Every man who decides to get married in this day and age has indirectly insulted all of us, and basically told us that they think they are better than us, they've seen the stats, they've seen the anecdotes, but they told themselves - "Well I'm not like those InCel/MGTOW/MRA/etc losers, I'm ME, so I don't have to worry about that shit, I'm better than those guys"
Every single guy who is married in this era (well gotten married in this era) has indirectly insulted us, and the fact that they got married is an admission that they think they're better than the average man because - "I'm ME, I won't get divorced, she'll never leave ME, that's for men beneath me, I will do better".
This is why I will never feel sorry for any of the men that gets into these various bad relationship situations, that gets a false rape charge, that get a domestic abuse charge, that get divorce raped, that have to pay alimony and/or child support, etc, because not only are they complicit in the "gynocracy", they were quite alright with all the other men around them suffering so long as they got a piece of the pie, they were COMPLICIT AND COMPLACENT.