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Discussion What’s your guys full honest thoughts on Elliot Rodger?



Side character
Mar 4, 2025
Recently watched a very long documentary on him and am curious of your guys thoughts
Never heard of him.
A misogynist incel. We're nothing like him
Elliot Rodger

Gone but nevER forgotten
I think he would like this forum
Failed Normie
A whiney bitch. A rich, well connected elitist who was a Stacey-only volcel who perpetuated the 'bad personality' stereotype.
Bitch ass nigga wanted only prime stacy, with his status and money could have ascended with a becky
He's viewed moreso as a symbol and whether or not he was an actual truecel is put aside.
I have no idea officer, bad guy I suppose?
Bitch ass nigga wanted only prime stacy, with his status and money could have ascended with a becky
not really, it does sound like he was stacy only but truth is that he was always repelling for foids with his mixed raced face , short height and his very own enemy, the asperger syndrome. That's brutal as fuck man, for you bag a becky you gotta be atleast a hightier normie or chadlite if you have some sort of syndrome or disorder. Mentalpill is brutal and scarier than what most people think it is.
I never cared much. Just remember when it happened and I was on sluthate at the time. Discovered this place to see he is still talked about.
Well, lets go:

His life shows how having a good family could define your life, but his father never cared for him enough to give him realistic and good advices. Elliot was pushed around by both parents and his mother used his unstable mental health to provoke and sabotage his father relation ship with the stepmother ( the only one that tried to teach Elliot how to behave).
Oh and his "friends" dumped him at first sight insted of trying to help when the saw him getting worse.

Elliot just wanted love, he just never understood it. He wrongly idealized female attention as the way to solve his life. Even when he realized how "sexual captalism", where some keep all the power, many must humiliate themselfs for the crumbs and others cant even get it..... Elliot was already drowned in hatred.

I know he had a life of richness that makes him different from most of us but the feelings are not foreign at all.
I dont support his actions at all. He made his choices but this didn´t have to happen.

Having a single person that truly care about you can chance your life.
He's an entitled whiny kid, had a lot of advantages on his life and he could only focus on 1 bad aspect. If i had half of what he had i would be content, but he was so much of a pussy that because stacies did not give him the time of the day did some retarded 'retribution day' in which he killed other incels JFL.

I can't imagine someone more pathetic than him
Failed Mogger chadlite
Way too autistic and kind of low iq. Even if he had a good height/frame he still would've gone ER at some point. Also most unintentionally funny human ever.
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His manifesto is an unreliable narration of his events that makes us want to sympathize wifh him although in actual events it was his fault, aside from bullying that he experienced during his middle school and high school years, a lot of the stuff that happened to him was his own fault. I do though feel empathy for Elliot but his own arrogance got the better of him after he never stopped to question why girls aren't attracted to him, and indeed they were, just not the girls that he wanted there were foids who actually liked him at least after he died, through emails between his family we have seen that his father literally was broke and had to default on credit cards after his disaster of a documentary so he wasn't really rich per say as comparable to his peers who were the sons and daughters of famous actors, musicians as well as other notable people so he felt comparitively lacking.

Elliot was far from trucel he wasn't ugly, but he had nothing to attract girls with so many found him immature and uninteresting so he kinda looked like a faggot, he also had zero friendships as well after James had left him because of his beliefs, that was also kind of his fault. Overall a lot of what Elliot did was his own delusions but he did understand a few things though of course he went the dark route instead because he had no one to help him after his french friend Max had left.
He was a hERo
In the context of this forum, there are effectively two Elliot Rodgers, who are in many ways, antithetical towards each other.

1) "ER" "The supreme gentleman". The fictional memeified fan-canon version who is portrayed as being a blackpilled legend who cares about and is altruistic towards other incels. This "meme" version is generally discussed in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

2) Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger. The real life ER. The bluepilled autist who hated ugly men, thought that he saw "ugly men" with "beautiful women" all the time and who strongly against core pillars of the blackpill, such as looks theory. The man who murdered his incel asian roommates. The narcissist who effectively hated everyone but himself.

Similarly, when normies discuss Elliot, they too discuss a fictional version of him as they think he "started" the "incel movement" and was some sort of "leader" and was strictly misogynistic in his hatred (when in reality he was just a narcissist who hated women, normies, chads, and incels alike).

Anyway it's sort of like blackops2cel. You have the meme version who is like some sort of holy figure who answers your prayers (again, it was all tongue-in-cheek), and then you have Morgan Lahaye, the real life person who was behind the meme, who was just a very unfortunate looking French incel that had people making fun of him on his facebook page, and who deleted his social media once he found out he was an incel meme.
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He was a standardcel and not even blackpilled
I think he would like this forum

In an alternate timeline where Elliot never goes ER and finds this forum, he wouldn't have lasted very long at all. Considering his documented behavior on forums he would have been banned very quickly because he would have bragged, made bluepilled posts about "ugly guys with gfs" and would have acted aggressively towards other users. He would have been permabanned before he even made it past greycel status and everyone would have supported his ban.
I meme about him being a saint and all. But i dont agree with violence. I have been in some violent situations where i was the victim and it really isnt fun and feels terrible.
i relate to what how he felt
A spoiled narcissist who kept whining and bitching about 'muh blonde stacies when he could have led a normal life.
Extremely spoiled and very autistic. Didn't realize how good he had it. (though he was also a victim of the dickpill)

If he was a zoomer he probably woulda had more luck though tbh. Born in the wrong generation.
With his money and power he could get a Latina, those bitches love money, they are very easy if you have money or are a foreigner.
I don’t support him but relate, understand and sympathise. Would have liked to have spoke to him to see what he was like (curious)

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