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What keeps you from killing yourself?



Nov 11, 2017
Let's see those reasons. As incels there's pretty much no reason to keep on living. Every day is more painful than the last. What keeps us going? For me it's being too much of a pussy to do it and trying to slowly build up the courage.
I want to see this world getting destroyed with my own eyes. I hope WWIII will allow me to enjoy that.
Religion. Killing yourself is one of the biggest sins in Islam.
If you are gonna kill yourself become a hERo, please don't let society win.
Nothing. I think about nearly all day everyday. I should just ER honestly Think 5k can buy all the gear? I would want to get some tripwire explosives and a get fucked bomb vest.
Shrekcel said:
Nothing. I think about nearly all day everyday. I should just ER honestly Think 5k can buy all the gear? I would want to get some tripwire explosives and a get fucked bomb vest.

You would be forever a hero
Shrekcel said:
Nothing. I think about nearly all day everyday. I should just ER honestly Think 5k can buy all the gear? I would want to get some tripwire explosives and a get fucked bomb vest.

Include me in your manifesto.
I will defintely include you all. I feel like a different species. And just like in nature, different species destroy eachother to secure their safe space on this world.
The hope that I can escape incel HELL with looksmaxing. If I could see into the future and know that I would never get laid then I'd get the rope ASAP.
Acid trips.

Being able to go on acid trip once every two weeks into my own imaginary world is the only thing keeping me alive.
Shrekcel said:
Nothing. I think about nearly all day everyday. I should just ER honestly Think 5k can buy all the gear? I would want to get some tripwire explosives and a get fucked bomb vest.

Why spend so much, do it cheap, the way most of these guys do. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/High_Score.
Shrekcel said:
Nothing. I think about nearly all day everyday. I should just ER honestly Think 5k can buy all the gear? I would want to get some tripwire explosives and a get fucked bomb vest.

Please mention that it was MY thread that gave you inspiration.
Shrekcel said:
I will defintely include you all. I feel like a different species. And just like in nature, different species destroy eachother to secure their safe space on this world.

To give you some lifefuel, i was once called shrek too.
Religion. Killing yourself is one of the biggest sins in Islam.

Religion. Killing yourself is one of the biggest sins in Islam.

Not if you become a martyr for islam.   :p
Nothing particularly.

I still cope that the things will work out with my oneitis,maybe when she gets older and gets dumped maybe idk...

In reality I am very close to ending it as I have no real reason to go on..
universallyabhorred said:
Not if you become a martyr for islam.   :p

You got a point there. :cool:  But that would imply I'd be going to Heaven, however, all I have is a one way ticket to Hell. I can just wait it out.
Fear of the unknown.
My mother.
The miniscule chance that somehow I'll find someone.
You got a point there. :cool:  But that would imply I'd be going to Heaven, however, all I have is a one way ticket to Hell. I can just wait it out.

Why do you think you will go to hell, haven't you suffered enough in life?
i want to watch all the roasties committing suicide for lack of LTR.

Upcoming debt bubble burst will unleash lawlessness on the streets and the destruction of all safe spaces. Wonna witness that.
Hookers drugs gambling..

now not mauch now just waiting till it feels right
universallyabhorred said:
Why do you think you will go to hell, haven't you suffered enough in life?

I don't really keep myself busy with the five pillars of Islam which is required of every Muslim. I am supposed to pray 5 times a day and I only go once on Friday and that's not enough. And I don't have the motivation to do anything about it considering I am so defeated by life due to me being a truecel. I don't suffer in this life alone but also in the hereafter. I am truly fucked, with a capital F.
I don't really keep myself busy with the five pillars of Islam which is required of every Muslim. I am supposed to pray 5 times a day and I only go once on Friday and that's not enough. And I don't have the motivation to do anything about it considering I am so defeated by life due to me being a truecel.  I don't suffer in this life alone but also in the hereafter. I am truly fucked, with a capital F.

Can't you pray for forgiveness from allah> Also, maybe you will be forgiven if you martyred yourself, you might even get jb in heaven.
universallyabhorred said:
Can't you pray for forgiveness from allah> Also, maybe you will be forgiven if you martyred yourself, you might even get jb in heaven.

Praying for forgiveness is useless if I don't make changes in my life, which I Don't see happening. In my free time, all I do is LDAR, listening to music, watching movies... and I have friends who care about me so I can't martyr myself. Plus I want a natural death as well. :-/ :-/
Praying for forgiveness is useless if I don't make changes in my life, which I Don't see happening. In my free time, all I do is LDAR, listening to music, watching movies... and I have friends who care about me so I can't martyr myself. Plus I want a natural death as well.

It is a test. If your muslim friends truly care about you, they'll want you to martyr so you can gain entrance into heaven, despite failing to be devout.
universallyabhorred said:
It is a test. If your muslim friends truly care about you, they'll want you to martyr so you can gain entrance into heaven, despite failing to be devout.

They don't see it that way. Besides, I would like to die a natural death. There are still things I am looking forward to such as my favorite artist releasing new music, new movies, etc. :blush:
They don't see it that way. Besides, I would like to die a natural death. There are still things I am looking forward to such as my favorite artist releasing new music, new movies, etc. :blush:

All of that is cope you do realize that right?
The reward of this akhira.

For my Muslim brothers and sisters, if you're thinking of suicide, bismillah it's not what He wishes.


"O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful." 

I will not kill myself. For my lord has forbade me from doing such. Allahu akbar!
I'm a massive pussy and I want a guaranteed way. A guaranteed way would be a gun and I have no access to one.
universallyabhorred said:
All of that is cope you do realize that right?
As long as it keeps me from suicide, I am fine with it.

opsec said:
The reward of this akhira.

For my Muslim brothers and sisters, if you're thinking of suicide, bismillah it's not what He wishes.


"O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful." 

I will not kill myself. For my lord has forbade me from doing such. Allahu akbar!

What stops me is the idea I won't see my folks in the afterlife. Plus it would hurt them if I suicided, even if they have gone.

I'm praying for an early death from natural causes. I'll be lucky to see 60, but maybe I'll have a fatal heart attack by 40.
For me it's being too much of a pussy to do it and trying to slowly build up the courage.
Honestly only digital fantasy worlds keep me from killing myself.
dont have the guts to do it yet.

I want to though. once I get a gun it will be easier to comit to than hanging
BlackPill47 said:
I'm praying for an early death from natural causes. 

Sometimes I wish I had cancer or something and would just have a year or so left to read some books, play some games, listen to some music, travel somewhere and then die. While this would still be terrible for my parents (or for my mother, I have a more complicated relationship to my father I sometimes feel hate for), it would obviously be less terrible than me jumping in front of train. Maybe this would even bring legal issues with it because sometimes the families of people jumping in front of trains get sued and forced to pay for the cleanups and the psychological treatments of the engine drivers etc. 

Recently I've been told that a friend of my parents ... he had a son and apparently the son was diagnosed with cancer all of a sudden and around a year later he was already dead. As far as I know the treatment for cancer is pretty good by now. I mean, not good in the way that they can cure it, but you won't just scream in pain and terror for a year but it might actually be a ratehr painless dead and you can go gently into that good night. 

I never really liked this poem, btw. Do not gently into that good night. It always felt such an immature call for futile resistance against the unavoidable to me: do not go gently into that good night (....) rage rage against hte dying of the light. 

This doesn't feel wise to me, but I digress...
I'm not afraid of death itself, I'm afraid of the extreme pain. I wish I had a proper shotgun I could use to blow my head off, but I don't live in ameriburgerstan.

Either way, I want to see this clown world burn. Everyone can feel the high tensions in society, we're on the edge of a change in the global order. I want to see the giant happening unfold.
scoliosiscel said:
I wish I had a proper shotgun I could use to blow my head off, but I don't live in ameriburgerstan.

Same here. As much as I hate America, burgers are right when they want to defend their right to easily get access to firearms, etc. Here you'd have to jump in front of a fucking train! In the US, you could just drive out into the desert, watch a majestic sunset and off yourself in the beautiful nature.
just hang yourself or use exit bag
I have some hope still, even after 22 years of bullying and loneliness. If I was certain that my life would continue like that I would gladly kill myself instantly
NOTHING. The same nothing I stay alive for.
Family, video games, porn and religion because i believe in reincarnation and karma and i am pretty sure that if i get to reincarnate i will be reborn as incel again out of reasons i dont want to explain here.
family and the hope to get rich somehow, if not by 30 i end myself easily
I want to suicidemaxx tbh. I want to see some epic sights and other cultures before checking out.

I've spent my entire life here in USA with our diseased culture and the epicenter of the incel epidemic. It would be nice to explore the world, especially South America, and make 1 last effort to make a life for myself as a vagabond drifter living off the grid.

Just sitting in my basement and blowing my head off with a shotgun seems lame. Why not explore villages of peasants who are happy? Climb a mountain? Get kidnapped by drug cartels? Come across some angry monkeys in the rainforest? Jump off a cliff? Etc. Fuck this lame, boring culture that caters to women. I don't want to die in it. Please, just give me access for a few days to people who are smiling, laughing, and DGAF so I can go out with a smile on my face too.

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