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Who else here has done a lot of cold approaches (100+)



Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
Nov 7, 2017
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.

I did a lot of cold approaches in the mid to late 2000s good few in the early 2010s, and a small handful (maybe 50 or so) in the mid to late 2010s.

Personally I regret it. I also regret asking out girls in my social circle back in the 2000s as I later would find out I was burning bridges and getting a bad reputation by doing so.

But it would be interesting to hear from any others, especially zoomers, who have had a lot of rejections.
No because i don't wanna end up in prison
no cold aproach for your face
I’m too nervous to talk to a foid. Idk what I would even say, and surely she’d be revolted by me :feelsrope:
No because i don't wanna end up in prison

Yeah if I did as many cold approaches in 2024 that I did in the 2000s, I would probably get into legal trouble.

The worst thing that happened to me as a direct result of cold approaching was getting knocked out once, and getting kicked out of a mall.
in what alternate universe is that a small number

I mean for an oldcel like me, 100 is a tiny number for total lifetime rejections. There were single months alone where I easily racked up that many.
Most people here cant talk to a mid foid for 2 seconds let alone cold approach random stacies
Most people here cant talk to a mid foid for 2 seconds let alone cold approach random stacies
I never really approached any stacies. I usually went for sub5 women, as I was self-aware enough to realize I was sub5, but at the time I didn't fully understand juggernaut law, so a lot of the women I approached were sub3 even.
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.

I did a lot of cold approaches in the mid to late 2000s good few in the early 2010s, and a small handful (maybe 50 or so) in the mid to late 2010s.

Personally I regret it. I also regret asking out girls in my social circle back in the 2000s as I later would find out I was burning bridges and getting a bad reputation by doing so.

But it would be interesting to hear from any others, especially zoomers, who have had a lot of rejections.
Many approaches with intentions and cold ones but none of them did worked. You only risk to get ass kicked or being accused of harassament.

I don't talk with foids anymore, I don't intersct with foids if don't have to. Foids are just talkative dumpsters. :dab:
20 and I tried it. Some weren't so bad and yielded a conversation at the moment, but it never went beyond that. I never got a hug or a kiss on the cheek. Recently I complimented a woman's hair at the bus stop and she complimented my hair back too, it was lifefuel. One good thing over 40 approaches doesn't invalidate the looks of disgust and displeasure that a woman gives you. Numbers games is partly true, if you approach too many, some of them will compliment you, at the very least; Also I've never been on a date with a woman before. I won't stop approaching bc my life is boring and making this shit is funny to me
I did. Probably an additional 300 or so online from soystagram, soychat, soybook, and soyumble.

100% rejection rate. All it did was make me want to kill myself.
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.
I disagree, I think it's a lot especially when you consider that we all had a 100% rejection rate.
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.

I did a lot of cold approaches in the mid to late 2000s good few in the early 2010s, and a small handful (maybe 50 or so) in the mid to late 2010s.

Personally I regret it. I also regret asking out girls in my social circle back in the 2000s as I later would find out I was burning bridges and getting a bad reputation by doing so.

But it would be interesting to hear from any others, especially zoomers, who have had a lot of rejections.
Why do you regret it? As long as you don’t get arrested it seems like you don’t lose anything, idgaf if I burn bridges with some dumbass foids.
Zero, it's actually illegal where I live.
These days I'm more into making cold cases.
I've only done a few so far bc I just started recently during fall/winter so I didn't have a lot of opportunities, but I plan on doing way more when it gets more sunny and I am NEET again.

Now if even that doesn't allow me to ascend then I know that I'll have no other choice than to accept my truecel status.
I get ignored from trying to talk to ugly women. I try to talk to them with a question or try to introduce myself, they flat out ignore me or move away. I am not even considered human
Where do you cold approach?
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.

I did a lot of cold approaches in the mid to late 2000s good few in the early 2010s, and a small handful (maybe 50 or so) in the mid to late 2010s.

Personally I regret it. I also regret asking out girls in my social circle back in the 2000s as I later would find out I was burning bridges and getting a bad reputation by doing so.

But it would be interesting to hear from any others, especially zoomers, who have had a lot of rejections.
no cuz i got rejected before even speaking to a foid
I get ignored from trying to talk to ugly women. I try to talk to them with a question or try to introduce myself, they flat out ignore me or move away. I am not even considered human

Yeah, a lot of my approaches went down that way.

Where do you cold approach?

I don't approach at all anymore, but back when I was cold approaching I did so at malls, bars, clubs, coffee shops, house parties, etc. Day game rejections were WAY worse than night game rejections, though in 2024 night game is completely dead.
I've given up on cold approaching because I can do without false accusations, last couple times I even considered something similar it turned out the girls I was eying up were preteens, luckily I found out before moving in. It's not my fault, they were adult female height, had breasts and were dressed like whores so how was I meant to know?
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.

I did a lot of cold approaches in the mid to late 2000s good few in the early 2010s, and a small handful (maybe 50 or so) in the mid to late 2010s.

Personally I regret it. I also regret asking out girls in my social circle back in the 2000s as I later would find out I was burning bridges and getting a bad reputation by doing so.

But it would be interesting to hear from any others, especially zoomers, who have had a lot of rejections.
100 is a lot
I'm going to keep it real with you as a huge blackpill dosage.

I used to cold approach foids. Even managed to have somewhat decent convos with some. I haven't in years anymore and at this point feel nothing but absolute hatred and disgust at foids as a whole.

Each time I had the misfortune of talking to one, they were the most braindead, vapid, retarded and barely sentient "creatures" I've interacted with. Holy shit, just remembering it makes my blood boil. They cannot think on their own, they cannot hold a conversation without the guy constantly putting in 500% to get an answer, they have no creativity, depth or any kind of interesting features.

In a way, I can understand why Chads only see them as cum receptacles because I have never had a convo with one longer than 3 minutes without feeling the urge to blow my fucking brains out. At some point I realized that if she isn't spreading her legs, a foid literally has nothing of value to offer me. And even for most of them, trying to have some vapid, shallow convo about some Tiktoker or Netflix show isn't worth the brain damage sustained for a roastie who's had baby gravy blown inside her by 50 other guys before me.

I'm just biding my time until my savings have reached the amount I want and technology has advanced enough to fully replace those worthless foids and I can get my AI powered, life sized silicone Tharja doll who can at least talk about interesting topics.
no i dont do that retard shit
I did about 20 cold and 20 warm approaches.

This was in the late 90's and early 2000's when cell phones didn't exist yet, and nobody was really getting into serious trouble for talking to foids in public, except if she was some gangster's cocksleeve or something.

Nowadays it is prohibitive.
Not nearly 100, but after a few you can tell when a women is going to say no. Or at least, I don't lack the introspection to continue doing that shit. Haven't in a long time, I'd be nervous as fuck nowadays, esp since I could kicked out or banned from IRL establishments I visit.
i have done well over 1000 cold approaches IRL.
It's to risky nowadays.
Even in small towns you'll get called a weirdo'creep just for approaching women.
I get ignored from trying to talk to ugly women. I try to talk to them with a question or try to introduce myself, they flat out ignore me or move away. I am not even considered human
Same for me, bro

I don't approach at all anymore, but back when I was cold approaching I did so at malls, bars, clubs, coffee shops, house parties, etc. Day game rejections were WAY worse than night game rejections, though in 2024 night game is completely dead.
Interesting. Can you give an example of a bad rejection you got? Did you ever get some reciprocation, even something mildly positive?

They cannot think on their own, they cannot hold a conversation without the guy constantly putting in 500% to get an answer, they have no creativity, depth or any kind of interesting features.
Foids are retarded, but lack of effort is just because they're not attracted to you. Watch a video of Chad approaching (as in, a good-looking guy, not necessarily a PUA) and you'll see it's night and day.
I never tried to cold approach and I probably never will. It's just a humiliation ritual and an ego boost for the foid you are approaching.
I've never done so. :bigbrain:
for cold approach “loopholes” i’ve resorted to incidental creativity by frantically observing say, the quiet foids i had a tweak in tugs or ringing with their distance to me. something like an oblivious unelicited duration for only the mental glimpse to slosh and what catapults like suspended communication between the distance intended by the way i never planned to bump into them. well in those past minor incidences i intended for them to display a startle, anything at all. a great risk but the ones that look like they’re spiritually repressed when they’ve been so much as crossed online to encompass personal sexual morality that pretend to be behaviorally cultured or wary in a futile manner to adjust themselves to the lower radical plane of interpretative existence. the ones that lock their other camel shmeenina in a vague chastity cage when they go out. they tend to present nothing to real time moorings that impact their sufficient questionability but that nothing specifically translated to me as an untapped frequency to the foreign sentimentality i knew to be true. i believed this was far more than any chance i had going for me yet it only worked as far as you’d think, thereafter rubbing my brisk gait with the gap briefly closed to theirs anyway
Probably somewhere between 200-300

In Minecraft
for cold approach “loopholes” i’ve resorted to incidental creativity by frantically observing say, the quiet foids i had a tweak in tugs or ringing with their distance to me. something like an oblivious unelicited duration for only the mental glimpse to slosh and what catapults like suspended communication between the distance intended by the way i never planned to bump into them. well in those past minor incidences i intended for them to display a startle, anything at all. a great risk but the ones that look like they’re spiritually repressed when they’ve been so much as crossed online to encompass personal sexual morality that pretend to be behaviorally cultured or wary in a futile manner to adjust themselves to the lower radical plane of interpretative existence. the ones that lock their other camel shmeenina in a vague chastity cage when they go out. they tend to present nothing to real time moorings that impact their sufficient questionability but that nothing specifically translated to me as an untapped frequency to the foreign sentimentality i knew to be true. i believed this was far more than any chance i had going for me yet it only worked as far as you’d think, thereafter rubbing my brisk gait with the gap briefly closed to theirs anyway
Meds. Now.
I know 100 isn't a lot, and it certainly wasn't a lot back in my day, but I'm setting the bar lower since I know zoomers don't cold approach because it's borderline illegal now.

I did a lot of cold approaches in the mid to late 2000s good few in the early 2010s, and a small handful (maybe 50 or so) in the mid to late 2010s.

Personally I regret it. I also regret asking out girls in my social circle back in the 2000s as I later would find out I was burning bridges and getting a bad reputation by doing so.

But it would be interesting to hear from any others, especially zoomers, who have had a lot of rejections.
depends on your definition of cold approach. Some people categorize having manners as a cold approach jfl. I've tried doing PUA style cold approaches and they made me realize how stupid the act is. It's like saying your social life/circle is so bad, that you have to resort to approaching random people like a bum in hopes that one will accept you. You know it's over when you feel like you have to cold approach
Waste of time. My first cold approach ended with “I didn’t come out here to talk to MEN” and that was that.
It's to risky nowadays.
Even in small towns you'll get called a weirdo'creep just for approaching women.
Small towns are even worse in that respect because there will be a higher chance of being recognized and it will take even less time to get rejected by all the potential candidates.
an ego boost for the foid you are approaching.
Cope for socially anxiety cels.
If you've ever tried to talk to foids you would know they get insulted if approached by a guy they consider far "beneath them". Even on social media there are posts of foids complaining how it makes them insecure that an unattractive guy "thought he had a chance". If you are a genuine truecel, hitting on them is how you damage their ego.
Why else do you think they are making this shit illegal?
Cope for socially anxiety cels.
If you've ever tried to talk to foids you would know they get insulted if approached by a guy they consider far "beneath them". Even on social media there are posts of foids complaining how it makes them insecure that an unattractive guy "thought he had a chance". If you are a genuine truecel, hitting on them is how you damage their ego.
Why else do you think they are making this shit illegal?
Fair point.
interesting. Can you give an example of a bad rejection you got? Did you ever get some reciprocation, even something mildly positive?

"Ew!" I got this one A LOT during night game

"why is your face so busted?"

"no one likes you"

"go home and drink some rat poison"

Something mildly positive? I had some decent conversations and got some numbers, but the numbers were often fake. Even if I got a real number, they never wanted to meet up.
Each time I had the misfortune of talking to one, they were the most braindead, vapid, retarded and barely sentient "creatures" I've interacted with. Holy shit, just remembering it makes my blood boil. They cannot think on their own, they cannot hold a conversation without the guy constantly putting in 500% to get an answer, they have no creativity, depth or any kind of interesting features.
i assure you, this is so real. Foids are the most boring creatures on earth. Based Brocel, needs to be pinned:bigbrain:
Like 25

Enough to know that I have absolutely no chance, and that continuing to try would basically be like banging my head into the wall
Zoomers probably don't cold approach as much due to the dominance of online dating, plus it's not as socially acceptable nowadays. People are more insular than when we grew up
Lol. That's just brutal. Why didn't you answer back?

Because I know how the real world works.

Not only is there the fact that I'm a man and she's a woman and talking back to a woman in public is never a good idea, but I'm the one who approached her. Talk back in a situation like that and the absolute BEST case scenario is you just come off as a loser who's butthurt about getting rejected. Worst case some white knights fuck you up.
I did well over 5,000 +

Essentially PUA was a 'thing' to mask your autism - because autistic discrimination
is rampant in the west. This was the thing they tried to do. Other 'normies' were too
scared about approaching women on the street, so it was considered different.

Did you guys know that 50% of offenders in a UK prison are neuro-divergent?

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