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Discussion What was your first blackpill?



Hello IT
Nov 4, 2019
For me it was when I noticed that almost all people in entertainment were chads in comparison to most people you see IRL
That's when I first noticed something was wrong...
good looking people in my high school got laid while the nerdy outcasts were virgins
When the girl that friendzoned me in college started dating her rapist.
When I started losing my hair
When the girl that friendzoned me in college started dating her rapist.
holy fuck that is insane! that’d do it alright
As for me, having a foid I was going after vividly describe giving a blowjob to a guy in the local cvs parking lot in his car and then asking me for advice on how to meet him for another fuck session since she thought he ghosted her. It was too brutal
holy fuck that is insane! that’d do it alright
As for me, having a foid I was going after vividly describe giving a blowjob to a guy in the local cvs parking lot in his car and then asking me for advice on how to meet him for another fuck session since she thought he ghosted her. It was too brutal
Fucked me up for a few years bro.
Needless to say, I avoided her afterwards!

Yours was slightly more brutal.
When I realized the girls I went for in school preferred another guys who didn't care about them instead of me who were always there for them
When the only thing my white knighting and simping got was "awww you're so sweet", yet those same girls kept dating the unemployed and/or min wage Chadriguezes and Tyrones with a rap sheet as long as my manlet height.
When the girl that friendzoned me in college started dating her rapist.
I don't understand how anyone can take women seriously when they do such contradictory nonsense. A supposed adult with autonomy decided to date her rapist while still denouncing rape. And this gender is then considered to have the intellect to make their own decisions.
In some culture women have to marry their rapists.
when a girl called me ugly in middle school
Sometime around 2012 I noticed that being skinny puts me at the same SMV as a landwhale. Although now it doesn't even do that.
I don't understand how anyone can take women seriously when they do such contradictory nonsense. A supposed adult with autonomy decided to date her rapist while still denouncing rape. And this gender is then considered to have the intellect to make their own decisions.
In some culture women have to marry their rapists.
It was in the 80s. She never denounced the rape, she just calmly told me about it. Then next sentence was, we're going out now! As if she thought i would remain "her friend." I was like all disgusted with her.

She was like, "I was raped... Now we're going out..." It felt like being stabbed, then slowly twisting the knife.
It was in the 80s. She never denounced the rape, she just calmly told me about it. Then next sentence was, we're going out now! As if she thought i would remain "her friend." I was like all disgusted with her.

She was like, "I was raped... Now we're going out..." It felt like being stabbed, then slowly twisting the knife.
im sorry to hear that, they really don't think before talking. or maybe she felt that it was perfectly ok, that it wasn't anything unusual. In their narcissism women often carelessly reveal so much about their nature
the first time the blackpill is taken is the most breathtaking and the most painful. at the same time it feels like a veil has been lifted and when previously you felt like there was something wrong but couldn't tell what, you now know. But the burden of truth is terrible.
im sorry to hear that, they really don't think before talking. or maybe she felt that it was perfectly ok, that it wasn't anything unusual. In their narcissism women often carelessly reveal so much about their nature
the first time the blackpill is taken is the most breathtaking and the most painful. at the same time it feels like a veil has been lifted and when previously you felt like there was something wrong but couldn't tell what, you now know. But the burden of truth is terrible.
It did seem like a brag.
In grades 1-4 I was enlisted in an after school study thing. There I had a particularly evil bully from another school who made my life miserable. He assaulted me physically and verbally every single day, as well as manipulate everyone to be against me.

Flash forward to grade 6 to 9 and that guy transferred to my school. Being a charismatic psychopath, he easily wooed everyone to think he was some saint. Both the students and teachers (particularly female ones) loved him; He got popular in basketball because he was tall as fuck; He also had a girlfriend, meanwhile girls said "ew" out-loud when I walked pass them. This whole situation was when I fully realized that to be a "good person" is irrelevant to romantic success. This piece of shit garbage human knew how to manipulate people, and that was all that mattered for him to be happy.

Also comes to mind when in grade 11 a chad from my class was the most unhygienic slob I've ever met (he actually didn't shower most days), and an actual misogynist (straight up said that women should have less rights, and that policewomen deserved to die). Even with all this, he was incredibly popular and even modelled for a beauty magazine. When IT says that it's all about "personality" and not looks, I think about this guy. I'm sure that him being a tall blonde chad with a sharp jaw and blue eyes didn't make him successful in life, it must've been his wonderful personality...
First memorable one for me was 4th grade camp
When 2 girls in middle school randomly walked up to me, just to tell me, how ugly my face is.
I remember I had a crush on my piano teacher sometime at 18-19 yo. That day I was practicing a piece for a small concert where I was supposed to play, it was pretty late and we both were clearing the things up before leave, when a guy entered the hall, greeted us and began describing in a jovial tone that he had some problems at the entance because he apparently forgot his pass somewhere. I quickly noticed they two were on close terms and didnt look like teacher and student. He was tall, cleanly shaven, had a nice haircut with bangs, stylish glasses. In the right clothes he could pass for an anime character, lol. I felt jealous and burned inside with rage, but then when she and I got dressed, and we three went out and headed towards the exit, I started noticing more of his features and couldnt stop comparing us two. He was tall, quite broad, his face looked more manly in a way. In comparison, there seemed to be something wrong with my looks, but I couldnt put my finger on it. That night I couldnt get sleep and kept thinking about the distance that seemed to divide us. It took some more time for me to articulate what were his strong points as compared to me, and that's basically how I introduced myself to the heightpill (not knowing the term of course).
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When in 5th grade we were doing secret love cards for valentines, you write a card and who it’s for and out it in the box. On valentines the box would be opened and the cards given to people. The same box was used for two different classrooms so there were a lot of students participating.

One guy received almost the entire box, a massive fucking pile. I got nothing and so did most of the guys, nothing.

This was the first time I noticed hypergamy, but in retrospect it was ALWAYS there.
When i was searching for help on making friends. I realised half-way normal people don't do this.
When I was in 4th grade and there was a selection going on for a modeling competition for kids and I and one of my friend was humiliated in front of whole school by my class teacher(female) for being ugly and not good looking enough. While one of my rich Chad friend was selected. My class teacher made sure to stand both of us on the sideline and made us watch the whole process for the next half hour while the b***h and other teachers all females giggled and laughed.
when i realized in middle school no girls wanted to be my friend
i was in class and the subject of sugar babies was brought up. expected the girls to be disgusted by it but they actually thought it was a good idea and would try it themselves. it showed my how foids will be sluts for money.
It was learning prostitutes were in love with their pimps at like 7 or so. Before that I assumed they were all human trafficked or somerhing, but then I was confused as to how a woman would love a man who mistreated them. Then it all became clear lol.
i was in class and the subject of sugar babies was brought up. expected the girls to be disgusted by it but they actually thought it was a good idea and would try it themselves. it showed my how foids will be sluts for money.
Jesus christ, w*men are fucking disgusting
Good looking students getting away with the shit they do while uglier ones (including me) got more shit for smaller stuff
Seeing a classmate jock who never got good grades, always slept around and partied, get a full ride to a top 7 university for football.

All the other blackpills I chalked up to "oh I will bloom later" or "things will all add up eventually." This was the first time where I stopped and thought "...something isn't right here."
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For me it was when I noticed that almost all people in entertainment were chads in comparison to most people you see IRL
That's when I first noticed something was wrong...
Especially when these chads are meant to take the role of average people lmao
When I noticed how easy some guys in school had it with women while I was relegated to cold glances and being completely ignored as if I were invisible. Moments like that help you piece things together until you get the entire picture of the blackpill.
Good looking students getting away with the shit they do while uglier ones (including me) got more shit for smaller stuff
I got suspended in 8th grade for under hand tossing a marker to one of my friends because I was too lazy to walk a few steps and hand it to him. Meanwhile a few years later in highschool one of the chads of my grade got caught snorting painkillers in this little student council room we had for the student council people by the fucking school cop and nothing happened.
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Getting disinvited from a party just to have the same girl ask my Tyrone friend to replace my spot
It was learning prostitutes were in love with their pimps at like 7 or so. Before that I assumed they were all human trafficked or somerhing, but then I was confused as to how a woman would love a man who mistreated them. Then it all became clear lol.
Wait what? Whores love their pimps?
foids voting patterns
at first i just brushed it off because i was still young and my life was quite secure, then i realised foids are indirectly trying to fucking destroy any future i may have. they may have even succeeded
I got suspended in 8th grade for under hand tossing a marker to one of my friends because I was too lazy to walk a few steps and hand it to him. Meanwhile a few years later in highschool one of the chads of my grade got caught snorting painkillers in this little student council room we had for the student council people by the fucking school cop and nothing happened.
JFL that's fucked up
I was 11 years old and a really pretty girl was playing with my sister and cousins in my aunt's wedding. I tried to play with them too, tried my best to connect with her. Idk why, its just happened, i was wondering what am i even trying to do. She was of the same age. Finally i gathered all the strength and said hey nice to meet u would u like to be friends. She just said no and ran away. One of my cousin spotted it and i guessed they gossiped about it. Thats one of my painful memories from childhood. Welp at the age of 11 i got my first taste of how things would go from here and now as a 28 year old kissless virgin, it all comes together
I was 11 years old and a really pretty girl was playing with my sister and cousins in my aunt's wedding. I tried to play with them too, tried my best to connect with her. Idk why, its just happened, i was wondering what am i even trying to do. She was of the same age. Finally i gathered all the strength and said hey nice to meet u would u like to be friends. She just said no and ran away. One of my cousin spotted it and i guessed they gossiped about it. Thats one of my painful memories from childhood. Welp at the age of 11 i got my first taste of how things would go from here and now as a 28 year old kissless virgin, it all comes together
Brutal I know that feeling, I was very shy as a kid so I would not have even tried

Officially on the internet my first blackpill was the heightpill given my name lol

But irl my first blackpilling experiences started at 12 and 13
At 12 chads and stacies already started dating, it only lasted a couple weeks and was nothing serious but I still realised that if I was not starting now, that I was somehow inferior to the popular kids or behind and I would always be behind. At 13 I heard about a guy getting a BJ at a party, It was from a completely different school and from then I realised if I had not even started dating yet or whatever that its going to be bad for me going forward, I was not a chad and would never such success so soon. Thats when I realised it wasn't all equal and fair
when I was even more subhuman than now in mid high school when other students mostly foids would laugh at me for it
First blackpill was in elementary school when all the foids (including my crush) would chase around this little fucking chadlet. I thought they were bullying him, later I learned the truth

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