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Discussion To some degree I kinda understand white male rage and sympathize with whitecels



Jul 20, 2023
Tbh being a white male isn't without it's benefits and perks but there are some really shit things about being a white male(especially a white incel) which many deathnics turn a blind eye too. I will kinda point out the shit a white dude would have to deal with these days.


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.


Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.


The final attack Jews have on whites is the attack on their bodies. Being surrounded by chemicals, being FED estrogenic chemicals through tap wated, being forced to eat either fast or soyfood, being denied mother's milk due to new Soy baby formula(in Curryland the concept of Baby Formulas is unknown and 99% of young mums lactate enough to feed their babies. I drank my own mum's milk for nearly 4 years). It was legit a massive culture shock moment for me to discover women in America feed their babies some sort of formulas and not breastfeed them. In Curryland curry grandmas have propagated that if a baby isn't breastfeed he will be weak and stupid as an adult and low t if male and it's kinda the norm. Being constantly fed goyslop fast food due to the West's mind boggling fast food culture, lack of mother's milk and estrogen in tap water have reduced T levels, sperm counts and I believe are the reason behind the rise of Femboys, Cuckholdry culture and increase in LGBT culture.


Whites often promote miscegenetion because their foids are the most desired foids in the world and deathnic males are just dying to get a piece of that. It's like you have something insanely valuable and everyone out there is trying to steal it away from you. Off course that will make you aggressive and angry. On Tiktok, Instagram I see so many Deathnic males making "White women are now dating [insert ethnicity] guys only, it' over for white bois" content it's actually pathetic. Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger. There would legit be parties of curries breaking into the homes of such creators and massacring them there if such vids were made about currywhores. And these same niggers will cry about racism in other videos. Tbh whites guys atleast aren't wrong in their hate of deathnic males, especially blacks who make such content the most.

These are some of the shit a mayo deals with these days and in the coming days I think stuff like these will only grow. As a Curry male I shouldn't really care much but I guess in a sense I feel sympathy for whitecels ? Ultimately I think if whites get eradicated I will zero issues. This world only rewards strength and cunning and if whites lack that and are not willing to fight back they are clearly inferior to kikes.
being denied mother's milk due to new Soy baby formula
This is probably the most underestimated failure in upbringing, especially considering how easy it is to fix it. Still doesn't beat genetics, but it plays a crucial role in development.

Not sure to what extent cumskins are affected compared to other races though.
Some interested folks
@DarkStarDown @Govid_Dorious @wereq
This is probably the most underestimated failure in upbringing, especially considering how easy it is to fix it. Still doesn't beat genetics, but it plays a crucial role in development.

Not sure to what extent cumskins are affected compared to other races though.
Giga important for your early developement tbh
Whites adopted liberal consoomerist feminist mentality and brought all this upon themselves.
What about your favourite Russian Slavs ?
Soviets gave Russian women feminist rights. Still, Slavs overall are not at risk of total cultural collapse like the Anglos.
Tbh being a white male isn't without it's benefits and perks but there are some really shit things about being a white male(especially a white incel) which many deathnics turn a blind eye too. I will kinda point out the shit a white dude would have to deal with these days.


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.
most migrants in Europe do the jobs that locals don't want to do so they're filling a labour shortage, the elites keep bringing them to inflate asset prices for the greedy the boomer generation, many Gulf countries are around 70% curry but nobody is saying it's the jews and Turkey hosts most of the MENA refugees from the recent wars not the European countries. so elites are the problem here not the jews, you could say jews make up a huge chunk of the elite but it isn't the overwhelming majority

Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.
they dont have to mateguard them because white women racemix the least if you look at the numbers

Whites often promote miscegenetion because their foids are the most desired foids in the world and deathnic males are just dying to get a piece of that. It's like you have something insanely valuable and everyone out there is trying to steal it away from you. Off course that will make you aggressive and angry. On Tiktok, Instagram I see so many Deathnic males making "White women are now dating [insert ethnicity] guys only, it' over for white bois" content it's actually pathetic. Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger. There would legit be parties of curries breaking into the homes of such creators and massacring them there if such vids were made about currywhores. And these same niggers will cry about racism in other videos. Tbh whites guys atleast aren't wrong in their hate of deathnic males, especially blacks who make such content the most.
irrelevant because they racemix the least, instagram isn't reality either, there's more miscegenation happening the other way around (white males with ethnic foids), the only reason those videos exist in the first place is people go monkey about a rare occurrence but in reality it doesn't happen much
These are some of the shit a mayo deals with these days and in the coming days I think stuff like these will only grow. As a Curry male I shouldn't really care much but I guess in a sense I feel sympathy for whitecels ? Ultimately I think if whites get eradicated I will zero issues. This world only rewards strength and cunning and if whites lack that and are not willing to fight back they are clearly inferior to kikes.
don't feel sorry for them, not even ricecels either, our own situation is MUCH worse than any of them (we only have it better than niggers, that's it), don't shed a tear for anyone else but your own kind.
Soviets gave Russian women feminist rights. Still, Slavs overall are not at risk of total cultural collapse like the Anglos.
What do u smoke, out countries are a corrupt shitholes, where man either drink themselfs to death or commit suicide, slavic w0men are the biggest race traitors and golddigers in the world lolololol.

the biggest population drops are in eastrean Europe.
white women have the least children and highest average body count, in that sense whites are the worst off. many ethnics live in traditional societies and can even get arranged marriages. i remember a while back a curry user on here posting a picture of a 15 year old virgin his parents were willing to set him up with, all this despite him whining about jbw.
You completely forgot that White men are denied high paying jobs in favor of non Whites. It's a ploy by Jews to exterminated Whites. By giving non-White men high paying jobs, they are hoping White women go for them instead of the White guy, often they hire White women along side the non Whites.
Our university applications are denied in favor of Hispanics and Blacks, our job applications are denied by anti White algorithms in favor of non Whites.
Bank of America favors non White home buyers.
Whites are the angry natives being forced to watch at gunpoint as their women fuck other races of men and openly destroy themselves, their families, and civilization.
We compete with the world's poorest in the job market, and the world's riches in the housing market.
There is nowhere where we can exist alone together in peace.
All the women are traitorous sluts, we aren't allowed in a lot of places, and we can't afford anything.
And our border is non existent, our replacements come in by the hundreds of thousands and we are hunted to death if we try to defend our border.
There's no point in trying. There's nothing here to care about.
white women have the least children and highest average body count, in that sense whites are the worst off. many ethnics live in traditional societies and can even get arranged marriages. i remember a while back a curry user on here posting a picture of a 15 year old virgin his parents were willing to set him up with, all this despite him whining about jbw.
slavic w0men are the biggest race traitors and golddigers in the world
Remember what you are fighting for bros :feelsPop:


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most migrants in Europe do the jobs that locals don't want to do
Europeans don't want to do them because they don't pay enough...because there is a surplus of cheap labor...because of immigrants.
Fucking tard
Europeans don't want to do them because they don't pay enough...because there is a surplus of cheap labor...because of immigrants.
Fucking tard
keep crying privileged scum, everything in life is handed to you on a silver platter yet you guys still cry about it
I'm not a cracker, so i can't really empathize, they still mog me
If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women).
I turbo fetishize ethnic foids. Over.
You completely forgot that White men are denied high paying jobs in favor of non Whites. It's a ploy by Jews to exterminated Whites. By giving non-White men high paying jobs, they are hoping White women go for them instead of the White guy, often they hire White women along side the non Whites.
Our university applications are denied in favor of Hispanics and Blacks, our job applications are denied by anti White algorithms in favor of non Whites.
Bank of America favors non White home buyers.
Whites are the angry natives being forced to watch at gunpoint as their women fuck other races of men and openly destroy themselves, their families, and civilization.
We compete with the world's poorest in the job market, and the world's riches in the housing market.
There is nowhere where we can exist alone together in peace.
All the women are traitorous sluts, we aren't allowed in a lot of places, and we can't afford anything.
And our border is non existent, our replacements come in by the hundreds of thousands and we are hunted to death if we try to defend our border.
There's no point in trying. There's nothing here to care about.
Funnily enough only Chinks and Curries have the calibre for high paying jobs and yeah white women aren't fucking them. Spics and Nigs brag about masculinity but in reality they are just too stupid and retarded for any intellecual work.

Do you have any source that Whites aren't being given high paying jobs ?
Funnily enough only Chinks and Curries have the calibre for high paying jobs and yeah white women aren't fucking them. Spics and Nigs brag about masculinity but in reality they are just too stupid and retarded for any intellecual work.

Do you have any source that Whites aren't being given high paying jobs ?
Whites are more than capable of doing jobs given to curries and chinks.
Whites are being pushed out of the lowest and highest paying jobs.
Even that famous asain millionaire tech YouTuber TechLead Show said he wouldn't recommend his son go into tech because the highest paying companies hire based on race, not skill or experience, they want to replace even their chinks with niggers.
I forgot the pic but Whites are discriminated against in university acceptance, and especially in med school acceptance, second only to asians.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MBA/comments/16z1654/unpopular_opinion_white_male_students_are_the/


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Whites are more than capable of doing jobs given to curries and chinks.
Whites are being pushed out of the lowest and highest paying jobs.
Even that famous asain millionaire tech YouTuber TechLead Show said he wouldn't recommend his son go into tech because the highest paying companies hire based on race, not skill or experience, they want to replace even their chinks with niggers.
I forgot the pic but Whites are discriminated against in university acceptance, and especially in med school acceptance, second only to asians.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MBA/comments/16z1654/unpopular_opinion_white_male_students_are_the/

Wow holy hell what a cucked country Murica is. Literally pure nigger worship culture. Apparently according to the replies even chinks and curries are non enough melanted for these companies. Shit and here I was wishing to go to the United States. Is there no place in this world where a man can make a honest living without discrimination of some sort ?
Quality thread, bumping

Tbh I kind of see no solution for whites except for if they truly do become a minority in their own countries. And I mean an extreme minority, like a having-to-fight-off-rabid-ethnigs-everytime-you-leave-the-house minority.

They’ll need to form gangs, communes, and other such groups in order to beat back the ethnigger threat, that’s the only way I can see whites regaining their balls enough to fight a race war for their survival
They’ll need to form gangs, communes, and other such groups in order to beat back the ethnigger threat, that’s the only way I can see whites regaining their balls enough to fight a race war for their survival
That's why Jews feed them Goyslop and estrogen water. To reduce T levels and discourage such activities. Also white women being completely ignorant and complacent about these things doesn't help. Bitches don't even wanna breastfeed their kids :feelskek:
That's why Jews feed them Goyslop and estrogen water. To reduce T levels and discourage such activities
They feed that to everyone though. Pretty sure Atrazine in tap water affects the whole of America, and obesity rates are actually significantly higher in blacks & spics than whites

The picture for whites certainly looks bleak, but all hope is far from lost
Wow holy hell what a cucked country Murica is. Literally pure nigger worship culture. Apparently according to the replies even chinks and curries are non enough melanted for these companies. Shit and here I was wishing to go to the United States. Is there no place in this world where a man can make a honest living without discrimination of some sort ?
Man that only scratches the surface. I sat through an orientation training video for a Toyota job, in the video the White guy was walking and saw another White person and shook his head upset. Then it showed him walking and seeing a Black person and smiling. I was the only White person in the orientation class. We are taught even in job trainings that "too many White people is bad"

The worst part is that nearly all manager positions are given to women, and usually non White women, sometimes non White men (usually Black or Hispanic), and these managers boss around and completely abuse White men in the workforce. Young White men are dropping out because they are just tired of getting bossed around by women.
And the abuse of the government is approaching Soviet Union level. You have to be careful what you say or they'll send a swat team to assassinate you (Waco, Ruby Ridge). I hear from farmers that the government is spraying herbicides on their crops to kill them, and that the chicken feed is being spiked with something to make chickens sterile.
I see guys in Japan buying a week's worth of groceries for $25, when those same food items would cost me $80.
Stay out of the US. You won't be left alone here. If you own land the government will sometimes put up a bunch of cameras and put a tracking device on your car and if you notice, you can't legally do anything.
Cops are allowed to steal property from poor people and pretend it's part of an investigation, and only the rich can afford to go to court and win back their things.

I don't care anymore, I was rejected by my race, I have no father and my race treats me like shit. I'm thinking of moving to Paraguay and living off grid. Literally anywhere else, the food will be cheaper and healthier and the people will treat me better.
Tbh being a white male isn't without it's benefits and perks but there are some really shit things about being a white male(especially a white incel) which many deathnics turn a blind eye too. I will kinda point out the shit a white dude would have to deal with these days.


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.


Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.


The final attack Jews have on whites is the attack on their bodies. Being surrounded by chemicals, being FED estrogenic chemicals through tap wated, being forced to eat either fast or soyfood, being denied mother's milk due to new Soy baby formula(in Curryland the concept of Baby Formulas is unknown and 99% of young mums lactate enough to feed their babies. I drank my own mum's milk for nearly 4 years). It was legit a massive culture shock moment for me to discover women in America feed their babies some sort of formulas and not breastfeed them. In Curryland curry grandmas have propagated that if a baby isn't breastfeed he will be weak and stupid as an adult and low t if male and it's kinda the norm. Being constantly fed goyslop fast food due to the West's mind boggling fast food culture, lack of mother's milk and estrogen in tap water have reduced T levels, sperm counts and I believe are the reason behind the rise of Femboys, Cuckholdry culture and increase in LGBT culture.


Whites often promote miscegenetion because their foids are the most desired foids in the world and deathnic males are just dying to get a piece of that. It's like you have something insanely valuable and everyone out there is trying to steal it away from you. Off course that will make you aggressive and angry. On Tiktok, Instagram I see so many Deathnic males making "White women are now dating [insert ethnicity] guys only, it' over for white bois" content it's actually pathetic. Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger. There would legit be parties of curries breaking into the homes of such creators and massacring them there if such vids were made about currywhores. And these same niggers will cry about racism in other videos. Tbh whites guys atleast aren't wrong in their hate of deathnic males, especially blacks who make such content the most.

These are some of the shit a mayo deals with these days and in the coming days I think stuff like these will only grow. As a Curry male I shouldn't really care much but I guess in a sense I feel sympathy for whitecels ? Ultimately I think if whites get eradicated I will zero issues. This world only rewards strength and cunning and if whites lack that and are not willing to fight back they are clearly inferior to kikes.
After the Jews have destroyed white men completely they will then come for Asians and other ethnics.((((They)))) use niggers as weapons to destroy civilizations.
Maybe that's why Arabs are so enraged with these niggers and there is racial tension between them in europe
That's why Jews feed them Goyslop and estrogen water. To reduce T levels and discourage such activities. Also white women being completely ignorant and complacent about these things doesn't help. Bitches don't even wanna breastfeed their kids :feelskek:
Since when have w*men cared about things longterm? Men should have zero expectations from these creatures
This is probably the most underestimated failure in upbringing, especially considering how easy it is to fix it. Still doesn't beat genetics, but it plays a crucial role in development.

Not sure to what extent cumskins are affected compared to other races though.
Scumciety doesn't even pressure females to breastfeed.
Why they want to produce sick and weak babies?
Fucking normscum degenerates.
Man that only scratches the surface. I sat through an orientation training video for a Toyota job, in the video the White guy was walking and saw another White person and shook his head upset. Then it showed him walking and seeing a Black person and smiling. I was the only White person in the orientation class. We are taught even in job trainings that "too many White people is bad"

The worst part is that nearly all manager positions are given to women, and usually non White women, sometimes non White men (usually Black or Hispanic), and these managers boss around and completely abuse White men in the workforce. Young White men are dropping out because they are just tired of getting bossed around by women.
And the abuse of the government is approaching Soviet Union level. You have to be careful what you say or they'll send a swat team to assassinate you (Waco, Ruby Ridge). I hear from farmers that the government is spraying herbicides on their crops to kill them, and that the chicken feed is being spiked with something to make chickens sterile.
I see guys in Japan buying a week's worth of groceries for $25, when those same food items would cost me $80.
Stay out of the US. You won't be left alone here. If you own land the government will sometimes put up a bunch of cameras and put a tracking device on your car and if you notice, you can't legally do anything.
Cops are allowed to steal property from poor people and pretend it's part of an investigation, and only the rich can afford to go to court and win back their things.

I don't care anymore, I was rejected by my race, I have no father and my race treats me like shit. I'm thinking of moving to Paraguay and living off grid. Literally anywhere else, the food will be cheaper and healthier and the people will treat me better.
You should move somewhere else brocel. No need to live where you feel unhappy.
Scumciety doesn't even pressure females to breastfeed.
Why they want to produce sick and weak babies?
Fucking normscum degenerates.
In India Indian mothers usually breastfeed since even Doctors here strongly advise women to breastfeed. A Doc told one of my Aunts that without breast milk my cousin would not develope proper cognitive functioning.
After the Jews have destroyed white men completely they will then come for Asians and other ethnics.((((They)))) use niggers as weapons to destroy civilizations.
Maybe that's why Arabs are so enraged with these niggers and there is racial tension between them in europe
Yeah I heard that tensions between Nigs and Nafris in Tunisia and Morocco are really high. Asians are really tough to crack since they hate dark skin and never compromise their language. In Riceland you gotta speak in Rice language which fends off most migrants.
Based until the last sentence really kinda fd up there overall still good post
Tbh being a white male isn't without it's benefits and perks but there are some really shit things about being a white male(especially a white incel) which many deathnics turn a blind eye too. I will kinda point out the shit a white dude would have to deal with these days.


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.


Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.


The final attack Jews have on whites is the attack on their bodies. Being surrounded by chemicals, being FED estrogenic chemicals through tap wated, being forced to eat either fast or soyfood, being denied mother's milk due to new Soy baby formula(in Curryland the concept of Baby Formulas is unknown and 99% of young mums lactate enough to feed their babies. I drank my own mum's milk for nearly 4 years). It was legit a massive culture shock moment for me to discover women in America feed their babies some sort of formulas and not breastfeed them. In Curryland curry grandmas have propagated that if a baby isn't breastfeed he will be weak and stupid as an adult and low t if male and it's kinda the norm. Being constantly fed goyslop fast food due to the West's mind boggling fast food culture, lack of mother's milk and estrogen in tap water have reduced T levels, sperm counts and I believe are the reason behind the rise of Femboys, Cuckholdry culture and increase in LGBT culture.


Whites often promote miscegenetion because their foids are the most desired foids in the world and deathnic males are just dying to get a piece of that. It's like you have something insanely valuable and everyone out there is trying to steal it away from you. Off course that will make you aggressive and angry. On Tiktok, Instagram I see so many Deathnic males making "White women are now dating [insert ethnicity] guys only, it' over for white bois" content it's actually pathetic. Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger. There would legit be parties of curries breaking into the homes of such creators and massacring them there if such vids were made about currywhores. And these same niggers will cry about racism in other videos. Tbh whites guys atleast aren't wrong in their hate of deathnic males, especially blacks who make such content the most.

These are some of the shit a mayo deals with these days and in the coming days I think stuff like these will only grow. As a Curry male I shouldn't really care much but I guess in a sense I feel sympathy for whitecels ? Ultimately I think if whites get eradicated I will zero issues. This world only rewards strength and cunning and if whites lack that and are not willing to fight back they are clearly inferior to kikes.
As a black dude, all I could say is, MODS! PIN THIS SHIT THIS IS GOLD @
Fat Link
@Fat Link @
@proudweeb @
@Caesercel @
No amount of ESG Blackrock wokie funding in video games and movies will stop ethnic and white women in the West from fawning for Whitey. All these SJW whores are WITH white men as we speak.
Tbh being a white male isn't without it's benefits and perks but there are some really shit things about being a white male(especially a white incel) which many deathnics turn a blind eye too. I will kinda point out the shit a white dude would have to deal with these days.


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.


Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.


The final attack Jews have on whites is the attack on their bodies. Being surrounded by chemicals, being FED estrogenic chemicals through tap wated, being forced to eat either fast or soyfood, being denied mother's milk due to new Soy baby formula(in Curryland the concept of Baby Formulas is unknown and 99% of young mums lactate enough to feed their babies. I drank my own mum's milk for nearly 4 years). It was legit a massive culture shock moment for me to discover women in America feed their babies some sort of formulas and not breastfeed them. In Curryland curry grandmas have propagated that if a baby isn't breastfeed he will be weak and stupid as an adult and low t if male and it's kinda the norm. Being constantly fed goyslop fast food due to the West's mind boggling fast food culture, lack of mother's milk and estrogen in tap water have reduced T levels, sperm counts and I believe are the reason behind the rise of Femboys, Cuckholdry culture and increase in LGBT culture.


Whites often promote miscegenetion because their foids are the most desired foids in the world and deathnic males are just dying to get a piece of that. It's like you have something insanely valuable and everyone out there is trying to steal it away from you. Off course that will make you aggressive and angry. On Tiktok, Instagram I see so many Deathnic males making "White women are now dating [insert ethnicity] guys only, it' over for white bois" content it's actually pathetic. Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger. There would legit be parties of curries breaking into the homes of such creators and massacring them there if such vids were made about currywhores. And these same niggers will cry about racism in other videos. Tbh whites guys atleast aren't wrong in their hate of deathnic males, especially blacks who make such content the most.

These are some of the shit a mayo deals with these days and in the coming days I think stuff like these will only grow. As a Curry male I shouldn't really care much but I guess in a sense I feel sympathy for whitecels ? Ultimately I think if whites get eradicated I will zero issues. This world only rewards strength and cunning and if whites lack that and are not willing to fight back they are clearly inferior to kikes.
Nonsence for hundreds of years white males were fucking none white women. Where do you think all the mixed race children come from worldwide? Go to Brazil, South Africa, SEA, Russia, even in USA negros are only like 60% African.

Your point of white foids desired is not valid because white males will take a noodle Stacy, a negro Stacy, a latina and you know it. Just like Tyrones and Chadpreet bang white foids.

Just wanted to point that out that deathnic lust is not true,its more so that dudes will fuck anything thats the truth, but the biggest lust is the whiteman for none white foids, please talk about that
Tbh being a white male isn't without it's benefits and perks but there are some really shit things about being a white male(especially a white incel) which many deathnics turn a blind eye too. I will kinda point out the shit a white dude would have to deal with these days.


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.


Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.


The final attack Jews have on whites is the attack on their bodies. Being surrounded by chemicals, being FED estrogenic chemicals through tap wated, being forced to eat either fast or soyfood, being denied mother's milk due to new Soy baby formula(in Curryland the concept of Baby Formulas is unknown and 99% of young mums lactate enough to feed their babies. I drank my own mum's milk for nearly 4 years). It was legit a massive culture shock moment for me to discover women in America feed their babies some sort of formulas and not breastfeed them. In Curryland curry grandmas have propagated that if a baby isn't breastfeed he will be weak and stupid as an adult and low t if male and it's kinda the norm. Being constantly fed goyslop fast food due to the West's mind boggling fast food culture, lack of mother's milk and estrogen in tap water have reduced T levels, sperm counts and I believe are the reason behind the rise of Femboys, Cuckholdry culture and increase in LGBT culture.


Whites often promote miscegenetion because their foids are the most desired foids in the world and deathnic males are just dying to get a piece of that. It's like you have something insanely valuable and everyone out there is trying to steal it away from you. Off course that will make you aggressive and angry. On Tiktok, Instagram I see so many Deathnic males making "White women are now dating [insert ethnicity] guys only, it' over for white bois" content it's actually pathetic. Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger. There would legit be parties of curries breaking into the homes of such creators and massacring them there if such vids were made about currywhores. And these same niggers will cry about racism in other videos. Tbh whites guys atleast aren't wrong in their hate of deathnic males, especially blacks who make such content the most.

These are some of the shit a mayo deals with these days and in the coming days I think stuff like these will only grow. As a Curry male I shouldn't really care much but I guess in a sense I feel sympathy for whitecels ? Ultimately I think if whites get eradicated I will zero issues. This world only rewards strength and cunning and if whites lack that and are not willing to fight back they are clearly inferior to kikes.
I’m white but a 1/10 (many people would probably and seriously say 0) and 1.62m
"Unpopular opinion: I'm sympathizing with what other incels feel"
Appreciate you for understanding.

Average white"cel" on this forum
You have my sympathy brocel. Manlet = Hell on Earth
Thanks man. But ironically my looks are worse and more disturbing than my height
Like as a curry male if I saw guys of different races making such videos about Currywhores I would be livid with anger.

Currywhores are low value, they're not worthy of anyone's rage.
Great thread i want to add some things


It is a well known fact that Jews love emasculating and portraying white guys as effete, defeated, impotent and angry losers. BBC propaganda, portraying White women with anything but white guys in movies and shows. You can see a clear difference in shows before the 90s and after it in how white males were portrayed in Hollywood. There are still masculine white protags but there is also an inordinate amount of media portraying them as silly buffons(especially middle aged whites) and effete dudes. Globohomo Jews also push millions of migrants into their country and encourage white women to fuck these migrants. If they dare say anything against this they are shut down. The elites also love to advertise and promote a small minority of white women who love deathnics and hate white men(but as ethnicels we know better than to trust such propaganda don't we ?) in order to create an image that white men are emasculated losers who can't hold on to their women.

Black men are biggest winners of this in terms of pure masculinity, think about it they have porn ( BBC at this point isnt acronym for brtitish broadcast corporation, but for giant black horsecocks ), rap which become very mainstream in western world ( here in slavlands rappers are popular too but are obviously white, but you cant deny that they were influenced by thuggish afro-nig rappers ), sports ( especially in muttlands, but just look at france, england football national teams, france is african nation in this regard hahaha ) and in general enterteiment, just think about will slapping that nigger which i dont remember is prime example of this, blacks with their low inhibity are frontal face of Globohomo.


Deathnics mateguard their foids HARD. You could say ricecels are an exception but Ricecels are allowed to cry entire rivers of rage against WMAF and are often supported in it. They are also allowed to celebrate getting white women without being called problematic or weird. Imagine if white guys ever sperged out about mayofoids dating deathnics like Blacks they would immediately be termed as Racist Inkwells and shut down. If they celebrate getting Deathnic sluts they are fetishisers and problematic(Even though Men of Colour fetishise White women a hundred times more than white men do to ethnic women). If a Mayofoid dates Blacks, Spics, Sand, Chinks, Curries she is celebrated en masse by loser deathnics yet these same deathnics will sperg out if a deathnic whore dates a mayo male and call her white worshipper and fetishiser. You could say those are valid criticisms and I think they are to a degree but I also think it is kinda hypocritical for Deathnics to seethe about Whites marrying their foids while also lusting after white women. Like bruh you just expect whites to stay celibate ? Chinks are especially guilty of this. I don't see currycels hating on currywhores for being JBW nearly as much as Ricecels hate on Noodles for being JBW. Another case of hypocrisy on the behalf of ricecels is hating on white males for sexpatting in their countries but actively participating in and encouraging sexpatting in poor Eastern European countries. Like bruh didn't you hate sexpats ? Poor Slavs never nearly bitch and cry about this like you guys do.


Really only ricemen along with whites don't mateguard just as much, and like you said that they raging against WMAF. As for ethnics...i dont live in western europe but what @Whitefeminineboy said and honestly not only him but entire marriage census and what is indeed posted on social media, it's seems that turks, nafris and in general brown arabs heavily mateguard their foids from for example german or french men. I won't post it here ( cause i dont have link lul ) but i remember on 4chan /int/ there was thread posted by turkish foid about that having german boyfriend ( or husband ? )...you could expect response in replies :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:, it was full of angry turkcels SEETHING and daily reminder that turk-german marriage while rare is nearly always turkish guy-german foid, it was kinda insane to read this.

Back to ricemen...i lurk east asian net and asian american spaces and holy boyo...you just tourched only surface. Ricemen fetishize white women too even in korea there's slang called 'White Horse' which is about having sex with white women. Just look for word ''白人'' or ''백인'' and have fun :feelshaha:

Also im eastern european and it's true for us... asian guys seems to love emasculate slavs...in japanese or korean google when you search russia or ukraine or even my country poland, women from this countries are often searched, and yes when slavs bitch about other men it's always t*rds, araps or blacks never ricemen.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/ita0dcl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/itarzu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

slav women fetishization in filipino thread about foreign women ( highly upvoted btw ), and besides just lurk whole thread hahaaha, it's all about white women

before reddit, 4chan and this forum didn't know that, actually i follow one japanese sex tourist in poland on social media ( he couple times praised polish women... ) he is actually good looking but doesnt fit kpop beauty standards

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzcUL0iMW6D/

CHIGGER :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:



ethnics on friendly terms

@Made in Heaven

ethn*c bastard fakecels



@To koniec you made an entire good essay there kek
Great thread i want to add some things

Black men are biggest winners of this in terms of pure masculinity, think about it they have porn ( BBC at this point isnt acronym for brtitish broadcast corporation, but for giant black horsecocks ), rap which become very mainstream in western world ( here in slavlands rappers are popular too but are obviously white, but you cant deny that they were influenced by thuggish afro-nig rappers ), sports ( especially in muttlands, but just look at france, england football national teams, france is african nation in this regard hahaha ) and in general enterteiment, just think about will slapping that nigger which i dont remember is prime example of this, blacks with their low inhibity are frontal face of Globohomo.


Really only ricemen along with whites don't mateguard just as much, and like you said that they raging against WMAF. As for ethnics...i dont live in western europe but what @Whitefeminineboy said and honestly not only him but entire marriage census and what is indeed posted on social media, it's seems that turks, nafris and in general brown arabs heavily mateguard their foids from for example german or french men. I won't post it here ( cause i dont have link lul ) but i remember on 4chan /int/ there was thread posted by turkish foid about that having german boyfriend ( or husband ? )...you could expect response in replies :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:, it was full of angry turkcels SEETHING and daily reminder that turk-german marriage while rare is nearly always turkish guy-german foid, it was kinda insane to read this.

Back to ricemen...i lurk east asian net and asian american spaces and holy boyo...you just tourched only surface. Ricemen fetishize white women too even in korea there's slang called 'White Horse' which is about having sex with white women. Just look for word ''白人'' or ''백인'' and have fun :feelshaha:

Also im eastern european and it's true for us... asian guys seems to love emasculate slavs...in japanese or korean google when you search russia or ukraine or even my country poland, women from this countries are often searched, and yes when slavs bitch about other men it's always t*rds, araps or blacks never ricemen.

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View attachment 962677


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/ita0dcl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/itarzu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

slav women fetishization in filipino thread about foreign women ( highly upvoted btw ), and besides just lurk whole thread hahaaha, it's all about white women

before reddit, 4chan and this forum didn't know that, actually i follow one japanese sex tourist in poland on social media ( he couple times praised polish women... ) he is actually good looking but doesnt fit kpop beauty standards

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzcUL0iMW6D/

CHIGGER :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:



ethnics on friendly terms

@Made in Heaven

ethn*c bastard fakecels




Worst thing that most of the fetishization and bragging "we fucked your women" comes from lvm males who cant get anything anyway. Its betabuxxing no matter how you turn it.

I personally dont mateguard because it would be hypocritical from me since i would bang any race/ethnicity if i had a chance.

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