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It's Over When are white people going to wake up?



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022

You are literally being invaded, when are you going to snap out of the kike brainwashing and do something about this unironical INVASION.

If ethnics control the world, the human race will go extinct.
View attachment 889356

You are literally being invaded, when are you going to snap out of the kike brainwashing and do something about this unironical INVASION.

If ethnics control the world, the human race will go extinct.
this is england. other white countries (scotland, ireland, poland, other slav countries) are all 99% white and ethnics aren't gonna go there due to how racist they are
Holy shit England always looks so depressing and dull no matter what video is being taken. No wonder they took over half the planet, they needed to see the fucking Sun. :lul:
Holy shit England always looks so depressing and dull no matter what video is being taken. No wonder they took over half the planet, they needed to see the fucking Sun. :lul:
The sun never rises in britbongerland
Normies are braindead cattle. This is what giving women influence does to a country.
Always been saying that giving foids more than an elementary education was a disaster for the human race.
They keep voting for the same parties that allow this. They have what they deserve. This is what neo-liberals do to a continent
the women want more ethnic chads to come so white chad has more competition, higher chance she can actually get a white chad..
It's often Jews behind anti Islamic propaganda (their long term plan to turn that area into what they've turned Europe into) but point taken.

People have woken up. They know exactly what's happening but they're told that any attempt to resist it is Nazism.
Once it's too late

But even the ones who already figured it out are so low IQ and just emotional retards that they could switch back to leftism over a single experience.

Like I have this friend who used to be far-right, he was surrounded by sandniggers in his school, we spend most days/evenings outside because we smoked weed and our parents couldn't know. And we had a lot of hostile situations with these fucking shitskins. That made him and most of us far-right. I was actually still a bit bluepilled back then because my parents were leftist and i liked rap music.
Guess what now that he doesn't have to go outside anymore and just sits in his house all day he somehow convinced himself that "it's not that bad anymore they're just like us now". Also he has this shitskin neighbour who is friendly towards him, which is also the bluepillmachine for these people: their "one based/nice niggerfriend" is enough for a lot of these low IQ people to switch politics instantly.
Mocking Andre Castro GIF by SC Braga

Fuck white people you get what you deserve, whites are the biggest invaders on the planet
View attachment 889356

You are literally being invaded, when are you going to snap out of the kike brainwashing and do something about this unironical INVASION.

If ethnics control the world, the human race will go extinct.
They'll but it's going to be too late by then. Everything comes to an end eventually. I'm giving it 10 years from now

I went to a Canadian subreddit today and you won't believe the hate they've for Indians. It's bottled up and they still dont want to admit the hate due to propaganda, but it's only a matter of time till they snap out.
Fuck white people you get what you deserve, whites are the biggest invaders on the planet
That's because we're better than you not because you didn't want to do the same brownoid. The fact that we kept you alive is a testament to our kindness and empathy probably to our own detriment.
View attachment 889356

You are literally being invaded, when are you going to snap out of the kike brainwashing and do something about this unironical INVASION.

If ethnics control the world, the human race will go extinct.
not Bongistan but for American whites, if the George Floyd riots across the country for months on end weren't enough to convince them to take action, I honestly don't know if anything will make them snap out of it at this point. That should've been the tipping point but they've been acting like sedated cattle this whole time
That's because we're better than you not because you didn't want to do the same brownoid. The fact that we kept you alive is a testament to our kindness and empathy probably to our own detriment.
Yea ? Just don't complain when you get your judgement cracker
Yea ? Just don't complain when you get your judgement cracker
Don't complain when you're back living in a shithole because there are no white people around to keep society going. Also don't complain when jews put you back in chains.
Don't complain when you're back living in a shithole because there are no white people around to keep society going. Also don't complain when jews put you back in chains.
White people created most of the problems we have today we will be just fine when you guys go extinct. Whites are Jews it's controlled opposition.
People have woken up. They know exactly what's happening but they're told that any attempt to resist it is Nazism.
well it is. the problem is whites got brainwashed so hard they can't accept that hitler was right, this has been a thing since hitler came to power hence ww2 happened. if you talk to normies about natsoc germany or hitler without naming specifically they will agree until you mention it and they start losing their shit jfl.
White people created most of the problems we have today we will be just fine when you guys go extinct. Whites are Jews it's controlled opposition.
I doubt you even believe that. Look at how South Africa is doing after blacks took control, they don't even have electricity on throughout the day. Maybe you guys will be happier in a more primitive environment though, as god intended.
Hitler said the triumph of Jewry would result in the end of the human race.

I know many on here don't believe in manmade climate change but I do.
They'll never learn. I tried telling them but they don't want to listen. They will be the first ones who will cry when the once beautiful country they lived in is gone forever
Because, the majority of our race has been brainwashed by the ZOG mass-media.

Ever since WWII, simply even mentioning that whites are struggling in anyway will prompt backlash from most normies, with them labeling you a "Nazi" or "Fascist" or whatever.

My reaction to ever being called a Fascist:

My experience around whites is that the poorest ones are often the hostile race nationalist copers.

Most white normies that make a decent living, have sex regularly could care less about race nationalism and if anything actually dislike anything to do with white nationalism.

Its seen as the really trashy side of whites and if they were decent, would have nothing to do whatsoever in being affiliated with white nationalism.
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