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What can a grown man (~25 or 30 years old+) even do to impress and attract women?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
Other than have good looks, obviously.

What can you even do to impress women and attract them?

Music/guitar or art or shit like that is for highschoolers or college students at best. At 25+ you're pretty much working all the time and don't have a time or place to display stuff like that and trying to impress people with those things would seem juvenile anyway.

"Personality"-wise there's nothing you can do to impress, there's just plenty you can do to repel. Being humble and honest and funny and whatnot won't do shit, but not being those things will actively hurt you.

So what's left? Just be good looking? Come on, life can't resume to this one fucking thing can it?
So what's left? Just be good looking? Come on, life can't resume to this one fucking thing can it?

  1. Peeps are being told more & more to use dating apps to screen out undesirables. Dating apps give robotic like information about you aka digital speed dating. If you don't have the stats you're fucked. If you don't have the money for the endless subscriptions they hock off you're finished. There is no room for the mythical personality on there. If your face don't fit & you're under height it's virtually nigh on impossible to court & date.
  2. The work load at work is becoming alot more more complicated & stressful due to increased competition through the lack of jobs available so employers are squeezing whatever is left out of their employees & then discarding them when they're burnt out since they're afraid of losing their cash flow & employers know this. Than they restart it all again.
  3. The instant gratification culture that has been spawned by prole feed media giving fanciful delusions via tokenism & staged stakhnovite success stories albeit fraudulently might I add & comparing that to your own shit life based on lookism is adding to the mental & psychological turmoil that one goes through.
  4. Misandrist feminism aka radical feminism has derailed the traditional courtship & dating rituals of actually being funnily enough personality matters since any courtship signal unless done by a chad or dyke will deliberately be told to be construed as "rape" so in effect cold approaches are out unless the woman approaches you & that's hit & miss since they'll have their own problems.
  5. 9-5:30 jobs are the norm now where you're expected to work through your 1 hour or half hour lunch so in effect working a 40-50 hour week since you'll have to stay late unpaid no less aka slave labour due to the inflated work load they're piling on you.
  6. You then go to the gym & try & exercise but too tired. You then try your luck with woman at the gym but she's not there for you. She's there for chad or her girlfriends or to get validation & admiration from sycophantic orbiters. So you get depressed even more & your cortisol levels rise increasing your fat levels & weakening your body further.
  7. You go on further educational courses or college courses online or in the evening to improve your lot but that is too tiring although you keep up with it to improve your chances in the ever cannibalistic work place. No chance for dating.
  8. You go to meet ups but they're not there for dating or mating since they're getting ploughed on the side by their play partners or fuck buddies or friends with benefits whilst you just get a pat on the shoulder whilst being friend zoned. Ps. How long does it take you to build up to that realisation that you're not physically attractive enough to have sex freely as any woman? Ps. That's time lost & time is the most precious commodity we have.
  9. After having the media flaunt these aesthetically physically desirable peeps in your faces & seeing their happy lives & comparing it to your own. You than build up envy & jealousy & rage seeing the French aristocrats flaunt their food in your starving faces all the while getting false validation due to the halo effect so all their propaganda about personality mattering is false & you build up resentment at their inducing of false guilt into you when you're trying your best & giving it your all & still getting nowhere. All the while seeing these peeps getting free passes based on their looks a feature which is out of your control to improve at great cost to yourself as well as getting further depressed due to the fear of missing out. How many here would want to go out knowing this fact. Not many. How many Incel tears copers would want to accept this fact. None as they'd rope asap since they're not as strong as us.

I'll cease now but I'm sure you get the picture OP. If possible can a mod put :blackpill: prefix in the title header.
Hello @RageAgainstTDL sorry to bother you again but are you able to put the :blackpill: prefix in the title header with @mylifeistrash permission thanks? I feel this thread warrants it.
Status and momey
Have a good well paying job, have assets (car, money in bank, house)
Have a good well paying job, have assets (car, money in bank, house)
this good luck
haven’t seen u in a while @anon1822 hope u r doing good
Status and momey
Have a good well paying job, have assets (car, money in bank, house)
Things that are incredibly hard to obtain nowadays, when people are very competitive even for entry level jobs that pay peanuts and even work you unpaid overtime, with little chances of promotion/advancement.
this good luck
haven’t seen u in a while @anon1822 hope u r doing good
I hope you're doing well too.
Things that are incredibly hard to obtain nowadays, when people are very competitive even for entry level jobs that pay peanuts and even work you unpaid overtime, with little chances of promotion/advancement.

I hope you're doing well too.
Nigga get off your ass and get a job.
Skilled trades are the way to go
the only thing left by a man that age who didn't ascend earlier is, unfortunately, betabux
Be 8/10 or above and rich
I hate the idea of having to impress the inferior gender of the human race and satisfy her demands as if she's on some pedestal looking down on me.
I hate it too, why does having a wet hole make them protected and vied for in society?
if poor they waste time in pubs, at street corners, in front of those footall bets rooms or whatever. talking to other men and waiting for something to happen.
if rich they do the same but in the more expensive versions i guess, like famous clubs and casinos.
basically just sit at a street corner all day with a "free man" sign.
Get a wife from the third world
flash a wad of bills wherever you go
i have no fucking idea
if poor they waste time in pubs, at street corners, in front of those footall bets rooms or whatever. talking to other men and waiting for something to happen.
if rich they do the same but in the more expensive versions i guess, like famous clubs and casinos.
basically just sit at a street corner all day with a "free man" sign.
Ok I need to stop thinking about women and anything related to them altogether. This shit is seriously starting to both piss me off and bum me out. I need to think like a monk or some shit.
Every connection especially romantic HAS to happen through a social circle in that age. No one trusts any strangers especially women. If you dont have a social circle, you have pretty much been sent straight to old age.
Ok I need to stop thinking about women and anything related to them altogether. This shit is seriously starting to both piss me off and bum me out. I need to think like a monk or some shit.
feel felt
Other than have good looks, obviously.

What can you even do to impress women and attract them?
Top Tarrant's count but direct your efforts (((where they truly belong)))
do backward somersault and dissazzpear into your rectum.
How are you perceived by them till now? Had your interactions with females? I have sometimes thoughts speaking to them, only to see how they react to me. But I probably know, how it ends: nonsexual speaking: friendly reaction, maybe even smiles, flirting: she will be irritated and then away as fast as the wind.
Thinking serious coin to even come close to getting their attention with wealth. Above average income ain't gonna cut it with all the benefits foids get just for existing, so to even give up (LOL) their chad gobbling you're gonna need to really be up there. And if you are, why would you care about anything but a one night?
The so called game.

Prepared funny lines, sexual innuendoes, stories, convenient lies, small talk... PUA shit, basically.
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Other than have good looks, obviously.

What can you even do to impress women and attract them?

Music/guitar or art or shit like that is for highschoolers or college students at best. At 25+ you're pretty much working all the time and don't have a time or place to display stuff like that and trying to impress people with those things would seem juvenile anyway.

"Personality"-wise there's nothing you can do to impress, there's just plenty you can do to repel. Being humble and honest and funny and whatnot won't do shit, but not being those things will actively hurt you.

So what's left? Just be good looking? Come on, life can't resume to this one fucking thing can it?
Nothing personality or hobby related. Must be looks related aside from extreme things like becoming super rich and famous. My last plan is to roidmaxx and hope a girl falls for just my body. Not all girls like muscles but there is a niche of gym chicks that love big ripped guys.
Foids are looking to settle at this age. So they seek looks and financial security. You have to win more than 70% of the population to have a little more success. Way more than between 15 and 20 yo when foids only care about looks.
do backward somersault and dissazzpear into your rectum.
That's shaggadelic baby.
Every connection especially romantic HAS to happen through a social circle in that age. No one trusts any strangers especially women. If you dont have a social circle, you have pretty much been sent straight to old age.
Are you saying social circle is more important than before? God damn I still only have only my mom and dad's phone numbers in my contact list, I'm screwed.
Nothing personality or hobby related. Must be looks related aside from extreme things like becoming super rich and famous. My last plan is to roidmaxx and hope a girl falls for just my body. Not all girls like muscles but there is a niche of gym chicks that love big ripped guys.
NGL that might work but you might also fuck up your health so I don't think it's worth it on the off-chance it does work. Are you neurotypical and social enough to actually leverage that body into attracting a woman?
Things that are incredibly hard to obtain nowadays, when people are very competitive even for entry level jobs that pay peanuts and even work you unpaid overtime, with little chances of promotion/advancement.

I hope you're doing well too.
you could get them, but only if you take loans for the rest of your life (nowadays this is even what upper middle class people do)
but yea, there is no way to get those unless you rape-loan yourself
That's shaggadelic baby.

Are you saying social circle is more important than before? God damn I still only have only my mom and dad's phone numbers in my contact list, I'm screwed.
Yes, before youre in your late 20s/30s you are presented with much more opportunities to develop these social circles. You are in schools with other young people, or in other environments where people are drawn to each other. Once youre passed your mid 20s the chance of developing a social circle is very low because people already have established ones from childhood, are also busy with life, and will certainly not trust as much as they wouldve in adolescence. Its social natural selection, like getting old, you become irrelevant. Youre probably in the wrong place for advice on finding a partner in these ages but likely the only way to find a serious one would be to look for one thats in the same situation. With todays dating market the chance of finding a non mental, attractive woman in that field seems very low. Many men compete for woman that are “lonely” and for a reason.
you could get them, but only if you take loans for the rest of your life (nowadays this is even what upper middle class people do)
but yea, there is no way to get those unless you rape-loan yourself
You're right, I'm just overly pessimistic and anxious. There are people who do manage to achieve a moderate amount of wealth, even if they start off poor. I'm just projecting cause I wouldn't be able to do it, but some people can do it. I for one couldn't ever take a loan, I hate that shit, it would make me very anxious. Other than that, I don't think I'd ever believe in something enough to commit myself enough to enough to take a loan.
NGL that might work but you might also fuck up your health so I don't think it's worth it on the off-chance it does work. Are you neurotypical and social enough to actually leverage that body into attracting a woman?
Lol but I’m almost a 40 year old virgin, I DONT CARE ABOUT MY HEALTH AT THIS POINT. If I die so what. And steroids alone rarely or never kill. This plan may work for me since I am fairly NT and not short.
Some level of quantifiable fame or influence. I'd say IG followers in the 150K+ level. A thriving business where YOU are the employer. A cult that you operate. A boring ass schmuck don't cut it if you're under 6'
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Yes, before youre in your late 20s/30s you are presented with much more opportunities to develop these social circles. You are in schools with other young people, or in other environments where people are drawn to each other. Once youre passed your mid 20s the chance of developing a social circle is very low because people already have established ones from childhood, are also busy with life, and will certainly not trust as much as they wouldve in adolescence. Its social natural selection, like getting old, you become irrelevant. Youre probably in the wrong place for advice on finding a partner in these ages but likely the only way to find a serious one would be to look for one thats in the same situation. With todays dating market the chance of finding a non mental, attractive woman in that field seems very low. Many men compete for woman that are “lonely” and for a reason.
Yeah I should just learn to be a monk or deeply in to religion or something cause it's so over. But religion doesn't stick to me, my brain rejects it.
Lol but I’m almost a 40 year old virgin, I DONT CARE ABOUT MY HEALTH AT THIS POINT. If I die so what. And steroids alone rarely or never kill. This plan may work for me since I am fairly NT and not short.
Not short and NT? Yeah I think that may actually work. But even if you don't care about your health, you should get advice from a doctor or at least someone with some medical expertise. Cause knowing when to use it, when to stop, when to cycle, how much to use etc... is quite a delicate balance that is very hard to achieve.
Yeah I should just learn to be a monk or deeply in to religion or something cause it's so over. But religion doesn't stick to me, my brain rejects it.
I believe in Christianity, but ive got alot to learn. Though its not really my inceldom that sends me down that path, it certainly gives alot of men that have no woman meaning and direction. Alot of answers too. Dont get into roping or anything like that though, that type of talk seems to come from younger cels or larpers.
You're right, I'm just overly pessimistic and anxious. There are people who do manage to achieve a moderate amount of wealth, even if they start off poor. I'm just projecting cause I wouldn't be able to do it, but some people can do it. I for one couldn't ever take a loan, I hate that shit, it would make me very anxious. Other than that, I don't think I'd ever believe in something enough to commit myself enough to enough to take a loan.
Just do exposure therapy (doing what you are afraid of)
and make sure that you actually take a loan with good interest and for something which is worth it
Literally nothing. The only hope is betabux
Being an star millionaire like Mr Beast
Gun will definitely impress them

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