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Experiment What's your opinion on Hitler/National Socialism?


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Wise words, sad story in the beginning. Unfortunately a lot of people are dumb enough to believe an ethno-state is sustainable in nowadays world ... While in the entire history of mankind, it never was.
Exactly! This is what I don't understand either, Henry. The thought of it is merely too bizarre.

What do you think humanity should do?
Exactly! This is what I don't understand either, Henry. The thought of it is merely too bizarre.

What do you think humanity should do?

Haha ... You're asking this to me ?

Well ... If I was dictator of the world right now, my number one priority would be to terraform Mars and conquer our solar system. Why you may ask ? It seems a little bit far-fetched and pure economical suicide ... But who knows ?

When humanities tries to reach greater goals, begin to dream in a brighter future for herself and her children, hope begin to diffuses in all classes and all minds. In our materialistic disenchanted society, I think there's no better lifefuel in existence at the moment. I would preach for the conquest of the greater unknown. It would wake up men's masculine power of will and desire to conquest all over the world while women too could believe in this brighter future with confidence. By the past, religions used to have this kind of effect on the mass, but they had no practical purpose, and no real interest besides keeping social peace. Now, there's actual interest in putting bases on Mars and beyond.

By interest, I also mean economical interest. Obviously, detractors of space conquest would say "Hurr durr, that costs money, you could do better things with it, like repay national debts to bankers, and give all the rest to corrupt charities making profit on people's misery". Yes, that has been done by the past, obviously that works great since there's no misery in the world anymore, and since paying debt is totally not like filling a freaking barrel of the Danaides from which only the super riches take profit. Satellites almost as big as our planet orbiting our giant gas planets in our system are full of precious commodity such as water, methane, carbone, nitrogen, rare metals, etc. And that's just the satellites, the gas planet are 10 times bigger than our world. Now that's an investment I'm willing to make, not only to make some scheckels, but also to serve the people. The state would of course have a monopoly on all this, in the service of the people.

It might cost a lot at the beginning, but the profit in long term would almost be infinite. Conquest of space would be both interesting for our far descendant and for our own self-esteem as a specie. And I'm not even talking about the cultural and scientific advancements that would make us explore in less than a decade.

But I guess I'm a dummy guy. The number one priorities in our today's world are to repay debt (which is dumb : since the states never die, debt never needs to be totally repaid, only partially from time to time ...), gas dissidents/migrants/students and throw bombs on arabs. Ho and also, take profit from its own people to live in a big house under the sun. Yay, I'm totally not understanding our parasitic politicians right now.
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Great leader. I love his nationalism but not his socialism. Nazism is a left-wing political belief, as he seized guns and had universal healthcare, two things I do not agree with
First of all, national socialism doesn't relate to the left right dichotomy of today's political spectrum at all. It is misleading to call national socialism a leftist ideology. Also hitler encouraged gun ownership among ethnic germans, but DID NOT extend certain rights like gun ownership to the parasites like jews, homosexuals, and gypsies.
Honestly he was the best leader in all of mankind's history.
He didn't bow down to bankers interests, and actually fought for the betterment of his people.
FPBP. He only wanted the best for everyone, if we lived in Hitler's Reich we wouldn't be incels because everyone would be in monogamous relationship with their looksmatch.
6 million+ people were murdered.
You really believe this? There arent even records of that many jews in all of germany before the war. Not to mention holocaust denial is completely illegal in 17 countries across europe. None of these facts raise any red flags for you?
JFL at the idiots in this thread.
Nazism = Zionist Frankenstein Experiment. FACT : Without Hitler, Israel would NOT exist.
As a mulatto I am merely appalled and utterly saddened to hear that a man like this ruled half of Europe just a few decades ago. I have been chased by neo-Nazis on my 14th birthday and shopkeepers have told me not to touch their products unless I intend to buy them, even when I only check them in order to check the expiration date. And knowing how many people in the world still believe this kind of discrimination to a kind and noble soul as myself is completely justified... Saddens me to the maximum.

I have always been, I am, and I believe I'll always be treated as a criminal, a rapist, or a killer merely because physically I resemble someone who's done something like that somewhere. I believe blackcels and mixedcels have it even worse than whitecels because we are not being discriminated against only because of our inceldom, but also because of our heritage. Also some people believe it is justified to treat us like animals because our ancestors enjoyed leading a simple, primitive, natural life. I've never felt any kind of anger or disgust towards the natives, whether it's the indigenous people of the Americas or the ones in Sub-Saharan Africa. I believe we should measure every man by the content of their soul instead of the colour of their skin.

I've always been an avid fan of poetry and thus I believe I should end this message with one, too;

I am not my hair, I am not my skin; I am the soul that lives within.
Like it or not discrimination is an evolutionary advantage. There's a reason blacks are discriminated against, they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime. In much the same way humans have evolved to become distrustful of snakes, even though not all snakes are poisonous. The soluation is segregation and isolationism, everything else you posted is simply an appeal to emotion, the weakest of all argumentative tools and most utilized by women
JFL at the idiots in this thread.
Nazism = Zionist Frankenstein Experiment. FACT : Without Hitler, Israel would NOT exist.
Zionism predated nazi germany by almost 60 years. The creation of israel was going to happen no matter what
Like it or not discrimination is an evolutionary advantage. There's a reason blacks are discriminated against, they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime. In much the same way humans have evolved to become distrustful of snakes, even though not all snakes are poisonous. The soluation is segregation and isolationism, everything else you posted is simply an appeal to emotion, the weakest of all argumentative tools and most utilized by women

Zionism predated nazi germany by almost 60 years. The creation of israel was going to happen no matter what
No, Zionism needed the Nazis for it to be successful. You are a useful idiot.
Wise words, sad story in the beginning. Unfortunately a lot of people are dumb enough to believe an ethno-state is sustainable in nowadays world ... While in the entire history of mankind, it never was.
This is simply incorrect, everywhere you find multiculturalism in the world there is tension. The downfall of Rome, one of the greatest empires in all of history was due mostly to too many ethnicities with different interests underneath the same system of government.
No, Zionism needed the Nazis for it to be successful. You are a useful idiot.
Read the protocols of the elders of zion. Nowhere do the jews who planned the zionist overthrow of the west mention nazis and for you to blame the one nation who resisted jewish supremacy for the creation of israel is beyond retarded
Read the protocols of the elders of zion. Nowhere do the jews who planned the zionist overthrow of the west mention nazis and for you to blame the one nation who resisted jewish supremacy for the creation of israel is beyond retarded
Go back to Stormfront if this is the best kind of argument you've got. Neo-Nazis like you on this forum is an utter and absolute joke.
Go back to Stormfront if this is the best kind of argument you've got. Neo-Nazis like you on this forum is an utter and absolute joke.
And if the best argument you got is ad hom then you are just as worthless. National socialist germany was trying to liberate mankind from jewish subjugation, they may have inadvertently caused the creation of israel by losing the war, but this was not at all hitlers intention. The jews needed countries like England and usa to fight against germany (in direct opposition to the long term interests of British and American people) MUCH more than they needed germany whose long term goals were simply to expel the jews and do away with jewish influence on European society
This is simply incorrect, everywhere you find multiculturalism in the world there is tension. The downfall of Rome, one of the greatest empires in all of history was due mostly to too many ethnicities with different interests underneath the same system of government.

Read the protocols of the elders of zion. Nowhere do the jews who planned the zionist overthrow of the west mention nazis and for you to blame the one nation who resisted jewish supremacy for the creation of israel is beyond retarded

There's a simple correlation between multiculturalism in Rome and its fall. Which means : no cause / effect relation.

Several causes though could explain it, among which I place monotheism on the first place, then decadence of the elite, violence from the hordes that didn't belong to the internal cultural diversity of the empire, etc. There was tensions because the Empire was too big while its administration was corrupted from the roots by caporalism and private interests. Actually, the imperial system might have been the worst thing to happen to Rome, since it merely expanded and prospered under the Republic (even though Emperors fetichists try hard to hide that their idols were just punks destroying everything the previous regime accomplished ...).

And Hitler had plans to relocate jews somewhere in a new Israël (the more probable location was Madagascar though) before being influenced by other dignitaries to start the Final Solution.
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And if the best argument you got is ad hom then you are just as worthless. National socialist germany was trying to liberate mankind from jewish subjugation, they may have inadvertently caused the creation of israel by losing the war, but this was not at all hitlers intention. The jews needed countries like England and usa to fight against germany (in direct opposition to the long term interests of British and American people) MUCH more than they needed germany whose long term goals were simply to expel the jews and do away with jewish influence on European society
Do you actually expect me to answer you in a normal manner when you're talking like a Nazi propagandist? Nazis 'liberating mankind' is the funniest joke I've heard all day. JFL that people actually believe this bullshit.
You really believe this? There arent even records of that many jews in all of germany before the war. Not to mention holocaust denial is completely illegal in 17 countries across europe. None of these facts raise any red flags for you?
You're allowed to be skeptical but you're just coming off as some wacky conspiracy theorist neo-nazi.
Hitler was right about the Jews. The Holocaust was wrong though.
Hitler was a sensitive man
He went to art school when he was younger
He liked animals, was a vegetarian and also a non smoker
He hired gay and handicapped officers and he was very concerned about overpopulation
If he was still alive he would listen to The Cure, the Stooges and Depeche Mode
You're allowed to be skeptical but you're just coming off as some wacky conspiracy theorist neo-nazi.
Well you calling me wacky isn't an argument, it's an unmitigated fact that holocaust denial is illegal in 17 countries across europe. Why would these laws be necessary if the holocaust happened exactly as the jews say it did? The fact is that jews are the most privileged people in modern society, they own the entirety of the mass media of entertainment and news, and are the NUMBER 1 promoters of promiscuity and feminism and therefore the most significant reason lower tier guys can't get laid. The fact that there are people here defending jews and their bullshit holocaust narrative absolutely blows my mind.
Do you actually expect me to answer you in a normal manner when you're talking like a Nazi propagandist? Nazis 'liberating mankind' is the funniest joke I've heard all day. JFL that people actually believe this bullshit.
But none of this is an argument so just fuck off. If what Im saying is such a joke it would be easy to dispute so go right ahead
There's a simple correlation between multiculturalism in Rome and its fall. Which means : no cause / effect relation.

Several causes though could explain it, among which I place monotheism on the first place, then decadence of the elite, violence from the hordes that didn't belong to the internal cultural diversity of the empire, etc. There was tensions because the Empire was too big while its administration was corrupted from the roots by caporalism and private interests. Actually, the imperial system might have been the worst thing to happen to Rome, since it merely expanded and prospered under the Republic (even though Emperors fetichists try hard to hide that their idols were just punks destroying everything the previous regime accomplished ...).

And Hitler had plans to relocate jews somewhere in a new Israël (the more probable location was Madagascar though) before being influenced by other dignitaries to start the Final Solution.
Ok, you can write off the fall of Rome to other factors but how then do you explain the other instances where multiculturalism/multi ethnic nations have ended in disaster such haiti, South africa, rhodesia, etc. Multicultarism is unnatural and every instance you see of it ends in disaster
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Well you calling me wacky isn't an argument, it's an unmitigated fact that holocaust denial is illegal in 17 countries across europe. Why would these laws be necessary if the holocaust happened exactly as the jews say it did? The fact is that jews are the most privileged people in modern society, they own the entirety of the mass media of entertainment and news, and are the NUMBER 1 promoters of promiscuity and feminism and therefore the most significant reason lower tier guys can't get laid. The fact that there are people here defending jews and their bullshit holocaust narrative absolutely blows my mind.

But none of this is an argument so just fuck off. If what Im saying is such a joke it would be easy to dispute so go right ahead

Ok, you can write off the fall of Rome to other factors but how then do you explain the other instances where multiculturalism/multi ethnic nations have ended in disaster such haiti, South africa, rhodesia, etc. Multicultarism is unnatural and every instance you see of it ends in disaster

I don't know precisely all the cases you quoted, but I know that the French embargo on Haïti hurted their economy for a very long time after they became independant. This is the main reason of their failing, along with the lack of organization of their first rulers and their ambiguous relation of attraction/rejection with the "french model".

Race is not the main factor explaining everything on everything.
Hitler was a militarily incompetent corporal who lead Germany to ruin. He disregarded the advice of men like Gudarian and Von Mainstein who could have won the war for Germany. He didn't transition the German economy to a full war footing. The National Socialists spent vast resources exterminating people who could have been made to work when they had a severe manpower disadvantage compared to the allies. He sacrificed millions of men in battle for no strategic or tactical gain. Also national socialism is a stupid ideology. You see the problem is the socialism part. I'm mostly neutral on him though. I'm not sure there was much point in the war. We should have left the reds and the Germans to it.
Honestly he was the best leader in all of mankind's history.
He didn't bow down to bankers interests, and actually fought for the betterment of his people.

He also put German women back in the kitchen.
That's extremely small minded of you to say. Sure, maybe you wouldn't be born. Maybe you think that's good. That's one thing. We can look at Naziism in that it gave people loads of jobs - great - but we wouldn't be looking at the full picture: 6 million+ people were murdered.
JFL at believing in the Hollywood produced Holohoax.
I don't know precisely all the cases you quoted, but I know that the French embargo on Haïti hurted their economy for a very long time after they became independant. This is the main reason of their failing, along with the lack of organization of their first rulers and their ambiguous relation of attraction/rejection with the "french model".

Race is not the main factor explaining everything on everything.
So you're saying the downfall of Haiti wasn't the fact that the blacks killed off the french people who built the country up from nothing? Are you implying the embargo levied against Haiti by the french government wasn't justified after entire families, women and children along with the men, were massacred by the black uprising?

Race might not explain everything, but it does explain alot and the fact remains that you cannot get a true understanding of the world without taking race into account.
JFL at believing in the Hollywood produced Holohoax.
This tbh
So you're saying the downfall of Haiti wasn't the fact that the blacks killed off the french people who built the country up from nothing? Are you implying the embargo levied against Haiti by the french government wasn't justified after entire families, women and children along with the men, were massacred by the black uprising?

Race might not explain everything, but it does explain alot and the fact remains that you cannot get a true understanding of the world without taking race into account.

This tbh

Hey I'm french right ? I'm not denying how the things brutally occured there, except for one point : black were treated like objects by their french owners, so no doubt the "slave revolt" became a "racial revolt" : this separation between races was primarly made by a part of the french upper class, and it's their fault if they couldn't stop their greed and appetite for exotic commodities.

The french there (and they were not of the better kind of us) didn't build anything : they were just pushy bourgeois, using black slaves to do everything they wouldn't do, while they could enjoy their easy money under the sun. Moreover, our troubled Revolutionnary France was by the time on the verge of establishing its First Republic. Slavery was abolished in mainland, and there were debates about the situation in Haïti. Guess what ? The local bourgeois made all their efforts to keep their own financial interests to the detriment of the common good, by keeping all the power for them and claiming special privileges regarding slavery locally.

Meanwhile, nobles already had harder things to deal with (lol), so they were not a counter power here. And poor people in France didn't really bother too. Back to Haïti, a better option some deputies came up with was to keep the island under the bosom of the French Republic, but as an independant republic with popular consultations regarding its internal policies (which would mean no more slave work). But it wasn't favored.

The vain efforts of the rich bourgeois owners to keep their tiny privileges ended into their death, and the total loss of Haïti for France. Fuck them.

That's how things happened. Class problems were more important than race in this process. And it was just the result of greed of some stupid bourgeois, over the common good of an entire nation.
neither liked him or disliked him
I agree with some of Hitler's ideas, primarily eugenics. The only issue I have with him is that he implemented it wrongly. He should've targeted subhuman genes in general, not just races of people he deemed subhuman.
Don't believe the lies about hitler


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