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Experiment What % do you think a big clean house/ classy/ refined/ tidy NTmaxxed demeanor helps with getting foids/ friends compared to chad genes?

The % of value a classful demeanor has to raw looks/ genes

  • 0-25%

    Votes: 60 92.3%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters
Not really, in fact they mog white Americans, it's a matter of which kind of society would've been more beneficial to ER.

ER would've been considered more attractive in some country like Colombia or Peru, because most hispanic brown-skinned biracials
how do you think white hispanics mog most white americans?
This post sounds incredibly bluepilled and autistic, ngl. Women give ZERO FUCKS about anything besides LOOKS and MONEY.
how do you think white hispanics mog most white americans?

Better bodies and a more youthful look overall, except maybe mexicans...fatter than Americans.

But like I said before, it wasn't my point.
Well if he's average & NT he has the potential to be a good betabux temporary cock when a bitch is between Chad's.
If you want to become a betamaxxer who's foid is too busy taking paternity tests with her chad at her side to even notice you then sure, NTmaxxing and big housemaxxing are great!
Better bodies and a more youthful look overall, except maybe mexicans...fatter than Americans.

But like I said before, it wasn't my point.
Well I think the physiological implication of your house ties in with capacity/ coordination of nature. And being autistic implies lack of coordination. But the edward cullen type of guy who has good motor reflexes, but shitty social skills is a thing... that also requires looks. You have to be some kind of interspiritual poet/ coordinated socializing genius without chad looks to compensate (jew), which ER was not.
It comes down to these distinctions.

Coordination/ reflexes (of nature, women will see if you're a tryhard/ judge tryhard capacities)

Results of your coordinated nature, which is, your achievements, money, status, accomplishments, works, body (how precise/ toned it is, not how big it is, not buffmaxxing), motor coordination skills... martial arts > lumberjack. Women want the thrill, fun, aboveness of being in a place of high demand refinement rather than anything that takes repetitious/ anyone can do stuff. Like painting, blue collar shit for example.

Looks/ Genetics (your family's looks too), which also ties in with status, money, achievements that are connotated from their power onto yours.

Luck, usually connections/ the universe is on your side/ god is with you vibe. Much like jack sparrow/ pink panther who seems like the one who wins on top no matter how miraculous.
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Well I think the physiological implication of your house ties in with capacity/ coordination of nature. And being autistic implies lack of coordination. But the edward cullen type of guy who has good motor reflexes, but shitty social skills is a thing... that also requires looks. You have to be some kind of interspiritual poet/ coordinated socializing genius without chad looks to compensate (jew), which ER was not.
It comes down to these distinctions.

Coordination/ reflexes (of nature, women will see if you're a tryhard/ judge tryhard capacities)

Results of your coordinated nature, which is, your achievements, money, status, accomplishments, works, body (how precise/ toned it is, not how big it is, not buffmaxxing), motor coordination skills... martial arts > lumberjack. Women want the thrill, fun, aboveness of being in a place of high demand refinement rather than anything that takes repetitious/ anyone can do stuff. Like painting, blue collar shit for example.

Looks/ Genetics (your family's looks too), which also ties in with status, money, achievements that are connotated from their power onto yours.

Luck, usually connections/ the universe is on your side/ god is with you vibe. Much like jack sparrow/ pink panther who seems like the one who wins on top no matter how miraculous.

I couldn't agree, highest IQ comment I've seen in the entire week.

ER was socially retarded since he was a child, most likely because of his aspergers, but Soumaya mentally abusing him wasn't beneficial either, a coordinated nature is what separates a normie with a decent life from a socially isolated mentalcel.

Luck is also a pretty important (and sadly less talked here) factor in terms of life quality and attractiveness. I've a chubby korean friend from middle school which has had 3 decent looking girlfriends. Sometimes it's a matter of being the right man accompanied by the right circumstances and the right time like you said.

I think that ER would've benefit himself if he was raised in Latin America or Asia, he was racially aware that being hapa was a disadvantage in the american social fabric, a disadvantage that was amplified as he grew up.

So being a light-skinned biracial in a country composed by mostly brown-skinned biracials would've been much more beneficial to him. Sure, he may not have accomplished that high-tier normie/Chad-lite life that he desired (composed by having multiple girlfriends and a great social circle) but he at least could've had a decent group of friends which shared his love for WoW and Star Wars, decent parents (Li Chin and Peter were dreadful at it) and perhaps even a looksmatched girlfriend.
I couldn't agree, highest IQ comment I've seen in the entire week.

ER was socially retarded since he was a child, most likely because of his aspergers, but Soumaya mentally abusing him wasn't beneficial either, a coordinated nature is what separates a normie with a decent life from a socially isolated mentalcel.

Luck is also a pretty important (and sadly less talked here) factor in terms of life quality and attractiveness. I've a chubby korean friend from middle school which has had 3 decent looking girlfriends. Sometimes it's a matter of being the right man accompanied by the right circumstances and the right time like you said.

I think that ER would've benefit himself if he was raised in Latin America or Asia, he was racially aware that being hapa was a disadvantage in the american social fabric, a disadvantage that was amplified as he grew up.

So being a light-skinned biracial in a country composed by mostly brown-skinned biracials would've been much more beneficial to him. Sure, he may not have accomplished that high-tier normie/Chad-lite life that he desired (composed by having multiple girlfriends and a great social circle) but he at least could've had a decent group of friends which shared his love for WoW and Star Wars, decent parents (Li Chin and Peter were dreadful at it) and perhaps even a looksmatched girlfriend.
Sadly I think I talk about so many concepts that escape people's minds here.
Attraction is about novelty/ distinction. And having a clean house but no coordination is like having an expensive car without an engine. It's just lacquered but people will quickly get it's useless.

Edward cullen it epitomization of pretty boy + edge/ competition field. Hot white guy + super natural abilities, without beta tendency to steer things with the social constructs of words/ money/ status.
But he also has status going for him with his near perfect vampire family.

Leanmaxxing over musclemaxxxing
Musclemaxxing is unnatural, shows insecurity, too out there, covers up a lot of things that can be viewed/ seen/ judged about one's bones/ skin/ etc. that muscles would take away from (changeable trait)
Showing precision based mindset is more rare/ birth based/ missable than something produced. And the hierarchy of what is born rather than earned is inescapable. Women want men with tyrannical advantage.
Genetically especially since that is more distinct to the person and the least changeable
Many bluepilled men think that owning a cute pet helps. Fact is girls will love the cute pet and not you. Same with a luxury home.

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