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Brutal What women find most attractive about a guy when they first see him.



Aug 20, 2023
Honestly, you see so many of these articles, and videos online.
Shit like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzZxz-aQZeU

It's always stupid shit like, their shoes, how they clean their nails, their arms, their shoulders, their butt, their smile, their humor...

Honestly if a bald janitorial 5'4 black darkness incarnate tier pajeet had the best shoes in the world, immaculate nails, vieny nice arms, wide shoulders, a good butt, a clean smile and was fucking hilarious....

He'd get reported for rape for even talking to the girl lmao.

And it's so simple to prove; Here's the thought experiment.
When asking a girl what she finds attractive in a guy; ask her to find pictures online of guys that 'show' that trait. She says "Good smile", okay go online find me pictures of guys who's smile you like. Good shoes, alright go and show me pictures of guys who's fashion sense you like...

Then take the pictures and look at what is common between all pictures selected by all women. And il'l tell ya what.. it aint the fucking shoes.

6'ft, white, not fat.

That's it. That's what women find most attractive about a guy. That's what women notice first. The rest of it is like debating do you like cherry on your cake, or just strawberries. They don't give a fuck. AS long as it's cake. Maybe this girl likes her 6ft tall white guy with big arms, maybe that girl likes her 6ft tall white guy with nice shoes... but the common factor here isn't the shoes or the arms, or the smile, or the humor or any of that shit. It's 6ft tall, white, not fat.
Face and height. Video over.
That bitch in the video offers male consultations :feelskek:
race, height, face in that order.
Women like guys who wear good footwear, e.g., this dude:


It's all about your footwear choices guys.
idk, his face?
Race on its own means nothing.
it's good to blame failures on unchangeable things, so you don't have to face your other flaws. "oh I'm black it's over for me anyway" to fend off and pretend you aren't ugly and poor. tch I'm not like these other incels! I'm not ugly, but I'm only 5'11 instead of 6' so it's over for me anyway.
I despise this bitch so much
Every video, she has some sort of cleavage or tight shirt. Then she just spews bluepilled copes. Eww, I fucking hate grifters.
Why the fuck does the video have to be 12 minutes just go ahead say it for fucks sake
foids live in la-la land

males are at least honest about what they like

foids are characteristically dishonest about it, and will just make stuff up as they go along when they talk about it. foids lie.

Height > Body > Face > Neurotypicality
it's good to blame failures on unchangeable things, so you don't have to face your other flaws. "oh I'm black it's over for me anyway" to fend off and pretend you aren't ugly and poor. tch I'm not like these other incels! I'm not ugly, but I'm only 5'11 instead of 6' so it's over for me anyway.
Well this is what all the "muh autism" copers do. They basically claim to be mentally disfunctional by nature so they don't have to face the facts about the true cause of their inceldom, their looks. While being kind of black pilled to a degree their cope instincts are still too strong and they just can't take a step back and analyse the situation from a more objective pov.
NT is first and foremost.

Basically all NT guys find an LTR sooner or later, even if it's an indebted single mom with genital herpes.

It is zero surprise to me that this site is 75% autistic, a 2500% overrepresentation --- at the very least.

After NT, there is a debate whether the distant second place is face, race, or height. To me, it seems that physical traits are evaluated altogether --- race, face, height, hair etc. --- in summation, all traits that make an alpha male desirable for reproduction due to his genetics.

A very remote third place is money, status, submissiveness, goofiness and/or a combination of all these --- in summation, all traits that make a beta male desirable for exploitation and cuckoldry.

Compared to the preponderance of NEUROTYPICALLITY in human social relationships, the debate on which comes first, whether face, height, race, hair etc. is like debating which of Pluto's five moons is closest to you at the moment.

And the discussion on the impact of other characteristics such as money, status, submissive personality, etc. is like pondering which star in the Andromeda galaxy is closest to you at the moment.

NT is the elephant in the room shitting on your head.
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Well this is what all the "muh autism" copers do. They basically claim to be mentally disfunctional by nature so they don't have to face the facts about the true cause of their inceldom, their looks. While being kind of black pilled to a degree their cope instincts are still too strong and they just can't take a step back and analyse the situation from a more objective pov.
race, height, face in that order.

I remember this foid, she has another video talking about physical traits where in the 5th one,
The hierarchy is 1.)Height/Face 2.) Nt 3.) Race/physique.

(Height might be slightly stronger than face, since a midget won't be a slayer regardless of his facial features. Where exceptional height 6"5~6"7 can make up for a ogre like shabby face. But those are edge cases and hard to quantify.)

You need all of these features to be at a 6 out of 10 to have more success than a normie.

One major failo is does more harm than multiple positive halos. There were women talking shit out zac effron's height in a previous thread. Zac effron status mogs the combined net worth of their enitre bloodline and has a super model face.

But just the fact he was short was worthy of comment and gave women the ick.
I'm 6'3 and still a virgin at 36, being tall can't make up for being super ugly with a shitty head, shitty body and autism plus AVD.
The hierarchy is 1.)Height/Face 2.) Nt 3.) Race/physique.

(Height might be slightly stronger than face, since a midget won't be a slayer regardless of his facial features. Where exceptional height 6"5~6"7 can make up for a ogre like shabby face. But those are edge cases and hard to quantify.)

You need all of these features to be at a 6 out of 10 to have more success than a normie.

One major failo is does more harm than multiple positive halos. There were women talking shit out zac effron's height in a previous thread. Zac effron status mogs the combined net worth of their enitre bloodline and has a super model face.

But just the fact he was short was worthy of comment and gave women the ick.
Bro, first thing they see is the shoes, and then how clean their nails are cut, their hair. Sense of fashion.
This is 100% true;

Because she's not even looking at you if your not 6ft, white, with a jawline.
People will believe anything as long as it gives them a sense of control. That’s the grift I guess.

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