Parent´s should provide for their children like Rich Kids parents do because we never asked to be born and now because we are poor we are forced to work or go to school to get a student loan to survive so our parents actually put us in this situation because if any of us had rich parents we would be rich kids who never had to stress about how to be able to pay for bills, food or things to cope with.
That said I am actually ashamed to leech of my parents like I had to last month because I didn´t get any money from the government, I feel bad because my parents are poor too and they are really the most loving and supporting parents ever and do everything they can to help me out when I need it and they also gave me the best childhood imaginable so needless to say I love them very much.
- But even so I still believe the most responsible thing is only to have kids if you´re rich thus having the financial ability to provide for them not necessarily to the extend that Rich Kids parents do where their children have designer clothes worth thousands of dollars or diamond jewelry but at least provide them with a good apartment, nice car, and money to cope with like so they can buy whatever food they like and a new PC if they need that.