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Experiment What % of gymcels have shit tier motor coordination underneath their muscly veneer because of autism/ anxiety?

How many of them fit this bill?

  • A lot of them

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Some of them

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Almost all of them

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Almost none of them

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 2, 2018
I think most gymcels suffer from anxiety because when you're a kid you're supposed to be in activities that makes use of your slinky small body like skating, or speed like tag/ freeze tag/ etc.
A lot of people who suck from autism (shitty motor coordination) develop anxiety and break in the shadow of behinddness).
That in turn creates angere, hate, and perfectionism, or just giving up and LDAR.
A lot of autists develop anxiety at an early age, or people who are inferior and unconfident can't compete in those high motor functioning intensive fields. So the autists just by the age of pre teens or early childhoood begin weightlifting because large mass compensates for lack of intelligent coordination.
Women can sense this. This is the reason women like lean muscle because it shows that you never underwent insecurity and comepnsation. That by the implicit extension of your body/.mentality you were someone who got by fine as a kid and never slumped into insecurity.
Insecure people like to turtle and then thrash upon their obstacles while people who are high IQ, NT just simply exert and never really precondition or prepare to engage. They're not overanalytical or anxious really. They don't need to build and build and then plow down. And women like someone of that implication/ persuasion/ existence.

Existentiarch/ Motorarch/ linealarch
These are the hierarchies or columns of judgment that women look at primally when analyzing men who work at the gym, vs, people who have the geno equipment who dont.
(high existence (backstory/ high motorcoordination (no autism, or something showing resort to ansxiety)/ and high genetic background (since this distinction comes from genetics, and hence you're in the green when you have it.

Personally I htin the world needs to be on hands and insecurity needs to eb a virtue. Perectionism will hit everyone and we can thrash down those iwth superior genes hwen humanity is moving at the same time in perfectionism.
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You can't teach frame or testosterone. Gymcelling only work if your bodies receptive.
No gym for your face.
Alot of muscleheads seem to be horribly uncoordinated.

That's why its cringe when they call themselves "athletes".
Most people lift weights now, so it means nothing. The ugly people take it very seriously because they're on life support because of shitty genes. Everyone else just does bench and curls, and they just take gear if they want to put on tons of mass.

It's the same thing with girls. Stacies just do glute exercises like hip thrust and glute ham raise, where as the subhuman girls do powerlifting and bench press.
I think most gymcels suffer from anxiety because when you're a kid you're supposed to be in activities that makes use of your slinky small body like skating, or speed like tag/ freeze tag/ etc.
A lot of people who suck from autism (shitty motor coordination) develop anxiety and break in the shadow of behinddness).
That in turn creates angere, hate, and perfectionism, or just giving up and LDAR.
A lot of autists develop anxiety at an early age, or people who are inferior and unconfident can't compete in those high motor functioning intensive fields. So the autists just by the age of pre teens or early childhoood begin weightlifting because large mass compensates for lack of intelligent coordination.
Women can sense this. This is the reason women like lean muscle because it shows that you never underwent insecurity and comepnsation. That by the implicit extension of your body/.mentality you were someone who got by fine as a kid and never slumped into insecurity.
Insecure people like to turtle and then thrash upon their obstacles while people who are high IQ, NT just simply exert and never really precondition or prepare to engage. They're not overanalytical or anxious really. They don't need to build and build and then plow down. And women like someone of that implication/ persuasion/ existence.

Existentiarch/ Motorarch/ linealarch
These are the hierarchies or columns of judgment that women look at primally when analyzing men who work at the gym, vs, people who have the geno equipment who dont.
(high existence (backstory/ high motorcoordination (no autism, or something showing resort to ansxiety)/ and high genetic background (since this distinction comes from genetics, and hence you're in the green when you have it.

Personally I htin the world needs to be on hands and insecurity needs to eb a virtue. Perectionism will hit everyone and we can thrash down those iwth superior genes hwen humanity is moving at the same time in perfectionism.
I only like boxing and weightlifting even when I was a kid I thought that soccer, basketball, etc are pussy sports I was always a heavy built guy even as a kid so I wasn't really good at sports that require a lot of running but I seem to have that retard strength my first time on the bench I lifted 220lbs and my first deadlift ever was 265lbs.
Most of them tbh. It's easy as fuck to pick stuff up and put it back down... Catching a ball in a huge field, juking out others, etc not so much

At least for me... I can do athletic stuff alone pretty well but i crumble like a butterfinger faggot when there's a crowd watching
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It's a snowball effect. Athletic kids have early success, prompting them to practice even more and develop their skills. Whereas uncoordinated weaklings experience failure, resulting in avoidance and not developing their skills.
i wish i could gymcel at least little
Most of them tbh. It's easy as fuck to pick stuff up and put it back down... Catching a ball in a huge field, juking out others, etc not so much

At least for me... I can do athletic stuff alone pretty well but i crumble like a butterfinger faggot when there's a crowd watching
Well that’s because you have anxiety,
Isn’t that interesting, that’s the reason most people in life usually fail is because they would rather lose small in front of a huge group then lose big if an entire group can see their failure
Human beings are self preserving animals especially when it comes to image
That kind of anxiety, coupled with some kind of autism will make people on able to skate
And they will go ahead and do Burly uncoordinating things like work out instead
All of them. I cringe at how autistic my movements are. Like when I'm doing the cash register and the customer foid my movements are like small jerks and so cringy.

Also, nice job on making a normal post instead of trying to use obscure words you got off google synonyms
I agree that bodybuilders and powerlifters are not athletes. However, I don’t get the posited connection between lean definition and athleticism. I have a shit tier version of that body — ~15% bf and some muscle development — and I’m uncoordinated as shit. I guess soccer and basketball players do generally have that physique and clearly are athletes, but far from all guys with lean, developed musculature are athletic.
Motor coordination can't be achieved with lifting weights. It comes from repeated practice over time. Also hypertrophy slows down your motor response and flexibility. Some people have genetically good motor-coordination but hypertrophy can kill it.

I knew one very good table tennis player who fell into gymceling meme and jeopardized his potential.

Gymcels are basically nothing but disabled freaks who are only good for naked model in art studio getting paid 4$/hour.

Gymceling is all about aesthetics, it has nothing to do with atheletics or sports. Also 99% of people fall into gymceling meme to boost their SMV, the motivation is always "looking good", never "doing good".
All of them. I cringe at how autistic my movements are. Like when I'm doing the cash register and the customer foid my movements are like small jerks and so cringy.

Also, nice job on making a normal post instead of trying to use obscure words you got off google synonyms
small jerks because your brain can't hold focus enough to have a fluid/ ever mindful coordination with your motions. Its like a commingling of small jerks rather than anything fluid or graceful.

Wrong. I don't get it on google synonyms lmao. I make wordstaht work in conjunction with my vernacular. Eventually you'll see the sense in the blackpillization of english/ spoken languages.
Motor coordination can't be achieved with lifting weights. It comes from repeated practice over time. Also hypertrophy slows down your motor response and flexibility. Some people have genetically good motor-coordination but hypertrophy can kill it.

I knew one very good table tennis player who fell into gymceling meme and jeopardized his potential.

Gymcels are basically nothing but disabled freaks who are only good for naked model in art studio getting paid 4$/hour.

Gymceling is all about aesthetics, it has nothing to do with atheletics or sports. Also 99% of people fall into gymceling meme to boost their SMV, the motivation is always "looking good", never "doing good".
Their looking good over doing good aspect is because of self worth anxiety most likely. But if you veneer ignorance/ or veneer some certain subset of knowledge then you can probably get a lot of good customers for your manipulation play.
small jerks because your brain can't hold focus enough to have a fluid/ ever mindful coordination with your motions. Its like a commingling of small jerks rather than anything fluid or graceful.
What causes this? Another incel trait ?
It's tacit acknowledgement that people are more image based than what is actually of sense.
What causes this? Another incel trait ?
Anxiety, making people subconsciously wanting to give up and go play video games/ be safe. You'll be amazed how much confidence/ anxiety can affect your value. Rather lose as a closet loser than lose big trying to be a winner kind of thing.
Or autism and having neuropathways blocked so that your motor cognition/ coordination is shit.
Autism is just basically blocked neuropathways/ which can also make some open neuropathways like how einstein was thought to have aspergers because it was a beneficial autism in some way.
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A lot of autists develop anxiety at an early age, or people who are inferior and unconfident can't compete in those high motor functioning intensive fields. So the autists just by the age of pre teens or early childhoood begin weightlifting because large mass compensates for lack of intelligent coordination.

Myself, I was dyspraxic and suffer from tremor disorders. "Physical Therapy" was "gym", for me.


There was also group therapy, but that was hardly helpful...

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