i’m DYING for wrap around implants i’m so excited, i have a weak lower third w strong assymetry and an overbite. i’m gonna keep the overbite purposely to keep my midface short and instead use the implants to give the impression of foward growth (my chin is recessed). After that i need hairline lowering, and forehead reduction.
i’ll be traveling the world to the shortest places in the world to attempt to redeem my JBW coupon on top of having these surgeries. I’m 5’4 and live in america so i constantly get brutally mogged here.
If i’m still not doing well at that point i’ll get zygomatic arch implants and if still nothing i’ll get leg lengthening surgery. My eyes are asymmetrical and not hunter eyes but i will try to save that for the end because those are generally the most dangerous surgeries, hoping a strong lower third can halo me and have people ignore the issues w my eye area
I pray to St. Eppley everyday and have already constacted him he’s really fast to reply and a really smart dude