i misled his post, i thought he was talking about solidarity betseen the ugly men here, he was talking in general.

I still think it's stupid to associate more with chads and staceys and femoids that share our skin color than the men from other races who share our predicament.
I'm a Nazbol so as long as you're not an imperialist, you're ok.

yeah but that's when you pull out a knife and stab them. see if I give a fuck.

trust me Tyrone's all jump 30 to one.
I've been jumped in high school by 8 Tyrone's at one time and had to run to survive. Niggers never fight fair and that was them not strapped.
Except that soyboys actually contributes directly to our predicament and to gyrocentrism, by constantly catering to female whims, being there for them as betabucks, making them more entitled by worshipping them, orbitting and defending them constantly, boosting their ego, attacking males who talk about their privileges and insulting incels all the time etc, contrary to average citizens blacks, jews or currycels.

Why does it matter ?

Males rape more than females, does it mean sexism against males is warranted ?

Why should a black lovely nice person suffer from the consequences of what other people sharing his skin color do ?

Soyboys are still higher on the social ladder than us and get good jobs and money.

Fontaine do you post these topics as to ignite dumpster fires while you rub your hands menacingly.
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We are born racist. Babys are racist naturally. Jews have always been hated around the world for ages. It's all natural.
trust me Tyrone's all jump 30 to one.
I've been jumped in high school by 8 Tyrone's at one time and had to run to survive. Niggers never fight fair and that was them not strapped.

Soyboys are still higher on the social ladder than us and get good jobs and money.

Fontaine do you post these topics as to ignite dumpster fires while you rub your hands menacingly.

that's nice but when some high T incel goes ER, they're just gonna die. repeat ad infinitum, until they learn their lesson.
If India or China funded $20,000 "exploratory" trips for you to "find yourself" and give you a female tour guide to flirt with the whole time then you would be loyal too. Israel is promoting Israeli interests by existing. Every western and Asian is so hyper competitive against themselves that they're not willing to invest in their ethnic expat groups like the Jews do.

You may post online about non-sense and promote racial supremacy online but are you willing to pay $10,000 for your cousin's college expenses at film studies? Jews know how to invest in their own by pooling resources, others will continue to waste their lives competing individually amongst themselves.

Not really sure what your point is - you are just elaborating on what I was saying. Jews look to their own at the expense of non-jews. Is that anti-semitic to point out? It is for most people.

Behavior like infiltrating the education system of your local area, rising the ranks and filling positions with jews, and then eventually siphoning money to exclusively jewish schools is the kind of behavior that people resent, but gets them labelled "anti-semites".

Jews are also generally fairly supremacistic themselves, with the Torah outright stating that jews are above the goyim. Pointing that out is anti-Semitic?
blackpill erased my anti-semetism idk what you're talking about.Tribalism is cope.
Jews are behind all problems
Fontaine do you post these topics as to ignite dumpster fires while you rub your hands menacingly.
90% of the threads this guy makes are bait. don't know why so many people still bother replying.
White incels in the West have legitimate reasons to be racist. Their homes have been openly invaded and the worst thing is that the invaders openly admit it and they're proud of that. I would be mad at them too tbh.

They come and live on welfare, rape women, rob people, and other shit like that. It totally fucks up a sexual marketplace in one country (foids go for ethnics and blacks when they're young). Most white incels are young as well and it totally fucks them over.

And then on top of that, they(invaders blacks and ethnics) complain that they have it hard on forums like this one.
Low iq
Your people allowed others to "invade your" land
Back to pol
Because (((((they))))) are the reason of our suffering
Your people allowed others to "invade your" land

That's where the Jews came into play, with their mass brainwashing.

Who is behind mass immigration

You're low IQ if you don't realize this.
that's nice but when some high T incel goes ER, they're just gonna die. repeat ad infinitum, until they learn their lesson.

Okay rambo.
Your so tough.
90% of the threads this guy makes are bait. don't know why so many people still bother replying.

Because it's not the average retard thread that gets posted here. His stuff is usually high quality.
That's where the Jews came into play, with their mass brainwashing.

View attachment 45071

You're low IQ if you don't realize this.

Then whites must be the most cucked race in the world to allow this all to happen.
I don't have a problem with any other race except jews.
OP is Jewish
Assuming I am, does this change anything to the validity of my question? Why do ugly males support the interests of the chads of their race, instead of their own interests? The situation is made even more ridiculous when you consider that only ugly males give a shit about the "survival of the white race". Chads are busy partying and bullying ugly males, for them the white race is a distant concern at best. If racism becomes trendy again, they'll be late adopters and nonetheless beat you to far-right government offices due to their superior charisma.
The title of this thread is very telling. ‘racist AND anti-semitic’, why add in the second condition, is it not redundant? If the racism didn’t also include racism against jews, would it even occur to you to create this thread, fontaine?
Okay rambo.
Your so tough.

Because it's not the average retard thread that gets posted here. His stuff is usually high quality.

Then whites must be the most cucked race in the world to allow this all to happen.

its our women allowing it and then having our shithead governments sponsor it.
of course I'm tough...what of it?
90% of the threads this guy makes are bait. don't know why so many people still bother replying.

flood his inbox with kiddie porn then
Growing up in an Arab household i was always told Israel was the enemy , not so much jews. But i know that jews are super greedy and rich and are quick to exploit anyone for their gain. They think they are entiltled to a country just because their little book told them so. I have right wing and left wing veiws just because both sides have good and bad points. I dont really hate jews but i hate entilted, greedy zionists.
Fontaine do you post these topics as to ignite dumpster fires while you rub your hands menacingly.
Well, I do enjoy triggering white nationalists and other racists, because too many people give them a pass on their viciously attractive, and viciously wrong, ideology.
The title of this thread is very telling. ‘racist AND anti-semitic’, why add in the second condition, is it not redundant? If the racism didn’t also include racism against jews, would it even occur to you to create this thread, fontaine?
Modern speak & beliefs consider them to be two tiered, anti semitism trumps racism in terms of severity which as you know is bollocks as racism is racism. Oppression Olympics
Well, I do enjoy triggering white nationalists and other racists, because too many people give them a pass on their viciously attractive, and viciously wrong, ideology.

Lol, high iq edit. My point still stands though, your self interest is showing.
Growing up in an Arab household i was always told Israel was the enemy , not so much jews. But i know that jews are super greedy and rich and are quick to exploit anyone for their gain. They think they are entiltled to a country just because their little book told them so. I have right wing and left wing veiws just because both sides have good and bad points. I dont really hate jews but i hate entilted, greedy zionists.
Not many know of the group "Jews against Zionism".
Modern speak & beliefs consider them to be two tiered, anti semitism trumps racism in terms of severity which as you know is bollocks as racism is racism. Oppression Olympics

some races are objectively uglier but people don't have to be dicks about it
True, as for the anti semitism most of us have no problem with everyday Jews but it is undeniable that they have wreeked havic on the everybody over the years so they have gotten a well earned reputation.
its our women allowing it and then having our shithead governments sponsor it.
of course I'm tough...what of it?

flood his inbox with kiddie porn then

Your just another shithead acting tough on the nets. In real life you take a punch and drop like those idiots that get owned by antifa.
Well, I do enjoy triggering white nationalists and other racists, because too many people give them a pass on their viciously attractive, and viciously wrong, ideology.

It's a fad that will pass.
In real life the alt right have pretty much destroyed any little credibility they had(which is why nationalists call them counterpro and fbi).
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It's a fad that will pass.
In real life the alt right have pretty much destroyed any little credibility they had(which is why nationalists call them counterpro and fbi).
I suppose you meant COINTELPRO.

But yeah I agree. The alt-right does not pass the "IRL test"
I suppose you meant COINTELPRO.

But yeah I agree. The alt-right does not pass the "IRL test"

Yeah I'm pretty much doing this text to speech on my phone man so if I misspelled shit it's because I need to type in it with a big ass fingers or the speech is getting it wrong.
then again National Socialist and white nationalist don't like each other neither. All the groups are pretty much fractured.
I was never racist i am against rasism, as for jews, they are rare so i haven't talk to many jews to know how they are as people.
I thing they are racist each for their own reason, jealously for other races traits, they may see their race as better or superior for some reason. Racism is a cope.
The ashkenazi master jews theory seems pretty legit, and if so I only exist because of them so it makes sense to hate them. I don't give it much thought nowadays though
Other races have objectively made my country much worse in less than a decade. It makes reasonable sense to be against them, and its not cope like you say.
I suppose because a lot of people are now starting to realise that our two biggest problems in Western nations are mass immigration and Zionist influence.
I agree, but I guess there are always Low IQ angry people looking for a scapegoat.

The people we should hate are foids and feminists/cucks/whiteknights.
I hate Jews and race mixing, that's really it.
White incels in the West have legitimate reasons to be racist. Their homes have been openly invaded and the worst thing is that the invaders openly admit it and they're proud of that. I would be mad at them too tbh.

They come and live on welfare, rape women, rob people, and other shit like that. It totally fucks up a sexual marketplace in one country (foids go for ethnics and blacks when they're young). Most white incels are young as well and it totally fucks them over.

And then on top of that, they(invaders blacks and ethnics) complain that they have it hard on forums like this one.

Wtf lol You do realize that the whites(Europeans) invaded and destroyed the people who were here in the USA first right? The native Americans?Also , Jfl if they enslaved a race of people forced labor, rape, killing and brainwashing. If anything ethinics should be more mad than whites.
Other races have objectively made my country much worse in less than a decade. It makes reasonable sense to be against them, and its not cope like you say.
So chads, femoids and their children is gonna live in a shithole. Its terrible, you need to die for your country fighting against other races for real and make your fatherland a better place.

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