Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Experiment Who would you like to see considered for mod in the future?

Who would you like to see considered for mod in the future?

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I would nominate @-BrettyBoy-, although that is unlikely to happen
The furthest I have gone with anything associated to this site was modding the Bloc server for a short amount of time recently but @Komesarj89 respectfully decided to unmod me due to a conflict where I felt like I was the middle.
I would also nominate @BrettyBoy He was upfront with his conflict of interest and did a good job during his short tenureship as mod. He's an honest good man! Bretty Boy for mod.
Thanks, bro.
how about @Rhaast ?
It's annoying how common this is. It's such a serious problem in all insular communities and very few people seem to recognize it. It always follows the same pattern. A couple of overly zealous members of the community begin to overly conceptualize and narrow the defining principles of their community and then use these new non-universally agreed upon definitions to call for purges against others. The community then becomes smaller and smaller until it is essentially no more. You see this ridiculousness in white nationalist communities when they start questioning whether Italians or *insert any other European subgroup here* are actually white.

I strongly agree with your approach. It's an endless whac a mole.
we've never included fakecels, its not a new introduction, it's a softening of the rules and the user base rightfully fighting against it
Fakecel has 100 different definitions depending on who you talk to. Talk to a curry, whites are fakecels. Talk to a mayo, bbcs are fakecels. Shortcels say tallcels are fakecels. Then tallcels say it's all about the face.

It goes on and on like this forever. That's why I prefer that the definition of an incel be the simplest one possible that everyone agrees on and is true to the movement's founding principles - If you are a man who wants to have consensual sex and you cannot have it - you are an incel. Simple, easy. Avoids factionalism and endless fighting that serves no purpose but splintering the community.
Thank you. :feelzez:

On white nationalist forums this particular kind of retardation is commonly known as “purity spiraling”. :feelsthink:
we've never included fakecels, its not a new introduction, it's a softening of the rules and the user base rightfully fighting against it
There’s been no softening of the rules.

We simply disagree about two particular users is all.

Your side holds delusional views that tell you mentalcels don’t exist, while Elliot Rodger is proof positive that they infact do or at least did in his particular case. :feelsugh:
There’s been no softening of the rules.

We simply disagree about two particular users is all.

Your side holds delusional views that tell you mentalcels don’t exist, while Elliot Rodger is proof positive that they infact do or at least did in his particular case. :feelsugh:
If you think that the idea of "mentalcel" rests on whether or not Elliot Rodger was good looking, because "mentalcel" means their looks aren't the issue, but their personality and other psychological issues, and by calling ER a "mentalcel" means his looks aren't the issue at all and we can throw out lookism as a consequence, then it's GIGA OVER FOR THIS PLACE.

There's no point in having these discussion about mentalcels anymore, then. Just update the forum's FAQ and delete the threads on "mentalcels," because you're claiming that people who don't think mentalcels exist are just straight-up delusional.

Next up: femcels are real. I'm calling it.
If you think that the idea of "mentalcel" rests on whether or not Elliot Rodger was good looking, because "mentalcel" means their looks aren't the issue, but their personality and other psychological issues, and by calling ER a "mentalcel" means his looks aren't the issue at all and we can throw out lookism, then it's GIGA OVER.

There's no point in having these discussion about mentalcels anymore, then. Just update the forum's FAQ and delete the threads on "mentalcels," because you're claiming that people who don't think mentalcels exist are just straight-up delusional.

Next up: femcels are real. I'm calling it.
There's that famous temper heh heh. :feelshehe:

Well don't go anywhere friend and just cool your jets for now because believe it or not even though you don't desire to be a mod I'm cooking up an idea involving inspiration from Halo 2 that involves you that might make both of us happy about this issue. :feelzez:

Await the new rules friend, await. :feelsthink:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmv3njTpjC8
All we want from you is to ban good looking guys, braggers, trolls, fags and bluepilled retards. There’s more groups probably but if these listed are banned, that’d be fine. It’s so easy to get rid of them yet you keep protecting them.

All the OG users, who have built up a good reputation and contribute to the forum well want these types of users gone as well. These guys have been here and gone through shit on the forum for years and still remain here. Don’t you think you should value the opinion of these users.

If users who have drastically different beliefs such as Dregster, Uggo, Based_meme, RREEE, ThoughtfulCel, BlkPillPres etc all agree on something then man:feelskek:

Why are you listening to fakecels who brag and lie all time instead of users who actually discuss properly and try to contribute to the forum

Allowing these users is an insult to you, me, and every one here who is ugly/short and get no attention from anyone irl and have almost nothing/no one in life. This forum pretty much the last thing actual incels have and allowing braggers, fakecels and trolls will take away one of the few things that gives people like us joy in life.
Did you complain about knajjd being here?

If not your opinion on this subject is invalid as is anyone else's who complains about the mentalcel's presence.

Again though I'm attempting to come up with a feasible solution to make both our sides happy and no your side is not an undisputed majority as you may think.

You guys are simply the loudest is all.

There's types like that in all forums and once again they're known as "purity spiralers" and this usually destroys a forum not helps preserve it.

Great definition on this from urbandictionary:​

A social ratchet effect within a community. A process of moral outbidding, unchecked, which corrodes the group from within, rewarding those who put themselves at the extremes, and punishing nuance relentlessly.

Not to be confused with 'virtue signalling', 'woke culture', or 'online mobs'.

A purity spiral can contain all of these things, but it is defined by the fact that it takes place in a defined community or society, where being purer-than-thou is always being rewarded, and holding a divergent, 'less pure' opinion is normally punished, a dynamic which leads to an inevitable escalation as only the most extreme can 'win'.

Could be anything, from Mao's Red Guard, to Neo-Nazis, to The Crucible, to Instagram knitting.
After Louise denounced Nike as bourgeois, the village fell into a purity spiral where first Nikes, then all sneakers, then all shoes, and later, socks, were burnt on a pyre by the villagers.

Foot amputations followed in the Spring.
by pizzleswizzle January 30, 2020
@Fat Link sorry to unsheath my sword like this, but the next dice waifu reveal will be a week late for you if you don't make me mod
best to hand power over to those who don't want it, give mod powers to the next GrAYcel that joins
Did you complain about knajjd being here?
he was a turbomanlet at 5'2 and severely on the spectrum. Had He been 6'1 then, yes, I would have had problems with him like I do other users on the site.

You can't compare "slightly shy" tallfag moggers who obviously use this site just to brag to knajjd.
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There's that famous temper heh heh. :feelshehe:

Well don't go anywhere friend and just cool your jets for now because believe it or not even though you don't desire to be a mod I'm cooking up an idea involving inspiration from Halo 2 that involves you that might make both of us happy about this issue. :feelzez:

Await the new rules friend, await. :feelsthink:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmv3njTpjC8

An arbiter. I don't know whether to be hopeful or worried at the idea. Though I do appreciate the thought, it won't matter as I'll be taking a bit of a break and let the chips fall where they may instead of trying to shuffle them on the table. A few month's time is geologic time when we're talking about the internet. I hope that my (and others') doom hysteria is just that, but time will tell.

Sure even if we do allow mental”cels” can you stop telling them to stop fucking bragging all the time. Even if they’re allowed here can the latter be at least be a suggestion for a middle ground.
literally! the incessant bragging of fakecels on this forum is the absolute worst part of them residing here. what happened to actually warning and banning braggers?
literally! the incessant bragging of fakecels on this forum is the absolute worst part of them residing here. what happened to actually warning and banning braggers?
Just report them to me and I will castrate them myself should there be sufficient evidence to punish them with no questions to be had :society:
27 (in less than 6 hours) matches of @Moeggels is not enough?

Also, him admiting that he isn't physically an incel
Collect evidence for future references then PM them to me and be active on reports so I can see when he does it on actual time and punish him accordingly :society:
Collect evidence for future references then PM them to me and be active on reports so I can see when he does it on actual time and punish him accordingly :society:
I already linked the thread where he says that.

Here is the thread of his likes:

I didn't get matches yet because I didn't start swiping. I have 50 likes but I have to swipe on them too for it to be a match.

he didn't even get a warning for this bragging.

Idk, I have 60 likes, but I only matched with about half so far. I messaged 2 girls, none replied. I made the mistake of waiting days before I started swiping so i’m sure some forgot about me IF they even thought I was good looking at all.
I’m think of deleting my tinder altogether though because the only photo I have with my face is so autistic and shit looking. I cringe at the thought of foids coming across it. But I can’t take better ones so it’s over.
@tang ping what do
Remember, he got 60 likes with a shit image, so he could do much better
27 (in less than 6 hours) matches of @Moeggels is not enough?

Also, him admiting that he isn't physically an incel:

you niggas are desperate jfl. Fat Link already knows about that and he's okay with the existence of mentalcels on this forum. getting a few likes on Tinder doesn't mean shit. As you can see i'm still here and i'm a KHHV.

Collect evidence for future references then PM them to me and be active on reports so I can see when he does it on actual time and punish him accordingly :society:
you niggas are desperate jfl. Fat Link already knows about that and he's okay with the existence of mentalcels on this forum. getting a few likes on Tinder doesn't mean shit. As you can see i'm still here and i'm a KHHV.
>Few likes
>27 in 6 hours

Yes bro, you do better than most men, but somehow you are still incel
>Few likes
>27 in 6 hours

Yes bro, you do better than most men, but somehow you are still incel
yes because somehow a foid moving her thumb on her phone screen doesn't result in instant sex :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Crazy I know.
The fact of the matter is that none of my matches resulted in sex.

I even made a profile of my cat once and it got 7 likes in 24 hours.
yes because somehow a foid moving her thumb on her phone screen doesn't result in instant sex :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Crazy I know.
The fact of the matter is that none of my matches resulted in sex.

I even made a profile of my cat once and it got 7 likes in 24 hours.
It shows that they are attracted to you and that you get much more female attention than most men, thus not incel.

But of course you are going to lie and say you didn't ascend, you are not retarded.

Also, you said you were NT enough in a past thread and just didn't have the means (even though you made it sound as vague as possible) to ascend.

How can a 6/10, 6'0 and NT guy be incel? Explain to me, please. What holds you back?

It seems you are here just to mock us and feel superior, since you only talk about how your ''friends'' get laid and how foids give attention to you
It shows that they are attracted to you and that you get much more female attention than most men, thus not incel.
I'm a khhv, so yes, i'm an incel. Worthless attention in the form of a right swipe doesn't mean shit.
Also, you said you were NT enough in a past thread and just didn't have the means (even though you made it sound as vague as possible) to ascend.
More that i'm desperate enough now and somewhat less autistic, yeah.
How can a 6/10, 6'0 and NT guy be incel? Explain to me, please. What holds you back?
No stable social circle and little opportunities as of now. Where do you expect me to find a gf/ hookup? I don't even know any women. I don't go out much, when i'm not at college or the gym i'm rotting on this forum.
I'm a khhv, so yes, i'm an incel. Worthless attention in the form of a right swipe doesn't mean shit.

More that i'm desperate enough now and somewhat less autistic, yeah.

No stable social circle and little opportunities as of now. Where do you expect me to find a gf/ hookup? I don't even know any women. I don't go out much, when i'm not at college or the gym i'm rotting on this forum.

Yes, it's so unstable that you somehow get invited to environments with tons of foids. For sure you don't get invited anywhere, despite you saying the opposite today.

No, you are not an incel and you are not KHHV. It's not worthless, it shows how women feel towards you, it shows that your face attracts them

Yes, it's so unstable that you somehow get invited to environments with tons of foids. For sure you don't get invited anywhere, despite you saying the opposite today.
As of recently. Before that it was 2 years of nothing. From January 1 2020 up until Halloween last year I had such opportunities 3 or 4 times. It's only kicked off a little bit recently but I don't know how long it'll last so i'll have to make the most of it.
No, you are not an incel and you are not KHHV. It's not worthless, it shows how women feel towards you, it shows that your face attracts them
If I wasn't an incel I sure as shit wouldn't be rotting on this forum. And it doesn't matter what women think of me physically because as soon as I open up my mouth whatever may have been there fades. Women hate autistic, awkward, socially inept men.
I'm leaving all PSL forums if I ascend.
If I wasn't an incel I sure as shit wouldn't be rotting on this forum. And it doesn't matter what women think of me physically because as soon as I open up my mouth whatever may have been there fades. Women hate autistic, awkward, socially inept men.
I'm leaving all PSL forums if I ascend.
You being here doesn't prove you are an incel, foids and chads already came here.

You are so autistic that you get invited to parties and go to bars with friends...

If you are going to larp as an incel, at least make a consistent story
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@shii410 @FamilyGuy1999 @Broly no cap
You being here doesn't prove you are an incel, foids and chads already came here.
I can assume that you're a Gigachad just like anyone else here. This all begun because one cunt started spamming every thread about me because he saw a blurry pic of half my face that I deleted shortly after and it was me talking about what surgery I wanna do (which I admittedly shouldn't have done on this forum).
You are so autistic that you get invited to parties and go to friends with bars...
As of recently. My social life was completely dead for 2 years and it was never really there to begin with. Normies get shitfaced every weekend, sometimes more than once.
The less mods, the better
It shows that they are attracted to you and that you get much more female attention than most men, thus not incel.

But of course you are going to lie and say you didn't ascend, you are not retarded.

Also, you said you were NT enough in a past thread and just didn't have the means (even though you made it sound as vague as possible) to ascend.

How can a 6/10, 6'0 and NT guy be incel? Explain to me, please. What holds you back?

It seems you are here just to mock us and feel superior, since you only talk about how your ''friends'' get laid and how foids give attention to you
If a girl says you’re attractive, hot or even cute none of that means anything unless she follows through with it by riding your cock. :feelshehe:

Remember class even the PUA’s regularly hammer this point home to their students… :feelsthink:

“Never pay attention to what a woman says, only what she does ie actions not words”. :feelsseriously:
If a girl says you’re attractive, hot or even cute none of that means anything unless she follows through with it by riding your cock. :feelshehe:

Remember class even the PUA’s regularly hammer this point home to their students… :feelsthink:

“Never pay attention to what a woman says, only what she does ie actions not words”. :feelsseriously:
Exactly this. As much as copers love to deny it, the way you act with the foid plays a huge part in whether she's going to choke on your penis or not.
Foids expect to be entertained. She can easily find some other guy that can actually talk like a normal human being and she'll fuck him.
If a girl says you’re attractive, hot or even cute none of that means anything unless she follows through with it by riding your cock. :feelshehe:

Remember class even the PUA’s regularly hammer this point home to their students… :feelsthink:

“Never pay attention to what a woman says, only what she does ie actions not words”. :feelsseriously:
If plenty of girls started giving hints that they like me and tried to hook up with me, then yes, of course I wouldn't be incel. Women do those things to ugly men, unless they want money or take advantage from his social status.

Those women are liking him and thus trying to hook up with him, so it's not the same as them saying something to make him feel better.

Guy is a 6'0, 6/10 and NT who does better than most men in tinder, this guy isn't an incel by any means.

Also, what happened to @nice_try nomination? He didn't refuse the title, as far as I know
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you niggas are desperate jfl. Fat Link already knows about that and he's okay with the existence of mentalcels on this forum. getting a few likes on Tinder doesn't mean shit. As you can see i'm still here and i'm a KHHV.
me: REAL mentalcel that doesn't brag about tinder likes

you: faggot that nobody likes
Why argue with a troll, his stories are inconsistent and he’s just a normalfag. I bet he exaggerates the positive experiences he has so he can feel better about himself and sees himself as superior to us.

Just like how some incels exaggerate their inceldom to try to fit in more and seem more truecel. Fags like him exaggerate minor experiences to seem cooler:smonk:
It’s basic normalfag behavior:smonk:

honestly even I could get the same reaction from people as him if I shared small attention from foids and exaggerate them to seem attractive:feelzez:

then when someone calls him fakecel it boosts his beta fag low self esteem esteem:feelshehe:

it’s basic human behavior and this fucker thinks he can outsmart us:bigbrain:
Lol sometimes i'm a subhuman, sometimes i'm a Chad, sometimes i'm a fakecel and sometimes I exaggerate. Make up your mind, guys. I don't exaggerate anything and I actually don't talk about stuff which would make me an asshole.
But the fact is that i'm a KHHV. Maybe it's time to start accepting that humans are a social species and being a sperg is a major turn-off. If I wanted to make myself seem cooler than I am then someone would already have leaked a conversation of me saying I live on a 30 million dollar yacht and I fuck supermodels daily, but that has never happened.
You’re a subhuman who tries to larp as a decent looking guy:bigbrain:

if you really were decent looking then girls wouldn’t care about NT:smonk:
tales from the basement. I'm sure have all the real life experience to know that being NT doesn't matter. :feelstastyman: Tell us about your last interaction that proved that.

Also I never called myself a decent looking guy. It's @nice_try that's constantly spamming saying that. I just said that physically there's nothing wrong with me.
major cope, I’ve seen girls play around with non NT guys and say they’re cute, weird in a good way, flirt and touch them. Just accept it that you’re not as gl as you thought you were. NT matters but if you think a chad who’s NT can’t girls, you are a bluepilled retard:smonk::bigbrain:


Thoughts on my Ws against the troll:bigbrain::smonk:
I'm sure you have :feelshaha: I'm not talking about being "le shy" or "a little bit awkward". I'm completely socially inept and I self-sabotage at that too. Or at least I did. I haven't really had the opportunity to do so lately. But since my social life is a bit more active now, I guess i'll see where i'm at soon enough.

And that's a pretty pathetic attempt at getting me to brag and getting myself banned. Try harder.

Also not even talking about myself right now. I've seen guys that got approached by foids who literally offered them to go back to their afterparty (meaning obvious sex) and they fucked it up.
I accept the position
Oreoman a legend



Who the fuck cares:feelshaha:
That’s their problem doesn’t mean they’re incel but to you they are

@kanyepilled look at this fucker thinking he’s so cool exaggerating minor experiences:feelswhat:
Well the guy i'm talking about frequently gets offered sex and asked if he's a model, foids thirst over him on instagram etc.
And well, he made out with 2 landwhales. That's as far as his sexual journey goes.
Alright good for him, he’s fine living his own life, no need to bring him up:feelswhat:
Could you point me to the experiences I have "exaggerated" exactly? Nothing I said was remotely impressive. I'm dying to know, seriously.
True it’s not impressive.

>a girl looks your way in class accidentally
>you make a post on .is about how a stacy stared at you all class long and bit her lips at you and then asked for your number but tou declined cause you’re non NT so truecel as fuck
View attachment 566025

Never happened. Do you have any non-made up posts that I made?
Lordgoro1 , Ultimate choice, Highest possible IQ, blackpilled, and NOT a shitposter! haha, with a unique style obviously. Im even in the incel wiki!

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