Wake up around 8 or 9 am.
Check internet shit for 15 minutes.
Shit shower shave.
Walk a mile in seemingly perpetually shit weather to the bus stop.
Ride pub trans with untouchable tier passengers. Life fuel because I am not as poor as them, even if marginally so.
Ride pub trans to my uni lab.
Put in 3 hours of slave labor to fund my stipend which doesn't cover the entirety of tuition.
** be on mobile throughout most of this, checking applications, reports, and appeals.
Walk another mile to eat lunch surrounded by college-age Staceys and Chads.
3-6 hours of seminars for my degree that I am beginning to hate.
Take the bus back at peak hours of late night undergrad courses filled with the Chaddest and Staciest of students.
Walk a mile back to my intellectual prison known as academic housing for graduates students where we are not allowed to have guests or drink alcohol.
Drink alcohol anyway because fuck everything.
Do work for research/class/study until midnightish.
Shitpost/game until 1-2 am.
Work from home from ~1-2 am to ~4-6 am.
Pass the fuck out, occasionally after a blunt or half a bottle of wine or both.
Wake up 4-6 hours later, rinse repeat.