I am half mizrahi by myself,a lot of jews here do look like arabs,there are lot of russians too. Ashkenazis became a slang word for a “nerds” on our language,they use it for themself too
Israel's one saving grace is that it is not ruled by the human embodiment of cancer that is Ashkenazi Jewry. That said, I've found Russo-Ukrainian Jews, of all Ashkenazis, to be the most morally unobjectionable, though even they suffer from many of the ills of the Ashkenazi condition. I'm assuming that most Ashkenazim in Israel originate from the former Soviet Union, which implies Russo-Ukrainian (tolerable), east German (absolutely Weimar), Polish (subhuman), or Lithuanian (the absolute worst) ancestry.
Sephardis are highly degenerate, but there have been some remarkable figures which I cannot ignore, so my feelings on them are ambivalent. They have the capacity to be civil and forsake tribalism, but caution is advised. (((Sabbatai Zevi))), arguably the worst kike to have ever existed, was Sephardi, after all. Israeli Sephardis tend to be likable compared to their European community, so my dislike of them is limited.
Overall, Israelis are fine provided that they act in the spirit of Herzl (Promotion of mass Aliyah by all means necessary, including the encouragement of anti-semitic sentiments as a means to force international Jewry out of the west, as he had himself suggested) and denounce the actions and existence of the rootless cosmopolitan elite operating outside of its borders. You are definitely preferable to the P*lestinians, by all means, but utilizing your diaspora to impose your national interests on foreign states through scheming, lobbying and other shady practices undermines your efforts.