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Serious Which do you think is better, western culture or ethnic cultures?



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
Both have their quirks. The west has feminism, transexualism, political correctness, etc. Ethnic cultures have religion, superstition, genital cutting, etc. Which is better?
All humans are garbage. Neither are better or worse.
Western as It gives more freedom to individual and is less controlling.
the US has genital cutting too

maybe it's a "grass is always greener" thing since I have no firsthand experience with the negative aspects of it but conservative "ethnic" cultures generally seem better socially. it depends though, shit like the Saudi Arabian legal system is kind of fucked up and China seems similar to the US in terms of materialism and what not
I like liberal democracies and the rule of law. Otherwise I don't really give a fuck, as a genetically inferior person you will always be on the losing end. Always.
Both have their quirks. The west has feminism, transexualism, political correctness, etc. Ethnic cultures have religion, superstition, genital cutting, etc. Which is better?
Bullshit arguement. Because...
feminism, transexualism, political correctness, etc. are recent phenomenons. And ethnics have them too.

And the west still has religion, superstition, genital cutting, etc.
It's like having to choose between prosperity and poverty. I don't think that ethnics escape to western countries for no reason.
Pre 19th amendment western culture
It also depends on where you live exactly.
Only because they've adopted them from the west.

Not nearly as much.
They haven't adopted them.
They're popular among the middle upper class to the upper midddle class.
These are the classes of any society that has a tendency to larp.
It's just a phase. And when these things die out in the west, they'll die in the east.

Where as superstition is there even among SJWs.
Both have their quirks. The west has feminism, transexualism, political correctness, etc. Ethnic cultures have religion, superstition, genital cutting, etc. Which is better?
the west but eliminate feminism, transexualism and PC.
Ethnics. Western Culture is degenerate trash.
The whole religious cope in ethnic culture is bad and the living conditions in general
But i think in ethnic cultures you can still arrangemarriagemaxx being a Subhuman
Traditional western culture is better by a long mile. Most ethnic cultures are meh outside of cuisine standpoint.
Western culture, minus the faggot worship, transsexual admiration, coddling of feral Negroids, and PC police
I just want to have sex
The West, even with all of the SJWs,PC Culture,Feminism etc. I'd rather live in the West with all of the negatives than live in a 3rd world shithole, that has no access to clean drinking water,electricity, safety and security, safe to eat food etc. So I'll always choose the West. I'll be damned if I ever want to go to that shithole Haiti.
All humans are garbage. Neither are better or worse.


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The funny thing about being incel is that you’ll be ostracized in both societies :feelsthink:
Eastern culture is superior.
Everything is shit, just some more shit than other shit.
I hate all cultures equally because I hate humanity
Both have their quirks. The west has feminism, transexualism, political correctness, etc. Ethnic cultures have religion, superstition, genital cutting, etc. Which is better?

I despise western culture with all my vigor if somebody offered me a chance I would betray my country in a instant.
anyone who thinks western society is anything but a cancer is braindead
All cultures have been western raped on a degree.
There is no such thing as ethnic culture
Japanese culture is the best. American culture is Jewified and niggerified. Europe too.
I think only English culture tbh, the rest of the west outside the English world was a shit hole.
But then again, I don't know much about non western cultures, so I'm not a good person to ask.
Nutrition maybe. I betcha shit is loaded with minerals. Still gross though.

Dude you could just make some dish out of the blood, and that shit isn't loaded with anything good, shit is the waste product of the body, what it doesn't need, animal blood and bone marrow is chocked full of the good stuff (remember your blood carries all everything throughout your body)
At this point probably ethnic culture. The West is so materialist that it assumes more money, more freedom (of consoomption) and more consoomer goods will solve any ailment. Obviously they don't - general happiness levels in the USA have been trending downwards since the 1970s yet we have more stuff than ever.

All notions of the good and the bad, virtue (and vice), be they Christian or Classical have been dumped by the wayside during the 20th century. Most people are sick of it, and the austerity post 2008 showed that when you take away people's ability to consoom product - they have nothing else left in their life to look forward to. They polarize, squabble, fill their lives with equally hollow political ideologies.

Ethnic cultures have retained some sense of the common good, of community, of morality, that is not dictated by anonymous market forces. They shouldn't sell out to limitless capitalism and (social) liberalism like the West has.
You know there was a point in western culture (when white males were actually in control) where we didn't have ANY of the shit listed in OP and things worked out fine. Then the eugenics movement was """discredited""" and civilization was doomed to die because of it.
Then the eugenics movement was """discredited""" and civilization was doomed to die because of it.

That brand of eugenics was just biased racism though, what the Chinese are doing is going to normalize eugenics and make it more accepted, because it isn't about killing of specific races, its about everyone simply selecting for traits in their offspring that are desirable, and intelligence will be at the top of that list, the era of basically everyone having a 120+ IQ will be a reality in the next century, from there the rate of advancement will really pick up the pace

The species is really so vile because most of us are stupid, but once it basically becomes mandatory for everyone to be smart (not by force but by circumstance as everyone JUST HAPPENS to be smart) all of the things we hate about human society will begin to fade into history

The more intelligent we become as a species, the less were going to take part in things that are considered to be "degenerate", everyone will be thinking on a higher level, where such base things won't be as high of a priority. They will still be thoroughly enjoyed, but they won't be the be all end all goal and focus of the average human as they are today

I believe even the things that we want to FORCE into existence (enforced monogamy for example) will ironically just come about naturally once everyone is universally intelligent, as a collective society we'd all rationally decide that its for the best that monogamy become the norm

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