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News Wheat Waffles' parents shocked and dismayed by their son's hateful content.

Lol, redpiller who had a gf is labeled as incel. ULTRA KEK :feelskek:. Media won't touch truecels, reality woud make normies kys themselfs
Wheat waffles is just a fake af grifter. A mighty blemish upon the community
uk tabloid rags love this shit, ranting about us scary inkels while their country is being overrun by 3rd world savages
In one disturbing video, Wheatley says men with “zero value” are more likely to rape.
He is right though. Chris Hansen is about 6ft tall and basically a slightly above average looking white guy. Yet he mogs 100% of the subhumans on to catch a predator. I've never heard of a 6'4 good looking rapist/pedo, doesn't happen if you got good genes.
LMAOO. hateful?

I've watched a lot of wheat waffles videos and that nigga is not "hateful" in the slightest
Hateful content? Umm
What a load of shit. Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of that grifter but they did him dirty in that article.
The media is so fucking stupid, wheat waffles isn't a incel he's just a "blackpiller"
LMAOO. hateful?

I've watched a lot of wheat waffles videos and that nigga is not "hateful" in the slightest
If you tell the truth which is that looks dictate your dating life, you're "hateful."
"Andrew tate incel"
It's good that privileged white normie is finally having some trouble, but the media is still retarded as fuck for trying to portray him as an actual incel
just leave if you hate whites so much
Boomers will never understand. I'm surprised his father is over 70.

This is why you should never show your face when doing videos about incel related topics unless you have some background to protect yourself on. The media will love to spin the narrative to push their agendas.
it's miracle that he doesn't have any health problems due to it

or does he ?
typical boomer bullshit
"Oh no, men are discovering women are actually just as visual as men, and that's sooooo scary!"
A LOT of people stand to lose if men realized this in large enough numbers, including a lot of very, very powerful interests. They sure don't want men to change their spending/working habits! That would upset the entire status quo.
His Dad is probably in on the grift, getting into a newspaper is going to drive traffic to the channel.

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A well-behaved student and outstanding athlete, Sam looked destined to succeed.

However, 150 miles away from the cosy family home in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, Sam was starting to dabble in the dangerous world of incels.

The word “incels” comes from “involuntary celibates” and refers to a group of young men active online who lash out at women for denying them sex and oppressing them.

At Birmingham University, Sam, 22, began devoting hours to making videos about the subculture — linked to hate speech and sexual violence — and eventually dropped out of his studies.

Posting on YouTube, he now spews out conspiracy theories about how women and society are to blame for men missing out on relationships.

In one disturbing video, Wheatley says men with “zero value” are more likely to rape.

In another he goes on to Birmingham University campus to ask female students to rate men’s looks in an effort to back up his claims that women only care about looks.

Dad Laurence, 71, who deplores his son’s sexist views, is exasperated.

He told The Sun: “I’ve heard some of his rubbish and I think it’s crap.

“Do you ever listen to any of his stuff? I haven’t listened to it in a few years now, half of it is misogynistic.

“I don’t know where he’s got all this from, I don’t know why, it’s mad.”

Laurence, a retired pet grooming boss, became even more worried when he found out his son, who has an older sister and younger brother, flew to the US to get advice from a fellow incel.

‘School shooting mentality’​

He said: “Sam is always making these silly programmes and he gets money for it. The idea is they get a following.

“He speaks to this bloke in America about it, they’ve got a thing going, he’s been out there.

“You can get in trouble for this stuff, I’ve told him before it should stop.

“There’s other people getting in trouble for this like the Tate brothers — what a load of crap they come out with.”

@Fat Link pin please thank you. :feelsokman::feelsokman:
People really need to start focusing on the truth content of what’s being said rather than whether or not it’s “”””””hateful”””””””. I don’t give a shit if you think position X is “mean” I care whether or not it’s true. Anyone who side steps that singularly important fact isn’t arguing in good faith.

> “X is racist!”
Ok but is it true?

> “You shouldn’t say that!”
Why not considering that it’s true? Etc

It’s just their “clever” way to “win” when they’re position is wrong.
I need to have a heart to heart with Wheat Waffles about getting doxxed.
I remember the first time I saw his face on video, I thought, fucking idiot, this will fuck him down the line.
You can never undox yourself. Even if someone doxxes you, don't dox yourself.
I always thought he was older, now he's been roasted by mummy and daddy.
View attachment 1146262
Also what's an intervention other than playing matchmaker going to do?
Intervention is when a bunch of your relatives and some hired shitbags jump you and, instead of beating you up, they threaten to write you up on mental health and get you committed to a psych ward. Everyone who stages an intervention deserves to be ERed.
Our :bluepill: boomer parents will just throw us under the bus. :feelsclown:
His gf who likes red-haired men will stick by him, right? She won't ghost him and tell the news Jews he's a school-shooting incel, right?
If he goes ER over this, it'll probably be unprecedented in terms of how big a following he had before doing it.
What godawful parents. Imagine basically saying your son is a terrorist because he reads information and makes youtube videos about it.
Msm casually admits that the Tate brothers are being targeted for political reasons. This is definitely one of the worst articles I've seen.
Are you stupid you mongrel, tate is the MSM, he is a false flag operation to play 5d chess against us with our own ideas, if you can't see that you don't deserve to be here. Also he is a Jewish rat, that alone is enough to despise him
I guess some parents are just very strict. I get drama from my dad too.

Such is life.
Are you stupid you mongrel, tate is the MSM, he is a false flag operation to play 5d chess against us with our own ideas, if you can't see that you don't deserve to be here. Also he is a Jewish rat, that alone is enough to despise him
I didn't say that I liked him, you faggot. My point was that the trafficking charges are a hoax.
He is right though. Chris Hansen is about 6ft tall and basically a slightly above average looking white guy. Yet he mogs 100% of the subhumans on to catch a predator. I've never heard of a 6'4 good looking rapist/pedo, doesn't happen if you got good genes.
They exist but they are treated better than the subhuman pedo, Anyway i despite pedos good looking or not.
I didn't say that I liked him, you faggot. My point was that the trafficking charges are a hoax.
Dude literally says he takes poor women from Romania and makes them do camslut shit for him that's illegal u mongrel, if looking at ai pixels of loli hentai can have you out in prison then that definitely can.
Typical jew media
Everything not aligned with social progressivism and economic conservatism is “conspiracy theory”

Guide to normie animal talking
Wheat is very tame and well spoken yet is trashed like this.
Boomer betrays and undermines his own son in the press for having naughty views so he can get a head pat from kike media. Why are white people like this? My father is a complete loser but if the media roaches paid me money to bad mouth him I tell them to go fuck off and die. How are you going to turn your back on your own son just to satiate some press scumbag who doesn’t give a fuck about you?
I would be proud if my son was a hateful incel even more if he went ER (in roblox simulator)
In one disturbing video, Wheatley says men with “zero value” are more likely to rape.
Doubt this tbh:feelsjuice:.

Our :bluepill: boomer parents will just throw us under the bus. :feelsclown:
The Office Boomer GIF by MOODMAN

Boomers love making fun of or shitting on their own kids to others like it doesn’t look bad on them.

>My son is such a fucking loser.
>Nigga, you literally created him.
Their self-awareness is literally fucking zero. By mocking their children, they’re literally mocking their own genetics/parenting, but it goes right over their head.

Andrew Walker Hallmarkies GIF by Hallmark Channel

It’s like if I was cooking steak, and I burned the shit out of it.

>Hahah, this steak sure does suck, doesn’t it? Hahaha
>This steak should feel really bad about being such a shitty fucking steak
But Mr. Boomerstein, didn’t you make the steak?
>*Autistic boomer screeching*

This is basically all boomers when they complain about how much they hate their wife, kids, job, house, car, and life. I have plenty of boomer co-workers, and any conversation with them is just them bitching about all the things in their life they’re responsible for.
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He’s Blackpilled, but definitely not Incel lol.
Lol the article is a joke. Theyre so out of touch with what incels actually are. Wheatwaffles is a redpilled grifter, with a girlfriend.

Imagine your parents siding with the Jewish narrative instead of supporting you.

Notice how MSM just doesn’t even take the time to think anymore.

They just randomly spam meme tier keywords

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« misogyny »
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« conspiracy theory »

Makes you wonder about the average IQ of their audience.

His dad would be more ok with "onlyfans" daughter than blackpilled son.
True. Foids are held to no standards in boomer's eyes so they get perceived as "progressive" which is just cucked as it can in the long term fuck up the foid's future choosing to be a whore rather than producing grandchildren.
If you tell the truth which is that looks dictate your dating life, you're "hateful."

Boomers love making fun of or shitting on their own kids to others like it doesn’t look bad on them.

>My son is such a fucking loser.
>Nigga, you literally created him.
Their self-awareness is literally fucking zero. By mocking their children, they’re literally mocking their own genetics/parenting, but it goes right over their head.
Yeah I agree. Reminds me of ER's Narcissistic dad in an interview after ER went ER mocking is own son trying to make himself look good despite his lack of parenting contributing to the incident.
How is his content "hateful"? I have watched many of his videos and Tinder experiments, and they are all factually correct.
In one disturbing video, Wheatley says men with “zero value” are more likely to rape.

his father grew up and settled down before dating apps and social media. He can not relate.
The funny thing is that his father is 71, meaning he had Wheat when he was in his late 40s. The mother must have been at least 10 years younger than him. Considering Wheat has a younger sibling, it's possible she was even 15 years younger.

According to normies, Wheat's father having such a large age gap makes him a "creep". It's as if he is trying to compensate for his past "creepiness" now by fighting against the blackpill.

He’s Blackpilled, but definitely not Incel lol.
Normies cannot understand the distinction between redpillers and incels, let alone the distinction between (sexhaver) blackpillers and incels.
“Sam has stopped doing one of his channels. He’s living in Birmingham now. He’s trying to do college. He dropped out previously and he’s trying to do it again.”

Lol, what a loser. Can't even get a college degree, even in an easy major. One of the simplest things to acheive in the west today for anyone with a pulse.
I always thought he was older, now he's been roasted by mummy and daddy.

They are completely indistinguishable from the "my son is a hateful incel and I can't defend him any longer!" copypasta.

:foidSoy: My son is a dangerous online incel spewing out vile misogyny just like Andrew Tate!

:soy: I’ve heard some of his rubbish and I think it’s crap. Do you ever listen to any of his stuff? I haven’t listened to it in a few years now, half of it is misogynistic. I don’t know where he’s got all this from, I don’t know why, it’s mad.”

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