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Serious What the fuck happened to men?

Better Off Alone

Better Off Alone

May 7, 2023
What does it take to make you sit down and take it?
some dope?
a fun video game?
a beer?
a pack of cigarettes?
maybe some porn huh? Hand on your dick with a kung fu grip for a couple minutes...

When journalists asked, Deep Underground Military Base Construction Worker, Phil Schneider, how the conspiracy of hidden underground tunnels costing billions of taxpayer dollars was kept so secret from the public despite requiring a vast amount of labor and man hours to achieve, he simply replied, "a check for 40,000$ to 400,000$ a month."

everyone knows this way of life isn't right, everyone except the few it pans out greatly for, women, jews, migrants, these lucky few inherit the earth, while men wrestle away in the mines for scraps, eager for the opportunity to stab one another in the back for any uncertain chance to gain a foothold into a better situation.

Unbelievably however... it wasn't always this way, cheap vices, a quick stroke of the dick, a little bit of cash, "heh nice try", these men said, they knew these carnal momentary pleasures paled in comparison to the glory, the valor, the purpose, the things they were made to do.

We all read and hear the same stories.

Alexander the Great - Conqueror of foreign lands, taking advantage of every waking moment of his youthful energy and faith

Nikola Tesla - 200+IQ Inventor with no need for such vain impracticalities as fornication or selfish lusts

Adolf Hiter - fed up with the unfair hand dealt to the German people led an uprising in what would become one of the last bastions of liberty and freedom for mankind

Esau of the Scriptures (Son of Issac and Rebecca) slayed the very leader of the known world (Nimrod) when he was 15!
Yasher 27:4 And on a certain day Esau went in the field to hunt, and he found Nimrod walking in the wilderness with his two men.
5 And all his mighty men and his people were with him in the wilderness, but they removed at a distance from him, and they went from him in different directions to hunt, and Esau concealed himself from Nimrod, and he lurked for him in the wilderness.
6 And Nimrod and his men that were with him did not know, and Nimrod and his men frequently walked about in the field at the cool of the day, and to know where his men were hunting in the field.
7 And Nimrod and two of his men that were with him came to the place where they were, when Esau started suddenly from his lurking place, and drew his sword, and hastened and ran to Nimrod and cut off his head.

8 And Esau fought a desperate fight with the two men that were with Nimrod, and when they called out to him, Esau turned to them and smote them to death with his sword.

The scriptures are far beyond some of the most brutal things to read, because it invokes a sort of comparison, between myself and these men of time's past, I'm no fighter, the scraps I've found myself in, are comical at best compared to the Mortal Kombat of these warriors before, and yet it's not just me, on a global scale we've traded our very lives and purpose away for these screens, chipping away at our dignity and youth, while we watch our world fade away into a hyper individualized, technocratic, slave system.

Two of these men, I mentioned, were leaders, they couldn't do it on their own, they knew the importance of men sticking it out together, men joined together for a great cause, men tired of the new "natural order of things" they knew it wasn't right, and yet instead of these we fight each other over nothing, when joined together we are an unstoppable ally, Jews know this, women know this, YOU should know this.
Tesla, I mention for his admirable denial to succumb to the desire of women.
And Esau, oh Esau, the strength displayed for which all men, should strive for, killing Nimrod, and then slaying two men by the sword, what did you do at 15? Jerk off? smoke some pot?

It's not going to get any better, not unless we get back in touch with who we are. So, my question for you is when will you get sick of it, when will enough be enough, when are you going to say I've got nothing to lose?


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It's not going to get any better, not unless we get back in touch with who we are. So, my question for you is when will you get sick of it, when will enough be enough, when are you going to say I've got nothing to lose?
and what tf do u want me to do lmao?
Let me just grab my sword then
Humanity became the last man
Men became cucks to foids
What does it take to make you sit down and take it?
some dope?
a fun video game?
a beer?
a pack of cigarettes?
maybe some porn huh? Hand on your dick with a kung fu grip for a couple minutes...

When journalists asked, Deep Underground Military Base Construction Worker, Phil Schneider, how the conspiracy of hidden underground tunnels costing billions of taxpayer dollars was kept so secret from the public despite requiring a vast amount of labor and man hours to achieve, he simply replied, "a check for 40,000$ to 400,000$ a month."

everyone knows this way of life isn't right, everyone except the few it pans out greatly for, women, jews, migrants, these lucky few inherit the earth, while men wrestle away in the mines for scraps, eager for the opportunity to stab one another in the back for any uncertain chance to gain a foothold into a better situation.

Unbelievably however... it wasn't always this way, cheap vices, a quick stroke of the dick, a little bit of cash, "heh nice try", these men said, they knew these carnal momentary pleasures paled in comparison to the glory, the valor, the purpose, the things they were made to do.

We all read and hear the same stories.

Alexander the Great - Conqueror of foreign lands, taking advantage of every waking moment of his youthful energy and faith

Nikola Tesla - 200+IQ Inventor with no need for such vain impracticalities as fornication or selfish lusts

Adolf Hiter - fed up with the unfair hand dealt to the German people led an uprising in what would become one of the last bastions of liberty and freedom for mankind

Esau of the Scriptures (Son of Issac and Rebecca) slayed the very leader of the known world (Nimrod) when he was 15!
Yasher 27:4 And on a certain day Esau went in the field to hunt, and he found Nimrod walking in the wilderness with his two men.
5 And all his mighty men and his people were with him in the wilderness, but they removed at a distance from him, and they went from him in different directions to hunt, and Esau concealed himself from Nimrod, and he lurked for him in the wilderness.
6 And Nimrod and his men that were with him did not know, and Nimrod and his men frequently walked about in the field at the cool of the day, and to know where his men were hunting in the field.
7 And Nimrod and two of his men that were with him came to the place where they were, when Esau started suddenly from his lurking place, and drew his sword, and hastened and ran to Nimrod and cut off his head.

8 And Esau fought a desperate fight with the two men that were with Nimrod, and when they called out to him, Esau turned to them and smote them to death with his sword.

The scriptures are far beyond some of the most brutal things to read, because it invokes a sort of comparison, between myself and these men of time's past, I'm no fighter, the scraps I've found myself in, are comical at best compared to the Mortal Kombat of these warriors before, and yet it's not just me, on a global scale we've traded our very lives and purpose away for these screens, chipping away at our dignity and youth, while we watch our world fade away into a hyper individualized, technocratic, slave system.

Two of these men, I mentioned, were leaders, they couldn't do it on their own, they knew the importance of men sticking it out together, men joined together for a great cause, men tired of the new "natural order of things" they knew it wasn't right, and yet instead of these we fight each other over nothing, when joined together we are an unstoppable ally, Jews know this, women know this, YOU should know this.
Tesla, I mention for his admirable denial to succumb to the desire of women.
And Esau, oh Esau, the strength displayed for which all men, should strive for, killing Nimrod, and then slaying two men by the sword, what did you do at 15? Jerk off? smoke some pot?

It's not going to get any better, not unless we get back in touch with who we are. So, my question for you is when will you get sick of it, when will enough be enough, when are you going to say I've got nothing to lose?
Going everywhere to get help but rejected everywhere, My parents dont even take my suicidality seriously, They could help me out but dont take the time of their day to sit down and talk to me.
They became troon fags like @Biowaste Removal
Nature is the problem and to blame for it all (thanks btw)
i think foids habit of secretive knowledge gaining and persistence in passing down to young foids has something to do with this. did they find out abuse tactics and dynamics in childhood that shape future relationships? it is highly possible given their evilness.
What are you even suggesting we fight for concretely?
Now there's a name that I haven't seen referenced in quite some time, I enjoyed his speeches and presentations. (((They))) offed him.
I made a thread about him a while back in the lounge it was received well by these inkwell brothers, he was so captivating.
I made a thread about him a while back in the lounge it was received well by these inkwell brothers, he was so captivating.
Very based. I'll be sure to check it out.
Very based. I'll be sure to check it out.
Nice, it was one of my first threads, that being said, it's based to meet a brocel here familiar with Phil, we could probably have some great conversations about that kind of stuff sometime.

Nice, it was one of my first threads, that being said, it's based to meet a brocel here familiar with Phil, we could probably have some great conversations about that kind of stuff sometime.

Thanks for the link. Indeed we will, brocel, indeed we will.
Men became cucks to foids
Yep and the sad part is that we have done so willingly in the name of "equality". The second the white man converted to christianity the entire world has been damned to simp women.
What are you even suggesting we fight for concretely?
For the sake of adventure and purpose, to get back in touch with what men were meant to be, and not what they are called to be now, we fight for a better world, for a future.
Yep and the sad part is that we have done so willingly in the name of "equality". The second the white man converted to christianity the entire world has been damned to simp women.
Christians are the problem? Nigga they aren't even supposed to be in positions of authority according to scripture, sit your ass back down until I hear you say "Jews are responsible for this".
Christians are the problem? Nigga they aren't even supposed to be in positions of authority according to scripture, sit your ass back down until I hear you say "Jews are responsible for this".
First off I live in Goy-many and the BKA is just waiting for an excuse to storm me. So no I won't say it.
Secondly most "elites" aren't jews. Are jews overrepresented? Yeah, but they certainly don't rule the world. Look at Gaza... almost everyone on this earth is saying that too much is too much, even fucking Germany.
Thirdly, what is the core of christianity? A magic jewish carpenters son? So check mate christcuck.
Rose-tinted glasses imo. We only get to see the glory and glimmers of the past. Not everybody was a glorious warrior.
Scriptures are a masculine ideal to aspire to be even for people in those times. I would much prefer to be a farmer living a cosy life rather than some barbarian cleaving through enemy hordes. You don't hear the stories of an average peon or peasant because they're uninteresting and bleak.
For the sake of adventure and purpose, to get back in touch with what men were meant to be, and not what they are called to be now, we fight for a better world, for a future.
Personally I'm quite content being a consoomer. When you say stuff like "For the sake of adventure" and "what men were meant to be" it sounds to me like going back to being hunters and gatherers, because people weren't "meant" to have modern-day comforts, but I sincerely doubt anyone really wants that. Any time after the agricultural revolution would mean most folks are farmers as @Dusk pointed out and one can once again argue that farming was never "meant" to be.
A magic jewish carpenters son?
He's the king of Jews, and he's got a bone to pick with some long nosed, money changing fucks.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it - John 8:44

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. - Revelation 2:9
But ended up being forced into a bunker and killed himself when the Soviets entered Berlin.
He sold out to the Jews, went to Argentina and died in his 80's.
those who "aren't jews" share the same Kabbalistic belief systems, in goyim sects of Judaism like Freemasonry, or Yale's Skull and Bones where world leaders and corporate overlords are selected.

View: https://youtu.be/6qzphzaOAJ0

Masonic lodges and other such "religious organizations" (they are rather gentlemens clubs that men use to get away from their wives) are not jewish. They have abrahmic roots, for sure but they aren't more jewish than say Christianity or Islam.

John 19:19​

19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was Jesus Of Nazareth The King Of The Jews.
Masonic lodges and other such "religious organizations" (they are rather gentlemens clubs that men use to get away from their wives) are not jewish. They have abrahmic roots, for sure but they aren't more jewish than say Christianity or Islam.

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That's not proof of anything other than: everything that isn't christian is luciferian and the masons as well as the followers of judaism aren't christians therefore they are both luciferian, ergo are the same thing.

That right there is "reasoning" (can't even call it logic) that a 5 year old would use. Cars have wheels, bicycles have wheels, therefore they have both engines. Do us all a favor and keep the schizo shit for yourself.
When journalists asked, Deep Underground Military Base Construction Worker, Phil Schneider, how the conspiracy of hidden underground tunnels costing billions of taxpayer dollars was kept so secret from the public despite requiring a vast amount of labor and man hours to achieve, he simply replied, "a check for 40,000$ to 400,000$ a month."
There are nothing glorious or profound about them building some tunnels for the reptilians that are enslaving us, they are traitors
There are nothing glorious or profound about them building some tunnels for the reptilians that are enslaving us, they are traitors
I didn't say that was glorious, I used that as an example as a price, all it takes for someone to sell out is money.
That right there is "reasoning" (can't even call it logic) that a 5 year old would use. Cars have wheels, bicycles have wheels, therefore they have both engines. Do us all a favor and keep the schizo shit for yourself.
lol you act like I'm jumping to some insane conclusion, I'm merely sharing with you, works from people involved in freemasonry, you say it's not religious, have you ever read freemasonic authors? Have you ever read any of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike? You don't find it strange at all that an organization formerly called the "Lucifer Publishing Company" has consultative status with the U.N and talks about the "liberating light of Lucifer?"

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