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Story What happened between you and your oneitis?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19546
  • Start date

Are/were you close friends with your oneitis?

  • Yes, my oneitis and I were close friends

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • No, we were casual friends

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • No, we barely knew each other

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • I fantasized from a distance

    Votes: 18 29.0%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 19546

Jul 11, 2019
I’ve been good friends with my oneitis from before registering in this website. I got jealous of a male friend she had and I simply sperged out, I am not sure what exactly I said that offended her the most because she didn’t say anything and just ended up blocking me on everything, any attempts at contacting her she blocks me again. It’s been over a month so I think it is really over.

What happened with you and your oneitis? Also I’m more interested in those who were close with her.
Nothing much we barely know each
I had one Stacylite oneitis back in HS (I was 16). I asked her out and she just ignored me. Since then, no oneitis. It's cucked anyways.
I’ve been good friends with my oneitis from before registering in this website. I got jealous of a male friend she had and I simply sperged out, I am not sure what exactly I said that offended her the most because she didn’t say anything and just ended up blocking me on everything, any attempts at contacting her she blocks me again. It’s been over a month so I think it is really over.

What happened with you and your oneitis? Also I’m more interested in those who were close with her.

Very cucked ngl.
2 of them we were just casual friends. My current that isn’t really oneitis prob doesn’t know I exist. She just works at the bank I got to. But I’m too black pilled to have a true oneitis now.
i dont have crushes or get oneitis anymore, i got bullied ruthlessly so i never had time to even consider trying to talk to her (later found out she was in a relationship with a chad anyways).
Based. Having a oneitis as a friend is CUCKED, CRINGE, and COPE.

But mine was distant towards me, but we still talked. When I asked her out, she was physically repulsed.
Based. Having a oneitis as a friend is CUCKED, CRINGE, and COPE.
It is a necessary step to the black pill, unless you purely reached this conclusion based on evolutionary biology, which is rarer.
It is a necessary step to the black pill, unless you purely reached this conclusion based on evolutionary biology, which is rarer.
Yeah, ended up happening to me to an extent. I realized what I was doing and just stopped talking to the chick one day.
Foids don’t associate with ugly males like me
What exactly is a oneitis
Back in my bluepilled days. She was a tomboy "lesbian" and she had a crush on my sister, my sis isn't lesbian, didn't work. Then she tried to borrow 40$ from me, which i refused because i knew she didn't see me as a potential boyfriend, i never saw her again. Fuck that bitch.
I knew her very informally, almost from a distance. I'll actually tell you a story about her. We had a science project and she was on our team to build some kind of structure made out of paper to hold textbooks up. I figured that if I won the competition, I could show her that I was smart and that she would date me (massively bluepilled delusions lmao). So we were give the challenge and I designed a structure that could support large amounts of weight, taking inspiration from concrete columns that held up bridges near my home.

Day of the competition arrives, and, as if the gods had said "lol no faggot", she was absent. I was devastated. My design went on to support over 100 textbooks, beating the district record and wining the competition. Of course I was elated. Surely I could get her attention. Next time I see here, she didn't even know there was a competition held. Afterwards, I gradually started more and more like a sperg until she started to avoid me. And that was it. My grades began to suffer until the year finally ended.

One of things the blackpill has taught me is that I never had a chance. Even though she engaged for the first few weeks while in our group, she was never truly interested in me. Combine this with the fact that my parents gave me no freedom to do anything, and it was game over. I was doomed on both a genetic and social level. Any hope I had was an illusion that I conjured up in my mind.
I was friends with mine in sophomore year of college. We were in all the same classes, would hang out after class. I was naïve and thought it was turning into something. Then came junior year of college. We were still in most of the same classes, but she had other friends in those classes. It was clear that she was embarrassed when I'd come up to her, she didn't want to sit by me anymore, and there was no hanging out after class. I caught on rather quickly that she had been nice to me out of pity. Guess it was easy for her to be nice and hang out with me when there was nobody better around, but I was a nuisance if there was any of her real friends around. So I stopped talking to her or approaching her and that was that. It was actually that event that made me realize things were never going to change and that women would never be interested in me. From that point on I could clearly see that the only time women talked to me was when they had to and out of politeness and nothing more. So guess it wasn't all bad as that was finally when it all clicked for me and I realized just how hopeless it was. I should have realized earlier, women had blown me off time and time again, but for some reason this instance really caused me to fully accept my fate as an incel.
was just a random girl i knew online
she ended up ghosting me
I don't really understand this concept of a oneitis, sure I've seen a lot of attractive foids but if you barely know them, what is it other than their looks that would make you obsess over that one foid in particular? You'd have to be at least causal friends for this to be a concept.
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what is it other than their looks that would make you obsess over that one foid in particular? You'd have to be at least causal friends for this to be a concept.

Yes that’s my case, my oneitis and I were very close friends. It’s the emotional connection and shared experiences for me.
Barely knew each other,i stalk her on facebook from time to time
Men truly are better off without women they can't even have bullshitting them.
Gather round younglings. I'm going to tell you a story.

It was the summer of 2006, I was a horny 17 year old and I was active on a forum for science fiction fandom. Oddly enough for some reason it actually had a fair number of women who were active on it. Now 2006 was kind of a bit before the whole "gamer guuurrrl" who hold lancers by the chainsaw and geek culture was not mainstream at all. I would participate on a few threads. I tended to be more active on some gaming, bike and shooting forums. I was in college (in the UK college and university are very different). I had passed a few messages back and fourth with this girl in threads. Then she posted a picture of herself in an offtopic thread and I straight up told her she was hot. Like obviously objectively she wasn't anything special. She was 5'6'', glasses, shoulder length brown hair that was curly at the ends. She was probably an a-cup and was a healthy weight. She was a total tomboy in dress sense. Fuck me though - she was basically exactly my type. She was at university studying a computer subject. She lived in another country.

Believe it or not she private messaged me and said we should chat on MSN because she didn't have any "scifi guys to chat to". I of course accepted and we started chatting on MSN which at that time I had been more on ICQ and AIM. I had a few MSN contacts though and at first our chats were a little awkward because she was a little shy. I actually did talk to a few other girls around this time but they were no-gos due to already being attached or being way out of my league or not being compatible. There was another two girls I selected as potential mates who lived in the same country. One was kind of bipolar and before I could really make a move she was slutting it up with Chads. The other was quite posh. She was 2 years younger (legal in my country though). Her parents were both doctors and they lived in a farmhouse on several acres. She was so out of my league money wise. We actually flirted once or twice but when we chatted it was mostly about being hung up on her ex and her best friend both of who also came from wealthy families. She got with him before I could go and meet her. Then he cheated on her, they broke up. She cried about it. Her parents sent her to an elite uni where she partied with other rich kids. Then paid for a place down in London for her where she slutted it up a lot - as I found out through some detective work. Then she got with a guy who was actually shorter than her but he comes from a very wealthy family and then she blocked me because basically I thought that the UK should leave the EU.

Anyway we chatted more and more though and we followed each other on what is a now mostly defunct journaling site. Honestly as sexy as she was at this time I was only about 12 months out of highschool which was an incredibly red pilling experience with girls and honestly most of the girls in highschool were skanks and trash. I was also pretty realistic that despite her apparent friendliness she was way out of my league. She did claim guys didn't really notice her - I don't know. Maybe they didn't. Despite my attraction to her objectively she wasn't all that attractive and she was quite hard to get to know at first. As more time went on though I became a totally drooling blue pilled SIMP.

It should also be noted in late 2005 I got into PUA. I had tried some of its methods at my college. I had gotten a better wardrobe with my very meagre money and I was in ok physical shape. I had played rugby at highschool and did a lot of cycling and swimming. Honestly though girls were not receptive to any of my approaches. In fact its partly why I had next to no friends as they said I was "weird" and spread stuff about me. The only guy who I chatted to was an international student who was a Tanzanian Asian studying IT and electrical engineering. We would talk "shop" about electronics and computers. I also tried to practice my terrible Punjabi with him. Everyone else shunned me. Funnily enough once or twice guys squared up to fight me but backed down when they found out where I went to highschool (the worst one in the city).

This time was an absolutely awful time in my life - I was hating college. I wasn't doing all that well with my classes. I hated the people I was at college with. I hated the work. I often just skived off and did the work at home and didn't really have any friends there. It was difficult to keep touch with my "crew" from highschool because they lived on the other side of town and it was 35 minutes to cycle over there and honestly I just lost touch with them. They had different lives and most of them dropped out of 6th form. She was reasonably supportive when I told her how much I hated it and how shit things were. I desperately wanted a job but nowhere would hire me. I basically signed up to go to university just to keep my dad off my back.

So yeah - I started to fall for her HARD. I would make the occasional comment about how pretty she was or how nice she looked on a rare occasion. She wasn't exactly having the best time at university either or the summer she spent at home.

So yeah - despite the fact she lived in another country the gears in my mind were whirling. I needed to get a skill so I could get money. Move to her country and win her over. I made a little money here and there from fixing stuff like bikes or computers or selling pirated content to kids who didn't have broadband and doing the odd manual labour job for people I knew. I finished college and then went to university where frankly I was even more miserable. I realised that I'm not very good at coding and spending 40 hours a week bashing my head against the wall with Javascript was a no go. I sank into the worst depression in my life. I had an apprenticeship opportunity fall through for a network tech job. Spent a little inheritance my grandma gave on my day to day bills and drinking to deal with the pain. I didn't tell my love the whole story but sometimes I wasn't exactly pleasant to chat to. Chatting to her was really one of the few highlights of my life at that point - besides playing GTA: San Andreas and bingeing TV shows from bittorrent. The entire global economy imploded and I told my parents I wouldn't be going back to university. My dad was pissed off. But hes a wanker. Fuck him. Certainly that was it for education as my dad made it clear he would never help me with money again.

So yeah. I still have no skills. Economy is totally destroyed. As bleak as things were I was in a better mood now I was out of school. Amazingly after 6 months NEET on jobseekers allowance. I found a shitty part time job for Christmas. I found a little more part time work over the next months and actually managed to secure my first full time job for minimum wage. 42 hours a week average. It was shit, but fuck me I was so happy because my parents were off my back. I got my first car. Times was good. I did actually start to look for other opportunities closer to home to ascend. My tunnel vision certainly had widened since my initial feelings. Having a job and a car didn't seem to be the ticket I thought it would. I tried PUA even harder. I got in trouble for doing approaches back at university. I got complained about at work for trying to chat up this cleaner who worked afternoons.

I did spend one of my first full pay packets on busting my cherry with a cute Czech hooker. Fuck me if that wasn't the best £150 I ever spent.

So yeah - came to the realisation it was my love or bust as far as women went. No other opportunities presented themselves.

I had some financial set backs - my car was a lemon. I was in debt for that. Got a new car (which I still have). Started solo travelling around the country which built up my confidence but I worked like a dog to get my finances up. Built up my position at the company. Went on my first overseas holiday. Then in 2013 I worked up the stones. I flew 5000 miles to finally meet her in person. Fell even harder for her IRL. We went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness at the cinema and man of steel the following week. We spent time gaming and watching stuff on netflix and went out for several meals which were great - I was so fucking giddy. She was intoxicating. Even down to how she smelt. She had put weight on the last few years but I was more attracted to her than ever. I basically made my move by putting my arm around her when we were eating pizza and she shoved it off and told me not to do that. So yeah. Didn't seem that into it. Seemed more into it when we chatted afterwards. So yeah - I went back the next year and we talked about stuff and I was hopeful I would seal the deal this time and she was just mega evasive but actually I noticed that a man was clearly staying in her apartment sometimes. She wasn't as available as she used to be timewise and she was obviously doing something or arranging times around someone else and there was this guy she always complained about and one thing I could tell. Her bedroom smelled of sex - it has a distinctive smell. The disparaging way she talked about him also tipped me off. Some detective work and I basically found proof but she denied it. Then basically it became obvious not long after I got back. He didn't work because of some made up mental conditions but she was paying for lots of stuff including a trip they took but she denied she paid for him but it was obvious seen as he had no money. Next thing he was living with her.

I wondered if it was last and was basically the back up guy.

I hit online dating harder than ever in this time because there were no RL options really. Hit everything hard, multiple accounts. I went to the pub sometimes but women weren't receptive to me. This was about 2-3 years after realising PUA was bullshit. I also found r/ForeverAlone around this time. Then moved onto r/incels.

In 2017 I finally exploded and let her know what I thought of it all. I went no contact. I do still see the occasional update from her but we never pass more than a few comments once a year. Fuck her. I'm blackpilled since 2017.

Looking back on it. I do have fond memories of some of the feelings she stirred in me, I actually really did think for about 2 years I had a chance of ascending and spending time with the woman you love really is intoxicating. She was an introvert unlike most women. She never really slutted it up like most women. I don't think she has had more than 2 or 3 partners to this day - (extensive detective work backs this up, I know what women are like). Maybe she was a virgin for her current man. She was fairly intelligent as far as women go. The only other woman my age I know as intelligent as she is, is my cousin. She also never did shit like most women have where she would block me over politics or superficial shit like some of the other women I have known have. She had a real downer on Hillary Clinton. I suppose I should be grateful in a way. If it wasn't for her. I might never have accepted that really all women are like that.

Sometimes I still rub one out to some of the pictures I have of her sometimes. She really is my type. I snuck feels of her skin. She was so soft and warm and she smelled quite pleasant.

So yeah - Don't make the same mistakes I did boys. Attachment to women always ends in tears.

I know I was a bluepilled simp for years but you have to understand the manosphere wasn't a thing back in 2005-2006. The blackpill is only 5 years old at most.
i voted casual friends but we probably barely knew each other, tough to say exactly. we talked a lot in class and leaving class i talked with her but not much more besides that
alternative answer:
she ghosted you into a black hole

your response was to be very aggressive towards her and lampoon the shit out of the beshoon
she doesnt speak to you at all and avoids at all costs

which is my experience, i still work with her never speak or look at her avoid her if have to work with her growl at her
Gather round younglings. I'm going to tell you a story.

It was the summer of 2006, I was a horny 17 year old and I was active on a forum for science fiction fandom. Oddly enough for some reason it actually had a fair number of women who were active on it. Now 2006 was kind of a bit before the whole "gamer guuurrrl" who hold lancers by the chainsaw and geek culture was not mainstream at all. I would participate on a few threads. I tended to be more active on some gaming, bike and shooting forums. I was in college (in the UK college and university are very different). I had passed a few messages back and fourth with this girl in threads. Then she posted a picture of herself in an offtopic thread and I straight up told her she was hot. Like obviously objectively she wasn't anything special. She was 5'6'', glasses, shoulder length brown hair that was curly at the ends. She was probably an a-cup and was a healthy weight. She was a total tomboy in dress sense. Fuck me though - she was basically exactly my type. She was at university studying a computer subject. She lived in another country.

Believe it or not she private messaged me and said we should chat on MSN because she didn't have any "scifi guys to chat to". I of course accepted and we started chatting on MSN which at that time I had been more on ICQ and AIM. I had a few MSN contacts though and at first our chats were a little awkward because she was a little shy. I actually did talk to a few other girls around this time but they were no-gos due to already being attached or being way out of my league or not being compatible. There was another two girls I selected as potential mates who lived in the same country. One was kind of bipolar and before I could really make a move she was slutting it up with Chads. The other was quite posh. She was 2 years younger (legal in my country though). Her parents were both doctors and they lived in a farmhouse on several acres. She was so out of my league money wise. We actually flirted once or twice but when we chatted it was mostly about being hung up on her ex and her best friend both of who also came from wealthy families. She got with him before I could go and meet her. Then he cheated on her, they broke up. She cried about it. Her parents sent her to an elite uni where she partied with other rich kids. Then paid for a place down in London for her where she slutted it up a lot - as I found out through some detective work. Then she got with a guy who was actually shorter than her but he comes from a very wealthy family and then she blocked me because basically I thought that the UK should leave the EU.

Anyway we chatted more and more though and we followed each other on what is a now mostly defunct journaling site. Honestly as sexy as she was at this time I was only about 12 months out of highschool which was an incredibly red pilling experience with girls and honestly most of the girls in highschool were skanks and trash. I was also pretty realistic that despite her apparent friendliness she was way out of my league. She did claim guys didn't really notice her - I don't know. Maybe they didn't. Despite my attraction to her objectively she wasn't all that attractive and she was quite hard to get to know at first. As more time went on though I became a totally drooling blue pilled SIMP.

It should also be noted in late 2005 I got into PUA. I had tried some of its methods at my college. I had gotten a better wardrobe with my very meagre money and I was in ok physical shape. I had played rugby at highschool and did a lot of cycling and swimming. Honestly though girls were not receptive to any of my approaches. In fact its partly why I had next to no friends as they said I was "weird" and spread stuff about me. The only guy who I chatted to was an international student who was a Tanzanian Asian studying IT and electrical engineering. We would talk "shop" about electronics and computers. I also tried to practice my terrible Punjabi with him. Everyone else shunned me. Funnily enough once or twice guys squared up to fight me but backed down when they found out where I went to highschool (the worst one in the city).

This time was an absolutely awful time in my life - I was hating college. I wasn't doing all that well with my classes. I hated the people I was at college with. I hated the work. I often just skived off and did the work at home and didn't really have any friends there. It was difficult to keep touch with my "crew" from highschool because they lived on the other side of town and it was 35 minutes to cycle over there and honestly I just lost touch with them. They had different lives and most of them dropped out of 6th form. She was reasonably supportive when I told her how much I hated it and how shit things were. I desperately wanted a job but nowhere would hire me. I basically signed up to go to university just to keep my dad off my back.

So yeah - I started to fall for her HARD. I would make the occasional comment about how pretty she was or how nice she looked on a rare occasion. She wasn't exactly having the best time at university either or the summer she spent at home.

So yeah - despite the fact she lived in another country the gears in my mind were whirling. I needed to get a skill so I could get money. Move to her country and win her over. I made a little money here and there from fixing stuff like bikes or computers or selling pirated content to kids who didn't have broadband and doing the odd manual labour job for people I knew. I finished college and then went to university where frankly I was even more miserable. I realised that I'm not very good at coding and spending 40 hours a week bashing my head against the wall with Javascript was a no go. I sank into the worst depression in my life. I had an apprenticeship opportunity fall through for a network tech job. Spent a little inheritance my grandma gave on my day to day bills and drinking to deal with the pain. I didn't tell my love the whole story but sometimes I wasn't exactly pleasant to chat to. Chatting to her was really one of the few highlights of my life at that point - besides playing GTA: San Andreas and bingeing TV shows from bittorrent. The entire global economy imploded and I told my parents I wouldn't be going back to university. My dad was pissed off. But hes a wanker. Fuck him. Certainly that was it for education as my dad made it clear he would never help me with money again.

So yeah. I still have no skills. Economy is totally destroyed. As bleak as things were I was in a better mood now I was out of school. Amazingly after 6 months NEET on jobseekers allowance. I found a shitty part time job for Christmas. I found a little more part time work over the next months and actually managed to secure my first full time job for minimum wage. 42 hours a week average. It was shit, but fuck me I was so happy because my parents were off my back. I got my first car. Times was good. I did actually start to look for other opportunities closer to home to ascend. My tunnel vision certainly had widened since my initial feelings. Having a job and a car didn't seem to be the ticket I thought it would. I tried PUA even harder. I got in trouble for doing approaches back at university. I got complained about at work for trying to chat up this cleaner who worked afternoons.

I did spend one of my first full pay packets on busting my cherry with a cute Czech hooker. Fuck me if that wasn't the best £150 I ever spent.

So yeah - came to the realisation it was my love or bust as far as women went. No other opportunities presented themselves.

I had some financial set backs - my car was a lemon. I was in debt for that. Got a new car (which I still have). Started solo travelling around the country which built up my confidence but I worked like a dog to get my finances up. Built up my position at the company. Went on my first overseas holiday. Then in 2013 I worked up the stones. I flew 5000 miles to finally meet her in person. Fell even harder for her IRL. We went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness at the cinema and man of steel the following week. We spent time gaming and watching stuff on netflix and went out for several meals which were great - I was so fucking giddy. She was intoxicating. Even down to how she smelt. She had put weight on the last few years but I was more attracted to her than ever. I basically made my move by putting my arm around her when we were eating pizza and she shoved it off and told me not to do that. So yeah. Didn't seem that into it. Seemed more into it when we chatted afterwards. So yeah - I went back the next year and we talked about stuff and I was hopeful I would seal the deal this time and she was just mega evasive but actually I noticed that a man was clearly staying in her apartment sometimes. She wasn't as available as she used to be timewise and she was obviously doing something or arranging times around someone else and there was this guy she always complained about and one thing I could tell. Her bedroom smelled of sex - it has a distinctive smell. The disparaging way she talked about him also tipped me off. Some detective work and I basically found proof but she denied it. Then basically it became obvious not long after I got back. He didn't work because of some made up mental conditions but she was paying for lots of stuff including a trip they took but she denied she paid for him but it was obvious seen as he had no money. Next thing he was living with her.

I wondered if it was last and was basically the back up guy.

I hit online dating harder than ever in this time because there were no RL options really. Hit everything hard, multiple accounts. I went to the pub sometimes but women weren't receptive to me. This was about 2-3 years after realising PUA was bullshit. I also found r/ForeverAlone around this time. Then moved onto r/incels.

In 2017 I finally exploded and let her know what I thought of it all. I went no contact. I do still see the occasional update from her but we never pass more than a few comments once a year. Fuck her. I'm blackpilled since 2017.

Looking back on it. I do have fond memories of some of the feelings she stirred in me, I actually really did think for about 2 years I had a chance of ascending and spending time with the woman you love really is intoxicating. She was an introvert unlike most women. She never really slutted it up like most women. I don't think she has had more than 2 or 3 partners to this day - (extensive detective work backs this up, I know what women are like). Maybe she was a virgin for her current man. She was fairly intelligent as far as women go. The only other woman my age I know as intelligent as she is, is my cousin. She also never did shit like most women have where she would block me over politics or superficial shit like some of the other women I have known have. She had a real downer on Hillary Clinton. I suppose I should be grateful in a way. If it wasn't for her. I might never have accepted that really all women are like that.

Sometimes I still rub one out to some of the pictures I have of her sometimes. She really is my type. I snuck feels of her skin. She was so soft and warm and she smelled quite pleasant.

So yeah - Don't make the same mistakes I did boys. Attachment to women always ends in tears.

I know I was a bluepilled simp for years but you have to understand the manosphere wasn't a thing back in 2005-2006. The blackpill is only 5 years old at most.
you are still bluepilled to a degree

you should be blocking the witch fully

you just swallowed the meekspill; eg she is paying for degenerate chad to stay with her and is buxxing chad while leading you on, as there is a thing called lying by omission i would ut it to you she has been lying by omission your whole "relationship"

you did all the leg work went 5000 miles, did you pay for all your "excursions", if you did she could be accused of using you for free entertainment in the areas she is interested in, eg I want to see that movie, wont that guy pay if i go with him , cool.

ghost the roastie as she is no toastie
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Gather round younglings. I'm going to tell you a story.

It was the summer of 2006, I was a horny 17 year old and I was active on a forum for science fiction fandom. Oddly enough for some reason it actually had a fair number of women who were active on it. Now 2006 was kind of a bit before the whole "gamer guuurrrl" who hold lancers by the chainsaw and geek culture was not mainstream at all. I would participate on a few threads. I tended to be more active on some gaming, bike and shooting forums. I was in college (in the UK college and university are very different). I had passed a few messages back and fourth with this girl in threads. Then she posted a picture of herself in an offtopic thread and I straight up told her she was hot. Like obviously objectively she wasn't anything special. She was 5'6'', glasses, shoulder length brown hair that was curly at the ends. She was probably an a-cup and was a healthy weight. She was a total tomboy in dress sense. Fuck me though - she was basically exactly my type. She was at university studying a computer subject. She lived in another country.

Believe it or not she private messaged me and said we should chat on MSN because she didn't have any "scifi guys to chat to". I of course accepted and we started chatting on MSN which at that time I had been more on ICQ and AIM. I had a few MSN contacts though and at first our chats were a little awkward because she was a little shy. I actually did talk to a few other girls around this time but they were no-gos due to already being attached or being way out of my league or not being compatible. There was another two girls I selected as potential mates who lived in the same country. One was kind of bipolar and before I could really make a move she was slutting it up with Chads. The other was quite posh. She was 2 years younger (legal in my country though). Her parents were both doctors and they lived in a farmhouse on several acres. She was so out of my league money wise. We actually flirted once or twice but when we chatted it was mostly about being hung up on her ex and her best friend both of who also came from wealthy families. She got with him before I could go and meet her. Then he cheated on her, they broke up. She cried about it. Her parents sent her to an elite uni where she partied with other rich kids. Then paid for a place down in London for her where she slutted it up a lot - as I found out through some detective work. Then she got with a guy who was actually shorter than her but he comes from a very wealthy family and then she blocked me because basically I thought that the UK should leave the EU.

Anyway we chatted more and more though and we followed each other on what is a now mostly defunct journaling site. Honestly as sexy as she was at this time I was only about 12 months out of highschool which was an incredibly red pilling experience with girls and honestly most of the girls in highschool were skanks and trash. I was also pretty realistic that despite her apparent friendliness she was way out of my league. She did claim guys didn't really notice her - I don't know. Maybe they didn't. Despite my attraction to her objectively she wasn't all that attractive and she was quite hard to get to know at first. As more time went on though I became a totally drooling blue pilled SIMP.

It should also be noted in late 2005 I got into PUA. I had tried some of its methods at my college. I had gotten a better wardrobe with my very meagre money and I was in ok physical shape. I had played rugby at highschool and did a lot of cycling and swimming. Honestly though girls were not receptive to any of my approaches. In fact its partly why I had next to no friends as they said I was "weird" and spread stuff about me. The only guy who I chatted to was an international student who was a Tanzanian Asian studying IT and electrical engineering. We would talk "shop" about electronics and computers. I also tried to practice my terrible Punjabi with him. Everyone else shunned me. Funnily enough once or twice guys squared up to fight me but backed down when they found out where I went to highschool (the worst one in the city).

This time was an absolutely awful time in my life - I was hating college. I wasn't doing all that well with my classes. I hated the people I was at college with. I hated the work. I often just skived off and did the work at home and didn't really have any friends there. It was difficult to keep touch with my "crew" from highschool because they lived on the other side of town and it was 35 minutes to cycle over there and honestly I just lost touch with them. They had different lives and most of them dropped out of 6th form. She was reasonably supportive when I told her how much I hated it and how shit things were. I desperately wanted a job but nowhere would hire me. I basically signed up to go to university just to keep my dad off my back.

So yeah - I started to fall for her HARD. I would make the occasional comment about how pretty she was or how nice she looked on a rare occasion. She wasn't exactly having the best time at university either or the summer she spent at home.

So yeah - despite the fact she lived in another country the gears in my mind were whirling. I needed to get a skill so I could get money. Move to her country and win her over. I made a little money here and there from fixing stuff like bikes or computers or selling pirated content to kids who didn't have broadband and doing the odd manual labour job for people I knew. I finished college and then went to university where frankly I was even more miserable. I realised that I'm not very good at coding and spending 40 hours a week bashing my head against the wall with Javascript was a no go. I sank into the worst depression in my life. I had an apprenticeship opportunity fall through for a network tech job. Spent a little inheritance my grandma gave on my day to day bills and drinking to deal with the pain. I didn't tell my love the whole story but sometimes I wasn't exactly pleasant to chat to. Chatting to her was really one of the few highlights of my life at that point - besides playing GTA: San Andreas and bingeing TV shows from bittorrent. The entire global economy imploded and I told my parents I wouldn't be going back to university. My dad was pissed off. But hes a wanker. Fuck him. Certainly that was it for education as my dad made it clear he would never help me with money again.

So yeah. I still have no skills. Economy is totally destroyed. As bleak as things were I was in a better mood now I was out of school. Amazingly after 6 months NEET on jobseekers allowance. I found a shitty part time job for Christmas. I found a little more part time work over the next months and actually managed to secure my first full time job for minimum wage. 42 hours a week average. It was shit, but fuck me I was so happy because my parents were off my back. I got my first car. Times was good. I did actually start to look for other opportunities closer to home to ascend. My tunnel vision certainly had widened since my initial feelings. Having a job and a car didn't seem to be the ticket I thought it would. I tried PUA even harder. I got in trouble for doing approaches back at university. I got complained about at work for trying to chat up this cleaner who worked afternoons.

I did spend one of my first full pay packets on busting my cherry with a cute Czech hooker. Fuck me if that wasn't the best £150 I ever spent.

So yeah - came to the realisation it was my love or bust as far as women went. No other opportunities presented themselves.

I had some financial set backs - my car was a lemon. I was in debt for that. Got a new car (which I still have). Started solo travelling around the country which built up my confidence but I worked like a dog to get my finances up. Built up my position at the company. Went on my first overseas holiday. Then in 2013 I worked up the stones. I flew 5000 miles to finally meet her in person. Fell even harder for her IRL. We went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness at the cinema and man of steel the following week. We spent time gaming and watching stuff on netflix and went out for several meals which were great - I was so fucking giddy. She was intoxicating. Even down to how she smelt. She had put weight on the last few years but I was more attracted to her than ever. I basically made my move by putting my arm around her when we were eating pizza and she shoved it off and told me not to do that. So yeah. Didn't seem that into it. Seemed more into it when we chatted afterwards. So yeah - I went back the next year and we talked about stuff and I was hopeful I would seal the deal this time and she was just mega evasive but actually I noticed that a man was clearly staying in her apartment sometimes. She wasn't as available as she used to be timewise and she was obviously doing something or arranging times around someone else and there was this guy she always complained about and one thing I could tell. Her bedroom smelled of sex - it has a distinctive smell. The disparaging way she talked about him also tipped me off. Some detective work and I basically found proof but she denied it. Then basically it became obvious not long after I got back. He didn't work because of some made up mental conditions but she was paying for lots of stuff including a trip they took but she denied she paid for him but it was obvious seen as he had no money. Next thing he was living with her.

I wondered if it was last and was basically the back up guy.

I hit online dating harder than ever in this time because there were no RL options really. Hit everything hard, multiple accounts. I went to the pub sometimes but women weren't receptive to me. This was about 2-3 years after realising PUA was bullshit. I also found r/ForeverAlone around this time. Then moved onto r/incels.

In 2017 I finally exploded and let her know what I thought of it all. I went no contact. I do still see the occasional update from her but we never pass more than a few comments once a year. Fuck her. I'm blackpilled since 2017.

Looking back on it. I do have fond memories of some of the feelings she stirred in me, I actually really did think for about 2 years I had a chance of ascending and spending time with the woman you love really is intoxicating. She was an introvert unlike most women. She never really slutted it up like most women. I don't think she has had more than 2 or 3 partners to this day - (extensive detective work backs this up, I know what women are like). Maybe she was a virgin for her current man. She was fairly intelligent as far as women go. The only other woman my age I know as intelligent as she is, is my cousin. She also never did shit like most women have where she would block me over politics or superficial shit like some of the other women I have known have. She had a real downer on Hillary Clinton. I suppose I should be grateful in a way. If it wasn't for her. I might never have accepted that really all women are like that.

Sometimes I still rub one out to some of the pictures I have of her sometimes. She really is my type. I snuck feels of her skin. She was so soft and warm and she smelled quite pleasant.

So yeah - Don't make the same mistakes I did boys. Attachment to women always ends in tears.

I know I was a bluepilled simp for years but you have to understand the manosphere wasn't a thing back in 2005-2006. The blackpill is only 5 years old at most.
tbh I don't believe half of the stuff you're saying about her...
"She was an introvert unlike most women. She never really slutted it up like most women. I don't think she has had more than 2 or 3 partners to this day - (extensive detective work backs this up, I know what women are like). Maybe she was a virgin for her current man. She was fairly intelligent as far as women go."

"ShE Is DiFfErEnT"

It's your head creating stuff that doesn't exist.

She was probably an a-cup and was a healthy weight. She was a total tomboy in dress sense. Fuck me though - she was basically exactly my type.
She did claim guys didn't really notice her - I don't know. Maybe they didn't. Despite my attraction to her objectively she wasn't all that attractive and she was quite hard to get to know at first.

Pretty similar to my oneitis, who is a petite “shy” goth-ish girl. Not objectively attractive according to other guys but to me she was everything.

This time was an absolutely awful time in my life - I was hating college. I wasn't doing all that well with my classes. I hated the people I was at college with. I hated the work. I often just skived off and did the work at home and didn't really have any friends there
I sank into the worst depression in my life.
Chatting to her was really one of the few highlights of my life at that point - besides playing GTA: San Andreas and bingeing TV shows from bittorrent.

I wasted my highschool years depressed, I would go to school forced and then do nothing at all in class, or skip and masturbate in the bathroom, hide and take naps in odd places. 4 Years I did absolutely nothing, and now I will graduate years late.

Just waiting everyday to go home and rot in my shitty laptop, also playing GTA SA but only in winter and I had to open my windows and freeze my room otherwise my laptop would overheat and shut down.

I had tried talking to girls but as you said they would discard me easily, I asked out one girl that seemed she liked me a lot but she’s actually Lesbian, not my type at all but I did cause I thought she liked me.

She really is my type. I snuck feels of her skin. She was so soft and warm and she smelled quite pleasant.

I loved the way my oneitis smelled, it’s insane, I mean her natural smell not like the type of soap or anything, her natural smell was weirdly sweet, it really aroused me not just sexually, like it fired up my brain.

Fucking brutal about her boyfriend, I know how much I cried I can’t begin to imagine smelling their sex sweat, 5000 miles from home.

Doesn’t matter how femcel a girl appears to be, they always have someone else they just don’t talk about them.

I sperged out at my oneitis because I noticed a guy talking in the background in a snap she sent me, in her bedroom.

I’ve been devastated ever since.

Anyways I appreciate your textwall, it’s very rare for people to open up here and really talk you know, reading stories like yours I can connect with is what I come here for.
It's your head creating stuff that doesn't exist.

This tbh, same with my oneitis, we just choose to ignore the bad signs because we want to believe, then reality hits us in the face.
What exactly is a oneitis
Just use the wiki made specifically for your group theory
Iam giga cucked, pathetic looser, but this is my honest oneitis story...

8 years ago... it was the first time that i had my life together.
I was lonely, but i had good copes running for me. I was dieting and working out, i had a decent well paid and respected job, my own place, a car, a cat and i liked my neighbors. I was 25 years old and all i needed to be happy and fullfilled was a girlfriend.

That was the time, i got a new coworker at my work place, a higly introverted, highly empathetic, highly sensitive, super shy, high inhib, social phobic, depressed, cute, doomer girl.
I didnt knew it back then, but this type of women, attracts me like no other ever could.

My narcissistic chad boss decided that iam the one, she could turn to, when she needed help.
She was really needy and i had to help her constantly. I totaly loved that..

Due to her anxiety and panic attacks, i had to do alot more for her, just that she could keep her job. I really did my best, so she would meet her deadlines.
She had really low self-confidence and this job meant everything to her.

It didnt take long and i was in love.

At that time i was bluepilled af, i thought if iam nice to her and spend as much time with her as possible, she might realise, that iam a good guy.

I asked her out and she coundn't really refuse, as she was so dependent on me at work. We spend alot of time together.

This kept on for over 2 years.

In this time period, i lost alot of weight and worked out to impress her.
When i finally reached the best shape of my life, i had sixpack abs, below 10 percent body fat and somewhat decent musclemass.
I decided its time to tell her how i feel.

Well that didnt went so well...

She just said "NO", and "YOUR TO YOUNG FOR ME" (She was 30 and i was 27 at that time). I never saw her this enraged. I didnt want to give up so quickly and asked her if its bc iam ugly or bc iam german (she is kurdish). Then she completly lost it and RAGED at me.

And this is how it all started.. Yes thats not the end...... :feelsrope: :feelskek:

I quit my job the next day, i didnt want to see her ever again. Moved back with my parents and gained my weight back. After 3 years of ldar, i had a hearthattack and a stroke.
I was lucky tho, i dont have permanent damage from that. I guess dying would have been luckier..

My dick isnt working properly anymore, due to edging 1-2 times per day.
I developed a binge eating disorder, and other self harming behavior.
I failed at suicide twice. That damn sleeping pills didnt manage to kill me...

I went in and out of psychatry and psycho -therapy, for two years. They couldnt help me at all, they only managed to make me addicted to antidepressants.

I wasnt in contact with her anymore at that point for 3 years. I wasnt thinking about her anymore ether.

Then she suddenly started texting me again, it was my birthday. She remembered that probably, bc her brothers birthday, is just 2 days before mine. She knew it was my 30th birthday.

I spend that day alone in my parents basement, where i turned into a wizard.. And she has the nerves to call me jfl..


She wanted to know what i was doing and why i quit work. That stupid piece of shit thought i left bc i had found a better job :feelsseriously:..
She mustn't have realised , that i quit because of her. Is that even fucking possible?
How self-centered can someone be?

I have been in regular weekly contact with her again the last three years.

She was in relationship with my ex chad boss for a year or so.
She even lost her virginity at 34yo to him. That could have been me :cryfeels:

I dont know how to cope with that anymore.

The best way to stop my deep inner damage is to take drugs. Iam currently addicted to Kratum. But i like to smoke weed and eat unhealthy food aswell.

I feel like this drugs are not good enough anymore.

Even tho iam somewhat blackpilled i still have some feelings for her.

I just want to die already....
Iam giga cucked, pathetic looser, but this is my honest oneitis story...

8 years ago... it was the first time that i had my life together.
I was lonely, but i had good copes running for me. I was dieting and working out, i had a decent well paid and respected job, my own place, a car, a cat and i liked my neighbors. I was 25 years old and all i needed to be happy and fullfilled was a girlfriend.

That was the time, i got a new coworker at my work place, a higly introverted, highly empathetic, highly sensitive, super shy, high inhib, social phobic, depressed, cute, doomer girl.
I didnt knew it back then, but this type of women, attracts me like no other ever could.

My narcissistic chad boss decided that iam the one, she could turn to, when she needed help.
She was really needy and i had to help her constantly. I totaly loved that..

Due to her anxiety and panic attacks, i had to do alot more for her, just that she could keep her job. I really did my best, so she would meet her deadlines.
She had really low self-confidence and this job meant everything to her.

It didnt take long and i was in love.

At that time i was bluepilled af, i thought if iam nice to her and spend as much time with her as possible, she might realise, that iam a good guy.

I asked her out and she coundn't really refuse, as she was so dependent on me at work. We spend alot of time together.

This kept on for over 2 years.

In this time period, i lost alot of weight and worked out to impress her.
When i finally reached the best shape of my life, i had sixpack abs, below 10 percent body fat and somewhat decent musclemass.
I decided its time to tell her how i feel.

Well that didnt went so well...

She just said "NO", and "YOUR TO YOUNG FOR ME" (She was 30 and i was 27 at that time). I never saw her this enraged. I didnt want to give up so quickly and asked her if its bc iam ugly or bc iam german (she is kurdish). Then she completly lost it and RAGED at me.

And this is how it all started.. Yes thats not the end...... :feelsrope: :feelskek:

I quit my job the next day, i didnt want to see her ever again. Moved back with my parents and gained my weight back. After 3 years of ldar, i had a hearthattack and a stroke.
I was lucky tho, i dont have permanent damage from that. I guess dying would have been luckier..

My dick isnt working properly anymore, due to edging 1-2 times per day.
I developed a binge eating disorder, and other self harming behavior.
I failed at suicide twice. That damn sleeping pills didnt manage to kill me...

I went in and out of psychatry and psycho -therapy, for two years. They couldnt help me at all, they only managed to make me addicted to antidepressants.

I wasnt in contact with her anymore at that point for 3 years. I wasnt thinking about her anymore ether.

Then she suddenly started texting me again, it was my birthday. She remembered that probably, bc her brothers birthday, is just 2 days before mine. She knew it was my 30th birthday.

I spend that day alone in my parents basement, where i turned into a wizard.. And she has the nerves to call me jfl..


She wanted to know what i was doing and why i quit work. That stupid piece of shit thought i left bc i had found a better job :feelsseriously:..
She mustn't have realised , that i quit because of her. Is that even fucking possible?
How self-centered can someone be?

I have been in regular weekly contact with her again the last three years.

She was in relationship with my ex chad boss for a year or so.
She even lost her virginity at 34yo to him. That could have been me :cryfeels:

I dont know how to cope with that anymore.

The best way to stop my deep inner damage is to take drugs. Iam currently addicted to Kratum. But i like to smoke weed and eat unhealthy food aswell.

I feel like this drugs are not good enough anymore.

Even tho iam somewhat blackpilled i still have some feelings for her.

I just want to die already....
brutal oneitis story.Amazing that she even was a virgin at that age to begin with.This world hates us.
tbh I don't believe half of the stuff you're saying about her...
"She was an introvert unlike most women. She never really slutted it up like most women. I don't think she has had more than 2 or 3 partners to this day - (extensive detective work backs this up, I know what women are like). Maybe she was a virgin for her current man. She was fairly intelligent as far as women go."

"ShE Is DiFfErEnT"

It's your head creating stuff that doesn't exist.


Let's just say she was a girl from a small town who was a bit of a dork. She went to Sunday school when she was young and had quite conservative parents. She had two younger sisters. She was also basically a total "tom boy". Never dressed feminine. Never wore make up or perfume.

The very point of my blackpill journey is in some ways she was just like all the other girls. That said she was an introvert because she never went to "da cluuuub" in her life and people she knew called her an "ice queen". I know that. Let's just say I had seen plenty of her social media activity and messages and there was really not much there besides this one guy she chose over me. Seeing that was the final proof.

Seriously mate. I am an expert at intelligence gathering, I was gathering intelligence when I was a young man before you were even born. I frequently outsmarted my enemies in highschool by knowing pretty much everything that was going on. Who was sleeping with who. How many guys a particular girl had fucked. She wasn't a unicorn but a girl like her isn't common and It's part of the reason I became so infatuated with her. She had a very low partner count and didn't go out slutting it up like most other women. I'm not saying she was perfect. I'm guessing she had a one night stand or two with this guy she mentioned in university. Maybe a guy from work. No firm proof either way - just an educated guess.

I did delude myself for many years but my assessment of her was pretty accurate.
we were never friends and she thought I was weird and clingy. our interactions for the past few years have been limited to her glaring at me whenever we pass by each other

I was chronically obsessed with her for like three years so there’s probably a lot more I could say but I just don’t really like talking about her at this point
Last edited:
My oneitis rejecting me was the final step for me discovering the blackpill. She posted on her Snapchat story later that day complaining about how none of the good guys (Chad) wanted to have a relationship with her :feelsrope:
you are still bluepilled to a degree

you should be blocking the witch fully

you just swallowed the meekspill; eg she is paying for degenerate chad to stay with her and is buxxing chad while leading you on, as there is a thing called lying by omission i would ut it to you she has been lying by omission your whole "relationship"

you did all the leg work went 5000 miles, did you pay for all your "excursions", if you did she could be accused of using you for free entertainment in the areas she is interested in, eg I want to see that movie, wont that guy pay if i go with him , cool.

ghost the roastie as she is no toastie

You know she has sent me stuff like x-box game pass codes and free games and stuff that she had spare - because I won't ever pay for that shit again. That is probably why I haven't blocked her. I don't really think about her all that much these days. When I do its in reference to the way she made me feel for a few years. That I think of fondly. It reminds me of a different time. Before the dark time. Before the black pill. I look back on my life there with an odd sort of detachment.

No actually. I didn't pay for any of our trips. We pretty much split everything equally - she paid for pizza the one weekend and I paid for it the next. Or she would pay for lunch one day and I would pay the next and she talked a lot about visiting me. Honestly it lured me into thinking I had a chance. Then the second time I visited she complained how she always ended up paying for this other guy.

So you can see why I'm hyper black pilled today.
Nothing. I just see her at the bus I take. I don't even know the sound of her voice.
I've never obsessed over one girl in particular like that
Attachment to women always ends in tears.
Very true.

I know I was a bluepilled simp for years but you have to understand the manosphere wasn't a thing back in 2005-2006. The blackpill is only 5 years old at most.
Blackpill came into notoriety in like 2017 imo.
2010 to 2016 was the time redpill theories were being formulated and matured.
Pretty similar to my oneitis, who is a petite “shy” goth-ish girl. Not objectively attractive according to other guys but to me she was everything.

I wasted my highschool years depressed, I would go to school forced and then do nothing at all in class, or skip and masturbate in the bathroom, hide and take naps in odd places. 4 Years I did absolutely nothing, and now I will graduate years late.

Just waiting everyday to go home and rot in my shitty laptop, also playing GTA SA but only in winter and I had to open my windows and freeze my room otherwise my laptop would overheat and shut down.

I had tried talking to girls but as you said they would discard me easily, I asked out one girl that seemed she liked me a lot but she’s actually Lesbian, not my type at all but I did cause I thought she liked me.

I loved the way my oneitis smelled, it’s insane, I mean her natural smell not like the type of soap or anything, her natural smell was weirdly sweet, it really aroused me not just sexually, like it fired up my brain.

Fucking brutal about her boyfriend, I know how much I cried I can’t begin to imagine smelling their sex sweat, 5000 miles from home.

Doesn’t matter how femcel a girl appears to be, they always have someone else they just don’t talk about them.

I sperged out at my oneitis because I noticed a guy talking in the background in a snap she sent me, in her bedroom.

I’ve been devastated ever since.

Anyways I appreciate your textwall, it’s very rare for people to open up here and really talk you know, reading stories like yours I can connect with is what I come here for.

This tbh, same with my oneitis, we just choose to ignore the bad signs because we want to believe, then reality hits us in the face.

Yeah - There really is no winning. Mine was a fairly plain Jane chubby tomboy type (she put some more weight on by the time I visited her) but I was still incredibly attracted to her and it still wasn't good enough. You know I really have far more dislike towards Becky than Stacey. I have never really been attracted to a "Stacey" on anything more than a physical level because obviously they are completely out of my league but I am an escortcel of more than a decade and I have fucked a few escort Stacey's and honestly most of them have had better attitudes than most Becky's.

Damn dude - you were more NEET and spergy than me. Most of my effort at higschool went into playing politics, fighting and earning a few quid here and there for doing stuff. My highschool was like a warzone. We had gangs. Whites were a minority. It was brutal. I had to lead my crew as I was more intelligent and less spergy than most of them. Sometimes we skipped out of class but you could have never got away with taking a nap or jacking off. I didn't have to put hardly any effort into school work in order to get really high grades so there was that.

I'm not the only one then - with my love she did have a hint of soap or deodorant but she didn't wear any perfume and she smelt quite pleasant. Most escorts I have been with use a fair bit of perfume or are fresh out the shower when I see them. They don't really arouse me quite like she did. I know human body odour is the result of complex interactions of the immune system, the bacterial ecosystem on your skin and various hormones and pheromones. There are theories that it helps people to select mates who have the correct genetic differences to produce stronger hybrid immune systems in offspring. If you were to genetically close to someone their smell might not be so appealing.

Yeah - I was a bit in denial about what was going on. I half knew and half didn't want to believe it. When I got home though I did go on a pretty epic rage and punched some holes in the wall. She still denied it to my face even though I fucking knew. Then I was kind of cuck and hung around for 2 years hoping it wouldn't work out. I did kind of sperg out a bit on one or two occasions. That was really not a good time in my life. I was in my old job trying to climb the corporate ladder and get the status symbols. I was working 80-100 hours a week and sometimes I was working as regional manager in the South East of England and having to commute 3 hours there and back on top of my shift.

I never had any illusions that she was a femcel. I strongly suspect she fucked a guy she went to university with. I know he had a thing for her and I'm fairly sure he slept with her but I think he was a bit of a player and did that with a lot of girls and I think she also slept with a guy she worked with once or twice because she mentioned him and a lot for about 8 months then never mentioned his name again and some digging on social media indicated to me something had gone on. In that case I knew he was married and it wouldn't work out.

I appreciate reading your story as well. I always am ready to share my experiences to try and help the youngcels on here so they don't make the same mistakes I did.
Back in the elementary school, we barely knew each other, second she noticed I liked her she ignored me totally.
I had a oneitis in elementary and high school. She used to be a high tier Becky / Stacylite back in the day. She used to live in the same area as me and our mothers knew each other.

At one point we both started attending the same Sunday school (some Bible study blabla), this was around the age of 12/13. Our mothers drove us there and we kinda carpooled from time to time. In the car she never spoke a word to me as I was already a shit ugly monstrosity back then, with long oily hair and severely underweight.

Well long story short even though our families were close she tried her very best to ignore me for being a subhuman. I understood that at a young age and it made me realize that I would have to kill myself one day.

Nowadays she's fucking some 40yo Chad. She's about 21 years of age now.
The closest thing I had to a oneitis is a girl I wanted to fuck in the face a bit more than other girls. And I didn't because I didn't want to get my dick bitten off and go to prison.
You know she has sent me stuff like x-box game pass codes and free games and stuff that she had spare - because I won't ever pay for that shit again. That is probably why I haven't blocked her. I don't really think about her all that much these days. When I do its in reference to the way she made me feel for a few years. That I think of fondly. It reminds me of a different time. Before the dark time. Before the black pill. I look back on my life there with an odd sort of detachment.

No actually. I didn't pay for any of our trips. We pretty much split everything equally - she paid for pizza the one weekend and I paid for it the next. Or she would pay for lunch one day and I would pay the next and she talked a lot about visiting me. Honestly it lured me into thinking I had a chance. Then the second time I visited she complained how she always ended up paying for this other guy.

So you can see why I'm hyper black pilled today.
ok possibly she had feelings, she is paying this is a huge move, so it wasnt a straight out sponge angle, there was something at one stage probably.

maybe its again this order of importance where chad is always at the top of the pyramid and everything even one rung lower (eg you) gets completely sidelined and ignored in favour of the highest level importance object (chad), so you need to stay above chad in this ordering, which as we know is only reserved for millionaires and huge social status
ok possibly she had feelings, she is paying this is a huge move, so it wasnt a straight out sponge angle, there was something at one stage probably.

maybe its again this order of importance where chad is always at the top of the pyramid and everything even one rung lower (eg you) gets completely sidelined and ignored in favour of the highest level importance object (chad), so you need to stay above chad in this ordering, which as we know is only reserved for millionaires and huge social status

Pretty much my assessment - you can see why I'm blackpilled now? Close but no cigar. I might as well have been a giga parsec away.

Honestly for a time when I was coming to terms with it I used to hate this fucker she is with. He isn't quite a conventional chad but he is a useless hipster pretty boy and honestly the fact that he is sort of a leech on her just hooked her completely. She was paying most of his bills for a time. The man is just next level with the ladies.
Pretty much my assessment - you can see why I'm blackpilled now? Close but no cigar. I might as well have been a giga parsec away.

Honestly for a time when I was coming to terms with it I used to hate this fucker she is with. He isn't quite a conventional chad but he is a useless hipster pretty boy and honestly the fact that he is sort of a leech on her just hooked her completely. She was paying most of his bills for a time. The man is just next level with the ladies.
the game is a baseless morally corrupt game
wish him good luck,a s everyone says he loses when giga chad cucks him to hell at his own pathetic game
its just straight up who can be the most degenerate and narcissistic while being ok looking thats the game, its like creating a game where the worst and most useless players win everytime, but everyone is ok with the rules as long as they get to win at the end everytime, the winners obviously just women and chad
My oneitis became a oneitis after we became friends. I unironically liked the foid's personality. The roastie fucked Chad though and I learned to never become friends with foids ever.
My oneitis was my bestfriend for years. Atleast, one of them.
She basically used me as a emotional tampon while she blew chadpreets.
We met in "group therapy". She attempted to manipulate me into orbitership, but failed miserably. Later cried because she was manipulated("Pumped and dumped") by Chadlito.
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