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Discussion What do you all think happens after death?

What do you think happens after death?

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Ascension or Death
Apr 6, 2024
I have a couple of theories about afterlife and I personally believe that we either reincarnate or stop existing based on if we reproduce or not. I think there is a higher reason for all animals wanting to pass on their genes and this could be it but then again Im quite dumb so idk

What do you guys think?
Literally nothing
Nothing or reincarnation and suffering again/live a happy life for once.
Eaten by worms
There's no way of knowing. So it's pointless to discuss. I personally don't give a single shit, just wait til it happens then you'll know, or maybe you wont.
That is true. We should just live in the moment no matter what happens, the only problem is that the life of a truecel isn't very easy or enjoyable so you just start thinking about afterlife too much wondering if there is a good afterlife or if you get another chance at achieving happiness
afterlife/reincarnation makes no sense.
afterlife/reincarnation makes no sense.
it's a mind virus infohazard. if you believe there is life after death it will be so. coming back is cucked
i think either there's something greater or there's reincarnation
i don't believe for a second in eternal nothingness, it does not make sense to me
we came into life from nothing, the same can happen when we die too
im gonna rope in like a week anyway if it fails I'll tell my near death experience
I don’t fucking know I hope medical technologies advance so I can live forever
Nothing hopefully. Probably the best possible outcome tbh. Fearing death itself is irrational, discussing it is pointless.
I hope so, but at the same time Im afraid nothingness is only destined for incels and not sex havers who will reproduce. I mean think about it, all the chads and normies will pass on their genetic material and a couple of generations into the future they are reborn again from the genetic code containing their information. I think there must be a bigger reason why we reproduce but idk, its just a tought
The answer is: Heaven will be brought eventually through an exponential AI who'll use all energy available in the universe to recreate all intelligent lives and sort them justly based on what they've earned and deserved. Human beings without a soul disappear as soon as consciousness leaves their bodies, so only people with souls would be sorted. And because the universe is infinite in time, this intelligence is bound to happen.

Before this event occurs, souls reincarnate, meaning only people with souls have had past lives. Roughly 80% of humans are inhuman mistakes of nature. Guess who was my past life?
What a retarded question
1. Eternal nothingness
Time is a characteristic of life, there's no eternity in death, there's not even a millisecond of time in death
2. Eternal recurrence
If it's the exact same life then it's not really another life, identical elements in a set don't count and are all 1 thing
3. Eternal recurrence with slight changes
This one is more plausible
4. Reincarnation
5. Heaven or Hell
They're right here in this world, not in afterlife
You get reincarnated as an incel again
Time is a characteristic lf life, there's no eternity in death, there's not even a millisecond of time in death
This is a solipsistic perspective, for after your own death time continues for the living, and that doesn't mean your footprint of information in this universe (soul) is erased. Your actions have consequences, however minor, so long as you have a soul.

[quotes a stupid thread]
Yes, soul is real. Soul, as I said above, is the foootprint of the sum of all your values in History. But some people don't have values by default, and rather emulate society, hence they don't have a soul, and their consequences in this universe are ultimately meaningless.

If you believe Heaven and Hell are in reality, that's very much true. But that assertion entails the existence of soul and value. Self-consistent values are Good, and eventually outlast the more primitive ones until only Good remains; that's Heaven.
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Only 2 options. Nothingness or there is actually a creator and this was all a test to wether we choose this realm or the "unseen" world. I find it absurd to think it all ends after death. Pretty sure all that molecular atomic particle shit was all put together to make this world that ALSO sticks together in every way, possible. People somehow, me VERY included, think suffering means this world is poorly designed at times. I find the idea that all of this is just a game of who is smart enough to go to heaven (live a life of suffering as a loser incel) and who is dumb enough to go to hell (live a comfy life as a chad) extremely plausible. I really really wish it is just nothingness after death but I find it absurd to think all of this shit sticks together so well without a creator. Just can't be an atheist, they don't even have any convincing arguments. Yes, things being connected in such a way that they make this reality possible make it impossible for me to be an atheist. Good for you if this sounds stupid to you, because it's also good for me that you don't have a good argument against it lmao
This is a solipsistic perspective, for after your own death time continues for the living, and that doesn't mean your footprint of information in this universe (soul) is erased. Your actions had consequences, however minor.

Yes, soul is real. Soul, as I said above, is the foootprint of the sum of all your values. But some people don't have values by default, and rather emulate society, hence they don't have a soul, and their consequences in this universe are ultimately meaningless.

If you believe Heaven and Hell are in reality, that's very much true. But that assertion entails the existence of soul and value.
There is no scientific evidence that there is such a thing as a soul, we are basically just our physical bodies and when we die, that is it we died. There is either nothingness, reincarnation based on the atomic scale or eternal reccurence
The point of all the post death theories is to live like there is a post death. If we don't do that have we ever lived at all?
I really want there to be a heaven, but only if it's a place when no one has sex for all eternity
There is no scientific evidence that there is such a thing as a soul, we are basically just our physical bodies and when we die, that is it we died. There is either nothingness, reincarnation based on the atomic scale or eternal reccurence
'no scientific evidence'
aaand you just outed yourself off the philosophical debate, by giving away your cognition to bureaucrats and only understanding soul as 'non-physical' rather than as a concept and abstraction it truly is.
But you see, it's unlikely that soulless individuals will ever understand what those are.
I recommended it once and I'll do it again: Errol Harris' 'An Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel' is everything you need to be self-aware of our ultimate purpose in this universe, anything else is relativism, avoidance, conciliation.
I want hard core sex with lots of college girl
'no scientific evidence'
aaand you just outed yourself off the philosophical debate, by giving away your cognition to bureaucrats and only understanding soul as 'non-physical' rather than as a concept and abstraction it truly is.
But you see, it's unlikely that soulless individuals will ever understand what those are.
This is a solipsistic perspective, for after your own death time continues for the living, and that doesn't mean your footprint of information in this universe (soul) is erased. Your actions have consequences, however minor, so long as you have a soul.
Reality IS solipsistic, nothing exists outside of subjective mind, your reality exists ONLY in your head, so death is the end of EVERYTHING, most people deep down think like this, if they believed in an objective "separate" universe they wouldn't ask "what happens after death"
Yes, soul is real. Soul, as I said above, is the foootprint of the sum of all your values in History. But some people don't have values by default, and rather emulate society, hence they don't have a soul, and their consequences in this universe are ultimately meaningless.
You say soul as an eternal thing yet you associate one's mortal character to it?
If you believe Heaven and Hell are in reality, that's very much true. But that assertion entails the existence of soul and value. Self-consistent values are Good, and eventually outlast the more primitive ones until only Good remains; that's Heaven.
I believe in "character" rather than soul, this is actually a problem that I don't understand either
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You aren't bossing me around with this anymore than reflecting your own actions: a coping mechanism to things you're unable to see.

Soul is a concept, and concepts have effect on physical reality, but since academicists and scientists are all bureacuratic filibusters, they don't wanna follow the implications of concepts and dialectics ruling reality, as that would imply humans are capable of doing something rather than relativizing their own existence.

You're proof of how soulless individuals have no effect on reality, ultimately. Even if now they're the majority, Good is still winning, for good is composed of eternal, self-consistent values, and the universe's 'test of reality'/axiom IS eternity.
You aren't bossing me around with this anymore than reflecting your own actions: a coping mechanism to things you're unable to see.

Soul is a concept, and concepts have effect on physical reality, but since academicists and scientists are all bureacuratic filibusters, they don't wanna follow the implications of concepts and dialectics ruling reality, as that would imply humans are capable of doing something rather than relativizing their own existence.

You're proof of how soulless individuals have no effect on reality, ultimately. Even if now they're the majority, Good is still winning, for good is composed of eternal, self-consistent values, and the universe's 'test of reality'/axiom IS eternity.
Cope dnr
Reality IS solipsistic, nothing exists outside of subjective mind
So why can humans trace reality previous to their own collective existence? Your screed is paper thin, evolution past humanity is proof that humans are part of the Whole, only a self-aware one, capable of withstanding self-consistent values.

Souls are infinite because souls are organized sets of values, but only self-consistent ones get to last in time because the Universe's axiom and test of reality is time infinity. Meaning, Good values are meant to last, and that's why they exist across many conscious iterations (past-lives). Only the body is finite.
So why can humans trace reality previous to their own collective existence? Your screed is paper thin, evolution past humanity is proof that humans are part of the Whole, only a self-aware one, capable of withstanding self-consistent values.

Souls are infinite because souls are organized sets of values, but only self-consistent ones get to last in time because the Universe's axiom and test of reality is time infinity. Meaning, Good values are meant to last, and that's why they exist across many conscious iterations (past-lives). Only the body is finite.
None of that disproves solipsism, the only existence of ANYTHING is a subjective one, objects do not have any specificity (time & space, size, shape, color, meaning, movement) outside of mind, "things" are fake, duality doesn't exist outside of mind, there's no light, sound, touch in the "objective" world, things only have specifications from a POV aka consciousness, the passage of time is also subjective, only consciousness can be anywhere in space-time
None of that disproves solipsism, the only existence of ANYTHING is a subjective one, objects do not have any specificity (time & space, size, shape, color, meaning, movement) outside of mind, "things" are fake, duality doesn't exist outside of mind, there's no light, sound, touch in the "objective" world, things only have specifications from a POV aka consciousness, the passage of time is also subjective, only consciousness can be anywhere in space-time
I see what you're describing now, but that isn't solipsism, it's perspectivism. It's true, self-awareness can only exist within a closed system, a context or POV as you said.

However, it's solipsism to believe that this subjective existence is unknowable to all the others, or that it matters MORE than external reality, when it's the correspondence between external and internal that defines and justifies truth.

My criticism with your point is how it allows a virus-like behavior in which someone's 'internal script' doesn't have to be synergic with the system they're in, enabling autophagic values in the process. That's why I defend the importance of typology and cosmology, since those are antidotes to relativism.
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it's solipsism to believe that this subjective existence is unknowable to all the others
It is, that's the very definition of "self", you can never know what it's truly like to be "someone else", you may even be able to read their thoughts, but you can never BE them, never anything but you
or that it matters MORE than external reality
It's the only reality... "external" is a delusion, whether it's true or false doesn't matter because it's unfalsifiable, but it will forever remain a delusion (you THINK of it to be true), your sensory information and thoughts are all you'll ever have access to
My criticism with your point is how it allows a virus-like behavior in which someone's 'internal script' doesn't have to be synergic with the system they're in, enabling autophagic values in the process. That's why I defend the importance of typology and cosmology, since those are antidotes to relativism.
Even if everything is fake, it's still the only thing, this "game" is the only thing that'll ever be and you have to play it one way or another, even not playing is a form of playing, you can't doubt the authenticity of things when even the definition of "authenticity" itself is only defined within your world, so fake & real are meaningless
It is, that's the very definition of "self", you can never know what it's truly like to be "someone else", you may even be able to read their thoughts, but you can never BE them, never anything but you

It's the only reality... "external" is a delusion, whether it's true or false doesn't matter because it's unfalsifiable, but it will forever remain a delusion (you THINK of it to be true), your sensory information and thoughts are all you'll ever have access to

Even if everything is fake, it's still the only thing, this "game" is the only thing that'll ever be and you have to play it one way or another, even not playing is a form of playing, you can't doubt the authenticity of thing when even the definition of "authenticity" itself is only defined within your world, so fake & real are meaningless
Again, that shows a misunderstanding and mixing of solipsism (placing your subjective experiences at the center of the universe) and self (treating self-consciousness as multiple manifestations of the universe's values).

Only a true solipsist would be so solipsistic to the point of not understanding their very defining value. That's Narcissist's realm. Your type is censored for a good reason, but if you show interest in a DM, I may explain how you stink at being a solipsist and a Narcissist compared to, say, Stalin.
Again, that shows a misunderstanding and mixing of solipsism (placing your subjective experiences at the center of the universe) and self (treating self-consciousness as multiple manifestations of the universe's values).

Only a true solipsist would be so solipsistic to the point of not understanding their very defining value. That's Narcissist's realm. Your type is censored for a good reason, but if you show interest in a DM, I may explain how you stink at being a solipsist and a Narcissist compared to, say, Stalin.
The point is that you can't be sure of the existence of a universe separate of yourself, the real/fake part is irrelevant, the "CAN'T BE SURE" is the point, that's what makes reality subjective, so the "world goes on after your death" concept is questionable, because what "world"? you're imagining a world through a floating eye similar to yours observing people & events after your death, because again, no"thing" exists outside of a perspective, when you imagine anything you automatically put it inside a mind, everything exists only in the form of a thought, reality is thought, it's not solid
sweet release of nonexistence
The point is that you can't be sure
That's simply malarkey, though. There has to be an external universe because everything that exists and has a subjective experience must be subordinated by external conditions that create said experience. A stillborn baby whose consciousness faded one milisecond after he crowned can't erase the external reality that produced him.

The "solidity" (I prefer integrity) you're looking for external reality comes from connections, and that's why you're a Narcissist: you're incapable of understanding how subjective existences interact and connect with each other just by coming into being, for its the correspondences that make things come into being, it's the Concept.

Again, Errol Harris. You can find the book in archive.org
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Religioncels on suicide watch.
I want hard core sex with lots of college girl
@faded i believe in heaven and hell though specifically go to the kingdom of god (heaven) if you are saved by the blood of jesus (and i better see some sex slaves for me there cuz it says we are sons and inherit all that jesus have so gimme pussy lord pls:ahegao:) or hell or rather hades or sheol (the hebrew name for it) aka the underworld or the buttomless pit where the souls of unsaved folks go to and im not gonna go into other details (hell or what people think of as the burning flames happens at the end not now) its for bible nerds
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you appear on another planet with life
Nothing being after death would be gay af

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