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Serious Why am I such a failure in academics?



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
Is it IQ to blame? I have always had to study over 20 hours to get 60/100 or maybe 80/100 in good days. Meanwhile, I have seen people passing with excellent grades without opening a single book the whole semester. I never see them in the library. It seems that I have to work 10 times more to accomplish mediocre or barely passible results. I'm in STEM by the way.
Incels are inferior in every way. :feelsrope:
Study 20h to get 80/100? What kind of college is that?
I logged in for one last time to say this as I was in a similar situation and your IQ is not to blame. Don't know if it helps but here's some tips you need to know;

1. Studying becomes a lot easier if done in groups (round/conference table) in a proper and comfortably air conditioned room. Information, Assignments can be shared with "friends" and your workload can be reduced. Exchange of feedback between group members on difficult questions or assignments will be useful for you.

2. Don't study sitting on the floor/ground like these fags, remember you're in STEM, not liberal arts. Proper upright posture is needed to maintain optimal blood flow to your brain, it also improves concentration or focus. Sit on a proper and comfortable (not too comfortable) chair and large enough desk/study without clutter.


3. Remember, depression, anxiety and procrastination are killers, they contribute to one another and follow a cyclic pattern. Depression hinders your learning ability 10 fold, anxiety fuels procrastination. Overall, emotions kills or inhibits focus and learning ability. So, try to suppress all negative emotions as much as possible. I don't know how, but removing all sorts of distractions (social media) might be a good start.

4. Make a properly scheduled study plan and prioritize what you need to learn to ace the exams. Don't study more that what's required of the syllabus/exam, many times, the professors or instructors may hand out few tips for the exam if he's generous. If a topic is taking a lot longer (3 times more) than expected, move on to other topics and come back to this one later on. Don't worry about study taking more than 20 hrs, its nothing tbh, the people who have passed the exam without opening a single book are either liars, or cheaters, or tipsters (relying solely on tips and luck) or Einstein level IQ (very rare/not believable). I knew of such people in college.

5. At least, test yourself to the bare minimum of 10 previous semester's exam papers (5 of them untimed first, the remaining 5 timed). See how well you do. You can then use the results as a gauge to determine the probability that you'll do the same in the real exam.

6. Eat well, avoid junk food, drink plenty of water, sleep and wake up on time, don't drink alcohol, you can smoke to reduce anxiety if you're a smoker.
prepare and study for the test, go into the test and not remember anything, i want to fucking kill myself
If you are lower level it's possible those who didnt need to study much have already studied the material in high school. It feels unfair, but there's nothing you can do about it. Listen to @Father_Gascoigne , he gave a lot of good advice.
Try to understand the concepts behind everything, don't memorize. This isn't some psychology degree where you could memorize everything.
I understand what I study, the problem is that I'm lazy
You have a learning disorder or you’re low IQ, OP. 20 hours to study? SMH...
Depression fucks with your ability to study. Every incel is depressed to a certain extent.
Depression probably.

Also remember that NPC’s go to school and are preprogrammed to just get certain grades.

Non NPC’s must barely squeeze their way through school and hope for the best.
I'm sure we can all relate to waking up in the morning and not having any motivation or will to do anything with our lives. At the same time we have goals, and deadlines that we worry about, while our minds are captivated by the frivolities of women and relationships, pleasures that seem to torment us by always being out of reach. It feels like there is no balm, no satisfaction, nothing that can make us feel able to live as we should.

It is not easy to find something to do or somewhere to go when you wake up feeling like you're in hell where there is no escape.
I was the bottom 5% in my school
You're a virgin old truecel who lives in a dorm full of sexually active people who exclude you.

If I were you, I'd be surprised if I even had the motivation to get out of bed in the morning.
If you just read text and try to memorize it, you'll have a hard time. You gotta make youself understand it, not memorize it. Memorization is how foids do it.
If you just read text and try to memorize it, you'll have a hard time. You gotta make youself understand it, not memorize it. Memorization is how foids do it.
Cope. Foids might like memorizing, but they also have friends to study with who might be motivated as well. They teach each other and work together while we rot alone smashing our heads into the wall trying to understand stuff on our own while it's too late.
I logged in for one last time to say this as I was in a similar situation and your IQ is not to blame. Don't know if it helps but here's some tips you need to know;

1. Studying becomes a lot easier if done in groups (round/conference table) in a proper and comfortably air conditioned room. Information, Assignments can be shared with "friends" and your workload can be reduced. Exchange of feedback between group members on difficult questions or assignments will be useful for you.

2. Don't study sitting on the floor/ground like these fags, remember you're in STEM, not liberal arts. Proper upright posture is needed to maintain optimal blood flow to your brain, it also improves concentration or focus. Sit on a proper and comfortable (not too comfortable) chair and large enough desk/study without clutter.

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3. Remember, depression, anxiety and procrastination are killers, they contribute to one another and follow a cyclic pattern. Depression hinders your learning ability 10 fold, anxiety fuels procrastination. Overall, emotions kills or inhibits focus and learning ability. So, try to suppress all negative emotions as much as possible. I don't know how, but removing all sorts of distractions (social media) might be a good start.

4. Make a properly scheduled study plan and prioritize what you need to learn to ace the exams. Don't study more that what's required of the syllabus/exam, many times, the professors or instructors may hand out few tips for the exam if he's generous. If a topic is taking a lot longer (3 times more) than expected, move on to other topics and come back to this one later on. Don't worry about study taking more than 20 hrs, its nothing tbh, the people who have passed the exam without opening a single book are either liars, or cheaters, or tipsters (relying solely on tips and luck) or Einstein level IQ (very rare/not believable). I knew of such people in college.

5. At least, test yourself to the bare minimum of 10 previous semester's exam papers (5 of them untimed first, the remaining 5 timed). See how well you do. You can then use the results as a gauge to determine the probability that you'll do the same in the real exam.

6. Eat well, avoid junk food, drink plenty of water, sleep and wake up on time, don't drink alcohol, you can smoke to reduce anxiety if you're a smoker.

Don't lie man, IQ is a large part of it. I'm in STEM as well (EE and CS) and I almost never study yet get top scores on almost every exam. And I know people who study a very large amount and only get mediocre grades. Extremely low IQ if you do not think the physical makeup of each person's brain does not contribute significantly to their ease in retaining/applying concepts.
It's genetics, some are high iq, some are average and some are low iq. Some people will just never succeed in academics.
Don't lie man, IQ is a large part of it. I'm in STEM as well (EE and CS) and I almost never study yet get top scores on almost every exam. And I know people who study a very large amount and only get mediocre grades. Extremely low IQ if you do not think the physical makeup of each person's brain does not contribute significantly to their ease in retaining/applying concepts.

Ubercopenmaster. IQ only matters to a certain threshold for engineering majors, i.e., below 100 IQ, people will struggle with the course. In addition to this, you'll only be able to utilize your max IQ potential if you're not dragged down mentally by the weight of your emotions. I've had many classes in ME and AE where I've never had to "study", prepare or revise, I learned everything within the classes I attended and I got A+s for all of them, where every other verified high IQ/ distinguished CGPA tier student barely passed (D) or failed, YES FAILED (E). This was because I didn't have depression and anxiety at the time (ignorant/bluepilled about this world) and It turned out many of the students lacked a fundamental understanding of mathematics and calculus, crucial for all engineering students which I was very good at.

I've also struggled with classes, where I prepared like a dumbass for days with complete understanding of the subject matter only to get mediocre grades and where the normies I knew tested well despite partying all night before the exams. Once such a exam was over and my anxiety dropped, I went over exam questions which I perceived as tough only to find out that I let anxiety and panic get in the way of an easy score.

I'm not even high IQ, tested 140 many years back. A free mensa IQ test I took very recently rated me at 125, interpret it however you will. IQ has fuckall to do with your success in engineering or STEM for that matter, unless IQ < 100. IQ is a composite of many skillsets like spacial reasoning, pattern recognition, memory, verbal, numerical, analytical etc., some people overwhelmingly excel in one skill more than others. It doesn't necessarily mean you'll do well in all engineering majors, each of which are unique in difficulty and complexity. How will you know your true mental strength if you're never able to use it to its fullest in the first place?

Bear in mind even the brains of low IQ people if exploited and not throttled in any way will be capable of high IQ stuff. I've known people who've memorized (photographic memory) entire books, novels etc. down to exact page numbers, it doesn't mean they're intelligent. I've known people who've recalled and recollected information instantaneously, it doesn't mean they're intelligent. Others have taken a 3rd of time it takes me to complete the same test, again, it doesn't imply intelligence. Those that you consider intelligent have quicker recollection, faster information processing, better approach and photographic memory, ala, core i5, core i7 etc., that's it. Why else are IQ tests always timed?


If you were truly high IQ, you'd overlook being an incel and move on to greater things like Newton and Tesla.
If you were truly high IQ, you'd overlook being an incel and move on to greater things like Newton and Tesla
This is the true ascension we should strive for. Trying to legitimately attract and seducd a femoid in 2018 will just lead to endless misery.
This is the true ascension we should strive for. Trying to legitimately attract and seducd a femoid in 2018 will just lead to endless misery.
You're a virgin old truecel who lives in a dorm full of sexually active people who exclude you.

If I were you, I'd be surprised if I even had the motivation to get out of bed in the morning.
I'm happy I only once set a foot into a university. It was soyed to the rooftops.

After I have seen all these cucks and "21th century" women I was never that proud to be working class :feelsautistic:
I have the same problem too, but because I can never fucking focus or memorize anything, idk why, but I've been lacking motivation for almost 8 years.

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