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Experiment What would you do with $5000 before committing suicide?



Jul 8, 2019
Spend it on copes, give it away or try to restore your enjoyment of life (no idea how) with that?
Just asking out of curiosity.
I would give it to my father.
I would LDAR just like now.
Not enough to have properly fun imo, wont last long
More seriously, I don't think 5k will allow you make your time joyful enough to accept death.
Pay a victoria secret model tier escort for a condomless fuck session of an hour (enough to cum thrice in heaven tier pussy).
Funding whores is cucked

Cumming inside heaven tier pussy without condom isn't. And did u read the title? It's about the last thing u do before u kys, cumbrain retard.
I would give it to my father.
I don't like drugs, but drugs like me.
I can relate to both tbh.
Giving it to my family and abuse drugs.
Not enough to have properly fun imo, wont last long
More seriously, I don't think 5k will allow you make your time joyful enough to accept death.
It's more like that you already prepared everything to commit suicide.
The roping method and you're ready to go.
But after you checked your bank account, you realized that you still have $5000.
Would you just ignore it?
Dress up as honkler, eat junk food, try smoking and by guns, gas, flamethrower etc, use the money in a greatER way
I would literally do worse than that guy who tried to shoot up a mosque in Norway and got beat up by some old boomer.
I'm a failure at EVERYTHING, no matter what or how hard I try.
Pay a victoria secret model tier escort for a condomless fuck session of an hour (enough to cum thrice in heaven tier pussy).
I don't really like the idea of giving that much money to a foid just for existing.
It's more like that you already prepared everything to commit suicide.
The roping method and you're ready to go.
But after you checked your bank account, you realized that you still have $5000.
Would you just ignore it?
Honestly, yes. I own more than this but still have suicidal thoughts. What I would do with my cash is give it to my dad or relatives.
Produce the best rock album I can
Cucked bc you contribute to pussy’s inflation

Who cares if u kys afterwards? Nothing matters anymore at that point, u can just do whatever gives u most pleasure (fucking top tier pussy without a condom is the most pleasure u can get in this world, if u arent a soy u should agree).

Pussy inflation is steadily controlled by the nosetribe, JFL if u think some incel escortcelling before double barreling his face changes anything.
If I was going to commit suicide soon, I'd spend the money on a trip to Germany or the Netherlands and burn it all on escorts. If I could access a firearm I'd probably get one and distribute retribution.
Spend it on a AR15 and some grenades
Jfl how do you lose to a boomer with a fully automatic jfl, at least i assume that shooter used a fully automatic, any other kind of gun to be used in a shooting is retarded if you have access to a fully automatic
He used a double barrel shotgun iirc.
Produce the best rock album I can
Over for rockcels.
If I was going to commit suicide soon, I'd spend the money on a trip to Germany or the Netherlands and burn it all on escorts. If I could access a firearm I'd probably get one and distribute retribution.
Relatable, but not really a fan of escortmaxxing.
Surgerymaxx! there's alot of things you can do with 5k ..you never know it might improve your quality of life and save you
I'd give it away to someone in need (I'd make sure it doesn't go to a foid though).
Surgerymaxx! there's alot of things you can do with 5k ..you never know it might improve your quality of life and save you
It is not even enough to get a proper hair transplant.
Spend on a good gaming sysyem and a couple good games
Fuck as many cheap whores as possible
5k is not small but compared to my problems its Jack shit like a bandaid. I'd prob go put a down payment on a nice audi and then just keep it forever and kill any repossessors. Or buy a gun from an Albanian and go steal a lamborghini from the supercar showroom near me.
Spend it on copes, give it away or try to restore your enjoyment of life (no idea how) with that?
Just asking out of curiosity.
I would probably donate it to some sort of charity, be it for St Jude's Childrens hospital, or even a Regional Food Bank. I'd only be discouraged because I'm sure some of the organizers take some of the proceeds and I would hypothetically want the children to benefit. Afterwards, I'd go home and call it a day.
Give it to George Soros
Fuck a high class prostitute then kill her to regain my honor
I would give $1500 to each of my parents. Buy a lot of weed, A pizza, Alcohol. Then i would Hide the rest of the money in my car. I would drive to the cliffs around 200 miles away from my house, And shoot myself there.
Give it to a bum, wtf does it matter if I’m gonna die anyway
go to expensive restaurants
Drugs and escorts
It is not even enough to get a proper hair transplant.
Maybe not in US, but here in the UK they offer 2500-3000 fue grafts for around £3000, that's the maximum number in one session. Its all done by professional surgeons etc. Also consider Istanbul as well, which is probably the best place in the world for hair transplants and other surgeries, just do your research.
buy a gun and a bunch of drugs for suicide
Buy about a hundred dollars of the first 10 drugs I can get access to. Buy $1000 worth of coke. Do all the coke and spend $2000 on whores. Do all of those 10 other drugs you have at once. The remaining $1000 rent a van, fill it with a couple drums of gasoline and as much fertilizer as I can cram into it. Light a fuse, put it on cruise control, stand on the roof after pointing it down the most dense and busy street available. Be sure to have my dick out preferably urinating or cooming at onlookers and consistently giving the finger to them the whole time.
Nosejob and bimax in 3rd world country
Mby buy rented billboard in middle of town insulting foids
5000$ is not alot of money. I wouldn't really do anything with them. Maybe buy some expensive food like russian caviar.
Too depressed to do anything tbh, even rope.
Nothing, $5,000 will really not do anything
Spend it on copes, give it away or try to restore your enjoyment of life (no idea how) with that?
Just asking out of curiosity.

Start selling merch online and do affiliate marketing, and buy $5000 worth in advertising, if it pans out great, if not I off myself
Use for an investment, and use suicide energy as my drive
drugs and hookers everyday for 2 weeks
Spend it on copes, give it away or try to restore your enjoyment of life (no idea how) with that?
Just asking out of curiosity.

Fly to SEA like I'm doing next year anyway. Hopefully in 5 months or so.
Obvious rich guy who takes what he has for granted, JFL at saying you can't do ANYTHING with 5000 fucking dollars.

Yeah JFL this retards live in a different world. I literally got fucking mugged by my room mate when I was drunk and he saw I had 2300$ in my bank account. We fucking bought some drugs but this fucker was smart and he drugged me hard then just zeroed my credit card until it got blocked still 800$ missing and then just fucked off the next day and never came back fucker didn't pay rent anyway and he had nothing in the room so couldn't even chase him. My bank didn't even believe me and said I'm the one that zeroed the card jfl. Tbh can't blame them when I came to the bank looking like a drugged hobo.

I was gonna report it to the Police but I just decided not to bother fuck that shit besides I don't really fancy getting shanked. Such are the wonders of living in a ghetto trying to save money for a house credit that I will pay for the next 40 years of my life until I die and all the hard work I put into the credit will go to my next of kin which is nobody as far as things are going now. I'll rather fucking burn my house down than give it back to the state or charity if that ever happens.

My family did not give me a single fucking penny. Everything I earned in my bank account was earned by my hand and my hand alone. Fucking niggas saying 5000$ is nothing you fucking high you cunts? I would have to save all year long for 5000$ fuck yourselfs like it's nothing maybe in USA but not everybody lives in USA. I have about 3500$ now and I am saving it for my house deposit I guess but idk I would rather make money but last time I made a financial decision it costed me 1500$ when I bought XRP at 1$ mark and then few days later in fucking went down to 0.20$ and never recovered jfl it's over too low iq to make money I just have to be a monkey slave to others I guess it is my destiny. Not everybody is meant for great things. I am just another grey member of the society that will be buried in time. It hurts boyos feelsbad.

TL'DR It's fucking over and FUCK YOU richcels fuck you faggots you no idea of the fucking struggles of fucking working some shitty shifts in some shitty ass fucking jobs where everybody is a fucking youngcel and has nothing better to do but fuck with you and bully you to show off in front of foid employees while you are just trying to pay rent fucking piece of shits kill all fucking richcels if there ever is a commie revolution I'll be first in line to shoot you motherfuckers in the head and throw you down into the mass grave and I fucking hate commies.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcBZ2RWUbec&list=FLGDE3rXWXPFg6pAk3Qt9bRg&index=12&ab_channel=phaeo2000

Richcel genocide when!?
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