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TeeHee "why are so many h3 girlies dating awful men?"

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/10i2z7z/why_are_so_many_h3_girlies_dating_awful_men/

like they will ask their boyfriend what they think of andrew tate and the bf will say some shit about how he's amazing and the top g or whatever. and they act shocked but like,,, that can't be the first red flag.

I'm not even a Tate fan but this is just cringe.

if your boyfriend likes andrew tate then clearly this isn't the first time he was misogynystic or disgusting. if you're dating a r-word apologist, it's not some fun quirk. get the fuck out of there lmfao. the fact that you're with someone like that is more of a self own imo. it just rubs me the wrong way
It doesn't matter who's getting owned here or how it rubs you, because those guys are still getting laid thanks to their looks and irrespective of their opinions and views.

edit: i should mention that i am a 20 y/o woman! with a long term boyfriend who likes h3 since i introduced him. i am NOT trying to victim blame!!!
Just so you know, I'm a woman so don't you dare calling me an incel which you would do to a man complaining about women dating guys he doesn't like:foidSoy::foidSoy:. Also, err, this isn't victim blaming, because women freely choosing to date and sleep with guys that like Tate are actually victims, and I'm not blaming them, all women are victims all the time, but we are strong victims, we are all survivors:foidSoy::foidSoy:.


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/10i2z7z/comment/j5dssux/

Not to dismiss the fact that a ton of dudes are assholes
And they are getting laid anyway because it doesn't matter. Also, nice casual sexism that would have you and people like you frothing at the mouth if it was targeted the other way.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/10i2z7z/comment/j5dv8ta/

I really just think young people are dumb in dating. Both men and women try to cover their blemishes until it inevitably comes forward.
Oh, so suddenly it's not about gender, but about age?

Let's see how long that lasts:feelsugh::feelsUgh:...

On a separate note, I hope these Tate stans realise it is not only more fulfilling to live life with the understanding that women are to be fully respected, but it's also -way- more easy to actually "get with" women.
My social circle is filled with Tate fans. I'm literally the only guy that doesn't like Tate in my social circle and, surprisingly (not) I'm also the only virgin. I'm also older than all of those guys, and some of them are still teens. Gee, it's almost like being tall, muscular, or having a good face counts for a lot, and guys like that love a tall and muscular guy that tells them that the only thing that matters in the world is fucking and money:feelsugh:.

I see hot guys shoot themselves in the foot and turn down the incel path when they start displaying their shitty politics and personality.
Sure you do buddy, sure you do:feelskek::feelskek:. Some good-looking teen faggot starts chimping out in public and screaming about foids and redpills, you turn around laughing at him, and while you feel satisfied about being a "better man" than him, you don't notice the chick he's hooked up and who's getting into a car with him:feelskek:.

But then, who knows? Maybe you're telling the truth. After all, we've had some guys like that here already, they are called "fakecels."

It's like women have been saying a man's personality is the most important thing for decades, and men double down on "It must be some outside factor! Money! Gym! Status!" lol.

I wanted to make this section the thread title, but it stopped at "Gym." Jfl, dude, literally just read the title of the thread you are commenting on, how the fuck do you reply to a "why are all of those wonderful women dating those misogynists:foidSoy::foidSoy:" and you fucking double down on "it's your personality sweaty:soy::soy:."


This debacle is a tale as old as fucking time. The real "Matrix" is the rabbit hole these dudes keep digging themselves into because they cannot fucking accept that they need to fundamentally change their perception of women to BE ATTRACTIVE to women.
Unless they are the dudes OP talks about, getting laid with women while worshipping Tate, of course:feelskek::feelskek:.

Also, you started your post by saying that both young men and women are guilty of stuff like this. Funny that just by the end of your post, it's not an age-thing but a gender one:feelskek::feelsthink:.

People want genuine companionship. There's no step-by-step program to doing that.
Indeed. You either have the looks or not.
can they stop virtue signaling and say that they are chad only? hopefully normies will start to hate foids if this happens

fuck you niggertears users burn in hell cuckolds

why are so many h3 girlies dating awful men?​

i wonder why, any ideas?
From Radicalizing the Romanceless:
B is possibly the most feminist man who has ever existed, palpably exudes respect for women, and this is well-known in every circle feminists frequent. He is reduced to apophatic complaints about how sad he is that he doesn’t think he’ll ever have a real romantic relationship.

Henry has four domestic violence charges against him by his four ex-wives and is cheating on his current wife with one of those ex-wives. And as soon as he gets out of the psychiatric hospital where he was committed for violent behavior against women and maybe serves the jail sentence he has pending for said behavior, he is going to find another girlfriend approximately instantaneously.
can they stop virtue signaling and say that they are chad only? hopefully normies will start to hate foids if this happens

fuck you niggertears users burn in hell cuckolds
Looks, not even just that, women are more attracted to guys who act like assholes.
nice rundown, so much insane cope, especially the one where having the wrong politics and being in the wrong political aisle (what, like being in one 50% of the american population instead of the other 50%? :feelskek: ) somehow stops you from dating at all and not your looks and status.
Not to dismiss the fact that a ton of dudes are assholes, but there is a bit of a data bias at play here. People post about their shitty partners/dates/etc for various reasons (venting, it being a timely topic, support, etc) which make a lot of sense! What wouldn't make much sense and be a boring, unlikely to gain traction here, nothing-post is "Hey foot soldiers! I asked my bf of 4 years his opinions of Tate, and he said he hates him and thinks he belongs in jail!" ya know?
God i hate Scott Alexander so much. The dishonesty, the pretentiousness, the shamelessness. The lack of character and morals you need to make it in this world is so unbearable to witness.

There exists an innate unfairness on the sexual market, and a society pretending to care about equality or equity would have to do something about that, which would have to start with acknowledging what's going on. But no one has anything to gain from going against what's popular in elite circles, you only lose swimming against the tide (on a personal level), so it doesn't matter how much misery is being cause by female social aggression running rampant, doesn't matter how many boys and men will have to suffer through lives not worth living, doesn't matter how many of them might have been better off being born into the fucking Amazon rainforest as part of some native tribe where they at least would have a functional social life and a chance at earning some intimacy and affection, none of it matters, they all will just stand by and let it happen, and worse, they will keep actively supporting the underlying ideology which hates us for the sex we were born in just because it's in their own personal best interest.

Altruistic. Rational. Bayesian. Hope they all rot in hell (on earth after we end up in a S-risk scenario and they all fail to kill themselves in time).

Going against the unfairness of the sexual world would have been an opportunity to costly signal their commitment to real fairness and Utilitarianism, which would have given their justification for the other set of nobel lies they defend some credance. As is, all they have is "we all agreed to let society demonize both a sex and race unjustly, but don't worry, it has nothing to do with us otherwise losing our social status, jobs, friends, in-group and more". Giving 90% of your income, if you are wealthy enough, can always be interpreted as a currency exchange from money into justified moral superiority and status. You need to prove your willingness to lose in status long-term for the great good, otherwise the most likely explanation for your action remains simple self-interest combined with some nice and status-hungry predisposition.
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Sex having normies adore Andrew Tate, secretly, if not publicly. This has been what I have observed. Meanwhile it seems most of us here don't like him. Myself included. He says some good things but he is an agent of the very (((matrix))) he pretends to be against.
If they choose men with too many options, Dont expect to be staying long.
God i hate Scott Alexander so much.
Sure, he takes great pains to not call out women here. Maybe he isn't sending a costly enough signal for you. But he did describe his patient Henry. And just understanding that men like Henry exist, quite commonly even, is the first step to understanding women for many men.

There exists an innate unfairness on the sexual market, and a society pretending to care about equality or equity would have to do something about that, which would have to start with acknowledging what's going on.
You should know by now that, surface niceties aside, equality is for women, as they are born qualified. Men compete, as they are made. Manosphere 101 stuff.

Altruistic. Rational. Bayesian. Hope they all rot in hell (on earth after we end up in a S-risk scenario and they all fail to kill themselves in time).
I do agree that men in these circles are pretty cucked. But that's a natural consequence of them being intellectuals. Direct intellect is unattractive on net to women, both as a trade-off against physicality, and in a general sense. :feelsthink:
jesus that whole thread is a blackpill goldmine
Sex having normies adore Andrew Tate, secretly, if not publicly. This has been what I have observed. Meanwhile it seems most of us here don't like him. Myself included. He says some good things but he is an agent of the very (((matrix))) he pretends to be against.
can they stop virtue signaling and say that they are chad only? hopefully normies will start to hate foids if this happens

fuck you niggertears users burn in hell cuckolds
Normies are beyond salvation
Sweaty.... women dating exclusively based on looks and entitlement. That's why these attractive mysoginists are so successful. Has nothing to do with politics.
Internet privileges/usage should be prohibited for women.
Sex having normies adore Andrew Tate, secretly, if not publicly. This has been what I have observed. Meanwhile it seems most of us here don't like him. Myself included. He says some good things but he is an agent of the very (((matrix))) he pretends to be against.
Stfu antisemite
Do people still watch H3? Is this 2016?

Looks, not even just that, women are more attracted to guys who act like assholes.
They want sociopathic men, just like their ugly selves. ( they even like to get killed by them, bunch of silly animals )

~Yet we are deemed "ugly", but who is the aesthetically beautiful sex ( not in a visual sense ) but to what we call Spirit, good will ?
It is non-normie men. ( aspies )
h3 h3 is unfunny as fuk and his "wife" is an ugly jewish tranny with a big nose
wtf is h3
I don’t even know what h3 is
When I was a student in Israel, PLO and even Hamas leaning Arab girls were secretly dating Jewish right wing chads. The only factor is your looks.
Women love dark triad traits in men, that is why most hypristophilliacs are women.
. So acting like Tate is effective, therefore men follow him, despite him being a hack.

If you ever read a romance novel for women, bad boys are the romantic interest most of the time. I honestly don't recommend doing that, most of them are total garbage.
It gives me an inner conflict between saying that foids aren't any better and saying that I'd be better than this guy (doing the same but without listening to some gypsy faggot and being more diplomatic about my opinions when I have to)
They will cling to personality theory when trying to gaslight rejects but then complain about personality theory failing in their next breath.
Retarddit still talks about the same shitty topics as if the website hasn't moved past 2018, but to stick to the topic at hand you're better off getting plastic surgery than hating on Andrew Tate who mogs his haters into oblivion.
Redpilled misogynists slaying leftist women
These SSRI brain-addled caucuskike podcasts aren't even remotely funny, entertaining, or informative. Why do people watch them?
Okay, but what color is her Bugatti?

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