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Venting Who here fears women more than hates them?

Do you fear or hate women?

  • Fear

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Hate

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 15 27.8%

  • Total voters


The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
I really fear women more than hate them. I cannot hate a woman more than I hate bears. It's very similar really. I think bears are look like cute, friendly animals. Some girls seem that way too. But you are asking for trouble if you think you can just walk up and be friends with a bear with no bear taming skills. The same is true for women. They are what they are. I don't hate women or anyone really. But I sure as hell FEAR women. I fear them gossiping about me. I fear that they get offended for reasons I can't pick up on. I fear their disappointment at who I am as a human being.

Women have made me feel ashamed for merely being a heterosexual man who voices any opinions whatsoever. And that's why we're here. I don't know why people think we are so dangerous. Most of us are just meek introverted cowards that have never touched a gun, but in reality do not have outlets to voice real opinions. So what you have here is the result of the meek go-with-the flow types really belting it out.
I do fear them, but not because of "rejection" or bs like that. I fear the power that has been bestowed upon them by society. Their ability to take away your job, your social status, your assets in marriage, and ultimately, your freedom.
Why fear, only hate.
I do fear them, but not because of "rejection" or bs like that. I fear the power that has been bestowed upon them by society. Their ability to take away your job, your social status, your assets in marriage, and ultimately, your freedom.
I do fear them, but not because of "rejection" or bs like that. I fear the power that has been bestowed upon them by society. Their ability to take away your job, your social status, your assets in marriage, and ultimately, your freedom.
This is a good point, but my hatred still overrides my fear.
I guess if I didn’t fear them I wouldn’t end up hating them.
Rather hate than fear. I would prefer to live in a world where women do not even exist tbh.
I only fear the women i could initiate a relationship with... If that's even possible. Who knows what kind of person she is. She could very well be a degenerate bitch who just wants my money and Chads cock when i'm not there.
I hate hypocrisy. But i kinda fear females.
I don’t even hate women, but even if I did I would still fear them more. The amount of power women have over ugly men is sickening.
I won't lie, yes, I am afraid of them. I feel like every woman I come across (and I mean every) nitpicks and brutally criticizes every aspect of my appearance and personality.
Hate them because of their personalities. Fear them because of what they can do to you. They can claim you raped them and ruin your life
I'd only be afraid of them if one came at me with a shotgun.
No sense in being afraid of a frail man with with an extra hole or two here and there. & if they speak English I can damn sure communicate with them without having a heart attack if that's what you mean.
I just know it's over so I'd say they FRUSTRATE me.
I hate them for all what they've done to me and the privileges they have. I would fear them if I exposed myself in some way, though. But for the better or the worse, I can't have relationships with them since they're the first ones rejecting me. Even if I love their bodies, I don't have any fear of them, only pure, crude and raw hatred.
I don't fear women the same way I don't fear children.
Why is there no "Both" option
it really depends on the woman
I don't fear women the same way I don't fear children.

Really, I fear children in ways similar to that of fearing women. Some out of control stupid kid runs into your crotch, and you're a pedo sex offender. Definitely more afraid of women though, due to their maliciousness.
Fear women? Jesus Christ, this forum has gone downhill.
where is the "both" option?
Hate them only because they hate me.
Fear them in what way?

Years ago I would have feared talking to girls I found attractive. Now, having approached over 100 of them, that's no longer the case.

They are smaller and physically weaker than us. As such I see no reason to fear them.
I do fear them, but not because of "rejection" or bs like that. I fear the power that has been bestowed upon them by society. Their ability to take away your job, your social status, your assets in marriage, and ultimately, your freedom.
I resent them for their nature more than anything
I do fear them, but not because of "rejection" or bs like that. I fear the power that has been bestowed upon them by society. Their ability to take away your job, your social status, your assets in marriage, and ultimately, your freedom.
This right here, I hate them even more because they can have all this power and fuck any guy that they don't like just because they can
My fears of their political tyranny towards my people outweighs my soul deep dissent with them.
I hate more than fear. I don't fear women, I fear the legions of whiteknights they can summon against me.
Fear? A man fearing women is like a 10 year old child fearing a kitten. Even as a manlet I know almost no foid can harm me physically, and I'm not a social tard so I can take whatever words they through at me, the only power they have is crying to a judge.
I only fear females because they're a superior species according current societal law.

I think I hate females more, though. I really really really hate females.
When I was a teen or in my early 20s I used to get nervous as fuck around women. Now I don't fear or feel anxious at all. Though they do trigger a supplication instinct I always have to suppress. If a woman asks me for help and a man asks me for help, I have to resist the urge to want to help the woman more, because my biological nature tells me to give the woman more attention. I've gotten pretty good at equalizing and reducing this though so I'm pretty equitable.

I feel like if you are truly used to things and past caring (as much as is humanly possible) you should be able to just see people as people and not think about it. Like how you feel after you just finish fapping and your mind is sexually neutral. I would prefer that to be my mindset most of the time.

It's no one's fault but random chance and genetic/life lottery that I ended this way. The only thing I hate women for is their racism/heightism and the fact that they are always lying about it. I would rather they are honest.
I only fear God

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