Settling for landwhales? Oh, go fuck yourself.
You do you. But don't impose your "cope" on everyone else.
I read ER's manifesto myself. What stood out to me was the slow but gradual escalation from social isolation to mass murder. Most individuals don't just wake up one day and think "I'm going to kill my roommates, shoot a bunch of foids, and run over people in my BMW".
Many of us aren't any more or less delusional than ER is. The way I see it, everyone who's born on this godforsaken planet was dealt a hand -- their intellect, their location, their socioeconomic status, their physical attractiveness, et cetera -- or what philosopher John Rawls would describe as our "natural endowments". No one morally deserves the set of "natural endowments" they were given.
Those of us on this forum were dealt a crappy hand, and we're struggling to figure out how to play it. And here comes a condescending group of Chads and Stacies, waving their privileges (in a psychosexual, cultural sense) in our face. Normie cucks tell us that we simply need to try harder. When that fails, they resort to the just world fallacy by blaming us -- they tell us that there's something wrong with our attitudes, our personalities, even our "vibes". They can't bring it to themselves to admit that some people are just dealt a bad hand through no fault of their own, and instead they reason that we must somehow be at fault.
How would a poor person feel if some rich WASPy snob told him that the solution out of poverty was to just "try harder", following up with "If you're still poor, it's because you didn't try hard enough"? He'd be pissed, of course. The same way we're pissed about the patronizing and judgmental comments from other members of society. We had no control over the natural endowments which lead to us being short, or socially anxious, or deformed.
And ER was really pissed. I think this is what you mean when you see a little bit of yourself in him -- we share a common grievance, a common anger.
Our current position, along with the positions of everyone else in society and in life, results from the confluence of many events and decisions which we have no control over. It is within this backdrop that we make our decisions. ER looked at his position and made his decision accordingly; I don't think we can look at this and claim that ER was any more or less enlightened than most of us here.
I'd think twice before lording it over anyone else in this forum with your moral sanctimony.