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Experiment why are ethinics so drawn to the left?



S.T.A.L.K.E.R discord: gdc47
Feb 20, 2019
if wasen't the left and their liberal bullshit, you guys wound have JBW going to your countries, and while the left fight for workers rights, they seem to do more harm than good with excess of regulations.

but i wanted to know your guys opnions.
workers rights is for faggots most peasants are uneducated brutes that need to be enslaved the way i see it force them in a fucking factory and work them to death maybe that will help the world failing economy and help with the overpopulation problem, i hate high level capitalism though so it should be run by state owned corporations like in the 3rd Reich
workers rights is for faggots most peasants are uneducated brutes that need to be enslaved the way i see it force them in a fucking factory and work them to death maybe that will help the world failing economy and help with the overpopulation problem, i hate high level capitalism though so it should be run by state owned corporations like in the 3rd Reich
because we have shit jobs and are poor. and a lot of the right openly hates us
and a lot of the right openly hates us
makes sense, i need to agree that being openly racist in a democratic society is not a good idea for your political carrier
Because of extreme poverty in their country of origin.
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not sure
Asians: representation.
Spics/nigs: Gibs and representation.
I don’t blame them, democracy’s a shitty system, they’re only acting in self interest. If only white people had that type of consciousness.
Because most ethnics are low IQ and from shitty 3rd world countries. The left/democrats promises free goodies to these ethnics so they lean to the left and the democrats, while the right/republicans tend to hate ethnics, hell you see rightwingers here on this very forum attacking ethnics and whatnot, that further solidifies ethnics reasoning for leaning left.
Because most ethnics are low IQ and from shitty 3rd world countries. The left/democrats promises free goodies to these ethnics so they lean to the left and the democrats, while the right/republicans tend to hate ethnics, hell you see rightwingers here on this very forum attacking ethnics and whatnot, that further solidifies ethnics reasoning for leaning left.
makes sense

Asians: representation.
Spics/nigs: Gibs and representation.
I don’t blame them, democracy’s a shitty system, they’re only acting in self interest. If only white people had that type of consciousness.
really just fuck democracy it's simply doesen't work long term
makes sense

really just fuck democracy it's simply doesen't work long term
Most western countries are republics with plutocratic elements.
Most western countries are republics with plutocratic elements.
USA is a republlic, but most european countries are cleary democratic with majority vote
for welfare and their tricked into thinking the left actually cares about us
Cause why would we be friends with the people who want to hang us by a tree?
Cause why would we be friends with the people who want to hang us by a tree?
hmm, i don't really think the modern conservative is that extreme
The Right is no better either for ethnics. Both sides simply suck.

hmm, i don't really think the modern conservative is that extreme

Modern rightwing is basically just a fox wearing a sheep mask. They are no different just slightly watered down their dislike for ethnics because otherwise they would lose a lot of neutrals.
The Right is no better either for ethnics. Both sides simply suck.

Modern rightwing is basically just a fox wearing a sheep mask. They are no different just slightly watered down their dislike for ethnics because otherwise they would lose a lot of neutrals.
high IQ
the rights are quite racist,meanwhile the left offer free shit
Lack of poor parenting skills.
while the right/republicans tend to hate ethnics, hell you see rightwingers here on this very forum attacking ethnics and whatnot, that further solidifies ethnics reasoning for leaning left.
There's a big difference between mainstream right and people like me. Donald Trump is not a racist. Neither is George Bush. Normal conservatives are tripping over themselves to include minorities in on their gig. NRA regularly uses token minorities in its promotions.
Democrats just keep saying right wingers are racist because that's the only thing they have.
Ethnics are legitimately just low iq. Their countries are shit holes not because some magic dirt but because its full of people like them.
Ethnics are legitimately just low iq. Their countries are shit holes not because some magic dirt but because its full of people like them.
the leftist managed to convice everyone that Nazis is right wing, and because of that everyone sees right wingers as nazis.
Many right wingers (not all) hate ethnics, so it's no wonder that most of us are left leaning and giving our votes to left leaning parties. I am ethnic and not too long ago, I was still relatively right wing and sympathized with Trump and Bolsonaro. But lately I have realized how racist many of these followers are and since then I have kept away from right wingers. It's the racism of many in the right wing that has give me more symphaty for left wingers and their positions.
the leftist managed to convice everyone that Nazis is right wing, and because of that everyone sees right wingers as nazis.
Nazis are right wing tho. Libertarianism isn't the only form of right wing politics
The right is very unapologetic,when It comes to a group of people fucking up,wether they be black,mexican and so on.We also aren't leaniant on minorities recieving welfare and,you know a decent portion of the right belives in racerealism.
Ethnics don't like the left lol. this is left who attention whoring over ethnics.
Ethnics don't like the left lol. this is left who attention whoring over ethnics.
i'm more talking about vonting patterns here, it's shocks me a bit, because i trought ethinics where super religious
you know a decent portion of the right belives in racerealism.
if wasen't the left and their liberal bullshit, you guys wound have JBW going to your countries, and while the left fight for workers rights, they seem to do more harm than good with excess of regulations.

but i wanted to know your guys opnions.
The lefts gives them status
Many right wingers (not all) hate ethnics, so it's no wonder that most of us are left leaning and giving our votes to left leaning parties. I am ethnic and not too long ago, I was still relatively right wing and sympathized with Trump and Bolsonaro. But lately I have realized how racist many of these followers are and since then I have kept away from right wingers. It's the racism of many in the right wing that has give me more symphaty for left wingers and their positions.
What is wrong with racism?
workers rights is for faggots most peasants are uneducated brutes that need to be enslaved the way i see it force them in a fucking factory and work them to death maybe that will help the world failing economy and help with the overpopulation problem, i hate high level capitalism though so it should be run by state owned corporations like in the 3rd Reich
i Definitely dont agree with you.
Ethnics don't like the left lol.
What? Are we just supposed to ignore all the polling data that says nonwhites overwhelmingly vote for the left?
What is wrong with racism?
if you are minority, it's obvious you don't like racism, if a JBW go to india, he will obviusly complainif indians are mistreating her for being white
What is wrong with racism?

nothing there are types of people who are simply better than others, it is the natural order of things if whites are not superior than why did we manage to build civilization while niggers were giving each other aids and swinging from trees?
if you are minority, it's obvious you don't like racism, if a JBW go to india, he will obviusly complainif indians are mistreating her for being white
If this was true and racism was such a big deal then people would never voluntarily move to countries where they are the minority
What is wrong with racism?
I just find it really weird to judge people based on their ethnicity or skin color. I do not care what race or skin color a person has. If this person is a good person then I like him and if not, then just not. I think we should judge people by their character rather than their looks or their lineage. In addition, racists are probably the most toxic people I have ever seen, they are full of hate and I just do not like that.
nothing there are types of people who are simply better than others, it is the natural order of things if whites are not superior than why did we manage to build civilization while niggers were giving each other aids and swinging from trees?
leaving IQ behind, i really think white culture, is the only culture that take "avancing the human race" seriously, even for asians this concept came from whiter after WW2, and arabs lost it after islamization.
If this was true and racism was such a big deal then people would never voluntarily move to countries where they are the minority
the better living condions are too much of tentantion, in poor countries you don't have massive wellfare and medical care in third world shitholes.
racists are probably the most toxic people I have ever seen, they are full of hate and I just do not like that.
what about cucks and femminists? i'm half deathnik, and i would prefer to be around nazis than cucks/femminist
i'm more talking about vonting patterns here, it's shocks me a bit, because i trought ethinics where super religious

you mean voting? ethnics in the west generally vote for moderate parties because welfare and shit.nothing else
you mean voting? ethnics in the west generally vote for moderate parties because welfare and shit.nothing else
the left is buying voters with wellfare, democracy.....
what about cucks and femminists? i'm half deathnik, and i would prefer to be around nazis than cucks/femminist
"Cucks" and feminists do not hate me because I'm a middle easterner but nazis do. I'd rather be among people who rate me by my character, rather than people who hate me for something I have no control over (my race).
"Cucks" and feminists do not hate me because I'm a middle easterner but nazis do. I'd rather be among people who rate me by my character, rather than people who hate me for something I have no control over (my race).
but they hate you because you are a male not willingly to cuck for the system, go on a femminist raly and tell them you disagre from their bs, and they will turn in the biggest racist in the planet
but they hate you because you are a male not willingly to cuck for the system, go on a femminist raly and tell them you disagre from their bs, and they will turn in the biggest racist in the planet
You've probably watched too many anti-SJW videos on YouTube and generalized about all feminists just because you've seen some saying stupid things. Not all feminists are as you describe them.
You've probably watched too many anti-SJW videos on YouTube and generalized about all feminists just because you've seen some saying stupid things. Not all feminists are as you describe them.
I just find it really weird to judge people based on their ethnicity or skin color. I do not care what race or skin color a person has. If this person is a good person then I like him and if not, then just not. I think we should judge people by their character rather than their looks or their lineage. In addition, racists are probably the most toxic people I have ever seen, they are full of hate and I just do not like that.
Sure, on an individual level it might be wrong to stereotype people. But you would be stupid to ignore the patterns races exhibit on a macro level. Blacks on average are far more violent than any other race therefore I do not want to live around any significant number of them. Call me toxic but I really dont give a fuck. You sound like a redditor
You've probably watched too many anti-SJW videos on YouTube and generalized about all feminists just because you've seen some saying stupid things. Not all feminists are as you describe them.
Are you fucking for real ?
workers rights is for faggots most peasants are uneducated brutes that need to be enslaved the way i see it force them in a fucking factory and work them to death maybe that will help the world failing economy and help with the overpopulation problem, i hate high level capitalism though so it should be run by state owned corporations like in the 3rd Reich
They want free shit. Also, most ethnics where I live are dumb enough that they just vote on the parties with the highest amount of non-white/muslim members without even knowing what they stand for.
They have something to gain from it.
Sure, on an individual level it might be wrong to stereotype people. But you would be stupid to ignore the patterns races exhibit on a macro level. Blacks on average are far more violent than any other race therefore I do not want to live around any significant number of them. Call me toxic but I really dont give a fuck.
Most of the black people I met in the course of my life are very likeable people. Ironically, the most unsympathetic people I met in the course of my life were people who also came from the Middle East, like me. But still, I do not want to generalize about people. There are good and bad people of all races.
You sound like a redditor
Just because I'm not a racist? :lul::lul:
Are you fucking for real ?
I do not say that I like feminists, but they are not as crazy as you guys claim. Right wing youtubers show a few feministins who say something stupid and then generalize and claim that all leftists and feminist are like that. I used to be a fan of these anti-SJW people on youtube, but I do not want to have anything to do with them anymore.

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