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Experiment What would you do with $5000 before committing suicide?

Obvious rich guy who takes what he has for granted, JFL at saying you can't do ANYTHING with 5000 fucking dollars.
then you never worked a single day in your life, and my family here is not rich lmao, my dad is full of debt and works 70 hours a week
we have a shit apartment and all of the things I buy are from my own money (which I work for, I barely get anything in holidays)
$5k is an average monthly salary in the US and in where I live its like $3.4k, it will not be enough for anything like an apartment
or something big, and car are very expensive where I live

good luck in buying a house, nice car, starting a business, college degree or anything very useful with that money

jfl I saw many of your posts here, you seem to have a superiority complex where you think that you are smarter then anyone
Fly to SEA like I'm doing next year anyway. Hopefully in 5 months or so.

Yeah JFL this retards live in a different world. I literally got fucking mugged by my room mate when I was drunk and he saw I had 2300$ in my bank account. We fucking bought some drugs but this fucker was smart and he drugged me hard then just zeroed my credit card until it got blocked still 800$ missing and then just fucked off the next day and never came back fucker didn't pay rent anyway and he had nothing in the room so couldn't even chase him. My bank didn't even believe me and said I'm the one that zeroed the card jfl. Tbh can't blame them when I came to the bank looking like a drugged hobo.

I was gonna report it to the Police but I just decided not to bother fuck that shit besides I don't really fancy getting shanked. Such are the wonders of living in a ghetto trying to save money for a house credit that I will pay for the next 40 years of my life until I die and all the hard work I put into the credit will go to my next of kin which is nobody as far as things are going now. I'll rather fucking burn my house down than give it back to the state or charity if that ever happens.

My family did not give me a single fucking penny. Everything I earned in my bank account was earned by my hand and my hand alone. Fucking niggas saying 5000$ is nothing you fucking high you cunts? I would have to save all year long for 5000$ fuck yourselfs like it's nothing maybe in USA but not everybody lives in USA. I have about 3500$ now and I am saving it for my house deposit I guess but idk I would rather make money but last time I made a financial decision it costed me 1500$ when I bought XRP at 1$ mark and then few days later in fucking went down to 0.20$ and never recovered jfl it's over too low iq to make money I just have to be a monkey slave to others I guess it is my destiny. Not everybody is meant for great things. I am just another grey member of the society that will be buried in time. It hurts boyos feelsbad.

TL'DR It's fucking over and FUCK YOU richcels fuck you faggots you no idea of the fucking struggles of fucking working some shitty shifts in some shitty ass fucking jobs where everybody is a fucking youngcel and has nothing better to do but fuck with you and bully you to show off in front of foid employees while you are just trying to pay rent fucking piece of shits kill all fucking richcels if there ever is a commie revolution I'll be first in line to shoot you motherfuckers in the head and throw you down into the mass grave and I fucking hate commies.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcBZ2RWUbec&list=FLGDE3rXWXPFg6pAk3Qt9bRg&index=12&ab_channel=phaeo2000

Richcel genocide when!?

my family barely buys anything for me jfl (read what I typed above)
I am 17 and my mouse, my PC, keyboard, headsets, my music headsets, both of my monitors, my school laptop are all bought from money I make myself,
you guys just have a shit presctive, I appericate $5,000 but in reality I won't buy anything useful if I was living by myself
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then you never worked a single day in your life

$5000 US is a lot, you are just a shitty spender

my dad is full of debt and works 70 hours a week

Again, shitty spenders, you bring up him being in debt as if that's an argument to why $5000 isn't a lot of money, when its actually just an indicator of his character flaws, how the hell did he end up in debt, that's the question.

we have a shit apartment and all of the things I buy are from my own money (which I work for, I barely get anything in holidays)
$5k is an average monthly salary in the US and in where I live its like $3.4k

You make many times what I do, so I'll say it again, you are ungrateful, you don't appreciate what you have and you aren't making much use of the opportunities you have available either

it will not be enough for anything like an apartment

Of course not, but you likely have a decent amount of expendable income that could go into investments rather than the copes I know for a fact you just pour your money into

Let me guess, you are getting a PS5?

or something big, and car are very expensive where I live

Why do people live outside of their means and then complain about it like its not their fault, I find it funny how many people who say - "do you know how expensive an aparment or renting is in new york"

My only thought is - "Why is your broke ass in new york if you know its expensive, move"

good luck in buying a house, nice car, starting a business, college degree or anything very useful with that money

JFL I just realized you saw this thread as some kind of "how would you splurge" kind of thing, no shit you can't buy those things with that, are you seriously arguing that because you can't buy a fucking car $5000 isn't a useful sum of money?

You have no imagination or drive then

I appericate $5,000 but in reality I won't buy anything useful if I was living by myself

>appreciates $5000
>it won't buy anything "useful"

Pick one

You seem to be redefining terms with personal definitions, by "useful" you mean luxuries and expensive items outside of your current means. You are boxing the term "useful" into a thin rigid ruleset predefined by you, your argument is completely fallacious

Useful doesn't mean "it must cost $30000+"

Sorry I have to explain common sense, but just because you want a "nice car" doesn't mean $5000 is "useless"
then you never worked a single day in your life, and my family here is not rich lmao, my dad is full of debt and works 70 hours a week
we have a shit apartment and all of the things I buy are from my own money (which I work for, I barely get anything in holidays)
$5k is an average monthly salary in the US and in where I live its like $3.4k, it will not be enough for anything like an apartment
or something big, and car are very expensive where I live

good luck in buying a house, nice car, starting a business, college degree or anything very useful with that money

jfl I saw many of your posts here, you seem to have a superiority complex where you think that you are smarter then anyone

my family barely buys anything for me jfl (read what I typed above)
I am 17 and my mouse, my PC, keyboard, headsets, my music headsets, both of my monitors, my school laptop are all bought from money I make myself,
you guys just have a shit presctive, I appericate $5,000 but in reality I won't buy anything useful if I was living by myself

Nigga what you fucking high you fucking just pissed me off.

fuck yourself nigga shit perspective bitch I am working what is regarded a high class profession and I make way less than 5000$ If I made 5000$ a month I WOULD BE HAPPY TO LIVE OFF OF THAT WAGE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE (Inflation accounted for in the top-ups). 5000$ A MONTHS IS A FUCKING HIGH-CLASS WAGE NIGA U FUKIN HIGH. Maybe it's not in USA but in UK anybody who makes 5000$ a month is considered middle class upper ends. Fucking branch managers in KFC i worked in was making about 53000$ a year and you nigga gonna tell me 5000$ a month is nothing? Fuck yourself nigga ungrateful bitch I would kill for a wage like that I would be happy to live the rest of my life on a wage like this.

Holy shit this is so fucking suifuel am I really so poor? Holy shit are we all poor in Europe what the fuck is going on how can this niggas in USA say 5000$ is not a lot? What the fuck is this shit What is this shit holy shit I just discovered another brutal pill. Holy shit am I really so poor how can this be no it can;'t be it can't fucking be so many people work this jobs and make way less than me and this is considered a high end proffesion how can we all be poor no nonononono this cant be this cant be true. Fucking USAcels are really this rich that they consider 5000$ to be a shit wage?

Holy shit. Fucking brutal. 5000$ would make me having living like a king. I saving 5000$ for a year and this nigga gonna tell me he makes this much in a month for an average salary holy shit what the actual fuck. How do you make 5000$ a month without huge connections or high end job what the fuck even the fucking bank managers don't make this much here like FUCK THIS CAN'T BE TRUE.

@BlkPillPres is he telling the truth?
$5000 US is a lot, you are just a shitty spender

Again, shitty spenders, you bring up him being in debt as if that's an argument to why $5000 isn't a lot of money, when its actually just an indicator of his character flaws, how the hell did he end up in debt, that's the question.

You make many times what I do, so I'll say it again, you are ungrateful, you don't appreciate what you have and you aren't making much use of the opportunities you have available either

Of course not, but you likely have a decent amount of expendable income that could go into investments rather than the copes I know for a fact you just pour your money into

Let me guess, you are getting a PS5?

Why do people live outside of their means and then complain about it like its not their fault, I find it funny how many people who say - "do you know how expensive an aparment or renting is in new york"

My only thought is - "Why is your broke ass in new york if you know its expensive, move"

JFL I just realized you saw this thread as some kind of "how would you splurge" kind of thing, no shit you can't buy those things with that, are you seriously arguing that because you can't buy a fucking car $5000 isn't a useful sum of money?

You have no imagination or drive then

>appreciates $5000
>it won't buy anything "useful"

Pick one

You seem to be redefining terms with personal definitions, by "useful" you mean luxuries and expensive items outside of your current means. You are boxing the term "useful" into a thin rigid ruleset predefined by you, your argument is completely fallacious

Useful doesn't mean "it must cost $30000+"

Sorry I have to explain common sense, but just because you want a "nice car" doesn't mean $5000 is "useless"
I am not a shit spender and my father got into debt because everything here is so expensive, our apartment costs like $500,000 and that on top of a high cost of living, and we don't have the salaries of new yorkers or americans here, I don't live in the US but in some expensive shithole

I don't? I invest a lot of my money into new things (which make money), in fact I invested around $3k this month

no I am not getting a PS5 I am currently saving for a new PC, bed, revisioning my room

my dad is not even a spender he barely buys anything its just the reality in where I live

what the fuck would you do with $5,000? invest in fucking what? you can buy stocks but it won't make you rich and will not give you anything

again maybe you think like this because you never saw anyone living life but $5,000 when you have childern, bills and life is not going to give you anything big
you are probably so used to living with your parents that you never bothered to see how much they earn, the $5,000 is a lot mentality is literally a mentality of someone who never worked in his life and never saw anyone or paid bills

you think that you are so smart but yet your "smartness" is not backed by anything, you probably never saw the bills of your family and you have no finacal success whatsoever
Nigga what you fucking high you fucking just pissed me off.

fuck yourself nigga shit perspective bitch I am working what is regarded a high class profession and I make way less than 5000$ If I made 5000$ a month I WOULD BE HAPPY TO LIVE OFF OF THAT WAGE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE (Inflation accounted for in the top-ups). 5000$ A MONTHS IS A FUCKING HIGH-CLASS WAGE NIGA U FUKIN HIGH. Maybe it's not in USA but in UK anybody who makes 5000$ a month is considered middle class upper ends. Fucking branch managers in KFC i worked in was making about 53000$ a year and you nigga gonna tell me 5000$ a month is nothing? Fuck yourself nigga ungrateful bitch I would kill for a wage like that I would be happy to live the rest of my life on a wage like this.

Holy shit this is so fucking suifuel am I really so poor? Holy shit are we all poor in Europe what the fuck is going on how can this niggas in USA say 5000$ is not a lot? What the fuck is this shit What is this shit holy shit I just discovered another brutal pill. Holy shit am I really so poor how can this be no it can;'t be it can't fucking be so many people work this jobs and make way less than me and this is considered a high end proffesion how can we all be poor no nonononono this cant be this cant be true. Fucking USAcels are really this rich that they consider 5000$ to be a shit wage?

Holy shit. Fucking brutal. 5000$ would make me having living like a king. I saving 5000$ for a year and this nigga gonna tell me he makes this much in a month for an average salary holy shit what the actual fuck. How do you make 5000$ a month without huge connections or high end job what the fuck even the fucking bank managers don't make this much here like FUCK THIS CAN'T BE TRUE.

@BlkPillPres is he telling the truth?
the way you talk lol

and $5,000 is average in the US, maybe you are from a shithole like me, I am not from the US and I am not rich at all, in the US my family would be considered lower class and here we are middle
you know that cost of living in Europe is very high? the US is a heaven, and this is my life goal currently
and we are talking about $5,000 right now, not $5,000 every month
Nigga what you fucking high you fucking just pissed me off.

fuck yourself nigga shit perspective bitch I am working what is regarded a high class profession and I make way less than 5000$ If I made 5000$ a month I WOULD BE HAPPY TO LIVE OFF OF THAT WAGE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE (Inflation accounted for in the top-ups). 5000$ A MONTHS IS A FUCKING HIGH-CLASS WAGE NIGA U FUKIN HIGH. Maybe it's not in USA but in UK anybody who makes 5000$ a month is considered middle class upper ends. Fucking branch managers in KFC i worked in was making about 53000$ a year and you nigga gonna tell me 5000$ a month is nothing? Fuck yourself nigga ungrateful bitch I would kill for a wage like that I would be happy to live the rest of my life on a wage like this.

Holy shit this is so fucking suifuel am I really so poor? Holy shit are we all poor in Europe what the fuck is going on how can this niggas in USA say 5000$ is not a lot? What the fuck is this shit What is this shit holy shit I just discovered another brutal pill. Holy shit am I really so poor how can this be no it can;'t be it can't fucking be so many people work this jobs and make way less than me and this is considered a high end proffesion how can we all be poor no nonononono this cant be this cant be true. Fucking USAcels are really this rich that they consider 5000$ to be a shit wage?

Holy shit. Fucking brutal. 5000$ would make me having living like a king. I saving 5000$ for a year and this nigga gonna tell me he makes this much in a month for an average salary holy shit what the actual fuck. How do you make 5000$ a month without huge connections or high end job what the fuck even the fucking bank managers don't make this much here like FUCK THIS CAN'T BE TRUE.

@BlkPillPres is he telling the truth?
>I saved up $5,000 in a year
where tf do you live? even in european countries average salary is like $40k per year or did you just spend everything right away?
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I am not a shit spender and my father got into debt because everything here is so expensive, our apartment costs like $500,000 and that on top of a high cost of living, and we don't have the salaries of new yorkers or americans here, I don't live in the US but in some expensive shithole

I don't? I invest a lot of my money into new things (which make money), in fact I invested around $3k this month

no I am not getting a PS5 I am currently saving for a new PC, bed, revisioning my room

my dad is not even a spender he barely buys anything its just the reality in where I live

what the fuck would you do with $5,000? invest in fucking what? you can buy stocks but it won't make you rich and will not give you anything

again maybe you think like this because you never saw anyone living life but $5,000 when you have childern, bills and life is not going to give you anything big
you are probably so used to living with your parents that you never bothered to see how much they earn, the $5,000 is a lot mentality is literally a mentality of someone who never worked in his life and never saw anyone or paid bills

you think that you are so smart but yet your "smartness" is not backed by anything, you probably never saw the bills of your family and you have no finacal success whatsoever

the way you talk lol
View attachment 376460
and $5,000 is average in the US, maybe you are from a shithole like me, I am not from the US and I am not rich at all, in the US my family would be considered lower class and here we are middle
you know that cost of living in Europe is very high? the US is a heaven, and this is my life goal currently
and we are talking about $5,000 right now, not $5,000 every month

>I saved up $5,000 in a year
where tf do you live? even in european countries average salary is like $40k per year or did you just spend everything right away?

I dont know a single person in my entire life that makes 40k$. Wtf you mean average salary? Average office salary in UK is like 23k-25k. cleric positions etc. Where the fuck you getting 40k from how am I supposed to find a 40k job do you fucking think I am manager material or something? Amazon warehouses pay like 22k I think not sure exactly something like that. Restaurant jobs are minimum wage so like 20k or maybe less.

You say 40k like it's fucking easy to get 40k no wonder you are a youngcel maybe it's easy for you in USA but it's not fucking easy to find a 40k job here you must be fucking insane if you think anybody will give you 40k as a starting offer maybe after 20 years of service you can get 40k JFL.

If you dont have specialized skill that you are very good at best you can hope for either is minmum wage or 2-3$ above it jfl. Even the specialized jobs entry levels are not higher than 25-28k$ a year.
I dont know a single person in my entire life that makes 40k$. Wtf you mean average salary? Average office salary in UK is like 23k-25k. cleric positions etc. Where the fuck you getting 40k from how am I supposed to find a 40k job do you fucking think I am manager material or something? Amazon warehouses pay like 22k I think not sure exactly something like that. Restaurant jobs are minimum wage so like 20k or maybe less.

You say 40k like it's fucking easy to get 40k no wonder you are a youngcel maybe it's easy for you in USA but it's not fucking easy to find a 40k job here you must be fucking insane if you think anybody will give you 40k as a starting offer maybe after 20 years of service you can get 40k JFL.

If you dont have specialized skill that you are very good at best you can hope for either is minmum wage or 2-3$ above it jfl. Even the specialized jobs entry levels are not higher than 25-28k$ a year.
you clearly have no idea how the world works, $40k is average in less rich european countries, and I am youngcel but I am a youngcel who's really interested in economics and searchs as many factors as he can about other countries to leave his country
feel free to google your own sources
and minimum wage doesn't mean shit, you can have no minimum wage and have high salaries like Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland
you clearly have no idea how the world works, $40k is average in less rich european countries, and I am youngcel but I am a youngcel who's really interested in economics and searchs as many factors as he can about other countries to leave his country
feel free to google your own sources

You the one who have no idea just because it's average doesn't mean everybody gets 40k at the start of their careers. Also rich people fuck up the average. Go look the same average up by age then come back to me.
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You the one who have no idea just because it's average doesn't mean everybody gets 40k at the start of their careers. Also rich people fuck up the average. Go look the same average up by age then come back to me.
and so do the poor are included? the vast majority is average
also rich people don't fuck up the poor or middle, you can't have rich people without a strong middle class which spends their money on products, its 101 economics
You the one who have no idea just because it's average doesn't mean everybody gets 40k at the start of their careers. Also rich people fuck up the average. Go look the same average up by age then come back to me.
your source:
Invalid session: xtDataset is null.

refresh and read what I said about minimum wage
Invalid session: xtDataset is null.
can you send a screenshot of the source? I can't see it
also you can google gdp
send me a screenshot or some shit I can't enter this site without getting an error
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your source:
Invalid session: xtDataset is null.

refresh and read what I said about minimum wage

Invalid session: xtDataset is null.

You have no idea how the world works just stfu do you retard ass think you can get a 40k job as your first job or something without connections or top of the line skills? Lmao.

Come back when you find a 40k job without connections or a top of the line degree//technical skill ok. Spoiler most people don't.
I'd rapemaxx and spread my seed in minecraft :feelsthink:

Surgerymaxx! there's alot of things you can do with 5k ..you never know it might improve your quality of life and save you
but srsly this, I could fix some failos I have and it would help me quite a lot
You have no idea how the world works just stfu do you retard ass think you can get a 40k job as your first job or something without connections or top of the line skills? Lmao.

Come back when you find a 40k job without connections or a top of the line degree//technical skill ok. Spoiler most people don't.
your own sources agree with me, they say GBP not USD
and yes no shit 18-29 will probably either not work full time or will get a degree and not work at all/get partial job so the average will look much lower

585 pound per week = 31584 GBP / 41942 USD per year
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your own sources agree with me, they say GBP not USD
and yes no shit 18-29 will probably either not work full time or will get a degree and not work at all/get partial job so the average will look much lower

585 pound per week = 31584 GBP / 41942 USD per year

You wont get a job like that unless you are really good at something. Idgf about 30+ salary I very likely won't live that long.
You wont get a job like that unless you are really good at something. Idgf about 30+ salary I very likely won't live that long.
keep coping bro, this is the average, denying the idea of average is denying the blackpill
its like saying "being ugly doesn't matter because I know a guy who's ugly that got laid"
Pretty damn obvious what the answer would be. Spend it on escorts, hookers, and massage parlor whores.
Hookers, hookers, hookers
keep coping bro, this is the average, denying the idea of average is denying the blackpill
its like saying "being ugly doesn't matter because I know a guy who's ugly that got laid"

What coping I literally dont know a single person who starts at 30k pounds unless they have a degree from a good university which isnt majority. Most people start at shittier jobs and progress with experience
Holy shit this is so fucking suifuel am I really so poor? Holy shit are we all poor in Europe what the fuck is going on how can this niggas in USA say 5000$ is not a lot?

This guy is just an ungrateful richfag, his household is not normal, no child who is aware of the value of money and faced financial hardships would say $5000 is useless. Its clear this guy has never even had to worry once about food in his life

I am 17 and my mouse, my PC, keyboard, headsets, my music headsets, both of my monitors, my school laptop are all bought from money I make myself

I like how he can say this and then say he's not ungrateful, like this shit is average for a 17 year old in most countries to have, this literally sounds like drug money

I am currently saving for a new PC, bed, revisioning my room

You father is in debt and things are "so bad" for you that $5000 isn't useful, yet you set aside money for one of the most insignificant fucking things in life......... decorating your room

Are you even listening to yourself speak?

You are literally a richfag, stop speaking as if you "have it hard", no fucking 17 year old in any country is just buying two fucking monitors and all the shit you mentioned, nor are they saying $5000 is "useless" and spending money to make their room look nicer, that's just ridiculous, you have no self awareness
What coping I literally dont know a single person who starts at 30k pounds unless they have a degree from a good university which isnt majority. Most people start at shittier jobs and progress with experience
I was talking about USD and yes this is life no shit, you start with $30k but you end up $45k which is above average
so in all of those years you end up earning the average
Have sex have sex have sex have sex
This guy is just an ungrateful richfag, his household is not normal, no child who is aware of the value of money and faced financial hardships would say $5000 is useless. Its clear this guy has never even had to worry once about food in his life

I like how he can say this and then say he's not ungrateful, like this shit is average for a 17 year old in most countries to have, this literally sounds like drug money

You father is in debt and things are "so bad" for you that $5000 isn't useful, yet you set aside money for one of the most insignificant fucking things in life......... decorating your room

Are you even listening to yourself speak?

You are literally a richfag, stop speaking as if you "have it hard", no fucking 17 year old in any country is just buying two fucking monitors and all the shit you mentioned, nor are they saying $5000 is "useless" and spending money to make their room look nicer, that's just ridiculous, you have no self awareness
"drug money" bro I work in online shit, I used to sell webhosting and now I do other stuff
and I bought the 2nd monitor for work I barely game at this point
and $5,000 isn't useful, use your logic, how is someone who's in debt of like $250,000 (a lot of it comes from the mortgage he took)
keep coping lol and I am not ungrateful, I simply state the facts, also I am not the only one who said this, you can see in the first replies people that say that $5k won't last
This guy is just an ungrateful richfag, his household is not normal, no child who is aware of the value of money and faced financial hardships would say $5000 is useless. Its clear this guy has never even had to worry once about food in his life

I like how he can say this and then say he's not ungrateful, like this shit is average for a 17 year old in most countries to have, this literally sounds like drug money

You father is in debt and things are "so bad" for you that $5000 isn't useful, yet you set aside money for one of the most insignificant fucking things in life......... decorating your room

Are you even listening to yourself speak?

You are literally a richfag, stop speaking as if you "have it hard", no fucking 17 year old in any country is just buying two fucking monitors and all the shit you mentioned, nor are they saying $5000 is "useless" and spending money to make their room look nicer, that's just ridiculous, you have no self awareness
also jfl do you know what my dad gave me for my last birthday? a literal toothbrush and a shaver
many american kids I spoke to already have this and have a private home and a huge room
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This guy is just an ungrateful richfag, his household is not normal, no child who is aware of the value of money and faced financial hardships would say $5000 is useless. Its clear this guy has never even had to worry once about food in his life

I like how he can say this and then say he's not ungrateful, like this shit is average for a 17 year old in most countries to have, this literally sounds like drug money

You father is in debt and things are "so bad" for you that $5000 isn't useful, yet you set aside money for one of the most insignificant fucking things in life......... decorating your room

Are you even listening to yourself speak?

You are literally a richfag, stop speaking as if you "have it hard", no fucking 17 year old in any country is just buying two fucking monitors and all the shit you mentioned, nor are they saying $5000 is "useless" and spending money to make their room look nicer, that's just ridiculous, you have no self awareness

Brutal. I had to listen to my mother stress about our money 24/7 when I was a youngcel. It would be a constant source of argument in my family. Shit was brutal the 24/7 fear atmosphere at home and the constant arguments fucking destroyed my mind probably. I basically had no disposable income (I would rob and take advantage of some rich autist kids in my school to get some spare money, not proud of that but It is what it is) what so ever and couldn't even work because if I went to work part time our social benefits would stop so in the end we would lose more money (jfl at that logic btw, thanks government) so my mother did not allow me to work till I moved out. When I turned 18 I had to start paying for my own food and they started to demand I add to rent and threatened to kick me out lol.

Eventually living with them became unbearable so I just moved out with my student finance loan and had to make up the difference since I lived at an expensive campus was kind of low iq move to move there since I knew I couldnt afford it but whatever just had to gtfo from my family home.

I wageslaved for 1.5 months full time 6 days a week 10-12hour shifts in some shitty restaurant jobs like KFC standing all fucking day listening to this retarded ape youngcels gossip about bullshit while flipping fucking burgers all day and night burning my fucking hand every other fucking day and the heat from the grills fucking blowing into my fucking face and managers bitching to me. I was this close to fucking ERing all the fucking bastards in there. I did all of that for about 1,300 pounds in savings from which I bought my first ever gaming pc because every pc I had before that was basically made up from really old parts or parts I bought from my friends for a cheap price if they didnt need them anymore like I bought a graphic card from a friend for a pizza lol.

Then I had to part-time wage slave on the weekends while in uni.

If somebody back then or even now gave me 5000$ holy shit I would be so fucking happy. Literally at one point had like 10$ in my bank account till the end of the month and the next student payment would come in like few weeks. Had to fucking eat chinese ramen and drink water from the bath jfl ded srs.

5000$ is shit tons of money you can buy a car with that money you can pay a yearly insurance on a car you can do so much shit with that cash holy shit 5000$ would get me such a sick gaming rig I wouldn't even need to slave my life away for almost 2 months every fucking day to own the one I have now.

I really hate ignorant richcels that don't see how good they have it.
Brutal. I had to listen to my mother stress about our money 24/7 when I was a youngcel. It would be a constant source of argument in my family

TBh it wasn't so bad that my parents argued, they usually hid their arguing, I just remember eating crappy meals a lot and some days basically nothing at all, the feeling of hunger is not something uncommon to me

This is why when I think about getting rich the first thing that pops into my head is food, not a nice car or a big house, I just want to be able to eat and not worry about going broke because I wanted to taste something nice

My "allowance" when I started highschool was enough to buy a single bag of chips, not fucking joking, I just took the free lunches handed out at the cafeteria to get by

Had to fucking eat chinese ramen and drink water from the bath jfl ded srs.

JFL dude I know about the ramen diet all too well, still do it every once in a while now to get through some months

also jfl do you know what my dad gave me for my last birthday? a literal toothbrush and a shaver

I got "happy birthday", I need you to really think about your situation, even with your dad 250K in debt you still have all these luxuries, how are you going to act like you aren't lucky, like your situation is below average, you have to joking right now

If my parents were 250K in debt I'd probably be dead or something

many american kids I spoke to already have this and have a private home and a huge room

JFL at "many", you mean your few richfag friends that wealthmog you, what you are describing isn't normal, no matter how much you try to convey it as normal and you are below average, it just isn't

Most 17 year olds don't have a PC, keyboard, headsets, separate music headsets, 2 monitors, a separate fucking laptop (other than their PC), plans to buy a new PC and renovate their room, etc

Now I'm done with this, because this is getting ridiculous
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TBh it wasn't so bad that my parents argued, they usually hid their arguing, I just remember eating crappy meals a lot and some days basically nothing at all, the feeling of hunger is not something uncommon to me

This is why when I think about getting rich the first thing that pops into my head is food, not a nice car or a big house, I just want to be able to eat and not worry about going broke because I wanted to taste something nice

My "allowance" when I started highschool was enough to buy a single bag of chips, not fucking joking, I just took the free lunches handed out at the cafeteria to get by

JFL dude I know about the ramen diet all too well, still do it every once in a while now to get through some months

Free lunches were nice tbh but mine were limited to some shitty food only the good stuff you had to pay for I couldn't even pick what I got they just gave us whatever was there for that day. Can't complain though.

At least your parents tried to spare you the drama tbh my house was too small to avoid hiding anything tbh jfl also didn't help my mother is a narcissistic psychopath that is obsessed with having it better than anyone else. Combo that with being poor and you can imagine how my house life went.
I couldn't even pick what I got they just gave us whatever was there for that day. Can't complain though.

On those days I just ate a pack of potato chips and drank a lot of water lol

Though most days the food was good, really loved pizza day, that was thursday most of the time

my house was too small to avoid hiding anything tbh jfl

Well things got better over time, took years, sections were added to the house, but I remember days when a few of us slept in the same bed, we didn't have enough room (or beds really). Actually what made things get easier were my siblings that were older leaving and starting lives of their own, we had more space, less food requirements, and money was coming in from them too

also didn't help my mother is a narcissistic psychopath that is obsessed with having it better than anyone else. Combo that with being poor and you can imagine how my house life went.

JFL, what a weird combination, talk about being out of touch with reality

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