The USA, specifically: San Faggot-cisco, in fact, the whole Silicone-Valley GAY-area, is a sausagefest with a small but loud contingent of politically powerful man-hating dyke heathens who openly hate the incel programmer elves who mostly populate the area now, as they jack up rent, insofar that being a Kumbaya poetry teacher who works 3 hours a week will no longer pay the bills.
I consider these incel elves the backbone of the US economy, as they churn out our nation's tech toys for Santa Chad techbro billionaires who do don't even fucking work or program, they just tell what these elves what to do on a business trip, and then fly out of that shithole to have cocaine filled polyamourous Burning Man parties on their 10,000 foot yacht off the coast of Marbella- and then write a book about how Stoicism makes them feel better. Pretty soylent green, that SF incel programmers love to lap up the insincere wisdom of their Chad techbro masters, but I digress.
The GAY-area is a miserable fucking experience. Even if you are making 150,000+, that is NEETbux tantamount to being able to precisefly afford sharing a room with 10 other pajeets buttfucking each other in a one bedroom apartment. It's a shithole where you literally whore yourself for cash, then leave. Living there long-term, the incels are so deluded they think they need to become a literal billionaire to ascend. They are locationcelled, so they are probably right. This vicious rat race perpetuates the new cycle of psychotic greed: it's not found just in Wall Street, it's at Stanford baby.