Iam giga cucked, pathetic looser, but this is my honest oneitis story...
8 years ago... it was the first time that i had my life together.
I was lonely, but i had good copes running for me. I was dieting and working out, i had a decent well paid and respected job, my own place, a car, a cat and i liked my neighbors. I was 25 years old and all i needed to be happy and fullfilled was a girlfriend.
That was the time, i got a new coworker at my work place, a higly introverted, highly empathetic, highly sensitive, super shy, high inhib, social phobic, depressed, cute, doomer girl.
I didnt knew it back then, but this type of women, attracts me like no other ever could.
My narcissistic chad boss decided that iam the one, she could turn to, when she needed help.
She was really needy and i had to help her constantly. I totaly loved that..
Due to her anxiety and panic attacks, i had to do alot more for her, just that she could keep her job. I really did my best, so she would meet her deadlines.
She had really low self-confidence and this job meant everything to her.
It didnt take long and i was in love.
At that time i was bluepilled af, i thought if iam nice to her and spend as much time with her as possible, she might realise, that iam a good guy.
I asked her out and she coundn't really refuse, as she was so dependent on me at work. We spend alot of time together.
This kept on for over 2 years.
In this time period, i lost alot of weight and worked out to impress her.
When i finally reached the best shape of my life, i had sixpack abs, below 10 percent body fat and somewhat decent musclemass.
I decided its time to tell her how i feel.
Well that didnt went so well...
She just said "NO", and "YOUR TO YOUNG FOR ME" (She was 30 and i was 27 at that time). I never saw her this enraged. I didnt want to give up so quickly and asked her if its bc iam ugly or bc iam german (she is kurdish). Then she completly lost it and RAGED at me.
And this is how it all started.. Yes thats not the end......
I quit my job the next day, i didnt want to see her ever again. Moved back with my parents and gained my weight back. After 3 years of ldar, i had a hearthattack and a stroke.
I was lucky tho, i dont have permanent damage from that. I guess dying would have been luckier..
My dick isnt working properly anymore, due to edging 1-2 times per day.
I developed a binge eating disorder, and other self harming behavior.
I failed at suicide twice. That damn sleeping pills didnt manage to kill me...
I went in and out of psychatry and psycho -therapy, for two years. They couldnt help me at all, they only managed to make me addicted to antidepressants.
I wasnt in contact with her anymore at that point for 3 years. I wasnt thinking about her anymore ether.
Then she suddenly started texting me again, it was my birthday. She remembered that probably, bc her brothers birthday, is just 2 days before mine. She knew it was my 30th birthday.
I spend that day alone in my parents basement, where i turned into a wizard.. And she has the nerves to call me jfl..
She wanted to know what i was doing and why i quit work. That stupid piece of shit thought i left bc i had found a better job
She mustn't have realised , that i quit because of her. Is that even fucking possible?
How self-centered can someone be?
I have been in regular weekly contact with her again the last three years.
She was in relationship with my ex chad boss for a year or so.
She even lost her virginity at 34yo to him. That could have been me
I dont know how to cope with that anymore.
The best way to stop my deep inner damage is to take drugs. Iam currently addicted to Kratum. But i like to smoke weed and eat unhealthy food aswell.
I feel like this drugs are not good enough anymore.
Even tho iam somewhat blackpilled i still have some feelings for her.
I just want to die already....