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RageFuel Who do you think was the worst fakecel to have ever been on this site?

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK I SWEAR YOU that using VST photos i can get more than 100 MATCHES in LESS than ONE WEEK.

Wanna make the experiment?? :)
In Brazil? In Rio de Janeiro?

VST pics will match with like 80% of the girls minimum.
Fontaine. because he was a kike. disillusioned should get the axe next for being a normalnigger, or least impersonating one.
his avatar makes me want to throw my monitor across the room
his avatar makes me want to throw my monitor across the room

Hey don't hate on Alain Delon
Even if he was fake af, I'll miss Fontaine tbh.
@SergeantIncel that damn Chad!

I bet girls bang him for account approval ;)
Black people. They have the biggest advantage regardless of looks.

Truestcels are IT lurkers.
VST looks like an incel, maybe not a truecel fucked for life, but he sure isn’t a Chad.

but than again what can you expect from a Nov 2018cel

Used to be on Incels.life at first, then Braincels, followed by Incels.me, and now I just joined here.
VST will probably always remain the worst.
He bragged so much about how much girls liked him without getting perma banned, it took way too long for the mods to get rid of him. That's not even taking into account the fact that he looks like a total Chad.

And what's worse is that there are users here who look exactly as good as him, like Ledgemund.
There's probably even more Chads who haven't been unmasked yet cuz no ones seen pictures of them.
This place has a higher concentration of Chads than The Bachelor.
I’m not defending him for when second, if you read my post you’ll see that I said that he doesn’t belong here.

I’m critiquing the absolute state of how people rate people here, I mean this place might as well be fucking r/rateme. That guys nose is NOT ideal and I’m not the only one who has picked up on it.

Yes his jaw is strong but his chin is rounded and looks recessed from that front pic. Not a massive deal as Chico’s chin isn’t ideal and he’s still a legit Chad.

However this guys eyes look assymetrical, have upper eyelid exposure and are relatively close set. This guy is above average but by no means a chad or even a chadlite. He would not turn heads in a nightclub.

Compare him next to orb (an actual chadlite) and you’ll see the difference and how hard he gets mogged.

I don’t defend fakecels for one second, I’m just calling out the blatant overrating that occurs on this forum.

VST is a CHADLITE. "He would not turn heads in a nightclub." You clearly have LOW to ZERO experience in nightclubs.

I agree with you, most people here cannot rate for SHIT, but you are one of them.
Black people. They have the biggest advantage regardless of looks.

Truestcels are IT lurkers.
Nov 5, 2018
Brazil is brutal, got absolutely destroyed when I tried tinder there. Obviously VST mogs me so he will do a lot better but I think 80% is unrealistic even for a chad there.

Can’t understand how anyone could slay there unless they were really top tier.
Tried with your own pics or chadfish? Weren't you 2/10?

Brazilian girls are ugly, mostly nonwhite but have high standards anyway. But I think not as high as German or American girls.
Own pics and got nothing after ~300 swipes

Get the same results in Western Europe and America too
If you're really 2/10 that's to be expected :feelsbadman:

I'm 4/10 and my results were the following: I had like 3 matches with fat and ugly chicks after a bazillion swipes and all ignored me. I was using my absolute best pics from the time I was gymcelling hard and less bald.
The worst fakecels are the ones that manage to slip through the cracks, we'll never know they are fake. The worst fakecel is likely one of the members here for whom you'd never doubt to be a fakecel.

Fakecels usually give themselves away either by making constant "more incel than thou" posts or by posting :bluepill: bullshit.

But yes, the ones who are smart enough to stay hidden piss me off because they're normies and Chads who are exploiting incels' pain to make themselves feel better about whatever shallow, superficial shortcomings they have in their privileged lives.
Would have said whogivesafucc if this thread was posted a couple of days ago, but now considering genecel allegedly posted videos of him banging a female with his 8 inch dick he takes the cake.
VST looks like an incel
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Brazil is brutal, got absolutely destroyed when I tried tinder there. Obviously VST mogs me so he will do a lot better but I think 80% is unrealistic even for a chad there.

Can’t understand how anyone could slay there unless they were really top tier.
LOOOOL stop tripping man, 6/10 and WHITE is enough to slay in Rio de Janeiro.

Im born and raised in the city, most slayers that i knew in my life were NOT EVEN chads, they were just above average looking white guys.

Tried with your own pics or chadfish? Weren't you 2/10?

Brazilian girls are ugly, mostly nonwhite but have high standards anyway. But I think not as high as German or American girls.

LOL brazilian girls are ugly since when??? To think like that you need to have HUGE standards O_o
VST will probably always remain the worst.
He bragged so much about how much girls liked him without getting perma banned, it took way too long for the mods to get rid of him. That's not even taking into account the fact that he looks like a total Chad.

And what's worse is that there are users here who look exactly as good as him, like Ledgemund.
There's probably even more Chads who haven't been unmasked yet cuz no ones seen pictures of them.
This place has a higher concentration of Chads than The Bachelor.
Goddamn!!! He mogs me SO MUCH....
Like I said to the last idiot; fuck off faggot.
View attachment 65503 Here's the weak chin you faggots were trying to pretend exists.
Again, you retards will call anyone incel. If Jeremy Meeks posted here "B-b-but he's norwooding and has a weak chin" (VST chin mogs the shit out of him lmao).
You're right he would actually be a LEGIT GIGACHAD at my school
LOOOOL stop tripping man, 6/10 and WHITE is enough to slay in Rio de Janeiro.

Im born and raised in the city, most slayers that i knew in my life were NOT EVEN chads, they were just above average looking white guys.

LOL brazilian girls are ugly since when??? To think like that you need to have HUGE standards O_o
I have very low standards and I think Brazilian women very ugly on average. Racemixing decreases looks considerably IMO, and Brazil is heavily mixed.

In Germany I just had to go to the corner of my street to see gl young foids, here I sometimes walk miles without seeing them. And I live in Paraná, mind you. Rio is even worse, I have been there.
I have very low standards and I think Brazilian women very ugly on average. Racemixing decreases looks considerably IMO, and Brazil is heavily mixed.
N mano se vc axa as mulheres brasileiras FEIAS os seus padrões são altos ué, ou um ou outro.

Olha as minas lá da Índia, Thailândia, Indonésia e compara com as BR's pra tu ver a diferença
VST will probably always remain the worst.
He bragged so much about how much girls liked him without getting perma banned, it took way too long for the mods to get rid of him. That's not even taking into account the fact that he looks like a total Chad.

And what's worse is that there are users here who look exactly as good as him, like Ledgemund.
There's probably even more Chads who haven't been unmasked yet cuz no ones seen pictures of them.
This place has a higher concentration of Chads than The Bachelor.
This is fucking revolting, this guy can slay in any country with whatever race of foid he wants, he easily can have a 7/10 gf and with some effort this guy can have a 8/10 to like him, it's unbelievable how truecels are banned quickly from here and chads like this guy can stay so long in the forum
In Brazil? In Rio de Janeiro?

VST pics will match with like 80% of the girls minimum.
Esse cara provavelmente poderia até trabalhar na próxima malhação se duvida

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