I don't have the patience for souls games
Haven't played Witcher
Zelda peaked with Ocarina of Time and Master Quest. After that the games have steadily decreased in quality. OOT is one of my favorite games
I love almost all mainline Mario games up to Galaxy 2. I also love some of the spinoffs such as Luigi's Mansion, Paper Mario, Mario Golf, Mario Kart, and Mario Baseball and tennis. Top 3 3D Mario games are Sunshine, Galaxy, Galaxy 2. Top 3 2d Mario games are Mario Bros 3, Mario Land 2 and New Super Mario Bros 1.
I'm not a big fan of Metroid. I find the backtracking tedious. The puzzles don't do much for me since they usually just consist of finding something that's hidden. I enjoyed super to a degree when I was 13 but have never been able to come back and finish it.
I've not played much of Castlevania outside of 4 on SNES and whatever game was on 3DS. From what I played I enjoyed it. I've been meaning to play through the series starting with 1 on NES.
I enjoy MegaMan. It's a fun game to play every now and then to pass time. I'm not a huge fan but I've played 1, 6, X1 and X4. Tbh I prefer the zero games to the mainline x games. There's something I enjoy more about them.