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what happens when you are raised by foids



Oct 19, 2018
newcel here. I've been lurking here for some time now. I wanted to ask you guys how is being raised by foids affect your development. I was raised by a cuck father and a careered empowered mother and I feel just so messed up with so many mental problems. All my friends growing up before pubetery ironically happen to be foids I became so emasculated. anyone else have had the same problem?
You're statistically fucked for being raised by a single mom like I was. Not sure about cucked father.

I used to put a lot of emphasis on that shit when I was into redpill stuff and all but now I see looks > all. If I were attractive I'd have no problems attracting foids even if I were the biggest mama's boy faggot on Earth.
You got fucked. But realizing it is step 1.

You just need to recognize that all of your instincts and attitudes towards women have been artificially shaped by your cucked upbringing.

Try to remember what it was like when you were really little before you were so brainwashed. You probably objectified women and saw them as sex objects rather than as thinking, rational beings. You were correct to see them that way.

That deeply buried boyhood mindset is the one you should work towards uncovering.
You got fucked. But realizing it is step 1.

You just need to recognize that all of your instincts and attitudes towards women have been artificially shaped by your cucked upbringing.

Try to remember what it was like when you were really little before you were so brainwashed. You probably objectified women and saw them as sex objects rather than as thinking, rational beings. You were correct to see them that way.

That deeply buried boyhood mindset is the one you should work towards uncovering.
It really does feel like my masculinity has been snatched away
I was raised by a single mother who was also a "career empowered" woman and it was defo shit. She couldn't spend time with me so I saw porn at 6 years old and got beaten up by my teachers in primary school. Trauma was so much that I would shit and piss myself in the class because I was so afraid of asking to go to the bathroom. In middle school, I was severely bullied for being shy and short and begged her to get me to a pediatric endocrinologist to accelerate my growth. The doctor was female and she refused to give me HGH, citing the fact that her daughter was also short and she wouldn't give it to her either(LMFAO). The bullying got so severe that I begged her to get me out of the school but I had to endure there for 3 years anyway. Single mothers are the worst, they are fucking scum on earth.
I was raised by a single mother who was also a "career empowered" woman and it was defo shit. She couldn't spend time with me so I saw porn at 6 years old and got beaten up by my teachers in primary school. Trauma was so much that I would shit and piss myself in the class because I was so afraid of asking to go to the bathroom. In middle school, I was severely bullied for being shy and short and begged her to get me to a pediatric endocrinologist to accelerate my growth. The doctor was female and she refused to give me HGH, citing the fact that her daughter was also short and she wouldn't give it to her either(LMFAO). The bullying got so severe that I begged her to get me out of the school but I had to endure there for 3 years anyway. Single mothers are the worst, they are fucking scum on earth.
dude it's like looking in a mirror wow. I remember in middle school telling my mom that I wanted to grow and that HGH was for me. I know that being short was going to fuck me over. My mom said no since cancer.
Yeah being raised by a single mother probably isn’t a good thing. I had my dad for most of my childhood but my parents divorced when I was 13-14 and I rarely see my dad these days.

Probably could’ve used a father figure in my high school years.
Yeah being raised by a single mother probably isn’t a good thing. I had my dad for most of my childhood but my parents divorced when I was 13-14 and I rarely see my dad these days.

Probably could’ve used a father figure in my high school years.
high schools years are the most crucial years

just found an idea for a new thread
You waste all your money supporting Jordan Peterson on patreon. Or get involved in crime if high T.
newcel here. I've been lurking here for some time now. I wanted to ask you guys how is being raised by foids affect your development. I was raised by a cuck father and a careered empowered mother and I feel just so messed up with so many mental problems. All my friends growing up before pubetery ironically happen to be foids I became so emasculated. anyone else have had the same problem?
My dad abandoned me (don't know anyone from his side of family) and my grandpa is a gambling addict. I was raised by my man hating mother & grandmother and was always also hated by my older sister. Growing up most of my friends were males though.

I always wanted a dad and when I couldn't have him I tried to find a refuge in my mother. Unfortunately she never wanted to understand me or help me.
Did your mother tell you about her affairs or something?
nope my culture wouldn't allow that degeneracy
My dad abandoned me (don't know anyone from his side of family) and my grandpa is a gambling addict. I was raised by my man hating mother & grandmother and was always also hated by my older sister. Growing up most of my friends were males though.

I always wanted a dad and when I couldn't have him I tried to find a refuge in my mother. Unfortunately she never wanted to understand me or help me.
older sisters are dangerous as fuck man
Everything is a duality, you need a father and a mother to be somewhat stable, altho according to statistics, you end up a lot better with a single father, than with a single mother.
To be honest it doesn't matter. Bateman could have no father. He opens tinder 20 matches
To be honest it doesn't matter. Bateman could have no father. He opens tinder 20 matches
lol Batman had high tier parents who inherited an incredible amount of wealth so much so that he decided to fight villains in his spare time cuz why not. He also received Chadgenetics lmao not the same.


orphan > single mom
nope my culture wouldn't allow that degeneracy

older sisters are dangerous as fuck man
I remember getting black pilled when I overheard their conversations. Just yesterday my mom told my sis about my 18yo female cousin who started dating some dude and that whenever they went somewhere the dude told her to meet up at his place and then they went dutch in every place they went to. I think my cousin already broke up with him (afaik she never fucked him anyways so it barely can be considered dating) but my mom said "All men are DIPSHITS, how could he want her to meet up at his place???? He was supposed to go and escort her from hers and then pay for all the dates! I thought since he was young he wasn't corrupted yet by all of this evil but they are like that from the beginning! He never even escorted her home after they finished (btw she lives in the suburbs so GL escorting her without a car)."

Also my mom thinks I am hot and the only reason I have struggled with everything since I became a teen has been me being a lazy pos yet believes my sister when she tells her she is a femcel (chad didn't wanna commit). I really hate my life.
Everything is a duality, you need a father and a mother to be somewhat stable, altho according to statistics, you end up a lot better with a single father, than with a single mother.
Of course. My shit abusive father would have been much better for my upbringing if he loved me at least a little bit (unfortunately he did not) and decided to become a single dad. The two main bad things about my mom were 1) Her being too passive (female nature) and 2) Her not caring at all about my issues and the general sense of low empathy (again female nature)
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I remember getting black pilled when I overheard their conversations. Just yesterday my mom told my sis about my 18yo female cousin who started dating some dude and that whenever they went somewhere the dude told her to meet up at his place and then they went dutch in every place they went to. I think my cousin already broke up with him (afaik she never fucked him anyways so it barely can be considered dating) but my mom said "All men are DIPSHITS, how could he want her to meet up at his place???? He was supposed to go and escort her from hers and then pay for all the dates! I thought since he was young he wasn't corrupted yet by all of this evil but they are like that from the beginning! He never even escorted her home after they finished (btw she lives in the suburbs so GL escorting her without a car)."

Also my mom thinks I am hot and the only reason I have struggled with everything since I became a teen has been me being a lazy pos yet believes my sister when she tells her she is a femcel (chad didn't wanna commit). I really hate my life.

I imagine this is white family also? btw gj at breaking the brainwashing then again a female household either cucks you for life or makes you into something along the lines of a sociopath.
I imagine this is white family also? btw gj at breaking the brainwashing then again a female household either cucks you for life or makes you into something along the lines of a sociopath.
Yep. I am ethnic though ROFL (my dad is ethnic). Even my sister (who is his daughter) came out white LMAO and on top of that they are all racist. My life is a scam. I have NPD. I wish I were a sociopath since I in fact do feel a lot of shame and pain.
Everyone I've met who had an "empowered" mother was fucked in some way
You get fucked in the ass, like I did.
to be honest, this place will teach you what it is to be a man. not kidding. this place and lookism.net. we only advocate high T, non-cuck, primal behavior.. spend a few weeks here and it'll become who you are.. everything here is based in science and understanding your species in the context of evolutionary psychology among mammals. behavior that seems to be non-existent these days. Most men who call themselves alpha are still cucks. you're in the right place.
being raised by a single mom would be hell. Imagine being in college or highschool living and home and your mother is getting more action at 40 than you are. You'd also have to deal with her going out fucking random men and bringing them home and having brutal screaming sex with chad

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