Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill What do you envision .is users looking like?

I used to think that everyone here would be some 2/10 abomination.

But after some users face revealed to me I envision everyone else looking either 4-5/10 in looks
Yep, seems about right. I saw many 4s and 5s in DMs. Only one 2-3/10 legit truecel, and a couple 6/10s
most self proclaimed incels that post here are bland at best, maybe its self selection and the truly ugly ones just never post face
I can't believe you have so little posts for a 2017 join date. Damn
Average guy here is probably a 4-5/10 LTN/MTN. I can bet that most people here are not near as truecel as they say they are. I'll admit myself I've been rated MTN it's just being short and non-nt fucks me over.
Now you got me curious what you actually look like, lol. Most users I saw were 4-5/10s
being aspies is what fucked them over tbh, examples being @VideoGameCoper or @Left4DeadDarkie
Yeah, I doubt many of us would be here if NT.
Just like me

Mtn with hellish life experiences and trauma
they are like 4-5s and 6'0, plus darkie has the tyrone halo, and they are still as truecel as they get, because non NT destroys your SMV by making you effectively too retarded socially, to even socialize.
And if you are too non NT to even make friends in your hobbies, in my case, cars, then you are totally screwed when it comes to interacting with women. Making friends in your hobby is supposed to be easy as fuck. If even that's hard, how the fuck are you gonna navigate female interactions?
And if you are too non NT to even make friends in your hobbies, in my case, cars, then you are totally screwed when it comes to interacting with women. Making friends in your hobby is supposed to be easy as fuck. If even that's hard, how the fuck are you gonna navigate female interactions?
Inb4 your local numb digger denies this.
Muh autizmm. That is not enough to fuck you over completely unless moderate or severe on the spectrum. If they are minimum 5/10 and 6'0 then they are by no means fellow inkies
Dude, you aren't even ugly. Somewhere between 4-5/10, and you have ok height. Your NT and low inhib looksmatch is getting laid right now
Inb4 your local numb digger denies this.
They can fuck right off. Looks matter most obviously, but you can't deny that if you suck at socializing so much you can't even make friends in the hobby, you have even worse odds with females
They can fuck right off. Looks matter most obviously, but you can't deny that if you suck at socializing so much you can't even make friends in the hobby, you have even worse odds with females
No foid will ever forgive a non chad sped, forget about that, EVER.
Now you got me curious what you actually look like, lol. Most users I saw were 4-5/10s
I'm interesting in what you would rate me facially as well because peoples rating standards seem to vary a lot in these spaces. Maybe I'll send you my face at some point but I don't wanna go around showing my face to too many people on here out of fear of being doxxed. No one on .is has seen my face but I've been rated MTN once on .org and once on discord.
I'm interesting in what you would rate me facially as well because peoples rating standards seem to vary a lot in these spaces. Maybe I'll send you my face at some point but I don't wanna go around showing my face to too many people on here out of fear of being doxxed. No one on .is has seen my face but I've been rated MTN once on .org and once on discord.
I see. Anyway, I don’t blame you for not wanting to show your face. Totally up to you. I have never shown my face here either. I think that would just be a very bad idea since I’m one of the biggest posters here and my face would quickly turn into an internet meme if it ever got leaked
I see. Anyway, I don’t blame you for not wanting to show your face. Totally up to you. I have never shown my face here either. I think that would just be a very bad idea since I’m one of the biggest posters here and my face would quickly turn into an internet meme if it ever got leaked
I thought you said you were only slightly below average looking facially though? I doubt you would end up as a meme but you wouldn't like to have your real face connected to your account here anyway. I can't blame you for not showing your face to anyone either but you're also one of the users I'm most curious about what they look like irl with how much you post and how often people on here accuse you of being a fakecel jfl.
im not sure but i think most people here heightmog me
I thought you said you were only slightly below average looking facially though?
Yeah, I’m not ugly, nor very attractive. Maybe 4.5/10 or 5/10 on a good day if I’m lucky.
I doubt you would end up as a meme but you wouldn't like to have your real face connected to your account here anyway. I can't blame you for not showing your face to anyone either but you're also one of the users I'm most curious about what they look like irl with how much you post and how often people on here accuse you of being a fakecel jfl.
Hard to say. I think just the fact I have so many posts here would make IT wanna turn me into a meme
being socially too retarded to socialize does make you truecel nigga.
Truecel status is reserved for facial and other looks-related deformities. No amount of autism will make you a truecel unless you are severely autistic to the point of emancipation by the state but then you wouldn't even be able to post on this forum... Well maybe barely so like Alek the king of autism.

Having NT problems can make you incel for sure but there are ways around the problem. And it is INFINITELY easier to resolve NT issues than it is to resolve other genetic problems that can be seen with a plane eye. You can mask autism with drugs or other shit, you can't mask your face. You can also geoplay and have the language difference mask much of ur retardspeech like I am planning to do. It won't mask your social anxiety though, you'll just have to powerplay it by overcoming your fears and mind there is no other way around it, trust me I tried. I suppose drugs can help to a degree but even on drugs I was severely anxious when dealing with people.

I am an autist and I am ugly on top of that and I know which one is worse :feelsrope:
Truecel status is reserved for facial and other looks-related deformities. No amount of autism will make you a truecel unless you are severely autistic to the point of emancipation by the state but then you wouldn't even be able to post on this forum... Well maybe barely so like Alek the king of autism.

Having NT problems can make you incel for sure but there are ways around the problem. And it is INFINITELY easier to resolve NT issues than it is to resolve other genetic problems that can be seen with a plane eye. You can mask autism with drugs or other shit, you can't mask your face. You can also geoplay and have the language difference mask much of ur retardspeech like I am planning to do. It won't mask your social anxiety though, you'll just have to powerplay it by overcoming your fears and mind there is no other way around it, trust me I tried. I suppose drugs can help to a degree but even on drugs I was severely anxious when dealing with people.

I am an autist and I am ugly on top of that and I know which one is worse :feelsrope:
there is no truly masking NT, why? within seconds normies can easily determine youre not one of them, and that you are putting up an act, there is surgery for looks, but not for autism, and drugs? all it will make you is a soulless wreck.
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Seems like something they'd do
Agreed, that’s why I ain’t risking it. I made the mistake of posting a pic of my rare car here once, and had fat link delete it cause I didn’t want them to literally search up all the cars if they model in the United States (there aren’t many like mine) and doc me somehow. Bad enough they found the thread about my car breaking down after my father died a few months earlier and twisted it to make it look like I was more sad about the car than his death
there is no truly masking NT, why? within seconds normies can easily determine youre not one of them, and that you are putting up an act, there is surgery for looks, but not for autism.
Yep. Only chads can get away with Asperger’s. For chads, sure, it is a non factor. Also for super ugly men, it’s over NT or not. For normie looks level men, it’s a massive factor. Even Rehab Room said that NT or autistic will make or break the normie
Elliot rodger,patrick cruisius,randy stair,nikola cruz,seung hui chos eric and dylans and there it goes on and on and maybe some look like that canadian shooter as well the one with black hair that hated women
Shit. That’s brutal af man. If you are still pretty young like below 19, I’d eat some good protein and calories just to see if your height grows at all. Not gonna help much, but you might gain an inch if you had poor nutrition mostly before. I kept growing till 19
Yep. Only chads can get away with Asperger’s. For chads, sure, it is a non factor. Also for super ugly men, it’s over NT or not. For normie looks level men, it’s a massive factor. Even Rehab Room said that NT or autistic will make or break the normie
and even then, there is a point, where you can sperg out so much, not even chad halo will save you.
there is no truly masking NT, why? within seconds normies can easily determine youre not one of them, and that you are putting up an act, there is surgery for looks, but not for autism.
I agree with this to a degree. You can't mask your autism it will always come out which is why I suggested geolocation where the language barrier naturally masks your autistic speech for you. Autistic behavior remains but that is far harder to pick up on and you can mask that to a large degree.

But even so, if you are good looking or even in just normie territory and your only problem is Autism you have A LOT more room to maneuver around the problem, and you can keep trying and trying as you got the entry ticket at least.

Someone who is ugly doesn't have an entry ticket to jack shit, when I tried approaching women they wouldn't even fucking talk to me they would just shoo me away or do the 'ughhh' face and ignore me till I fucked off. That was my experience in clubs. Also without the fault every single club I went to I got kicked out by security at the end. I am surprised they even let me in but I was in a group with chadlites so perhaps they turned a blind eye.

If God came down to earth and asked me which trait do I want to keep, my sub3 looks or my autism I would pick autism without a fail (after stabbing him to death for what he done to me).
I agree with this to a degree. You can't mask your autism it will always come out which is why I suggested geolocation where the language barrier naturally masks your autistic speech for you. Autistic behavior remains but that is far harder to pick up on and you can mask that to a large degree.

But even so, if you are good looking or even in just normie territory and your only problem is Autism you have A LOT more room to maneuver around the problem, and you can keep trying and trying as you got the entry ticket at least.

Someone who is ugly doesn't have an entry ticket to jack shit, when I tried approaching women they wouldn't even fucking talk to me they would just shoo me away or do the 'ughhh' face and ignore me till I fucked off. That was my experience in clubs. Also without the fault every single club I went to I got kicked out by security at the end. I am surprised they even let me in but I was in a group with chadlites so perhaps they turned a blind eye.

If God came down to earth and asked me which trait do I want to keep, my sub3 looks or my autism I would pick autism without a fail (after stabbing him to death for what he done to me).
autist behavior is even evident in your stare, body expressions, and normans can easily pick that shit up, regardless of language, and even if you manage to approach a foid, being socially low iq means you will somehow fuck it up, if you are socially too retarded to make friends, imagine a girlfriend?
and even then, there is a point, where you can sperg out so much, not even chad halo will save you.
Yeah, but no Chad ever failed from being a sperg aka level 1 autism. Only level 3 autism where he is a complete moron that can’t talk could fail him.
Yeah, but no Chad ever failed from being a sperg aka level 1 autism. Only level 3 autism where he is a complete moron that can’t talk could fail him.
thats the point where chad halo cant save you.
autist behavior is even evident in your stare, body expressions, and normans can easily pick that shit up, regardless of language, and even if you manage to approach a foid, being socially low iq means you will somehow fuck it up, if you are socially too retarded to make friends, imagine a girlfriend?
This is a good argument. Logically, if making male friends (something that should be easy as could be) is difficult, imagine what it does to your chances of getting a gf (something much harder than making friends even for normies).
Basically, there isn’t one level 3 autist here. Only level 1s and sometimes 2s could even use the forum. So all of us would instantly ascend if we had Chad tier looks. It many of us could ascend with our current looks if we were NT
Basically, there isn’t one level 3 autist here. Only level 1s and sometimes 2s could even use the forum. So all of us would instantly ascend if we had Chad tier looks. It many of us could ascend with our current looks if we were NT
you would only be truly happy if you were pretty boy type chad in my case, this is true for a lot here, why? we are so mentally fucked and damaged from rotting, not even slaying or vanilla LTR masculine chads get would fix us, this is why im a big fan of mommydom, femdom and related dynamics.
you would only be truly happy if i was pretty boy type chad in my case, this is true for a lot here, why? we are so mentally fucked and damaged from rotting, not even slaying or vanilla LTR masculine chads get would fix us.
The damage is already done. Even ascending right now could never make up for the wasted years. It would help a lot regardless tho
The damage is already done. Even ascending right now could never make up for the wasted years. It would help a lot regardless tho
i see the damage from rotting this way, trauma, trauma that will either haunt us for the rest of our life, or we will require extraordinary care, support and romantic companionship to affront. (which we will obviously never get.)
Basically, there isn’t one level 3 autist here. Only level 1s and sometimes 2s could even use the forum. So all of us would instantly ascend if we had Chad tier looks. It many of us could ascend with our current looks if we were NT
I honestly doubt I or some other users here would ascend even without our autistic traits. If you are below a 5/10 then its over. Ok maybe surgeries could help in my case but Im a poorcel so yeah over indeed
i see the damage from rotting this way, trauma, trauma that will either haunt us for the rest of our life, or we will require extraordinary care, support and romantic companionship to affront. (which we will obviously never get.)
Even with the best care and love (which is never gonna happen most likely), there would still always be a hole in our soul
I honestly doubt I or some other users here would ascend even without our autistic traits. If you are below a 5/10 then it’s over. Ok maybe surgeries could help in my case but Im a poorcel so yeah over indeed
Yeah, you or me might still have a rough time as an NT. Females now are pickier than ever and average isn’t good enough for many even. I could SEAmaxx though, guaranteed if NT. You probably could too
Even with the best care and love (which is never gonna happen most likely), there would still always be a hole in our soul
i emphasized its extraordinary for a reason, and even if you affront it, it wont be 100%, always remember, rotting and inceldom, is from a psychological POV, TRAUMA.

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