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Experiment why are ethinics so drawn to the left?

I personally hate both sides because neither side likes curries. But i have shifted more right since inceldom
Most of the black people I met in the course of my life are very likeable people. Ironically, the most unsympathetic people I met in the course of my life were people who also came from the Middle East, like me. But still, I do not want to generalize about people. There are good and bad people of all races.
I am not thrilled about having to generalize different races of people but it is a reality that any sane person living in this multiethnic society must face. If I had the power to I would remove this dilemma entirely and have people live with their own kind only, but that is not the world we live in. Your personal anecdotes aside, the criminal statistics regarding blacks are very clear and if you fail to generalize them as violent you could get yourself killed by wandering into their neighborhoods. Not all snakes are poisonous, but I discriminate against all snakes nonetheless because it is a survival mechanism that developed over the course of thousands of years of human evolution.
Just because I'm not a racist? :lul::lul:
You are quintessentially reddit. You're on incels.is of all places complaining about racists, misogynists, and "toxic" attitudes.
I just find it really weird to judge people based on their ethnicity or skin color. I do not care what race or skin color a person has. If this person is a good person then I like him and if not, then just not. I think we should judge people by their character rather than their looks or their lineage. In addition, racists are probably the most toxic people I have ever seen, they are full of hate and I just do not like that.
Its weird and unnecessary
Its weird and unnecessary
It would be unnecessary if we werent forced to live in multiethnic countries. Why shouldnt I discriminate against blacks as a white man when statistically I am much more likely to be the victim of a violent crime by blacks than vice versa? Each year blacks commit the overwhelming majority of robbery related crimes despite being a tiny minority in the United states but according to your logic you shouldnt feel uneasy about leaving your valuables unattended in a black area because that would be "racist"
You've probably watched too many anti-SJW videos on YouTube and generalized about all feminists just because you've seen some saying stupid things. Not all feminists are as you describe them.
Left does a better job at marketing themselves as inclusive. Why would ethnics want to swing right when their image is of old white ppl who hate ethnics? And the fact that most ethnics flock to big coastal lefty cities has an influence on them.

Doesn’t matter though. You’re an incel you don’t really fall on the right or left, neither are particularly appealing.
I would be a leftist too if I were ethnic tbh.

I wouldn’t call myself right wing but the left hates white people and wants us to be replaced.
It would be unnecessary if we werent forced to live in multiethnic countries. Why shouldnt I discriminate against blacks as a white man when statistically I am much more likely to be the victim of a violent crime by blacks than vice versa? Each year blacks commit the overwhelming majority of robbery related crimes despite being a tiny minority in the United states but according to your logic you shouldnt feel uneasy about leaving your valuables unattended in a black area because that would be "racist"
It depends on your education and your "ghetto". Not your race.
I would be a leftist too if I were ethnic tbh.

I wouldn’t call myself right wing but the left hates white people and wants us to be replaced.
Not all ethnics are dumb enough that they think white genocide is a good thing though, only niggers and jews think like that and for the latter it's not so much a hatred of whites but just that whites are in their way of reaching the height of their power because they're the least retarded race.
I live in a white country and I know this place will go to shit if whites were to become a minority here because they are the only race aside from northeast-asians who actually care about keeping their societies in good shape. Just look at countries that used to be white like Brazil or South-Africa and compare their past state to what they are now.
Once non-whites become a majority in any given area, trash starts heaping up everywhere because they're too lazy or dumb to even use trash cans and then once the place goes to shit completely because no one does his job properly they'll just mass-immigrate to an area that is still white and ruin that place. Thus, the cycle continues. Non-whites could actually be used as a biological weapon; just dump a bunch of niggers into your enemy country and they'll start shitting and raping everywhere until society collapses.
workers rights is for faggots most peasants are uneducated brutes that need to be enslaved the way i see it force them in a fucking factory and work them to death maybe that will help the world failing economy and help with the overpopulation problem, i hate high level capitalism though so it should be run by state owned corporations like in the 3rd Reich
makes sense, i need to agree that being openly racist in a democratic society is not a good idea for your political carrier
tbh most leftists are more racists than the right lol
I am not thrilled about having to generalize different races of people but it is a reality that any sane person living in this multiethnic society must face. If I had the power to I would remove this dilemma entirely and have people live with their own kind only, but that is not the world we live in. Your personal anecdotes aside, the criminal statistics regarding blacks are very clear and if you fail to generalize them as violent you could get yourself killed by wandering into their neighborhoods. Not all snakes are poisonous, but I discriminate against all snakes nonetheless because it is a survival mechanism that developed over the course of thousands of years of human evolution.
Did you ever think that this could be because blacks live in very poor regions and thus do not have the best prospects for life? These black men who commit these crimes do not do that because they are black. Under better prospects, if these men had not been born in ghettos but in a more affluent area, these men would not have ended up as criminals.

You are quintessentially reddit. You're on incels.is of all places complaining about racists, misogynists, and "toxic" attitudes.
Yes I am against racism and also against misogyny

Although I'm blackpilled and Incel I'm not a misogynist. Yes, most women are superficial and only value their partners by their looks and their money. Most of the women I know even admit that openly and honestly. But most men are no different, and are only interested in the look of a woman when dating. If we had to hate all people who are superficial, then we would have to hate most men, not just women.

Although I'm blackpilled and Incel I'm not a misogynist
low iq, foids are the most horrid creature on earth, just on USA they kill 750 thousand babies a year.

hating them is logical
You've probably watched too many anti-SJW videos on YouTube and generalized about all feminists just because you've seen some saying stupid things. Not all feminists are as you describe them.
there can be no denying that our fellow "ethnicels" are pseudo feminists degenerates in denial now
Did you ever think that this could be because blacks live in very poor regions and thus do not have the best prospects for life? These black men who commit these crimes do not do that because they are black. Under better prospects, if these men had not been born in ghettos but in a more affluent area, these men would not have ended up as criminals.
This is incorrect. The crime statistics tell us that rich and affluent blacks are still more likely to commit a violent crime than poor uneducated whites. This can only mean that blacks are genetically predisposed to committing more crimes. The burden of proof is on you in fact to explain why no matter where you find blacks in the world they commit so much more crime than any body else regardless of their socioeconomic situation
Yes I am against racism and also against misogyny
Just like reddit, which is where you belong
This is incorrect. The crime statistics tell us that rich and affluent blacks are still more likely to commit a violent crime than poor uneducated whites. This can only mean that blacks are genetically predisposed to committing more crimes. The burden of proof is on you in fact to explain why no matter where you find blacks in the world they commit so much more crime than any body else regardless of their socioeconomic situation

Just like reddit, which is where you belong
it's not socieconomic status, it is:


Could just be people on the internet but you see a lot of hate for ethnics on the internet. Its weird to overlook rabid racist cunts bulllshit. I'm ethnic but I've always voted republican because they're not destroying the country like dems. We tend to align ourselves with our own people so that's mainly why. I know some ethnics do like Trump but ethnic tension is thick man.
ass the ethinic numbers growns and the majority become not a majority .....
Its a given that the biggest ethnic group will hold the most power. In the US that'll be hispanics, and in Europe probably muslims
and in Europe probably muslims
oh my god i can't imagine what will happen once muslim take control over the nukes, gosh white people and their like of reponsability fucking shock me
oh my god i can't imagine what will happen once muslim take control over the nukes, gosh white people and their like of reponsability fucking shock me
They need to get to babymaking and stop blaming us for their retarded politicians
They need to get to babymaking and stop blaming us for their retarded politicians
100% true,white men need to put white whores on a leash again or things will only get worse for them
100% true,white men need to put white whores on a leash again or things will only get worse for them
Exactly, they need to find their balls and stop treating their women like princesses. Ethnics are guilty of it too

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