Don't know why? I would imagine this feeling is pretty universal here.
I hate everyone I see.
I hate seeing sunglass sluts walking, head held high, with their ass stuck out for Chad's delectation. I hate seeing backwards hat fratniggers ("fuckin knuckledragging BMW rich daddy fag thinks he's hot shit"); I hate gymcelled manlets ("fuckin Napoleon complex cocky rat"); I hate skinnyfat 6'6" beardchads ("fuckin beanpole oaf queer").
I hate GQ Changs.
I hate skateboarders.
I hate middle-aged sports fans going through their third divorce.
I hate hipster twinks.
I hate backpacker hiphopheads.
I hate lifted truck 80 IQ shitkickers.
I hate chronically unemployed ghetto loiterers.
I hate garrulous homelesscel lunatics.
And I hate everything with 3 penetrable holes.
Someday a real rain, etc.