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Discussion which trait is impossible for an incel to have?



Sep 14, 2022
some argue that tallfags can't be incel

others that being white or being black

having a big dick, deep voice, whatever

which trait is impossible for an incel to have?
You mentioned it but tall.
I can't believe anyone over 6 feet has trouble getting a girl to have sex with them... maybe 6feet is too short if their face is SUPER ugly and they are super non-nt, but with how much women fetishize height anytime someone tells me they are 6'0+ and incel I can't take it seriously.
It’s impossible for a real incel to have a positive outlook on life. Every bit of optimism and hope has been beaten out of you by now.
Being a tallfag and/or a cumskin.
You mentioned it but tall.
I can't believe anyone over 6 feet has trouble getting a girl to have sex with them... maybe 6feet is too short if their face is SUPER ugly and they are super non-nt, but with how much women fetishize height anytime someone tells me they are 6'0+ and incel I can't take it seriously.
I get why you feel this way, but height isn’t the pussy magnet most people think it is unless it’s paired with other good traits. For example, I’m 6 feet tall, but I have narrow shoulders that don’t look right for my height, my face is 4/10, and I have Asperger’s. I get nowhere with women and I can’t even make guy friends because normies smell out the tism’ and eat nothing to do with me. Never underestimate how much autism lowers your smv. You can only get away with it if your looks are at least 8/10.
Being a tallfag and/or a cumskin.
im 5'11 and white. I know 5'11 isnt "tall" but its basically six feet.

Neither of these traits help you get a foid. Not if you are socially RETARDED and have a deformed face worse than Shrek.
im 5'11 and white. I know 5'11 isnt "tall" but its basically six feet.

Neither of these traits help you get a foid. Not if you are socially RETARDED and have a deformed face worse than Shrek.
If you’re a whitecel and you still haven’t booked a one-way ticket to Bangkok, Pattaya, or Ko PhaNgan and tried your luck, then your inceldom is questionable at best.
If you’re a whitecel and you still haven’t booked a one-way ticket to Bangkok, Pattaya, or Ko PhaNgan and tried your luck, then your inceldom is questionable at best.
If you have to book a flight across the world to get a chance with a foid, you are without a doubt, a truecel. geomaxxing is fake
im 5'11 and white. I know 5'11 isnt "tall" but its basically six feet.

Neither of these traits help you get a foid. Not if you are socially RETARDED and have a deformed face worse than Shrek.
just go after non-white women
If you have to book a flight across the world to get a chance with a foid, you are without a doubt, a truecel. geomaxxing is fake
Cucktears says all inkwells lack confidence
:bigbrain: :yes:
If you have to book a flight across the world to get a chance with a foid, you are without a doubt, a truecel. geomaxxing is fake
I certainly wouldn’t go so far as to say geomaxxers are truecels, but I can sort of agree with what you mean. As a shitskin though, I’m just kind of bitter that whitecels have such an easier time ascending with ethnic women. Shit’s not fair.
just go after non-white women
Tbh as long as you’re white and tall enough, there’s AT LEAST one ethnic female who will be willing to date you.
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If you have to book a flight across the world to get a chance with a foid, you are without a doubt, a truecel. geomaxxing is fake
imagine telling this to a mf in Estonia
that's cope.

theres is no geomaxxing for me since i'm a manlet and swarthy ethnic.

you are not locked in your country. you can just leave and go fuck pussy.
Cucktears says all inkwells lack confidence
The thing is I'm actually a pretty confident person when it comes to stuff I know I'm good at, like at my job I have no problems telling people what to do and taking charge of a situation when I know I'm in the right and it's appropriate to do so.
But what Cucktear-trannies don't understand, is that confidence is informed by past success, for example, would you be confident at bowling if you are constantly getting gutter balls and you can't improve even though you've been trying your best to get good at bowling for 1 year? Having confidence at you abilities to bowl would be retarded at that point, if anyone could have confidence in their ability to bowl after putting in that much effort and still failing they are just delusional and retarded.
The thing is I'm actually a pretty confident person when it comes to stuff I know I'm good at, like at my job I have no problems telling people what to do and taking charge of a situation when I know I'm in the right and it's appropriate to do so.
But what Cucktear-trannies don't understand, is that confidence is informed by past success, for example, would you be confident at bowling if you are constantly getting gutter balls and you can't improve even though you've been trying your best to get good at bowling for 1 year? Having confidence at you abilities to bowl would be retarded at that point, if anyone could have confidence in their ability to bowl after putting in that much effort and still failing they are just delusional and retarded.
Every time a sub 5 male tries to build up the confidence to be outgoing they're called creepy anyways.
im 5'11 and white. I know 5'11 isnt "tall" but its basically six feet.

Neither of these traits help you get a foid. Not if you are socially RETARDED and have a deformed face worse than Shrek.
I wouldn't call whites fakecels. There's good biological reason for one to stick to their own race after all. White + asian is no bueno
You mentioned it but tall.
I can't believe anyone over 6 feet has trouble getting a girl to have sex with them... maybe 6feet is too short if their face is SUPER ugly and they are super non-nt, but with how much women fetishize height anytime someone tells me they are 6'0+ and incel I can't take it seriously.
The part on the face is true for tallcels. I’m just shy of being a tallfag (179cm) and I doubt 3 cms of height would change anything with my face. All the tall guys who are getting girls here have at least average faces and are NT.
Tall height paired with a 6/10+ face and white/black/Latino.

Unless you're extremely carried by height or by face (6'4"+ (6'5"/6'6" in taller areas) or 8/10+ facewise), you need both.
If you have to book a flight across the world to get a chance with a foid, you are without a doubt, a truecel. geomaxxing is fake
A truecel wouldn’t get a chance anywhere. That’s why it’s called a truecel
You mentioned it but tall.
I can't believe anyone over 6 feet has trouble getting a girl to have sex with them... maybe 6feet is too short if their face is SUPER ugly and they are super non-nt, but with how much women fetishize height anytime someone tells me they are 6'0+ and incel I can't take it seriously.
Didn’t we have a tallfag here who got a gf? The guy with the Bateman pfp?
If you have to book a flight across the world to get a chance with a foid, you are without a doubt, a truecel. geomaxxing is fake
A truecel wouldn’t get a chance anywhere. That’s why it’s called a truecel

Exactly. You helped me realize how low IQ that 2024cel’s train of thought is.
some argue that tallfags can't be incel

others that being white or being black

having a big dick, deep voice, whatever

which trait is impossible for an incel to have?
Extreme NTness
You mentioned it but tall.
I can't believe anyone over 6 feet has trouble getting a girl to have sex with them... maybe 6feet is too short if their face is SUPER ugly and they are super non-nt, but with how much women fetishize height anytime someone tells me they are 6'0+ and incel I can't take it seriously.
6ft fag here, I'm a sperg, ethnic, lanklet and sub4. There's a point where height won't save you.
some argue that tallfags can't be incel

others that being white or being black

having a big dick, deep voice, whatever

which trait is impossible for an incel to have?
How would a big D make someone unable to be incel? How would you even use that to ascend? Walk up to some hoes and say "what's up shawty, I'm packing 9 inches" they'd run away from you screaming for the police :feelshaha:

Race is an interesting one because in the west JBB (just be black) is very real, and in SEA jbw used to be very real (but not really anymore since so many whitecels and passport bros are doing it and everybody knows about it)

Tallfags can be incel, but only to an extent. I have a 6ft2 incel in denial brother. 6ft2 is tall but not freakishly tall. I don't think it's possible to be incel once you pass the super tall threshold of 6ft5 or so. I've seen so many ugly guys have so many foid orbiters solely because they're 6ft6

So given these options, I would choose that freakishly tall height is incompatible with inceldom. Assuming, of course, that they aren't also non NT and high inhib and whatnot.

Low inhib tallfag = basically free pussy. At least from what I've seen irl

But at the end of the day I'm not someone who gatekeeps inceldom, so I would never say any trait is incompatible with inceldom. I don't get joy from being "more incel" than others. Everyone is in a unique situation
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How would a big D make someone unable to be incel?
I mean you could probably find some online community where women are seeking out large cocks and advertise on there until you find a taker?
I imagine a 9" dick is enough of a commodity that you could convince some girl to have sex with you, but not really an option for me obviously so I've never tried to find out.
I mean you could probably find some online community where women are seeking out large cocks and advertise on there until you find a taker?
I imagine a 9" dick is enough of a commodity that you could convince some girl to have sex with you, but not really an option for me obviously so I've never tried to find out.
Good point actually, I never thought of that because I had no idea such communities existed. Though I still don't feel like that would be enough to bring you consistent sex or a relationship. Imo I feel like that would only be slightly better than being incel, getting sex once every couple of months solely because you have big pp. You'd still crave love like the rest of us here - you'd probably still feel like an incel even though by definition you're not.

Or who knows, maybe I'm wrong, maybe ascention would bring such a confidence boost that you'd never look back at this site ever again
PSL rating of 6 and up.
if you're a head taller than all the guys in your area you won't be incel
some argue that tallfags can't be incel

others that being white or being black

having a big dick, deep voice, whatever

which trait is impossible for an incel to have?
Having tons of real friends and girlfriends
It’s impossible for a real incel to have a positive outlook on life. Every bit of optimism and hope has been beaten out of you by now.
there is many bluepilled incels, i will go as far to say they are the majority
there is many bluepilled incels, i will go as far to say they are the majority
I agree that the majority of incels are like that, but they must still have some sort of social life with friends to avoid being depressed. Incels like most of the people on here don't even have solid friendships with anyone in real life. When you don't have any friends to hang out with, there isn't a whole lot to do except rot in your room and you will eventually lose the positive outlook on life eventually.
It could be anything really. Even if you're physically attractive you can be so fucked up mentally you can't get laid.
Being a natalist, perceiving humanity and nature in the positive aspect. If you're a true incel, the hatred for normies, chads and toilets is going to inevitably emerge inside your psyche, unless you're a bluepilled retarded cuck
if you're a head taller than all the guys in your area you won't be incel
cope, height is a pre-requisite. Being above 6 ft merely allowes you to be classified as a human in the foid perception, but it does not guarantee you sex.
I mean you could probably find some online community where women are seeking out large cocks and advertise on there until you find a taker?
I imagine a 9" dick is enough of a commodity that you could convince some girl to have sex with you, but not really an option for me obviously so I've never tried to find out.
I'd go as far as to argue that being an incel with a big dick is worse than a being an incel with a small dick. Having a tool that could pleasure any woman but unable to use it. Brutal.
If you’re a whitecel and you still haven’t booked a one-way ticket to Bangkok, Pattaya, or Ko PhaNgan and tried your luck, then your inceldom is questionable at best.
Hilarious that this is the only way for white sub 5s to get laid. I've got to leave my life behind and move to a shitty, sweaty second world country?
Being a tallfag and/or a cumskin.
There are only a bit fewer whites than the general population here. I'm white and 6'0 but it's not enough in my country because it's majority white and people are somewhat tall in general.

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