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Experiment What age of females are you sexually attracted to?

What age of females are you sexually attracted to?

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A majority of users here are somewhere between the ages of 16-25. There's a few of us oldcels around here also. :feelsjuice:
My own theory on the demographics of these forums is that the overwhelming majority of these kids eventually find satisfaction that they presumptively believe is going to be denied them in to perpetuity and as such, they phase out of the incel culture. Oldcels such as you and I my comrade, are rare indeed and our own torment is far more pronounced since it isn't just speculative but fully realized over an entire lifetime of disconsolation. Incidentally, I take it that you're a fan of Goethe with the Faust reference?
My own theory on the demographics of these forums is that the overwhelming majority of these kids eventually find satisfaction that they presumptively believe is going to be denied them in to perpetuity and as such, they phase out of the incel culture. Oldcels such as you and I my comrade, are rare indeed and our own torment is far more pronounced since it isn't just speculative but fully realized over an entire lifetime of disconsolation. Incidentally, I take it that you're a fan of Goethe with the Faust reference?
Yes, I really like Goethe.

The reason I created this thread is that I'm sick and tired of the MSM describing all of inceldom as either being pedophilic or full of violent terrorists. They take a handful of incidents by various individuals overtime and then they're like, "See, this is what their entire community represents!"

They do this constantly because they're intellectually lazy and because they don't want to solve or have any solutions for male problems where they rather would have us all rot in the gutter. I suppose that is what inspired me to create this thread the other night because I want to prove them wrong about their misconceptions of us all. Yes, the life of an oldcel never gets any better and I think that's why there is so few of us to begin with. :feelsjuice:
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Why deos this seem like a FBI honey trap?
Two things.

1) 18+ only for legal reasons. Nothing worse than dating foids below 18 year old age only to get in trouble with the law (tattletale foids or her disapproving parents or even the morals-nosy society itself) that ruins reputation with sex offender registration or the internet even if acquitted or pardoned.

2) Do as Leonardo DiCaprio does - date agreeable girls as soon as they turn 18, and dump them after they hit a particular age called “the wall”. My rejection of the wall age is 30 years old.

Diagram here. I refuse to link to Reddit post itself because Reddit just banned my old dormant account thanks to insane leftist hivemind on that POS web site.

I prefer ones around my own age however I still do find foids 21 years of age very attractive including a former coworker who is 11 years younger than me, she had a awesome ass
What was the question again, officer? :society:
It would be cucked to say foids in my own range or even ones over 20. Id say 18-20 I find all other toilets revolting. My age is 29 even if they where hypothetically hot they have been taking chad cock for at least 14 years and have counts in the 100s.
Incels are no different from other men in this regard. Women gladly throw their children to Chads. It is only creepy when Incels want it.

His two co-defendants, who are the mothers of children he abused, were jailed for 14 and 17 years. Mr Justice Royce said the case "plunged into new depths of depravity".

Yes, I really like Goethe.

The reason I created this thread is that I'm sick and tired of the MSM describing all of inceldom as either being pedophilic or full of violent terrorists. They take a handful of incidents by various individuals overtime and then they're like, "See, this is what their entire community represents!"

They do this constantly because they're intellectually lazy and because they don't want to solve or have any solutions for male problems where they rather would have us all rot in the gutter. I suppose that is what inspired me to create this thread the other night because I want to prove them wrong about their misconceptions of us all. Yes, the life of an oldcel never gets any better and I think that's why there is so few of us to begin with. :feelsjuice:
They do the same with right wing extremism, Islamic fundamentalism, incidence of gun violence and even the recrudescence of Russian chauvinism in the sense that the media will be fixated on a singular and entirely unrepresentative scenario and try to misconstrue that as the paradigmatic essence of the movement or culture or nation which they find repugnant to their liberal, jewish, feminist and woke sensibilities.

Goethe along with Richard Wagner and his truly majestic works revived a lost sense of the esoteric and numinous in Germanic culture and thereby did a great deal to ensure that the revival of the Romanticism of old would prevail over the Judaic-Bolshevik progressivism that was pitched against the purifying influence of National Socialism. I know for certain that the cultural, ideological and intellectual road that led to Auschwitz was one that was built upon the edifice of the esotericism of the 19th century which is to say that any true Nazi embraces Goethe as a prerequisite to a final solution to the problem of the invidious influence of worldwide jewery.
I hate seeing inceldom being lumped up with pedophiles. :feelsjuice:
You're using feminism's rule to measure yourself and the incel movement, which should be opposed to it. Of course we'll lose if we play by their standards.

Trying to please SJWs/feminists/leftists in general is useless. The more you compromise to them, the more they'll step on you and accuse you of being evil anyways. "Hey feminists, see, I only feel attracted to women over 16! I-I-I'm not a pedohile, I promise!" - then feminists will say attraction to women below 20, or 23, or half your age + whatever, or whatever bullshit they come up with it is the new pedophilia (this is already in practice in the more radical feminist/SJW circles like Inceltear), or say that you're just a rapists white male or some bullshit like that and hate you and make your life hell anyways.

Those people don't have true morals, only think in terms of power and see that attitude of yours as weakness. They're kinda like animals if you think about it.

Yes, I feel attracted to girls much younger than what feminism thinks it's ok for someone like me to feel attracted to. So do tons of men. So what? Have I committed an actual, violent crime towards someone? No. Then fuck what they think.
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You're using feminism's rule to measure yourself and the incel movement, which should be opposed to it. Of course we'll lose if we play by their standards.

Trying to please SJWs/feminists/leftists in general is useless. The more you compromise to them, the more they'll step on you and accuse you of being evil anyways. "Hey feminists, see, I only feel attracted to women over 16! I-I-I'm not a pedohile, I promise!" - then feminists will say attraction to women below 20, or 23, or half your age + whatever, or whatever bullshit they come up with it is the new pedophilia (this is already in practice in the more radical feminist/SJW circles like Inceltear), or say that you're just a rapists white male or some bullshit like that and hate you and make your life hell anyways.

Those people don't have true morals, only think in terms of power and see that attitude of yours as weakness. They're kinda like animals if you think about it.

Yes, I feel attracted to girls much younger than what feminism thinks it's ok for someone like me to feel attracted to. So do tons of men. So what? Have I committed an actual, violent crime towards someone? No. Then fuck what they think.
I understand your position, we've talked about this in the past to some degree. My whole entire basis of this thread is that the MSM accuses a majority of incels being pedophilic, I have accomplished my mission in this thread showing a majority are not even though there is a small percentage that is. For me some level of public relations with the outside world is necessary for us to survive and continue being an organization. I know there are many here who think that's pointless, but it's one of those things we'll disagree upon. I really want to improve our public image and public relations, it might be futile overall, but I want to at least try. :feelsjuice:
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Why deos this seem like a FBI honey trap?
It's not, it is a simple voting poll. Most people on this forum have created countless loli threads who already have shared such sentiments, meaning, people who simply vote in this thread poll isn't going to reveal anything new or anything that isn't already widely known from a user's posting history on this entire forum. :feelsjuice:
Two things.

1) 18+ only for legal reasons. Nothing worse than dating foids below 18 year old age only to get in trouble with the law (tattletale foids or her disapproving parents or even the morals-nosy society itself) that ruins reputation with sex offender registration or the internet even if acquitted or pardoned.

2) Do as Leonardo DiCaprio does - date agreeable girls as soon as they turn 18, and dump them after they hit a particular age called “the wall”. My rejection of the wall age is 30 years old.

Diagram here. I refuse to link to Reddit post itself because Reddit just banned my old dormant account thanks to insane leftist hivemind on that POS web site.

Leonardo DiCaprio effect. :feelsjuice:
I understand your position, we've talked about this in the past to some degree. My whole entire basis of this thread is that the MSM accuses a majority of incels being pedophilic, I have accomplished my mission in this thread showing a majority are not even though there is a small percentage that is.
I see. I think a solid definition is needed for the debate to work: if one defines "pedophilia" biologically, as in, only actual children with no traces of puberty yet count as "pedophilia" and the attraction has to be stronger than the one towards adults, or at least very significative, not a mere 5% of what one feels for adults or something, then it's very clear than only a small minority of men are pedophilic. But using feministic culturally-based definitions, things change drastically. 16 is already pretty high and arbitrary IMO, but to concede something to you, tons of people here are American so they navigate through those standards. I still wish they'd question it more, but whatever.

For me some level of public relations with the outside world is necessary for us to survive and continue being an organization. I know there are many here who think that's pointless, but it's one of those things we'll disagree upon. I really want to improve our public image and public relations, it might be futile but I want to at least try. :feelsjuice:
I'm on the team who thinks it's useless tbh. I think we just should avoid criminal activity or things that could deplatform us. But just expressing ideas and preferences is not a crime yet, I mean, it already is in Brazil, where I live, kek, but not in most free places like the US.

I do understand the effort though. At least the intention is good so I give you that as well.
I see. I think a solid definition is needed for the debate to work: if one defines "pedophilia" biologically, as in, only actual children with no traces of puberty yet count as "pedophilia" and the attraction has to be stronger than the one towards adults, or at least very significative, not a mere 5% of what one feels for adults or something, then it's very clear than only a small minority of men are pedophilic. But using feministic culturally-based definitions, things change drastically. 16 is already pretty high and arbitrary IMO, but to concede something to you, tons of people here are American so they navigate through those standards. I still wish they'd question it more, but whatever.

I'm on the team who thinks it's useless tbh. I think we just should avoid criminal activity or things that could deplatform us. But just expressing ideas and preferences is not a crime yet, I mean, it already is in Brazil, where I live, kek, but not in most free places like the US.

I do understand the effort though. At least the intention is good so I give you that as well.
You'll notice one poll category in this thread, "I don't conform to western sexual standards as I'm a foreigner."

I intentionally made that category because this is an international incel forum with members ranging from all nations worldwide. IT and western mainstream media keep forgetting to mention that our forum here doesn't just solely have western members only. In foreign nations western sexual standards on the age of consent are completely different culturally. For the most part western sexual standards are not universally practiced worldwide in all nations. :feelsjuice:
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You'll notice one poll category in this thread, "I don't conform to western sexual standards as I'm a foreigner."

I intentionally made that category because this is an international incel forum with members ranging from all nations worldwide. IT and western mainstream media keep forgetting to mention that our forum here doesn't just solely have western members only. In foreign nations western sexual standards on the age of consent are completely different culturally. For the most part western sexual standards are not universal worldwide in all nations. :feelsjuice:
Fair enough. I'll vote for that option.
Fair enough. I'll vote for that option.
It's retarded they try to guage an international forum full of international members ranging from around the entire world under one broad brush. Then again, they're never that smart to begin with. :feelsjuice:
They do the same with right wing extremism, Islamic fundamentalism, incidence of gun violence and even the recrudescence of Russian chauvinism in the sense that the media will be fixated on a singular and entirely unrepresentative scenario and try to misconstrue that as the paradigmatic essence of the movement or culture or nation which they find repugnant to their liberal, jewish, feminist and woke sensibilities.

Goethe along with Richard Wagner and his truly majestic works revived a lost sense of the esoteric and numinous in Germanic culture and thereby did a great deal to ensure that the revival of the Romanticism of old would prevail over the Judaic-Bolshevik progressivism that was pitched against the purifying influence of National Socialism. I know for certain that the cultural, ideological and intellectual road that led to Auschwitz was one that was built upon the edifice of the esotericism of the 19th century which is to say that any true Nazi embraces Goethe as a prerequisite to a final solution to the problem of the invidious influence of worldwide jewery.
I use to side with fascism but now seeing more of the negative effects of political fascism I consider myself a communist. I lean more towards Stalinism and Titoism ideologically. While I am a communist I'm also a nationalist along with being a traditional conservative. You could call me a impolitically correct communist with a hatred of woke neoliberalism. National economy is very important to me creating a more fair and just society that is pro working class where I would describe myself as an economically socialist conservative. I don't like Jewry either. :feelsjuice:
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I use to side with fascism but now seeing more of the negative effects of political fascism I consider myself a communist. I lean more towards Stalinism and Titoism ideologically. While I am a communist I'm also a nationalist along with being a traditional conservative. You could call me a impolitically correct communist with a hatred of woke neoliberalism. National economy is very important to me creating a more fair society where I would describe myself as an economically socialist conservative. I don't like Jewry either. :feelsjuice:
Well certainly Goethe is inextricably connected to the right wing in German politics and culture but that fact notwithstanding, I can totally relate to your own philosophical sensibilities. I too am ideologically promiscuous and have attained something of an acquired taste for Communism in certain historical contexts. If you study the historical genesis and trajectory of both the right and the left as diametrically manifested by fascism and communism you will see that they both have much more in common then people think. The Soviet Union for instance was the most reactionary, traditional and conservative place in the world in the 70's and 80's outside of middle eastern states that were ruled by virulent Wahhabism. Likewise, modern Russia is a spiritual successor to its Soviet precursor in that it too represents a bulwark against the hedonism and licentiousness that is a byproduct of modern western liberalism.
Well certainly Goethe is inextricably connected to the right wing in German politics and culture but that fact notwithstanding, I can totally relate to your own philosophical sensibilities. I too am ideologically promiscuous and have attained something of an acquired taste for Communism in certain historical contexts. If you study the historical genesis and trajectory of both the right and the left as diametrically manifested by fascism and communism you will see that they both have much more in common then people think. The Soviet Union for instance was the most reactionary, traditional and conservative place in the world in the 70's and 80's outside of middle eastern states that were ruled by virulent Wahhabism. Likewise, modern Russia is a spiritual successor to its Soviet precursor in that it too represents a bulwark against the hedonism and licentiousness that is a byproduct of modern western liberalism.
Exactly, you see where I coming from. In my opinion the fundamental mistake of modern western right-wing politics is the embracing of fascist corporatism, corporatism has no national allegiances as we can see in western nations today. Neither does economic capitalism either.

For me, there is nothing incompatible between economic socialism and social conservatism, for me neither can exist without each other, they're intrinsically linked together. When they're combined together, it's the best system that is possible politically. :feelsjuice:
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I want toilets on their 18th birthday
It's a fallacy and unscientific idea that men like older women as they age this has been proven mostly false
For ethnic women it's no older then 18 to 20
For white or Asian women it can go past 50
I don't know if I learned to be this way, but a beautiful 40 year old women for me is much more appealing than a beautiful 18 year old.
You would any or fakecel. I prefer younger and super older(like milfs).
The escorts I pay for are usually older, and I think it’s funny because it’s like breaking all kind of social rules.
But the question makes me think of how some people are like “would you screw Kamala Harris”
Id do both her and Hillary tommrow but it would never happen unless I paid like 2 million dollars
You would any or fakecel. I prefer younger and super older(like milfs).
The escorts I pay for are usually older, and I think it’s funny because it’s like breaking all kind of social rules.
But the question makes me think of how some people are like “would you screw Kamala Harris”
Id do both her and Hillary tommrow but it would never happen unless I paid like 2 million dollars
"Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris."

Yeah, if you like sticking your dick in pure evil. :feelsugh::feelspuke::feelshehe:
I'm normally attracted to either milf, or whatever my current age is
Am I the only one too autistic/inexperienced to even know what foids look like at what age? There are only three things I can vouch for:
1) the 18 year olds that I have had the chance to see have disgusted me with their immature mannerisms, loud noise;
2) over 30 don't seem to have as tight skin as younger;
3) some over 30 may have distorted movement coordination (might be caused by alcoholism, no idea, saw in a few obscure JOI videos).

It probably depends on the specific racial type more so than on the age. A Nordic or Korean is fuckable from 15-35. Whereas Dinaric Armenoid monstrosities are ugly in their prime.
Girls my age, but i also like milfs
none of the options apply
cels who are attracted to 16- and are adult should be banned, jfl ez bait
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under 17, sincerely women are worthless passing that age
still would fuck anything below 30
For what purpose, hmm? For helping improve our public image dispelling misinformation by our enemies with this thread here? [The public internal poll has been successful and has done just that.]

Yes, let's see what @Fat Link has to say. Put up, or shut up. :feelsjuice:
In a very real sense my favorite ever R&B hip hop singer the late Aaliyah had it right when it comes to attraction/relationships with her song titled: “Age ain’t nothing but a number”.

So for me personally it’s not so much about a girl’s specific age that would attract me to her but rather a combination of how beautiful her face is, how sexy her body and how exhilarating her mind is.

That said since I live in Clown World and under it’s often imperfect and or highly ridiculous laws, if given an opportunity, I would of course still not act on said offer or my attraction to the girl in question were she not of a lawful/legal age.
In a very real sense my favorite ever R&B hip hop singer the late Aaliyah had it right when it comes to attraction/relationships with her song titled: “Age ain’t nothing but a number”.

So for me personally it’s not so much about a girl’s specific age that would attract me to her but rather a combination of how beautiful her face is, how sexy her body and how exhilarating her mind is.

That said since I live in Clown World and under it’s often imperfect and or highly ridiculous laws, if given an opportunity, I would of course still not act on said offer or my attraction to the girl in question were she not of a lawful/legal age.
In all honesty I'm not even picky about looks or appearances all that much so long as a woman isn't overweight which makes it all the more damning I can't find anyone. I put less emphasis on looks and more into shared values or if she is fun to be around. Of course spending an entire life as a pariah women don't talk to me no matter how nice I am to them in engagement. About a decade ago I just gave up looking because of that where I've been perpetually disengaged from women entirely ever since. I don't like it but that's my reality. Great post brocel. :feelsjuice::yes:
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I like younger girls I hate the older ones they are gross the ones in their 30s and 40s.
Pre or post pubescent is the criteria I care about mostly
My dream girlfriend would be between 12-20:feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:

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