Dude, don't take what I'm about to say personally, I actually think you're a very smart user and you're being honest, but saying that ethnics don't suffer because you don't see them suffering is equivalent to women saying that incels don't exist because they believe all men are having sex. There are women out there who genuinely think a man can't be incel. That's why studies and data are important, we can't operate at foid's level.
I'll you give a personal example: I'm tall (6'2) and I always thought height wasn't a big problem and most manlets were exaggerating, since I saw some manlets dating very attractive women, my experience lead me to believe this specific pill was just a meme. If I let my personal experience dictate my views, I wouldn't believe in the height pill at all, but after I decided to take the black pill for real, I saw studies, personal experiences of shortcels, comments from women about height, and so on. Now I just can't deny that height is important, I'm still incel, but I'd rather be incel and tall than incel and manlet. The same goes for race.