The Satoru Iwata of
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- Jul 10, 2018
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Man i absolutely go feral for stupid women like this
There is something so sexually attractive in rough fucking a stupid woman for example look at this. She says hes 5'5 and repeats her height which is 5'5 it after he asks her again when hes clearly a head taller than her. Man if i was chad i would look her up and rough fill all her holes...
I saw this post and had to write my own separate post explaining in detail why as much as it frustrates me, I really want fuck no good nasty sluts, and 'proper women' dont really exist to me. In some ways this makes me no better than a whore that only fucks badboys that just got out of prison, but the only difference is that I would HAPPILY still desire and fuck a 'proper' woman (though there is no such thing). A whore that only fucks badboys is STRICT AS FUCK in their chad-only policy.
It all goes back to the need for power, DOMINANCE. Because we are fucking beta nerd virgin losers. it's really only the sluts that drive us wild, because they are all tease and no action for us, it is in fact harder for us to fuck some slut in a tube top with an 80+ body count than it is to get than actual virgin women and we know it, because a stupid vapid whore that only thinks in dick sizes is much more likely to reject us than some fat woke virgin bitch who might give an autist a chance. A showy slut is like a completely different species from us. THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING WE CAN RELATE TO ON ANY SORT OF PLANE AN AUTIST CAN GRASP OUTSIDE HATRED, FEAR, AND INADEQUACY. The harlot stops us dead in our tracks, we can't say anything. And with the fat woke bitch, because we neither desire nor fear her, at least there is a possibility of some kind of engagement, even if it's a hostile one. Like with the they/thems you can at least talk about gender, politics, art, video games, you can wildly disagree about things, but at least you are engaging, there is a semblance of ideas being exchanged although it's antagonistic and can feel like playing chess with a piegeon at times. At least a chessboard is there, and pieces are being picked up, at least there is an idea of a game that started. These non-binaryish femoids are the type of vagina havers who are capable of platonic engagement. But with the scrunch shorts hoe, there is constant sexual engagement.
And when I say they/them, how ironic it is, in a period of time when gender roles are GROSSLY NEBULOUS, that some 'vagina-havers' can identify as MEN; that it's THE SLUT that actually appreciates their vaginas. That it's the slut that understands the POWER OF THEIR VAGINA ARE WIELDS PRIMALLY, FEARLESSLY, AS THOUGH THEY ARE THE GATEKEEPERS TO THE HUMAN SPECIES. AND FOR ALL THE HOARDES OF CHADS THEY LET THRU---- ITS NOT YOU ---- ITS NOT YOU. And as insane as all this sounds, every fuck to her made sense. BIOLOGICAL SENSE. 6'5 BLUE EYES FINANCE FINANCE.
'Proper' women don't fucking exist. It's a shifting goal post that is tied to our innate and spiritual inferiority. There will never be a proper woman because we will always cope and rationalize why she doesn't exist, when at the end of the day, the only goalpost that hijacked our minds rent free 24/7 was the dumb fucking whore in a thong.
You can't even utter one sentence she could comprehend. it's like locking up a panther with a tortoise. Different species incapable of meaningful interaction. There is only ONE possible interface when it comes to a SLUT, and that interface is CHADS COCK, and you dont have chads cock-- its that simple nigger. AND ITS SO FRUSTRATING, because what we want, is simply what we can't have. She has all the power. Her TIME is WORTH something. OUR TIME IS WORTH LESS THAN NOTHING. DOESN'T THAT MAKE YOU A LITTLE SUICIDAL AS A MICROPEEN HAVER????
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