Nail on the head. What I can say though is that I really did like that girl and I was totally crushed when she rejected me. Instead she decided to be a whore, slept with tons of guys and even fucked two of my friends in my group (at least the only two I know of). As of today she is single and I can guarantee you she will be for life. No guy is gonna want to marry her, and that includes me. I also talked to other girls in highschool only to get rejected.
Sounds like an early blackpilling experience. The two perspectives are: one, all women are inherently whores and that a society that allows them to be will just bring out this latent nature, and two, it's more complicated than this because different women have different dispositions but needless to say modern society offers an environment for it to proliferate where it wasn't nearly as prevalent as it is now. I ascribe to the latter.
In the end, as I'm sure you recognize, you were naïve at that age, to assume this girl you liked was above such behavior. But it simply does not mean "all women are like that," just that perhaps enough are that one is better off assuming the worst.
In my junior year (16 years old) my friend took me on a smoke drive and was like hey man I need to ask you something, "Are you still a virgin?". I told him yes and he didn't shame me, but he was like dude you need to change that, this is the only time in your life you will experience being with a teenage girl and teenage love. I told him I was trying but I couldn't do it. He told me he was worried about me.
I disagree with this whole "you missed out on teenage love..." thing which is a popular sentiment in incel/blackpill communities. It's not actually such a great thing.
My point above was specifically that not having an early sexual experience and getting virginity out of the way will affect one's development, which I stand by. But let's be real, this "teenage love" thing amounts to an extremely short-term relationship or two between the ages of 15 - 18 that was never that substantial to begin with, it of course just
feels that way when you're a teenager, but even a few years later every young adult reflecting back on it is just like: "I was just an idiot teenager." The very framing admits we're far past the olden days of marrying highschool sweethearts, that it was just hooking up with a random foid for a while while it felt "special" since you were "in love."
The thing about escortmaxxing is that it allows me to get a feeling of what it's like to be a Chad. I can fuck any type of girl I want, also the thrill of fucking some random girl. It's the closest I'll get to the equivalent of a chad hooking up with a random girl in a club or bar.
I'm interested in the experience and am glad you shared it; I'm definitely glad that (by voting) the website here allows incels to talk about their experiences with prostitutes, because obviously if an incel has sex via prostitutes, it doesn't revoke their incel status because prostitutes don't count as a woman accepting you and actually wanting to be with you. (this is another thing many retard normies refuse to understand; "if you want to get laid so badly, why not just see a prostitute?")
That said, it was difficult to resist the temptation to just write "cope" especially after you said you get the feeling of what it's like to be Chad. Obviously Chad is defined by just attracting women like a magnet due to his looks. (the status or ability to make money just comes naturally from being handsome + tall, "game" is a complete myth and a cope for guys who aren't Chad, talking to women couldn't be more easy provided they're genuinely attracted to you. Chad never has to "learn game.")
I don't know how old you are, but nothing about what you wrote strikes me as you being a truecel. (and I wouldn't say this for everyone here) It seems more your circumstance prohibits or would make very difficult getting into a long-term relationship, of course mainly because it's hard to find a woman to date who is genuinely attracted to you, (as is the case for most people here) at the same time you have enough money to afford prostitutes. (I never have. But like I said, I wouldn't even if I did.)
I think had I lost my virginity at 16 or whatever (the way guys normally do), it would've changed my perspective on women and sex.
Definitely. I hate how, despite interacting with women regularly and these interactions almost always going well, sex has to always feel like elusive thing.
It's like I
know logically that it's "not a big deal" but there is absolutely no way to convince a man who loses his virginity in his 30's (which is when I will lose it) that he is not to treat it as a significant moment in his life (honestly I think it will be the most significant day of my life) unless of course you're a normie who lost their virginity as a teenager and can't empathize with someone with a rare life circumstance. (which defines the normie) I hate how this experience that's commonplace for most people has to be such a difficult thing for me now, and I'm far past the point of this ever really being normal, because the first decade of my adulthood is already up. (I turn 29 soon)
Speaking of "women and sex" I wish it
was just that in respect to the current zeitgeist. I also don't care for how much LGBT is promoted everywhere you go, to distort the understanding that sex is a man having sex with a woman in people's minds as early as childhood. This is truly the worst timeline.
This site even prohibits any pro-LGBT content, (and obviously GBTQ men themselves) which is reasonable considering it's so obvious a part of the Liberal/Progressive/Leftist/Feminist paradigm that's hostile to us and uses any insane thing to dehumanize us.
What retards fail to realize is that we are human too. We want to feel desired, have intimacy, we have needs and urges. Of course it's gonna fuck us up when those are not fulfilled
Yes, exactly, perfectly said. Remember that part of their inability to empathize with us is because they're terrified of being in the same position we are, and all it would take is being given a slightly worse genetic hand and/or one thing going wrong in their life to be. (this even applies to Chad if he got a bad enough accident or illness, and even Chad can worry about Stacy leaving him if something goes wrong with his work/income and he loses most/all of his money) They're projecting the contempt they'd feel for themselves that society would give them to the extent it gives us if they were as dejected as we are currently. It helps to think about the stupid mediocre foid they're with and how they're really coping when they attack us, demonize us, misrepresent us, and dismiss us, which doesn't make this any better of course, it just further drives home how pathetic they are, and this isn't coping on my part because most normies really are fucking pathetic.
It's often said here that any guy who isn't Chad is a borderline incel, and that's true these days more than ever. And while I'd say "women can only love Chad" is reductive framing, it does shine light on the truth which is that when normie guys dehumanize us (there's more to say about this because with women, you just expect it for obvious reasons) they're coping because the dumb bitch they're with likely does fantasize about Chad, which they're of course not. (Chad, having nothing to lose, is the least insecure and hence the least likely to be this way, if anything he's more likely to treat us decently)
The truth is that women don't settle, but because only more attractive women can actually get Chad, lower tier women will not "settle" and will only be with
what Chad is for them. (and this can change over time which is part of why many women absurdly get pickier as time passes despite them only aging and decreasing in value) This is why it's common for women who are 3s 4s and 5s to be with guys who are 6s and 7s, obviously it's all rooted in biology but still bullshit because it means the resultant child will be uglier than if the guy who is a 6 or 7 just got his looksmatch. (but the warped standards mean the women who are 6s and 7s are revered and idealized by society like they're fucking 10s and won't settle for any guy who is sub 8) This is the reason women are so narrow-minded and selfish and favored so much to the detriment of men in society, because we can't just blow all sub 5 women out of existence and since they're around they're going to insist on dating up as high as they can. They'd drag all society down with them just for a chance of dating up 1 point on the decile scale higher, and that's slowly what is actually occurring. The whole thing is as contemptible as it sounds. The blackpill explains everything.
By dehumanizing us, they can ignore the broader implications on the current state of society that our very existence and desire to speak up about it (even just amongst ourselves online) brings to light.
The main way they do this: whenever they say we "just want sex."
(look at the results of this recent poll, lol, 81% of people here say otherwise)
This is exclusively the reason that every incel or "incel adjacent" subreddit was banned (even Incels
WithoutHate) to the point that subreddits still active like r/shortguys and r/FA30Plus have rules against "incel rhetoric" (whatever the fuck that means, it's really just a pretense for mods to thoughtpolice users and stop them from going too far in acknowledging the problem. But to be fair, they have to worry about reddit admins shutting down the subreddit altogether.)
Read this. And see:
this image.